Tuftsdav. December 11, 1951 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 2 j , - .1 . - 0 1 V mmM IKS IL; oiyi h Ruth Raymond A fight that broke into the open Saturday ap- aware of the far-reaching implications of their npnr to have serious results and implications as suggestions. It is admittedly good for young - - - - . Bffllv Nebraskaa Sumests Christmas Gifts For All From Nine To Ninety To Brighten Season state educators begin to choose up sides for the impending argument Nebraska high school administrators sug gested in late November elimination of specific requirements for University entrance. They urged that 15 "satisfactory units" of hifh school work be retarded as the only requirement for college entrance. First blow struck in the educational argument came from leading faculty members of the Uni versity's College of Arts and Sciences. They called the reflections of the resolution "unrealistic and perilous to sound education." On their side, the University Arts and Sciences heads are arguing for retention of the English, foreign languages, mathematics, and physical science requirements for college entrance. Main contention of the state school administrators is that the 15 units of "satisfactory" work will bet ter enable the student to follow his chosen work and will facilitate education of those students who do not go on to college. The units of work may be obtained in such fields as wood working, military drill and athletics. Nineteen Arts and Sciences executive com mittee members and department chairmen have gene en record as opposed to the sugges tion from the Nebraska Education association. A committee within the NEA Is studying the problem. From comments heard from both sides, the problem has been a thorn In the side of educators, both high school and University, for many years. Perhaps the NEA's opinion that the require ment of certain "cultural" subjects for high school students, although preparing a few to go on to college, Is seriously impairing the education 01 people to know a trade. For the fortunate few, college provides this opportunity. But for stu dents who cannot attend college, high school i the only chance they may come in contact with English study, foreign languages, social studies, and other subjects which seem unimportant as far as high-school educated persons are concerned, to the state school administrators. Within our ever-widening horizon of changing social, political, religious, economic and moral views, man is becoming more and more short sighted in his vision. We are specializing and specializing. We are saying more and more that a man, a student from our point of view, should learn his trade and not clutter up his mind with unrelated subjects and the theories of the rest of the world. The subjects set up by the University as entrance requirements have been subjected to a long and valid test. They have stood for many years and have proved satisfactory, as far as possible, as a basis for a student going on to higher and more effective learning. These high school requirements were undoubtedly set up because they were necessary to a student enter ing college and undoubtedly because they were just as essential to the knowledge of students not continuing their education. Perhaps more consideration could be made for those students who dont ever plan to enter col lege. Their education could be directed more specifically along the lines of their vocation. But not to the extent which the NEA is suggesting. Not to the extent of abolishing the entrance re quirements and allowing 15 units of "satisfactory" work allow a Nebraska high school student to the many students in rural schools, specifically, enter the University. who wfll go right to work at some specific trade A definite problem exists here. One that must upon high school graduation, has some validity, be worked out and compromised between NEA The educators surely have the interests of stu- and the University. But the final decision must dents in mind. not, in any way, relax our educational standards - and requirements. Nebraska must not let its But in this case, it seems that the NEA isn't national educational level sink. Nebraska's New Senator Tom Rische Speculation as to the identity of the man who year-old former state senator was secretary to will represent Nebraska in the United States Sen- Kansas Gov. Alfred M. Land on during his 1936 ate for the next year was ended Monday. presidential campaign. He served " as Nebraska Fred A. Seaton, publisher of the Hastings manager for the 1948 presidential campaign of Tribune, was named by Gov. Val Peterson to fill Harold E. Stassen. Although he has been a resi de spot left vacant by the death of Sen. Kenneth dent of Nebraska only a comparatively few years, S. Wherry. At the same time, Seaton announced he has been quite active in state affairs, that he would not seek election to the post in - 1952. This leaves the race for the seat in 1952 In announcing the appointment, the governor wide open. Gov. "Dwight Griswold is reported to said that since Seaton will not seek re-election, be considering making the race, as is Gov. Val "he will be free from the political compulsion tw i-tfhrm&h Potowm lias already filed for which those who make politics a career must fh Rfiat new held by Sen. Hugh Butler, he still face." Another angle to this situation is the fact that Peterson or any other republican wui oe free to seek the post in 1952. In other words, Seaton will be a "caretaker" senator. We nope that Peterson win choose to ran against Senator Butler for the six year term next year. Senator Butler has outlived his use fulness to Nebraska, and could well be replaced by a man such as Peterson. Should Griswold run for the short term, he would probably win the nomination easily unless Peterson decides to run. The governor said he win announce his decision within two or three day. The political scramble is just beginning. Men Rate Neckties ! By BEN LARSON Staff Writer When women start paying at tention to those parts of a store .vhich display everything from otton shorts with pictures of Santa Claus on them to the new 'wrap-around" bath towels for men, men start playing coy. "Aw, I dont want anything this year," they always say. Un accustomed as they are to be ing on the receiving end of present-time, most men have some inner desire concerning gifts, which they bide from everyone. The result? .More neckties. In an effort to help the ladies this year, men were questioned on what they would like most to re ceive if they were to get a gift costing under $20. The answers were as varied as the subjects. "Boy! Just give me the twenty bucks!" was almost a standard answer. One little man sheepishly con fessed, "You know I never drink, but I'd really like to have about three fifths of good whiskey." Naturally, he preferred to re main anonymous. Another declared he wanted a hand-painted shirt "with girls on it." His friend wanted a new golf club he had spotted. One young man questioned had a generous approach. "I'd like a big night out with my girl," he blushingly replied. Then there was the man wne wanted $20 worth of socks that he. not his wife, picked out. "Something wild," he added, apparently tired of the conserva tive type which matched the rest of his attire. A bald-headed man laughingly requested a toupee if you can get them at that price." Apparently no one though, tooic the questioning too seriously. As usual, the men were enjoying giv ing out with a bad time. The result? Neckties! could change bis filing for the two-year term. Asked what he regarded the major prob lems facing the nation today. Seaton replied Td say they are all tied up In the Inefficiency, fnemptness and immorality of the present po litical administration." It is to be hoped that the senator's program win he a little more con structive than this statement Indicates. In it self the statement says little, except that Seaton is opposed to the administration. Generally, however, Seaton brings to the sen ate a record which Is above reproach. The 42- Daily lowan Draws Fire For Refusal To Print Letters On Discrimination Kathryn Radaker- would aonreciate a pair of calf-.beginning to wish, they -tad done black t SLk skin leather gloves priced at $5.50 Another appropriate gut is cigarette lighter. One compar has a $5.50 model that is gol plated and simply designed. To place on his office desk, wl not a pen and stand. The cost $6.95. And for the photographer, yt can increase his line of equipme: with a reflector set for only $5. For the mechanically mindet man, yon can indirectly force him to keep his tools in order by purchasing a tool chest This chest is eompleta with a re movable tray which sells for $4.98. heir buying during the spring ioe instead of waiunc unui iiuw. npty billfolds make a strange! ntrast to the iuu. eouniei However, it is still possible to md little "jewels" In the fight ine for less than $5. Follow ng are a few of the finds or practical and impractical pres ets for women, all available In cal stores. , For the hard-to-please lady who las everything," gold mesh slip-m-c h nustav for $3.95 might lease her taste. These handmade ixuries would be hard for any ,'oman to resist. If she is the homemaker type. is a j inc in the hnif of ielh'es and relishes family (children) will profit in-1 sure to strike her fancy. Twelve directly by buying an official of these little jars atteactiyely table tennis kit complete with four boxed and m a variety f flavors, bats, screen and two tennis balls, come to only $2.95. They are put While sacrificing $4.98 or their out by S. S Pierce. Orshe might .in iwnricA chare 'niro a frillv aDron. Trump has in the Diessing oi giving. Few Finds Left Under $5 By BEV LARSON Staff Writer It is impossible to dodge the jangle of the bells and the chuck ing Santas any longer. Christmas i'd tlmrtct iirvn lie With only 15 shopping ciays en,wouia e xcu . -'X - " enmo henntips in orKanujf xui $2.50. The favorite seems to be white with a big red patch pocket and red binding. Of course the lady-about-town is sure to appreciate a glove clip. Intercontinental puts out Jeweled and plain ones in . T-ariptv of designs. Cost? $2.40. The same lady undoubtedly until the festive event, people are! if she received an oh-so-femmine decorative plastic box, the article comes to only .For an evening out, any woman would treasure one of the com pact leather purses put out by Princess Gardner for $2.95, in cluding tax. These little purses came in several pastel shades and contain fittings of a compact and lipstick holder. . Working gins win nave fanrv taken by tne CUil linns, worn by women as well as men, put out by Swank for $3.95 in cluding tax. -mere re u ."- j patterns, however, the final choice may be dimcuix. jr, mm j ing day, she should look forward to getting home to soft, fuzzy slippers. One kind, luxurious, come in almost every pastal color and sell for $3.49. Of course, if something ex otic suits the lady, the per fume, LThuere attendue," by Jean Patou of Paris can be pur chased by the ounce. For $5, you get your money's worth of delightful sniffs at least. And if you have checked and rechecked and still cant make the budget come out this season, all department stores have a big sale counter full of bargains. Anyway, it is the thought that counts. An Iowa University president of a professional commerce sorority, re signed her post because she didn't believe she siiould be president of an organization which practices racial discrimination. py Gaaana Nil's rejection 6l Gwen Moore, a jjegro, and Mrs. Grace Marken's resignation as president of tha sorority took place in October. Nothing wag iscjosed about that situation for several days. Thea Patricia' Vannice, a commerce junior, wrote a letter to the Daily lowan. She also turned down a bid by the sorority because of the inci- Ths Dally towan, student newspaper, has drawn fir for not printing two letters written hy 2ss Yanniee, hearing on the situation. lowan editors call bey were amble for many weeks to verify the statements In the letters. Fr what reason did the lowan refuse to ' print this letter?" the handbill asked. "Pat Van dice's opinion of racial discrimination is im portant and is of interest to the student body. . . . It is of more importance and is of more Interest than opinions of the school's football spirit." The handbill then expressed, belief that the letter was not printed in the lowan "because it is the policy of the university to hush up such incident and because it is the policy of the lowan to participate in the hushup." Editor MacNair says that he strongly believes in racial equality. The long delay in publishing the story and the letter he explained in this way: "It would be in. "(sponsible journalism if we printed the letter without first checking the facts. Our main Intent is to put out a responsible news- Women Want Variety By NANCY BENJAMIN Staff Writer Attention, men! Your wife. sweetheart or mother may have been among the busy Tuesday morning shoppers who expressed their fondest Christmas gift wish for under $20. A scurrying secretary stopped long enough to sigh, "Gee, I could sure use a new bowling ban and carrier." Most of the female wishes, however, were for wearing ap parel from slacks to frilly lingerie. Shoes comfortable shoes, a salesclerk sighed, "if there are such things." Housewives tended to mention household furnishings on their "most-wanted" list. In contrast, teen-age crowds almost unani mously asked for evening dresses and accessories. After thoughtful silence, one coUege coed, came witi '" unexpected answer: "I thinV I'd like records the most, not too long hair or too short hair. . I want the soothing kind to play while I'm studying." Of the 25 women interviewed Tuesday, all were in agreement on one "Under $20? That's not very much. On practical housewife, though. paused long enough to grin and say, "Just give me the $20 and I'll have my own fun spending it" Comfort For Male Gifts By TOM NUSS Staff Writer Believe it or not, you can still buy an attractive, worthwhile Christmas present for men costing in the neighborhood of $5. F-incoln merchants have a va riety of Christmas articles in that price field. Among me stems are men's Romeo faouseslippers. These soft-leather slippers for $4.90, are a welcome gift to man on his feet most of the working day. A comfortable place to rest his "weary dogs" is on any multi-col ored, multi-Shaped hassock cost ing from $3 jpn up in many Lin coln furniture or department stores. While relaxing, he reads. And at many news counters, you can order a gift subscription to snagasines. A light tan traveling kit, selling at $4.50, is a "sure-fire" gift for Loyal Fans Will Strangle Football As They Shout 'Win At Any Cost' fEi. Notes The fodflwlnc U M Mltnruu rrpnmra xrom The Daily XorfSwrater.! tramhiinff nalm-ereasers can collect The crowd cheers and the coach quakes. If he The the Victor Belong The Fans the Gridiron. doesnn wm enough, a well-paying job goes with It's all over now bi:t the post mortems. tne wind of jjoos. Ask Wes Fesler, henpecked out The shouts, the whistles, the groans, the cheers o 0hjo g(ate Qr Wisconsin's coach, "Goodbye they're hushed for another year. Harry" Stuhldreher, one of the less easy-riding The last string has taken over the ball, and the Four Horsemen. Monday morning quarterbacks are calling the The OVf4 cheers and the athletic director plays now. TheyTl replay every game till they've ,0ds his pots th convertibles to get that soueezed out the-last point Now. in the quiet after the strains of "Go, U Northwestern" have died out, we stop to pon der about this game called footbalL Not just at ND at what will soon be our Alma Mater. But all over the country from Harvard's Crimson to Stanford's Indians, from the Gophers of Minnesota to the War Eagles down at Auburn. You O Gladiator of the Gridiron why so hell-bent for destruction? Why so set on "win at any cost" rather than "the game for its own sake '? It the game the end or just the means? Big-time football is dying. Commercialized football is dying. Over-emphasized footbal is dy ing. It's dying because it's being strangled. Slowly, all-state high school fullback a fullback who soon forgets he's supposed to be an amateur. The crowd cheers, and the registration office erases a bad grade report so Gus Gridhero can pass. Victory at all costs a the golden calf of the day. Fall down in worship, ye godless gridders, ye raving fans, ye embittered, ulcerated sports scribes. Ye of little faith in the worth of the col legiate mind when it rests on a strong back. Cheer on, thou shrieking masses. But stop and look about now and then. Look again at the gridiron. Watch these boys who eat theif hearts out for you. those coaches who live sis breathe The Game, lest some alumnus cry for new management Yell out your lungs for school spirit But don't surely. It's being throttled by the very fans that fc.d yourgelf lhat you have to win to have a school cheer and jeer, that shout when then- team is up and pout when it isn't The game Is dying because the spectators who have to pay top-heavy prices for seats want their money's worth ' and-want It at all costs. They shout for blood they, the inheritors of the Roman coliseum: Throw him to the lions!" When they cheer, Johnny Bright drops with a broken jaw. Slugged not once, not twice, but three times. And Wilbanks Smith plays on. you can be proud of. Don't think that your very life hangs on a conference percentage point Stop, O Fan of Football, before your idol be comes so top-heavy it crashes to the striped turf. Oklahoma University ... truth will come out about student interest in higher education. A professor has invented an electrical "Wiggle meter" that records how much When they cheer basketball players slip out the fidgeting goes on during class. Wires are strung locker room door to collect their cut for shaving along on the backs of chairs, and every tune a points. Not for throwing the game, mind you, just student yawns or wiggles, the impulse is recorded missing the bucket here and there. Just enough so on a graph. " Laboratory Theater To Present Eugene O'Neill Play Dec. 12, 13 Hmr.minir" 9 storv of hat-1 Christine, the mother, will be rfrt and ialousv will be presented ! played by Christine Phillips, a i v r.wrfM heater Wpd- soeech maior. and Lavina. the nesday and Thursday. The plot of the play revolves around a daughter who wants to he "the wife of her father and the mother of her brother." A guilty mother, a betrayed father, a monstrous paramour, a be- wfldered son and the distraught ; daughter further complicate the plot "Homecoming" is the first part of Eugene OUeiJi's trageay. "Mourning Becomes Electra." wen part of the three-act drama is a play in itself. Fallowing the refusal of the lowan to print paper. This cannot be done with hasty decisions Kiss Vannice'! letters, group of .interested stu- and unchecked facts. At no time did the lowan dents published a handbill containing her letters retuse to print this letter." find erarasw-Ett about the situation. t.w. f Vf,, th Vannice letter. Which appeared recently to ICXOS University . . . .,..,. r.a cf the reproduced handbill, pie-slinging paid off in the Campus vne mi .oufined itself to discussion of the Gwen Moore c case, iL-rftfeB reoroducing the Vannice letter, the todbni commented to the Daily lowan twice had re-far-ed to print the Setter. for funds. Contributor hid for the privilege f heaving not-very-tssty pies In the faces of campus notables. Some of the pie-faces were forced to play target as many as three times. What a way to get even! PENDING POW WOWS daughter, by Marian Uhe, also a speech major. The role of Adam Brant will be played by Charles Kossow, political science major. Barry Stiver, graduate student por trays Ezra Mannon, the lover. Seth will be played by D. K. Smith, art major, and Don Lewis, history major, will piay the part of Peter. Ana Lauaer, freshman business administra tion major, will portray Hasel. Wes Jensby is the producer and Cyra Renwick is the production manager. "Homecoming" will be presented Wednesday and Thursday at S p.m. in Room 201, Temple build ing. The performances are free and open to the public Chicago College cf OPTOMETRY ( SatiotuMf Accredited ) An outstanding college err ing a splendid profession. Doctor ef Optometry degree is throe years for students enter ing with sixty or more semes ter credits in specified Liberal Arts coarse. REGISTRATION FEBRUARY 25 Students are granted profes sional recognibon by the U.S. Department of Defense end Selective Service. Excellent clinical facilities. Athletic and recreational ac tivities. Dormitories CHICAGO COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 1845-E Larrabee Street Chicago 14. Illinois Tuesday YVVCA: Social service tours, 2 , . .imnin -ri1irc 2 n.rn caillD the traveling man. To put into jing, 3 p.m.; comparative this kit if he already has one, relisionE 4 p.m.: current affairs, yvM wu uiu " a wm.i iobs ana lutures, p.m.; W1UJ eiiaviui: mug, tuw, u"uu i $3.10. And the man who follows the custom of shining his own shoes will enjoy a shoe-shine kit with foot rest. This wood-constructed kit containing brushes, polishes and waxes costs f 4 J5. . As cuff links are becoming universally popular again, you can be sure a pair will be the right present. Coming in many colors and designs, they range la price from $2-5 to J7.5B. For snappy mornings, any man - . vmfprence co-on. S rc.m.: cnriS' tianity and society, 5 p.m. Union: Hospitality committee, 5 p.m.; social dance committee, 7:15 p.m. Cornnusker pictures at west stadium: Pre Orchesis, 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Cosmopolitan club Christmas party at 7:30 p.m. Union 316. Thursday Block and Bridle meeting at 7 pjm. Animal tiusoanary nan, mo. irfTT-rTRST TOEA item her latercellegiata Press m fnr r.... M mm e orlBfc. th. j.iiMra mt. M.M entiteS. Sior elf ? ...... OB turn 4. A-uoi. u el IM y-iw it -VJi i iM ftesra. et eo she ear " asewfrer e 1 I niTTiEJAJL. CTAFV ....... . ,,,...,. . fem SUsulM . .Jess rrer .ath ruaBl. Bom " -' ' V . .I- ' V- iiL'ti Sr Curia kuakr. S)fr 4SM " let., m4mm" .... 1. .,.. S7 KanksH Soilmer ............... ... ..... ... ...,...-.,-- - . 'J fu Ana 6Um . skarsMS f, , WH . ..-.-Mtr. ..... .r v. ' '. ..... Ixt Cakni ! - ret ir ..s r-es p f 1 t Ertskfsst Dinner Stcahs Chicken Sea Foods SENATE CAFE "2" LOCATIONS 927 O St. TeL 2-7421 Acmt f Mi H CHr Open f3:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. lil So. 11th St. Tel. t-774 Open 10:30 A M. to 22:00 P.M. ' ' ' w " II11" 11 ' ii'llllU..H'lllliIWW s k: ' S m1 &Mldmot fH i LIQUID CBEAU SHAMPOO More than fust a liquid, more (has juH s cream , sew Wildroot Liquid Cream Shim poo is a combination oi the bta of both. Evea is the hardest water Wild root Shampoo aratbet hair gleaming clean, manageable, curl inviting without robbing hair of tu natural oils Seeelena je'f7...lenella levslyt f. S. Tt keep hair neat between thmpit ecu Litdy Witura'A Crtam Hair Drvning. TNRCI ttltU VM ftV ft'