THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, February 27, 1952 Hell Week Activities Replaced With Help a Vx A 7t v!i. Jit1 'tHw 'v; it - ') vr,(w 1 ; lit i 1 J ilii II. .Juiw--a..'t.jfw Tin in hiaif mi' - " 'm m " - - - ...t . 1 urimvn mvnc That Yio Hio- Ant fni a Panl Inrilin Knn Dreamer. jaCK nisoy lira ehiu t the Cedars home for children as part of their Burns while three of the children look on. (Uai Help Week activities. Hard at work are (1. to r.) ly Nebraskan Photo.) $mv"f it tit 5 .?f f.4 W VXx x"T xxwfc. x x i v I .f5- ;'-.f - f . i-ig,. cawnrvn r nr. . . . Siema Nn nledres let off exr are (1. to r.) Marshall Christensen less energy durin- Help Week by working at the and Dale Sass, Lincoln Boy Scout camp. Tacklin a rood site 1 Bob Salyer (Daily Nebraskan Photo.) Union At Ag To Sponsor i Chili Feed Chili feed for all Ag Union workers will be neia Wednes day, March 5, in the Ag Union, according to Mary jjou iuc, nij Union activities director. The chili feed will mark tha end of the Ag Union membership drive, which is now Deing neia. Students may sign up for commit tees in the Ag Union office. Ag Union committees are: Arts and handicrafts Jo Meyer, chairman, Jean Holmes, sponsor. Geheral entertainment Don Lees, chaiiman; Bill Waldo, spon sor. Dance committee Wayne White chairman. Hospitality and publicity Don Leising and Glen Viehmeyer, co chairmen; Frank Sibert, sponsor. Heart Association Grants NU Med School $2,500 The Nebraska Heart association has granted the University College of Medicine $2500 to further the study of heart diseases. The money is a direct grant from the heart fund, which is accumulated I from a statewide campaign. Me Inhabits Campus Sorority House; s Curly Hair, Lovable Disposition Ha AWS take note! A male is liv-J 1 ing in one of the sorority houses on campus! This male has dark curly hair and a lovable disposition. He is also an accomplished linguist, be ing able to understand three lan guages. According to reliable sources, he is rapidly becoming spoiled as a result of all the fe male attention. The object of this attention is Caniche, a French poodle being nsed in the Kappa Kappa Gamma Coed Follies skit. Cani che (the word means poodle in French) belongs to Ann Griffis of Offntt Air Force Base, Omaha. Caniche's method of entry into the United States was a little un orthodox, according to Miss Grif fis. The poodle was bought in Paris while Colonel Griffis, Ann's father, was stationed in Germany several years ago. At the age of six weeks, Caniche was doped 'with a sleeping pill and brought to this country by airplane and Ann's father's "little black bag," the doctor's medical case. His public appearance will be nothing new to Caniche. He re cently won first prize in show and class in the dog show at Offntt. He will be taking bows again when he gets back to the base because he became father last week. Caniche's language demands create a problem when Ann, who speaks all three languages, isn't around. He was raised with and understands commands in German best. He will tolerate the English 4 v1-- V 4. V" I THE BRUSH-OFF ... If French poodles look as though they have just left a barber shop, Ann Griffis (left) ean explain why. In her left hand she usually holds Caniche's (the poodle) leash, while in her right she holds a brush, ready at any moment to go to work on tufts of French poodle hair. On the right is Jan Schmidtman perhaps Caniche's manicurist? (Daily Nebraskan Photo.) it happened at nu... R. J. Morgan, protessor or po litical science. Urged of his more witty students recently to pur sue a course in the Law Col lege. In discussing civil rights, Morgan was presenting an il lustration of "due process of law" in a California proceeding, in which a man was convicted of nsing narcotics after "evidence" was extracted with a stomach pump. The student interrupted: "Would that be a violation of search without warrant?'" Builders To Meet Wednesday Night A combined citv and ag Build ers meeting has been called for 7 p.m. Wednesday. The meeting will end a two-day membership drive on ag campus. City Builders will conduct its membership drive in conjunction ith the Wednesday meeting. Future plans for the campus boostine organization will be ex plained by Miss Mary Mielenz, faculty adviser, and Dean Linscott, Guilders nresident. Committee plans will also be discussed, jane Calhoun and Jim Weber are chair men for the meeting. The meeting will be held in Parlors X, Y and Z, Union. Religious Groups To Observe Lent With Special Services On Campus m mm A ar w A . 1 I University students will ob serve the Lenten season with spe cial services starting Wednesday and continuing until Holy Week, April 6-13. The Methodist Student House, 1417 R street, will hold services at 7:15 a.m. Wednesday's. Guest ministers from Lincoln will de liver sermons with student lead ers conducting the liturgy. I.Iar ion Urback, Wesley Foundation music chairman, is arranging special musical selections for each service; the first will be by Thelma Stith. Breakfast will be served before services from 6:30 to 7:10 on Wednesday mornings. Breakfasts and serv ices are open to everyone. The EDiscooalian services will hA held at the Chanel. 346 No 13th street. Litany will be held at 9:30 a.m. and morning prayer at 11:30 a.m. There will be Holy Eucharist at 7:00 a.m. Wednes days and Fridays; Stations of the Cross wul be neia at v:uu p.m. Fridays. Wednesday services are conducted by Rev. David uracey from the Church oi tne tioiy NEW RULE May Queen Candidates Need To File language but seems to prefer. French, Caniche is enjoying University life and is little bothered bv cirls accusing mm oi naving a iom man who has participated in aa tin. Knows us natural, tie is even: :tio. .a v a 5S WA;PhtPfI This year, unlike previous years, candidates for 1952 May Queen are being allowed to file their own applications. Any senior wo- Ag Country Dancers To Meet Friday As Country Dancers will hold a Kollars also urged other stu. special meeting Friday night in dents to attend the meeting if they the College activities building to decide on plans for remaining portion-of the second semester. Dick Kollars, newly elected president of the group, urged that all members be present at the meeting. It will be heM from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dancing will be from 7:30 to 8:30. are interested in square dancing, Ag Country Dancers meets each Friday, and holds one ah-uni versity square dance every monui. The Country Dancers are now planning for the Square Dance Festival, a meeting of all locar square dance club, which will be held next month in the Coliseum. Trinity. Friday services are con-, ducted by Rev. D. William Paul Barnds of St. Matthews church. Students may come into the cha pel for private devotion during their spare time. The Presbyterian - Congrega tional house, 333 No.' 14th street, will hold vespers every Wed nesday evening from 7:00 to 7:30. The theme for the sermons will be taken from the Apostle's Creed. The Rev. Rex Knowles will deliver the sermons. A series of Lenten vespers will be conducted by the Lutheran house on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 n.m. The theme for the ves pers, conducted by Rev. Alvin M.J Peterson, will be "Christ our sal vation." The Lutheran Student Association will take Lenten of ferings every Sunday at 5:00 at the First Lutheran Church, 17th and A. The Ag LSA will take the offerings at 6:30 p.m. Sundays at 1200 No. 37th. The Very Rev. Msgr. George Schuster will hold services in rooms XYZ, Union. Daily mass will be said starting Wednesday at 7:05. Lenten blessing and dis- thibution of the ashes will be held before mass in observance of Ash Wednesday. Those who wish to attend mass at he Cathedral may do so at 6:30, 7:15, 8 a.m. and 12:13 p.m. daily. Ashes will be distributed at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Sunday and Wednesday the Rosary, Sermon, and benediction and The Way of the Cross will be held at 7:45. The Sorrowful Mother Novena will be conducted at 7 p.m. Friday. Cosmopolitan Club To Visit Wesleyan Members of the Cosmopolitan club will be guests Thursday eve ning of Nebraska Wesleyan's In ternational Relations club. A special program, starting at 8 p.m., is planned for the joint meeting at Huntington hall, White building. Cosmopolitan members should meet Thursday at 7:15 p.m., in the Union lobby, President Bill Saad announced. obeying AWS rules those per taining to hours. Sociology Prof To Read Paper At Iowa Meet Dr. Allen P. Bates, assistant professor of sociology, will pre sent a research paper at the an nual conference of the Midwest Sociology society at Ames, la., March 20-22, according to Prof. James M. Reinhardt. Reinhardt, chairman of the department of sociology and anthropology, said eight states .will be included in the confer ence. They are North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. A number of research papers will be presented, h added. Bates said that the paper he will present will be entitled "Some Aspects of Social Ranking in a Face to Face Group." The society, Bates said, Is af filiated with the American Sociology society. Approximately eight members of the University sociology de partment will attend the confer ence, he added. average is eligible to file. According to Peggy Mulvaney, co-chairman of filings and spring elections, the new system is to enable more outstanding women to file rather than limiting the number. Also, it affords equal op portunity to both affiliated and independent women. In previous years sororities nominated candidates for the po sition. An all-junior-senior women election determines the outstand ing senior woman and she is honored or. Ivy Day as May Queen. The second high candidate is presented as maid of honor. Applications will be accepted in Dean Hallgren's office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 22 through Feb. 29. The date of the spring election will be announced later. spring rainwear in bright red or yellow! STANDARD SLICKER Engineer Presents 'Reservoir' Paper George C. Ernst, chairman of the civil engineering department, Tuesday presented a research jpa- per on the economy of concrete reservoirs at the opening session of the American Concrete Insti tute's annual convention in Cin cinnati. The paper, prepared by Ernst and instructors C. O. Brunkcn and A. R. Biveland, concerned "rela tive economy of convention! and be the last, Cannon To Talk At Ag Better Living Series Kenneth L. Oannon, assistant professor of home economics, will speak on "Adjustment in Mar riage" at this week's Ag Better Living series at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Ag Union lounge. Cannon is an instructor in fam ily relation and child develop ment. Wednesday's meeting will be the third discussion on marriage this semester. It is jointly spon sored by Ag YMCA and YWCA and Ag Union. .Jean Holmes is in charge of the discussion. Miss Holmes urged Ag students to attend the Better Living ser ies and enter into he discussion, so that more ideas will be pre sented and better . conclusions reached. This discussion on marriage will t will be followed presstressed reinforced concrete; by a series of lectures and discus reservoirs." isions on finance and leadership. The University facility mem bers spent three months prepar ing the paper last fall. Mursss Association To Hear Heiberg 'Man Hunt' Dance Planned For Friday Dr. Otto Hoiberg, professor of psychology will 6peak at the Nebraska state Nurses as- A leap year dance, with "Man Hunt" as its theme, is scheduled for Fridav from 9 n.m. until mid- associated night in the Union ballroom. Jimmy Philip's combo will pro vide music with Milli Grierson nidation district three meeting singing and jimmy Koscr playing jwcuuesaay n;Kni at me uukvm the viDraharp. Tickets are 60 cents Ufierat iiuKpiiai nurses uume. a perg0n. r t i1.. tL ...Vii Charlotte Veta's social dance i i wm zn vvm. u t, ""' committee, with Jack Greer as r!LttJ!.? charge of nurse to understand the com rnunity In which she lived in or der to better underctand her patients. Community relation ships will also be bettered witH tVa common understanding. A film and business meeting will yrrcede the talk, i the dance. The Crib will feature a special drink Wednesday through Friday for the "Man Hunt." According to Miss Veta, the dance is informal. Singles or couples are invited, she said. , r Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests No. 35 . . tll2 LARGSOOUTfl DASS V 1 i I DASS K II ) ) ',naSUC,(er ) 1 1 You'll be rain-tight in your new "shower , shedder" and matching hat in red or bright jonquil yellow. Featured in MADEMOISELLE, . this new campus "must" is your best bet for rainy-showery days. Sizes 10-18. Matching hat $1.95. Simon t Rainwear Fourth Floor Always a sucker for attractive bait, our aquatic brother went off the deep end and got caught on the quick-trick cigarette hook! But he wormed his way out when he suddenly realized that cigarette mildness can't be tossed off reel lightly. Millions of smokers have found, too, there's only one true test of cigarette mildness. It'f the sensible test the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke on a day-after-day, pack-after-pack basis. No snap judgments! Once you've tried Camels for 30 days in your T-Zone" (T for Throat, T for Taste) , youll see why... After ell ths Mildness Tests n i J V 12 i