The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1952, Image 1

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Student Directory
Nita Helmstadter, editor of
the 1952-53 student directory,
has asked all student to sub
mit suggestions for posslola
improvements of next year's
directory. , .
Suggestions should be mailed
to Union Room 308.
The Voice
Dale Johnson discusses the
importance of be Voice of
America .ind its propoganda
techniques. See Student Views
the News on the editorial page.
-Foi'c of 6000 Cornhuikert-
VOL 51 No. 101
Monday, Morch 10, 1952
Nebraska University Council for World Affairs held its
first pre-conference informational meeting Thursday night
t The general purpose of the conference was outlined to the
delegates present.
lne problems to be discussed at this year's model con
ference are the veto, with proposals for its abolition or limi
tation, ana tne powers or the
in discussing the latter issue.
the student conferees will be
venturing upon previously un
trod ground, for no such confer
ence has actually occurred in the
United Nations. Such a confer
ence is probably certain to oc
sur in the next several years,
however, and the student dele
gates will be able to formulate
authentic arguments by read
ing the views expressed by dele
gates from their countries to the
United Nations.
During the meeting Ruth Soren
son read Article 13 of the UN
charter. The article states that if
a conference to review the char
ter has not been held before the
10th anniversary of the coming
into force of the charter (which
will occur in 1955) a motion to call
such a conference shall be placed
on the agenda of the General As
sembly. A conference shall then be
held if desired by a majority of
the General Assembly and seven
members of the Security Council.
Thus, NUCWA, fn holding this
conference, is proceeding upon the
assumption the such a conference
has been agreed upon an as
sumption which may very feasibly
that time
Wdl lime.
Dr. Frank Sorenson, faculty
advisor, spoke at the meeting.
He stressed the importance, ob
jectives and history of NUCWA.
He said NUCWA will exist for
a long time because of its im
portance. The U. S. delegation,
anxious to be truly represent
ative of the American people,
watches the work of NUCWA
with great interest Nebraska
.has achieved nation-wide fame
. from its United Nations activi
ties, he said,.
Because of the dominant role
of the U. S. in the United Nations,
Americans must understand other
nations, Dr. Sorenson said, so that
this nation can be the kind of
partner whfch others are seeking.
NUCWA is promoting this import
ant task of international under
standing. In 'outlining the history of
NUCWA, Dr. Sorenson related the
'Street Scene' Rehearsals Roll
Toward March 25 Show Date
Staff Writer
"Pick up that cue and run away ,
with it!"
Director Dallas Williams said
this phrase more than once when
a lag in dialogue occurred in Fri
day night's rehearsal of "Street
Scene," University Theatre pro
duction scheduled for March 25
and 26 at the Nebraska Theatre.
The rehearsal Friday night
dealt with the first act of the
play in this tenement district.
The cast went through their
parts without individual scripts
for the first time. This was the
third day of rehearsal.
"Street Scene," Elmer Rice's
Pulitzer Prize winner, portrays a
lower class of east side New York
ers in 1929. Violence and passion
rule the lives of the people of
many nationalities in the tene
ment district where the play takes
4 The meaty part of "Street
Scene" centers about three peo
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Maurrant and
their daughter, Rose. Mrs. Maur
rant is not always true to her
husband. Mr. Maurrant is
greatly disturbed by his wife's
digressions and takes drastic
ateps to stop it.
Rose, victim of a rocky love af
fair, provides the vital part of
the play.
At one point duringthe night's
rehearsal of act one, Mrs. Maur
rant, played by Mary Sidner,
leans out of her second story
apartment window and sees some
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Scene" take a short rest before returning to their respective roles.
They are (I. to r.) John Lange, Harry Stiver, Mary Sidner, Lcs
Mathis. Janis McCaw. Kenneth Clement and ratricia Loder.
(Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
General Assembly.
beginnings of the oreanizabYm
which resulted from thf hehef n(
nanceuor Gustafson that educa
tion should make students wnrM
NUCWA's first conference
model UNESCO meeting. Since
that time, under able leadership,
the organization has year-by-year
advanced to its present state. Dr.
Sorenson said, "definitely past the
primary stage."
As the organization grows, he
added, it can rely on even more
aid from both the faculty and stu
dent body
Dr. Sorenson revealed that
" nmus nad a per
son at the conference as well
qualified as Dr. Clyde Eagle
ton, this year's speaker. A lead
ing authority on the UN, Eagle
ton's advice is eagerly sought
by both the State Department
and United Nation's groups.
Furthermore, he rennrfod rir
i. - r . . .
agicwii is weu-experienced in
student work. He has been aiding
iiw iuik uy stuaent
studying the UN.
ine NUCWA project will be
divided into three groups this
year xne international Court of
justice, secretariat and the con-
terence. Members of the Secretar
Ilat wil1 be Present the NUCWA
irinm jn
vii me uuiu lioor nT Tno
Union at all times during the con
terence. They will be available
to answer questions by delegates.
Harvard Psychologist To Visit
NU Campus On
Dr. Robert R. Sears, one of the
nation's foremost psychologists,
win De a "visiting professor" on
the University camDus this week.
He will discuss recent develoD-
Mienis in cnna psycnoiogy at a
lecture Monday at 4:15 p.m. in
Love library auditorium. .Under.
graduate students in the depart
ments 01 psycnoiogy and other re
lated social science classes are
especially invited to attend, ac
cording to Dr. M. R. Jones, pro
fessor of psychology.
Two other general lectures bv
Dr. Sears are also open to stu-
of her friends below on the steps.
She goes down to join them. Di-
rector Williams had the cast go
through this sequence a few times.
But the apartment in Temple
auditorium is a scaffold 30 feet
high. No ladder goes up to the
second floor. Consequently Miss
Sidner had a rough time of get
ting up and down.
Williams' directive of running
away with the cue meant a great
deal to Miss Sidner. His directive
visibly aided the presentation and
clarity of the rest of the cast in
the first act.
The cast has 16 men and 11
women. The actors represent sev
eral colleges of the University, al
though the majority are in Teach
ers College.
Miss Sidner, senior in Arts
and Science, also had parts in
"George Washington Slept
Here," and "Idiot's Delight."
The part of Maurrant is played
by Lester Mathis, graduate Etu-
dent in speech of Teacher s col
lege, who also played in "Idiot's
Daughter Rose is Marian Uhe,
sophomore in Teacher's college.
She appeared in "George Wash
ington Slept Here," "The Inno
cents," and "Ceasar and Cleo
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Fioren
tino, two gossipy women, are
played by Marjorie Line, junior
in Teacher's college, and Janls
McCaw, freshman in Arts and
In the part of Lippo, husband
Members of the cast of "Street
it happened at nu...
A point was brought home at
a night class the other day.
One student had given the
class a long lecture on the evils
of what he termed the American
"lazy mind."
As often happens in discus
sions, the trend was taken away
from that subject. Then, about
ten minutes later another stu
dent asked just exactly what did
the first student mean when he
accused Americans of having
lazy minds-?
The class turned aronnd to
look at the one who had made
the original accusation.
He was asleep.
Ag Whisker
King Contest
Starts Today
Ag students who wish to enter
the traditional Farmers Fair
Whisker King contest are to reg
ister Monday in the Ag Union
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
AH contestants must appear
clean shaven and sign their
name in the Ag Union before
they are officially entered in
the contest. The whisker grow
ing will last until April 24,
when the winner will be re
vealed at the Cotton and Denim
This year's contest lasts longer
than last year's, according to
Frank Sibert, fair board manager,
in order that students would have
a better whisker growth when
they go home for vacation.
Whisker King contestants will
be judged by a'faculty committee.
Farmers Fair board members
fn charge of the beard growing
contest are Jo Meyer and Jan
Ross. They announced that fac
ulty members are invited to
enter the contest.
Farmers Fair Week will be held
April 21-25, with organized ac
tivities beginning on April 24 with
the Cotton and Denim dance. The
Fanners Fair parade will be held
the following morning with the
rodea in the afternoon. A barbecue
will be held immediately follow'
ing the rodeo.
March 10, 11,
dents. He will speak at 8 p.m.
Wednesday in Room 201, Social
Sciences building and at 8 p.m.
Thursday in Love library audito
rium. On Friday, Dr. Sears will ad-1
dress students and faculty mem
bers in the College of Medicine at
Dr. Sears is director of the lab
oratory of human development at
Harvard university. He is the im
mediate past president of the
American Psychological associa
of Mrs. Fiorentino, is Harry Stiver,
graduate student.
Sam, Rose's young Jewish lover,
is Kenneth Clement a sophomore
in agricultural economics, who
Slept Here,"
and "Ceasar and
The rest of the members of
the cast are: Hamilton Howard,
Business Administration hopho
more; Harriet Ewing, graduate
student; Curtis Siemers, gradu
ate student; Richard Marrs,
sophomore in Arts and Sciences;
Donald Silverman, Arts and
Sciences sophomore; Ormand
Meyer, Business Administration
sophomore; Gail Wellensick,
Teachers College freshman; Pa
tricia Loder, sophomore in Arts
and Sciences.
John Lange, junior in Teachers
College; Ann Griff is, Arts and
Sciences sophomore; Christine
Phillips, graduate student; Charles
Peterson, sophomore in Teachers
! College; Priscilla Gould, freshman
in Arts and Sciences; Jack Wen-
strand, graduate student; Vance
Hansen, sophomore in Teachers
Joe Hinds, senior in Teachers
College; John Churchill and Jim
Adams, freshmen in Arts and
Sciences; Bill Anderson, senior
in Engineering College; John
Robson, Teachers College sen
ior; Walter Everett, Business
Administration junior; Herb
Wilms; Charles Rossow, sopho
more in Arts and Sciences.
George Strassler, freshman in
Arts and Sciences; Charles Hues
tis, Arts and Sciences junior; Shir
ley Fries, sophomore in Teachers
College; James Walton, Teachers
College freshman; Ilene Franey,
Teachers College freshman; Nancy
Dark, Teachers College sopho
more; Martha Picard, sophomore
in Arts and Sciences.
Janice Harrison, freshman In
Arts and Sciences; Maxine Zim
' merman, Teachers College !
sophomore; James Ehret, Teach
ers College sophomore; and
Robert Hoig, Arts and Sciences
Nanette Cowles, Teachers Col
lege senior, is the production man
ager. She is in charge of sound
effects, stage scenery. She is also
the Women's prompter.
"Street Scene" has appeared on
At 10:30 p.m. Williams called
the rehearsal off for the night. His
goodnight to the cast was "To-j
morrow rehearsal."
Dir. Iroeme
Search We
Fourth For Bridge
C"V ' I
WHAT'S TRUMP? . . . Nebraska bridge enthusiasts meet Colo
rado contestants in the Big Seven tournament held at the Union
Friday and Saturday. James Porter, instructor, (center) kibitzes
at one of the matches between (I. U, r.) Don Williams, Nebraska;
Morton Davis, Colorado; Ed Lewis, Nebraska and Winton Parker,
Colorado. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
Three Dances To Be Held
For State Basketball Fans
State basketball fans will be
guests at the tournament dances
March 13. 14. and 15 in the Union
Sponsors lor the dance will be
University Builders, the union and
the engineers.
Builder will be hosts at the
Candidates To
Talk At Union
Robert Crosby and Victor An
derson, Republican candidates for
governor, will speak at an open
discussion on Monday, March 17
at 2 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
Each of the candidates will
speak for ten minutes and leave
the rest of the hour for questions
from the floor.
The YWCA Battle for Ballots
commission is sponsoring the dis
cussion, byvia Krasne, chairman
of the commission urged that
people should bring questions for
the speakers. The speech will be
open for students and faculty.
College Plans
Political Meet
mm - f. I
Student political conventions
patterned after the national party
conventions will be held at Lin
denwood College, St. Charles, Mo.,
on March 20, 21 and 22.
National known speakers of
each party will address the con
vention, the Missouri department
of history and government an
nounced. Students will write
platforms, nominate candidates
and in general follow the proce
dure of the national party con
vention. The department of history and
government said that election
year gives the opportunity to
dramatize political issues and re
sponsibility for the character of
political life, and is a good ex
perience for students who are
able to attend.
Any University student inter
ested in attending the convention
should contact George Cobel,
president of Student Council, at
' Names In The News
Staff News Writer
INTOINE PINAY startled most people, including himself,
when he was successful in his first attempt at creating a new
government in tottering France. Pinay, outgoing minister of
works, was called upon to head the government by President
Vincent Auriol after the cabinet of Edgar Faure fell. Though
Pinay still faces the difficult problem of organizing a cabinet
that is acceptable to the National Assembly it appears that there
is hope arising in a situation that was thought impossible. Pinay
was able to take 27 de Gaulle votes away from the RFP which
had voted to abstain from the balloting that would give Pinay
the right to attempt formation of a new cabinet.
HOWARD J. McGRATH, Attorney General of the United
States, became the target of a new attack on the Justice De
partment. A House investigating committee demanded that de
partment files be turned over to them for inspection. The com
mittee was investigating the cases which the Justice Department
has neglected to take action upon. Rep. Chelf (D-Ky), chairman
of the group, became lighting mad when the files were refused
them.- He promised that he would leave nothing undone in an
attempt to force Mr. McGrath to turn over the files In question.
NEWBOLD MORRIS, President Truman's new crime-fighter,
started out his survey of activity by sending financial question
naires to some 25,000 government employees. Morris stated that
he was going to discover exactly what the financial condition of
each employee was. The announcement came after the charge
that Att. Gen. McGrath had accumulated his wealth after be
coming head of the Justice Department. Morris promised quick
action against all violators and art immediate resignation on his
part if the President failed to back him up.
Thursday afternoon dance from
4 to 6 according to Joy Wachal,
Builders spokesman. The dance
will be free and open to both
high school and college students
with the Builders providing the
Feature of the afternoon will be
a dancing contest for the high
school students. The winner will
receive a trophy from University
George (Potsy) Clark, Bill
Glassford, Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, the
cheer leaders, Corn Cobs, Tassels
and Builder's board members will
represent the University at the
dance. Rick Brodfuehrer and the
N.U. Tones will provide the danc-
ing music.
Friday evening will feature a!
dance and movies by the Union
Dancing will be in the Union ball
room to the music of Gene Moy
er's combo and the movies will be
shown in parlors A, B and C.
Charlotte Veta, chairman of
the Union social dance commit
tee, revealed that dancing would
be 9 to 12 midnight and admis
sion for Friday and Saturday
evening dances will be 60 cents.
Engineers and the Union will
co-sponsor the Saturday evening
dance which will feature Aaron
Schmidts combo. Miss Veta said
the engineers will be in charge of
the entertainment for the climax
Episcopalians Plan Fun Festival
Omaha will join Lincoln in
supper, games and prayer at an
inter-city fun festival sponsored
by the Canterbury clubs of the
University of Omaha and the Uni
Campus club members who
wish to migrate to Trinity Cathe
dral in Omaha for the program
March 16 should sign the reser
vation list in the Canterbury club
rooms of the University Episcopal
Also at the chapel, the trad!
tional service of stations of the
cross will be conducted on Frl
days at 7:30 p.m. during the
Lenten season.
Each week a particular group
of Episcopal students from the
various fraternities and sororities
are asked to make it their per
sonal obligation to attend these
Friday services and the regular
Sunday service.
Groups being contacted this
week include Acacia, Alpha Tau
Omega, Delta Gamma, Gamma
Dr. Martin Niemoeller, German pastor and subject of
recent religious controversy, will speak at the Coliseum to
night at 8 :15 p.m. as a preface to University Search Week.
Niemoeller, who made a highly-publicized trip to Mos
cow at Soviet invitation in January, is now on a lecturing
tour in the United States.
The German pastor was a U
boat commander in the German
navy during World War I. H is
an ex-prisoner of Hitler, and at
present is president of the Luth
eran church in the western Ger
man regions of Hesse and Nassau.
He is also head of the church's
central "foreign office" in Berlin.
According to church spokes
men, the "foreign office" has
nothing to do with "foreign pol
icy," but designed to supervise
German church missions in
foreign countries.
Niemoeller's influence, accord
ing to David Nichol, foreign news
correspondent, is sliding down
wards rapidly both in Western
and Eastern areas.
His stand. Nichols says, is in-
comments on life and religious
freedom in the Soviet Union have'
antagonized many Germans.
Soviet authorities are reported
as being uninterested in Niemoel
ler as head of any "independent"
church. His chief usefulness, from
the Soviet view, is the split which
his teachings have created in the
West, a split which seems to be .
A heated controversy between
students and school officials of
Florida Southern college at
Lakeland, Fla., resulted follow
ing an appearance of the clergy
man. Student leaders declared
that they were forced to attend
Niemoeller's speech and 'were
threatened with loss of credit if
Talent Night
Entries Due
Monday P.M.
Entries for the Ag YM-YWCA
Talent Niffht an rfiif Mrmrfav
night according to Marilyn Cook,
Ag yw president, and Dick Mon-
son, Ag YM president. Talent
Night is scheduled for Tuesday at
7:30 p.m. m the Ag Union lounge.
Ag 'Y' members who wish to
participate in the annual event,
with either serious or hilarious,
talent, are to contact Donna Tink
ham or Glenn Marsh
All Ag students are invited to
attend Ag 'Y Talent Night,
Appropriate awards will be
given to the participants with the
most outstanding talent. Three
Ag students will judge the events.
Their decisions will be based on
quality, poise in stage appearance
and audience appeal.
Included among those already
signed up for the program are a
Dantomime. a vocal quartet and
several instrumental solos.
Phi Beta, Sigma Kappa, Sigma
Nu and International house.
Hinshaw To Speak
On 'Real Enemies'
Dr. Cecil Hinshaw will discuss
"our real enemies" Thursday
March 13, at 4 p.m. in Parlors
X and Y, Union.
Dr. Hinshaw, former president
of William Penn college in Iowa,
is a leader in the Quaker church
and is affiliated with "The Fel
lowship of Reconciliation;" His
talk is being arranged by the
Presbyterian-Congregational s t u
dent house.
Because of his strong pacifist
beliefs, Dr. Hinshaw has been in
the midst of much controversy,
according to Mary Lou Hawk, stu
dent director of Presby house. He
strongly feels, Miss Hawk said,
that force doesn't accomplish any
thing. He believes that "one's con
science isn't subordinate to gov
ernment." The topic of Dr. Hinshaw's
speech will be "Real Enemies and
Our Best Defense."
Five Cents Worth
sN . v : y-' V I . i
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Y i
,'::: (t
NEW PENNIES , . . Independent women living In the residence
halls have organized a new social organization. Calling themselves
Pennies are (I. to r.) Georgia Hulac; Carol French, candidate for
president; Elaine Meyer; Carol Cornelius, candidate for secretary
treasurer; and Marilyn Stelling, candidate for secretary-treasurer.
Other candidates for officers to be elected during March are Helen
Lomax and Chalott Trumble, vice president; Joyce Schobert, secretary-treasurer.
(Daily Nebraskan fhotaj
re u our
they did not go. They termed
the action "un-American."
The school's vice president.
Charles Thrift, said he thought
there was nothing "un-American"
about the talk. "They jnst don't
like to go to chapel," he said.
Rev. Richard Nutt, Methodist
student pastor, has suggested that
sororities and fraternities hold
their house meetings either before
or after Niemoeller's speech, en
abling more students to attend.
Niemoeller will be a guest at
an open house in the Methodist
student house at 3 p.nv, Mon
day. A ladies' reception at St. Paul's
Methodist church will be held in
Mrs. Niemoeller's honor at the
same time.
Dr. and Mrs. Niemoeller are ex-
PfJ0 ?rnve m. Lmcin
Plane. Monaay morning, and will
remain until Tuesday afternoon.
Niemoeller's address will be co
sponsored by the Lincoln Minis
terial association and Search
Week committee.
Rogers Appointed
To Builders Post
Jack Rogers, arts and sciences
freshman, has been appointed
business manager of the Special
Edition of The Daily Nebraskan,
published annually by University
Rogers was chosen by Builders
officers and the appointment was
announced at Builders board
meeting Wednesday night.
The special edition, a tabloid
size newspaper, is sent each sum
mer to high school graduates who
will enter the University as fresh
men in the fall.
Staff Writer
"I want you to know that I can
see through your subterfuge," said
he to she.
"Well, who couldn't?" de
manded the coed. "After all, it's
only silk."
Be slow to anger, slow to drink,
And never let a coed think
You care -for her in any way;
And never, never, never stay
Out later than your father did:
Past twelve o'clock? Heaven
Avoid small talk and 'shady
And frown upon a girl who
Act sensibly, be moderate,
Sober seemly and sedate;
Abide by this advice, my son,
And you won't have a bit of
T.V. isn't replacing radio half
as fast as it is homework.
No use having a weather report
today yesterday's weather is ex
pected to con
tinue in true
March style.
Although the
rain and snow
may let up,
skies will re
main c lo udy
and the mer
cury will hover
around zone.
Many a coed
has received
first - hand in
formation in a
second-hand car.
The time is coming soon when
politicians will be making head
lines and editorials with their
ranting and and raving. As an
anonymous genius once put it,
"People and steamboats toot loud
est when they're in a fog."
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