The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 3

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    PAGE 2
Tuesday, November 6, 1951
Tom Rscie.
Election Statistics
9jv (OojicbuiLcuid
The claw officer elections are past, bat it
Is rather interesting to look over the facts and
figures of the elections and speculate as to the
Seasons for the winners, and for the losers. The
mala reason, however: The Faction had more
votes than their opponents.-
In the total picture the strongest candidate
was jjick, rneips, candidate for senior secretary, 72-12. The same thing was true for the Faction In
who garnered 84 per cent of the votes. However, the other polling places, although the booth at the
he was endorsed by all major groups. The strong- Ag Union, was more evenly divided. Several in-
est Faction-endorsed candidate was Bob Swain, stances of voters asking the polling officials the
candidate for senior treasurer, with 66 per cent names of Faction or Engineering candidates were
01 tne vote. The strongest Engineers' candidate, reported.
of course, was the only one who won, John Adams, ,
senior vice-presidential nominee, with 50.4 per The Engineers did not do too badly in their
cent of the vote. first organized political venture. Two of their en
Weakest candidates for the Faction and En- dorsed candidates won. They undoubtedly realize
gineers respectively were Dan Tolman, junior now however, that a ticket representing only one
secretary candidate, with 44 per cent; and John college does not have a great deal of school-wide
Marks, junior secretary candidate, with 22 per appeal. Any anti-Faction ticket in the future will
lent Some of the independent nominees did not have to have a much wider base than merely one
do as well.
In the wake of the election, several things
are apparent First is the fact that the Engineers
did not attract a great number of votes outside
their own baliwick. Probably their strongest can
didate, John Adams, was the only victor. Although
the woman they backed, Joan Hanson, did well,
women on campus did not flock to the Engineers'
banner. The women met and decided not to form
any ticket of their own, or to endorse any can
didates. Apparently their vote was divided up
among Various candidates.
Second, the fact that a large majority of
the- Voters were Greeks is rather apparent. And
probably 45 to 50 per cent of the voters were
fraternity men, judging from the vote. The junior
election brought 53 per cent of the eligible
voters. Only 42 per cent of the seniors voted.
Greeks apparently turned out en masse, while
only a smattering of Independents, most of them
Engineers voted.
college or department.
The women could swing quite a bit of po
litical weight around in any election. But women
are seldom able to agree to support any one
candidate and although they may be a decisive
factor, one can never be sure which way that
Weight is going. By and large, they supported
the Faction in the last election for offices where
no woman was running. Whether this is because
they knew the Faction candidates better than
the Engineers or because they voted for fellow
Greeks is purely a matter of conjecture.
In the long run however it appears that the
Faction could be beaten, by a very well organ
ized opposition. The total vote would have to be
much larger, barring a split within the Faction.
Or, the women and the opposition group would
have to combine.
Organized political parties on campus stimu
late interest in elections. They could be the answer
(The views expressed in the
Letterlp column are those of the
writer and not necessarily those of
The Daily Nebraska.)
Thanks To Donors . . .
Dear Students.
I want to thank each one of
you who so willingly gave up a
few minutes of your coffee and
study time to go down to the
Bloodmobile to give blood Oct. 30.
You have helped to save some
unknown serviceman's life.
Our hats go off to: Pat Lind-
gren, John Ledbetter, Mary Pit
terman, Norma Gamerl, Shirley
Murphy, Marilyn Larson, Jean
Loudon, Dick Faes, Marlys John
son, Lynn Turner, Bob Brittin,
Mike Lanspa, Suzanne Stoll, Len
nie Stepanek, John Gibbs, Wil
liam Giesler, Nancy Remington,
Constance Gordon. Elizabeth Gass,
Paul Dunlap, Jo Dunlap, James
Spain, Barbara Wylie, Lt. J. T. T
Bachman, Lester Reed Perry, Ed
gar Sayles, Don Leanord, Don
Switzer, Gerald Shipman, Sgt.
Ernest Winlelman, G. B. Allen,
Ted Holtgrewe.
-Kathryn Radaker-
Ohio State Student Body Seethes
Over Trustees Rule On Speakers
Ohio State University . . .
was seething last week. It was in the middle of
the hottest argument over academic freedom since
California's loyalty oath controversy.
The thing that started the row was a decision
to the aura of letharev whirh has
Third, Is the fact that much of the voting was the campus. In the last election, school voting was
bloc style. A glance at the returns from Fergu- roughly comparable to the national voting figures,
son hall shows the Engineers giving their candi- which is not too good. Good political parties might
dates lopsided although Insufficient, majorities, be able to arouse enough interest to get out a
Senior engineering candidates in Ferguson hall vote comparable to that in England, which was
outscored their opponents by 73-11, 71-13, 76-9 and 85 per cent. It would be worth shooting for.
Ruth Raymond.
Democracy At Enqine Colleae
Democracy at work-at least as I see it-was in was injected into the discussion, the subject at
full operation at Richards Lab on the Engine col- hand never got lost in the maze of opinion, dis-
lege Thursday night. cussion or ambiguity. One could practically see
Approximately 150 male Engineering students the ebb and flow of an intelligent, well-thought
gathered at the first all-Engineers open meeting of out, and sound discussion. Each opinion was con-
vlitec iiuu- biuerea oy xne enure group, eacn suggestion was
orary, was host at the meeting. Under the leader- weighed and referred to a person in authority or
x vreuise uoei, oigma president, campus a specific committee.
issues from the fence between Andrews and Mor
rill Hall to the conflict between College Days and
E-Week were the order of the evening and pro
vided much sparkling debate among the Engineers.
Although the 150 present at the meeting is
definitely not a majority of the 797 persons
enrolled In Engine college, the Interest of those
in attendance was a rare illustration of the
democratic process in operation at a meeting of
intelligent people. The definition of a democ
racy as being a government finding its impetus
and its source with the people it governs was
put into actual practice by those 150 Engineers.
Valuable suggestions on new and improved in
spection trips for the senior Engineers were in
troduced at the meeting as the result of a
healthy and vigorous discussion of the merits
and faults of the projects.
Final proof of the maturity and intelligence of
the persons at this meeting was the frank discus
sion of the rivalry between College Days, E-Week
and Farmers Fair, in the presence of College Days
head, Bob Reichenbach, and Farmers Fair board
president Frank Sibert. Each man with an opinion
on the subject spoke honestly and without fear of
coming to blows with either Reichenbach or Sibert.
First on the eveninc'a Hi
o ,.. .utsv Treat? fciiv. Ail uciauux a L II lfr mPPT.m v WPrp crtAOirincf Qnrt r -
parking situation on campus. After warming up ducting themselves as adults adults that believe
w iub buojeci, neany nan 01 tne Engineers present in democracy.
rose, Introduced themselves and briefly presented Perhaps the example set by the Engineers could
their views and personal problems of parking on be followed on a similar scale by other colleges
the campus. No one spoke out of turn; hardly and other organizations on the University campus,
anyone had to be specifically recognized by the The individual and collective mental attitude in-
chairman, and no one carried on a lengthy conver- duccd by open meetings, honest and well-moder-
sation that might eventually change the subject. aUed discussions, might well improve the political
Even though an occasional humorous remark situation at the University.
-Charles Gomon.
Churchill's First Acts: Send Troops
To Suez; Speed Up Atomic Program
Elementary Troubles . . .
Dear Editor,
The Elementary Education din
ner offers the only opportunity
for the entire department to come
together and share in an experi
ence which contributes to profes
sional growth. Of coure every
elementary ed-major is "ex
pected" to go to the dinner in
the same sense that the Coed
Counselors are expected to attend
their Friendship Dinner or the
Fine Arts students are expected
to attend their banquet.
However, attendance at this
dinner is not compulsory and
there has never been any indica
tion of a desire, on the part of
the elementary staff, to establish
this attendance on a compulsory
basis. I doubt if the methods
used by the teachers would be
considered "high pressuring" by
those students who are sincerely
interested in the professional
aspects of education.
The fact that only 50 per cent
of the elementary ed-majors have
bought tickets to the dinner indi
cates that compulsion was not
used. Also these complaints
would not have been circulated
for two weeks since the sales were
not mentioned until a week ago
last Monday. Since the publicity
for the dinner given The Daily
Nebraskan last ' Tuesday was not
printed until yesterday, the fac
ulty may have felt the necessity
and respansibility for the sole
promotion of the dinner.
The attendance at this dinner
has no direct influence on any
student's grades or standing in
their classes but is merely an
indication of interest in teaching
as a profession.
President of Elementary
Education club.
fun on weekends, and that most alumnae are
haDDily married. .
by Ohio State's board of trustees that all speakers 11 Ti.fw
Invited to appear on the campus must be cleared Chrkson College Of Technology. . . .
iacuiiy comnunee 011 umi ciuiiu.w
recommended several major changes in the
school's final examination policies. Some of these
are that the number of examinations be re
duced, examinations be based on judgment and
intelligence rather than factual knowledge, and
that one uniform examination be given for each
University Of Virginia ...
has banned repeating a course already passed
with a grade of D. The ruling was necessary due
to the large number of students repeating courses,
according to the faculty. They added that such
practices would defeat the purpose of the grade
point system which is to improve the quality of
student work.
in advance by President Howard L. Bevis. While
President Bevis soothingly tried to explain that
the new decree was simply aimed at out and out
Communist propagandists, the faculty and most
of the student body protested that the trustees
had clamped on a gag rule that would make any
speaker worth his salt or his honorarium steer
clear of the Ohio campus.
Last week a faculty committee sat down
with the trustees for a series of conferences to
thrash out the whole affair. Caught in the
middle, with little apparent relish for his dicta
torial license, President Bevis addressed a rhe
torical question to both sides: "Do you want
my job?"
Vassar College . . .
Syracuse University . . .
j . . . - . -
is xrying to DreaK down the following popular political fever is running high where political
misconceptions about the . school: that Vassar is groups were banned for 20 vears. The Young
for snobbish, xfah, -gifts, that Vassar is : radical, and Democrats and Young Republicans are in the
that Vassar is all grind. To combat 'these ideas, the process of organizing after receiving free rein pro-
puoiic relations office is trying to play up evi- vided by a bill passed by the men's student gov
dence of academic freedom, how the girls have ernment.
Lynn Kunkel, Button Collector,
Learns History From Hobby ;
Feature Editor
Button, button, who's got the
From the looks of things, Lynn
Kunkel is the possessor of the
elusive button. In fact, Miss Kun
kel has made a hobby of collect
ing buttons since she was knee
high to a button box which is
exactly where her hobby began.
Miss Kunkel's mother kept a
collection of buttons to use in case
of "emergencies." Miss Kunkel
became interested in the button
collection and mounted some of
tne more ornate Duttons on a
have a definite historical value.
Miss Kunkel does not believe,
as do most people, that buttons
are used only because safety
pins are usually socially acceptable.
Miss Kunkel states that "There
was a time in Swedish history
when buttons were used as a kind
of class identification." She added
that members of the upper classes
wore elaborately etched buttons
more as a decoration than as a
form of "apparel." As a contrast.
Swedish peasants used crude
wooden buttons to denote the
class to which thcv. belonged.
board. After she had mounted her iMiss Kunkel has representative
first button board, she became se
riously interested in buttons as
a permanent hobby. She began
buttons of the different Swedish
Miss Kunkel's father Increased
writing her relatives to send her her button collection immeasur
any novel buttons they might hap-1 ably during the war.' Two of the
pen to have lying around the J buttons he gave 'her' dated back
house. I to the days of Pompeii. Lynn
as ner collection grew, sne stated that these buttons were
buttons in that they were used
for ornamental purposes.
America.n buttons are well
represented in Miss Kunkel's
collection. Some of her buttons
date back to the pre-Revolu-tionary
war period. She states
that very few of the buttons of
that time were ornate. She
added that most of them were
very plain and usually home
made. Miss Kunkel states that there is
a great similarity between the
elaborate buttons of today and the
ornate Swedish buttons over a
hundred years old. She comment
ed that both buttons .and styles
are copied from different periods
of time. Miss Kunkel considers
the Italian hand-painted buttons
and the Swedish buttons the most
beautiful in her collection.
Buttons have become somewhat
of an heirloom in the Kunkel
family. Ae relative of Miss Kun-
Better Living Series, at 5 p.m.
Ag Union lounge to feature
movie, "Junior Prom."
YWCA: 2 p.m. social service
tours: 3 p.m. freshman commis
sion; Campus critics; 4 p.m.
comparative religions; current af
fairs; camp counseling; 5 p.m.
jobs and futures; Christianity and
society; freshman commission.
Adelphi meeting at Union. Sup'
cu uiai uiese Duuons were 1 i. .
discovered that many buttons 'similar to many of the Swedish rn ".5.
irom her firnce. The woman s fi
ance was killed during a war. As
a result of the death, the' woman
gave the ring to Miss Kunkel's
great great grandmother and told
her to pass it down the family
line to the eldest in each genera
tion. Miss Kunkel is now the
proud possessor of the ring.
The military is well repre
sented in Miss Kunkel's collec
tion. She has 'a division of but
tons from different American
mil'tary uniformr. These but
tons span the years from the
Revolut.'onary war period to
present tirres.
Miss Kunkel's button collection
has grown from one board mount
ed with buttons sent by her rela.
Hungry Fans Contribute
To Athletic Scholarships
"Popcorn peanuts cracker-1 1. Merchandise sold by athletes
jacks!" in the stands.
Hungry Cornhusker football 2. Merchandise sold at conces
sions consume 18,000 bottles of sion stands in the east and west
cop, 10,000 ice cream bars andjeonc'ourses of the stadium and at
5,000 bags of peanuts at each both ends of the playing field.
game, according to l,. r. ".pop
Klein, athletic director of conces
sions. Hot dogs, coffee, apples and
popcorn also rank as favorites.
An average of 5,000 hot dogs.
5,000 cups of coffee. 4,500 ap
pies and 3,500 baps of popcorn
are sold at each football game.
Other concessions average
sandwiches, 3,500; candy bars,
per at 6 p.m. Business meeting
tJLSrt Ji !?iv.rrity sports are eligible for the
7 p.m. in Cadet lounge. I One out of two of the 38,000
Handicrafts meeting at 7 p.m. spectators buy programs to follow
nmuia at society 10 meet at the olavers during the came.
7:30 p.m. in the lounge.
OkwA Urn TIawa
WDerai mme Minister Asauith of Crpat
Britain once said of Winston Churchill, "It's too
bad Winston doesn't have a better sense of pro
portion ... I don't think he will ever climb to the
top In English politics."
Soldier, author, national hero, and cabinet
minister before he was forty, Churchill never
conformed to a pattern. He brought Britain to
Its feet by its own bootstraps during the dismal
days following Dunkirk and used his undefeat
able courage to move his people to a campaign
of "blood, sweat and tears" seldom equaled in
modern history. The fact that Churchill saw hope
when others were despairing and opportunity when
even friends expected defeat prompted Asquith's
ill-fated prophecy. .
With memories of wartime ChurcbiHean
leadership In mind, Britons and American's alike
waited anxiously to see if the aging statesman,
whose party held a parliamentary majority of
nly lt seats, would be capable of mastering
the mountainous problems left to him by six
years of Labor's socialist rule.
The new prime minister's first two official
acts, after naming many of his wartime associates instance, that we did not take a firm stand with
to his new cabinet, were to order a fresh division them in Iran, and they are expecting more cooper-
of British troops to Egypt's seething Suez canal chance to name, over the objections of Turkey and
zone and to request a speed-up in Britain's atomic ation throughout the Middle East including a
program. Citizens of both countries were left little other nearby states, the commander of any Middle
room Sot doubt. The 76-year-old lion was still East defense command. The Conservatives can't
roaring. be counted on to change the pussy-footing Pacific
Actually, however, far less change is in order policy set up by the Laborites because Britain
in Britain's foreign and domestic policy than most still claims to need markets in China for her
Americans realize. The new government has the manufactures.
dubious honor of being called to lead a country
which has been losing money, overseas posses
sions and prestige for five years, which must
import 50 per cent of its food and a high propor
tion of its raw materials from steadily dwindling
sources of supply and which must finance a $13
billion rearmament program which it cannot af
ford on top of a costly socialist welfare system.
Dynamic a leader as he is, Churchill will
need more than enthusiasm to conquer these dif
ficulties. Despite the fact that the Conservatives
are more friendly toward the U. S. than the
Laborites were, Churchill is primarily interested
in returning Britain to ber ''rightful" place in
world affairs; i.e., equal, not subservient, to the
The British are more than a little peeved, for
The concession program is di
vided into two phases:
"Our program of riving ath
letes an opportunity to earn
extra money selling conces
sions at athletic contests is dif
ferent from the system used in
most colleges," Klein said.
"Frequently concessions are sold tives to five books of buttons,
by commercial firms. Under thir Each of these books is approxi
system, only a few students arc mately one and one-half feet
employed at small salaries." i thick.
Athletes of all freshman and1 collecting buttons end wearina
them are usually two different
things as far as Miss Kunkel is
Bus. Ad. Banquet
Tuesday To Feature
Talk On Economics
College of Business Administra
tion will present its annual ban
Iquet Tuesday, Nov. 13. in the
I union ballroom. Tickets are $1.50
'and available to
William C. Fraser, Omaha law-jmoney which
yer, will speak on economic con- scholcrshipn."
djtions irr Europe, rraser has
program. Last year athletic
salesmen drew $12,500 in com
missions. Approximately 288 boys
profited from $5 to $296 on con
cessions sold .at football, basket
ball, track and baseball games.
Other students, including 50
concerned. When asked if she
were wearing any particularly or
namental buttons, she replied,
"Oh, I never wear buttons un
less I have to!"
women students, drew more than Ag YM-YWCA To View
$2,500 working in the stadium r;. r j , 1 r
concession stands. Ir,lm -n Menial Diseases
Profits" derived from conces- A movie entitled "City of the
sions pay for all athletic stho- .Sick" will be shown at a joint
larships awarded during each meeting of Ag YM and YWCA to
school year. Inight. The film on mental di-
"Unde- this method," Klein seasc is a follow-up for Dr.
said, "scholarships are not direct j Mildred Stingley'g address ui
grants of money to encouraae week.
all University athletes to come to Nebraska. The! The mot-ting will start at 7:30
athletes themselves earn the P,m- ln the Home Ec parlors. Bible
they receive in'l,jay will be held at 7 p.m. on
(the first floor of the Home Ec
I Ag YM cabinet meetinBs will hm
! held at 5 p.m. in the Ag Union in
lived in Europe for several years RinMert AakLc
studying conditions there. Univer-PJ1 B""aer$ Workers
To Convene Wednesday
sity talent will furnish entertain
ment for the Janauct. Awards arc
to be presented to outstanding Calling all sophomore Builderr
business administration siudents. iworkers!
Tickets may b purchased at a There will be a meeting for
booth in the Union lobby or Room! sophomores at 7:30 p'.m. in Room
210, Social Science building. Hep- 308 of the Union,
rescntatives of Delta Sigma Ph! Plans for selling student di
and Alpha Kappa Psi, professional rectories in the booths in the Un
business fraternities, and Phi Chi ion will be set up, according to
Theta, professional business sor-Phyllis Loudon, business manager
omy, are aio Kciimg vkkcih. ioi me iDi-az directory.
the future, according to Steve
Ebeihart, president.
J Jul. (Daihf Tkbha&huv
Intercollegiate Prew
V9 frna to fM1ti4 fcr W r Ik. Ubiv.h 01 nnmtkn m simmUm of rtwleirt iwwi n
rtMtaM. !t t rflf. pvtiaj ml U aara Mat aaaiu.iian anavr lt UrMMai aall M iraa "
nwu ,p a ba fitfi i ha ear. HNn Bart at a ajanbar at taa faoatty al tba uniar.r, ai Bttnromn bi.
tm ati'f M Tfcr Dvif PafcrMhiaa an pvmmmnr mpmntow for wnm iih rnmm wm .
(,towttrta rata, as Wa mmft. It aallar a tj t M aalltra aar. 4.aO awllca Slala aaaf t
Mfc4 -m aorlua Ua. aahaai ra twpt S.lara.r aat Sunday., v.oatian. anS imltitUi .rlo Ona .u. ptiDllan.f
j. - ... -4 Mmmmat b. M.a f1laraft af llilu tha nnarvlalnn af tha r'ammUUta an StBdant f. bllrt.l.B..
a .-... aa aaraae (law at tit. rat Offtea ta Uao-la N.brMka ! af Vmntt. Marota S "'"
wa.taJ ntta al rtf. atavktlta far Im taauaa Ha. AH af Cnfrwu ( 'Xlobir S, 111. ootbrl. StpUnbar IS. IBn.
.-. . . . .. ... Tan KtMba
tkMMta VHaa ....,.....,,......,...,,.....,..,,,. , 'a Kru.far
t. .
' wnm Fdttat,.... ............. ........... MarbH aaibnar
ifwir H.diia . . ....... ..... .................................. .C'Onni. o.roaa
Ana i4IMaa
, Bab Sbermaa
fi O'l. T."Thr. Foar T Ph7
f rd. I.y l. u.r, tj, Uty,
I M .at j.a m
" . i i TTTiiirw
'." ftntb S.rnani. Usa Pi.a.r
....... Oar taa, Jsa Staff, San Ey.trom, SbW.y Miirpb. llf AUm.
f fif rH . ,..
tna-a afnaartr
Am't. Kimmw Haaacan ......,...................,.....................,..
'-!r-lT '"(.,,,.. ,,,,,, ....... ............ ...... ....... ...........
J'Uiit Jttwa Kajtar.
Jack Chan
0taa aippla. AmaM S4ra, r.ta Brrtrtra
, , ,,, , , . Cback H.rm.l.lar
.......... ............... .Ka Kvavrom
( . nxTTMrtwrm
Include addresses when flrur.
ing rest
Bring sds to Daily Nebraskao
business office, Student Union.
Ier mall with correct amount
and Insertions desired.
ON CAMPUS Blmplnf room, H M. Small
furnlhd and Urge unfurr.lnli.d apart
tti.nt. (round floor, C'hlldr.n. l-M'it.
Mot bVautlfui' caMiT'toVnt lSo'BfAlr
Char. Cuntorn ..Hi covn, U.S. Roy.l
Mtr tlrm, puwr-flil, dlrnctloiial
HkIiU, bckln light!, undnrcoatd, am
pint. accMMirlH. Bd lop; urty b'rttom
Wonderful buy. Ownar. U00 H. W.
STOP IVilH VINO -ahowt rtiinoa mulc
for DartiMi Kju.t Jimmy PtiilllrM
Combo, i-mi Lluyt, b-Tlil v.nlii.
Af.en!bn Mm
If It's a Card for a GirL
Wife or your Mother it's
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
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"S '-...;:.r jfj
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Late World Newe
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