PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 2, 1951 Ti ; I I ;7 i is 4 Ik 4 The Junior and Senior classes both have a new set of officers today as a result of yesterday! elections, Hit results were not surprising. The Faction took a majority of the positions, but the Enginers managed to get a toehold. About 44 "per cent of the eligible voters par ticipated In the election. The rather surprising thing was the relative ease with which most Faction candidates won, despite the vigorous cam- sumei a responsibility to the student body. They paiga. One interesting sidelight both, the Engineers one candidate. and the Faction supported The election brought out over 1,056 voters, which Is sometihng el modem record for the school. Last year, 801 students cast ballots for class officers. The Increase In the number of votes b ft healthy sign. Students should be Inter ested In their school government. A really alert student body will not allow their government te go te pot. An alert student body will make their leaders do something for the good t all. The junior nd senior classes now have new officers. We think that all of them are competent to do the jobs to which they were elected. We think that in these eight people lies largely the success or failure of the University as a human put themselves institution, rather than just dents go to attend classes. With their election, these students have as- When I return to Homecoming some year long after graduation, I should like to find a great many changes on campus. I'd like also to see soma things the same as now. Alums returning to their alma mater tomorrow will find many familiar features and they will find a great many new Items. Anyone who cannot experience at least a tiny thrill from noisy rallies, elaborate house displays, the gay parade, the cheers from fans or the Scarlet and Cream players on the grid Iron Saturday, is missing a colorful part of his oIIeg career. For this is the spirit and en thusiasm which draws thousands of alums back each year to see the Cornhuskers, the traditional parade and. displays and to visit former houses. This is the spirit which makes good univer sity ft GREAT university. Depending on the number of years alums have ben away from campus, they will notice varying degrees of changes. The lovely landscaping in front of Love library probably is new to many. The walks nnd beginnings of landscaping around the Carillon tower will be new to most grads. There's "new face on lot of the campus which has happened 3a recent years. Some alums will return to find old residences replaced by new buildings or vacant lots earmarked for phases of the long range building program. They probably will be reminded of continual improvements as they pass near the library. The fertilizer is quite noticeable. There -are improvements in the Union and some new buildings. Even the Carillon tower, just pass ing Its second anniversary, will be new to many. These are some changes alums will notice. There will be ' some Intangible ones for the students they were svoenstomed to seeing while walking to classes each day will be replaced by j Checking-Off I Just to become familiar with the correct pro- are just watching the process, cedure, I decided to -check-off- at the Phi Gamma The man behind the desk refused to check . . . . ... me off, so I started a list for girls' names under Sett bouse Thursday during elections. It seems Jm Woms Cniversity Party. ft shame to be unfamiliar about one of the well - became longer during the afternoon. In established forms of campus politics by the All .-taTl-tr. at the ton of the sheet we found to University Party, commonly known as the Faction. The process is comparatively simple, Check-Ing-off goes like this: yon walk through the front door, through the next door to your left, past the piano and to a little table. Behind this sits Faction man with pencil, patiently thumb ing through the lists and checking off your name if your D Is properly punched. A few other fellows sit around. Seme are Fhi Gams; others 91U. t2tWw BY MAEUN BKEE Staff Writer "Heard you were moving a piano, so I came over to help." Thanks, but I've already got it upstairs.' AH alone?" Nope, hitched the cat to it and drug it up." You mean that your cat hauled that piano tip two flights of stairs? How could pull a heavy pian? Uaed a whip'" "Gonna be busy tonight?" Dunno, it's my first date." The weather report far today ifflfiScated colder weather ahead. Yesterday we wesre sup posed t have tnsw ' flsntea. Maybe well fast's them sa nay! Colder "Sid yon get home all right after &c party last night?" Hne, thssks; except that Just as X wfcf turning lute my street, some Jtiiot stepped any mrers. JIul -w.".b ! 'L - to iu ' ll Mn nrt In, antMMl Ir,w,; m "tow W"w a mmw w SMKa .-- "m . . t ... tmtmm . - .-" - . ,. j, mm I ,-, :;w,.Jiir .... er,oM VnmLfwr da (. KnimiBn MaMkimn f ..,...m ff;rr...... Tom Rscfie The Smoke Clears ifowItlJLdJWL was the fact that represent not only place where stu- of program for improving the University. It win be interesting to see how these platforms are carried out The student body is looking forward to a great year. Joan Krueger. When We Return Tom Rsche Selective Service Test Applications Selective Service qualification tests will be given Thursday, Dec. 13, 1951 and Thursday, April 24, 1952, announced Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey. The Dec. 13 test will be given in Room 109, Love Library. Application blanks xor the Dec. 13 test must be postmarked not later than midnight, Monday, Nov.! 5. Applications for the April 24, 1952 tests must be postmarked not later than midnight, March 10, 1952. To be eligible to apply for the test, a student must: Intend to re quest deferment as a student; be satisfactorily pursuing a full-time college course, and must not previously have taken a Selective Service college qualification test Students whose academic year will end in Jan. 1952 are urged to apply for the Dec 13, test, so they will have their scores in file when the local boards reconsider their cases' In January. A student must have either a score ef 7t n the qualification test r satisfactory rank in daw (upper ibalf of the freshman class, vpper two-thirds ef the sophomore class, upper three fourths f the junior class). Seniors must be in the upper (batty TbbhaAhuv FZFTY-fTST TEAK Member Intercollegiate Press mm tM. put f mmtthm i tb, teraitr tine(t7, ' mmvmm imr wtmt 4twf mm, m r n f "J"?-" - . Mt SkMraan nl . VMttit, mi exammtolm rtfl Omn to Uneola Knkratk. t ml Kmmrrtm. Maraa ft " tCiirOLlAL STAFF Cartm. 1mm StaHaa. Kn .. ECE'OfESS CTAT7 the group which backed them, bit the student body as whole. They represent not the Engineers, the fraternities, the sororities, the Indpendents, the college in which they are enrolled nor any other groups. They represent the junior and senior classes of the University of Nebraska in the year 1951. Future generations will look back , at the year 1951, Will they pass right over, or w ill they ' be able to say that this was the year that the University of Nebraska, really accomplished j something? The spark of greatness Is there. Will it burst Into flame? Time will telL ' I Most of the candidates for class officers have on record as favoring some kind younger generations and mostly unfamiliar faces. Along with this, though, most alums will notice an Intangible feeling of familiarity. Colors of Scarlet and Cream still will dot the campus at every corner. Pom-poms will be waving at the game, a card section will add color to the half time period, the University band will be playing familiar songs along with some newer, ones. Some yells may be new, but cheering from these younger generations won't be too much dif ferent from previous classes. The 1951 innovation of 10 steps and then yelling "'Go Nebraska, Beat Kansas," might seem a little foolish to some alums, but the spirit and flavor typical of Homecoming is still the same as last year, five years or 20, years Ago, When alums return this weekend, we hope they will admit, even if grudgingly, that the generation they thought was "going to the dogs," has turned out all right after all Because, we want the generations who come after us to be able to admit that our generation upheld admirably the spirit, youth and enthusiasm which should be exemplified at the Cornhusker Homecoming. j The hours, days and in some cases weeks of planning and work which have been devoted by many toward decorations, rallies, displays, pro grams, the dance, pep queen elections, traffic, the winning of the game by the team and pen houses and programs is not time spent foolishly. Some hours of study doubtlessly were lost; some classes cut but thehearty enthusiasm of an American tradition of Homecoming was preserved. We think that is important, to us, to alums and to posterity. sign our names, was a siate oi junior ana se candidates with "These are the men to vote for." The funniest part of the procedure Is watch ing fraternity men dash out f the Union, run down the steps, cross the street and file into the Fhi Gam house like little kids asking for their allowance. This is the check-off procedure vital to the AH University Party. . Due Nov. 5 half f their class, or make a score of 75 or better on the test Students already enrolled in CTaduate schools may be de ferred so long as they remain In good standing. These criteria are rides which the local boards are rnides which the local boards Sixty-three per cent of the 339,000 students who took the test last spring and sumer made a score of 70 or better, Hershey re ported. He said more complete information of results wouia me available soon. Hershey said that the Selective Service College deferment plan is not for the sake oi the com paratively small number of "bneht boys" who couia anora to eo to college, but that the purpose of the plan is to select those most fitted to pursue college eaucstions. Students are eeierrea oniy until they have completed their college training. A deferment Is by m means an exemption, but a means by which a regis trant tcan have bis service de layed fr postponed until he com pletes his education. Any regis trant deferred new as a stu dent will be required, if phys ically fit to serve two years in the armed forces before be be comes 35. ib Bmri f "itmm aVrscnr St4k ttarmac. turn Pirnl Eytr. Skitter Marphj. Q via, fcwa fUnk, ... ............. jpunnau mmmnmnr ...... ...t onni, (.ri .Oala ftfTvaio Ana CKUitaa ,.a Sbwbuji - Sank Cobra Stoa SIppU. ftmhf etrrm, rata latim .... -Chaak BornwiPier .Sb Cartaa your church I BY JULIE BELL Baptist Student house, 315 North 15th, Rev, C B. Howells, pastor. Friday 7:30 p.m., grad uate and married student forum, with Walde Dahlstedt, director of education, Nebraska Men's Re formatory, leading discussion on "Can Reformatory Inmates Be Rehabilitated?" Sunday Church school and morning worship in city churches; 5 (..m, fellowship supper followed by worship and discussion led by Rev, G. H. Schroeder, First Baptist church on Baptist history. e University Episcopal chapel, Thirteenth and R streets Rev. Jack Sweigart pastor. Friday 7 a.m., Holy Communion, All Souls' Day, S p.m., evening prayer. Saturday S pjn, eve ning prayer. Snuday 9 a.m.. Holy Communion with breakfast following; 11 am., Choral Eucha rist and sermon; 4:30 pjn., St Vincent's Guild: 6 p.m- chapel dinner; 7 p.m, evening prayer and evening program with Hal Perrin as speaker. Monday 5 p.m., evening prayer; Tuesday 5 p.m., evening prayer; 7 p.m.; informal discussion group meet ing. Wednesday 7 a.m.. Holy Communion, S p.m, evening prayer; 7:30 p.m, choir rehear sal. Thursday 5 pjn, evening prayer. Lutheran Student association, Alvin M. Petersen, pastor. Fri day Open house after tour of house decorations. Saturday Open house all day with coffee after homecoming game. Sunday 9:15 a.m., Bible study at 1440 Q and 1200 No, 37th with rides to church; 5 pxn., Cornerstone; laying at new student center, 535 No, 16th, 5 City LSA at First Lutheran church, 17th and A supper and film -"Like a Mighty Army;" 6:30 p.m-, Ag LSA cost supper and film. Tues day 7:15 p.m, vespers. Thurs day 7:15 p.m, choir practice. Methodist Student house, 1417. R street, Richard W. Nutt, pas tor, triday 7:30 pjn, fudge party; 3:30-5 p.m "Do-Drop-ln" hour, Monday through Friday,; Saturday Homecoming with open house after the game. Sun day 5:30 pm, Wesley Worship, guests at St Paul's University I Life program. Tuesday 7 p.m., Sigma Theta Epsilon. Wednesday 6:50 p.m., Wesley Worship. 9 Religious Society of Friends (D&jcVl fidiioJL... (The views expressed in the Letterlp column are those of the writer and not necessarily those of The Daily Nebraska) Faction Virtues ... Te the 50 and '51 Kack Masque Chapter of Mortar Board Maybe I should have addressed this letter to the MOST OUT STANDING GIRLS ON THE CAMPUS. Needless to say I was very much LN-imrTessed witn your short dissertation on voting. May I say that you are very fortunate in defining "faction" in your own warped, intellectual, persuasive way. It fit the occa sion very welL 1 would like to quoei Webster's definition of "fac tion" 1) A party, combination, or the like. 2) Party spirit 2) A set or class .of persons. Does this say anything about "bloc voting" or an organized attempt to bribe or intimidate voters in order to determine who shall be elected? Tour select little rroup goes further to say that, "we," meaning your own t action," which you have defined so clearly, believe that an organi zation which absolutely insists that its members support their slate violates the democratic principle let's have a little support on your part of such a statement How many ef yos actually know that such a state ment is true? I would be will ing to say that yen are baslng yeur entire statement on "corn crib" politics of course yen are the people who knew. If you can prove to me that there has been an absolute Insistence of ! any house on this campus that i their members MUST vote a straight ticket I will be rlad to retract any statement I have committed. May 1 further whisner into fha ears of the intellectuals that every member of any organized house IS an "individual" h has mind of his own. (Not once have I been told wham to vote for.) Unity is the key to any political party and a political party has the right to exist Or don't you think that it should in a democ racy! Or is this a democracy? (According to your intellectual instruction.) Before any student voted in this election he probably never heard oi nan the candidates, except for one political party probably the closest party on the campus. I myself saw the engineer's ballot displayed with the accompanying words, "Vote for these." Did your so called "faction" display, any such device in vote soliciting? May I further say that the letter that the independents put out stated, "Vote for these." Again I say did your much talked about block-voting, intimidating, hypo thetical "Taction" use such de vices? Democracy of today exists under the party system of gov ernment After all it would be ufte a dnll political campaign U parties didnt exist (Am I agreeing with the most eut standing?) May I further say that all the whispering about "faction," "faction." with its 100 vot ing, rotational system seems te possess most of the female minds en this campus. Ar much mumbling cwncernb. j "check off" lists etc, may I say that there certainly are many people who have more of an idea about whom te run for to Staff Writer In Paramount's "A Place In The Sun," which is now playing at the Lincoln, the stars are Mont gomery Curt, EUzaoetn Tayior and Shelley Winters, This film tells understanding the story of three young people desperately searching for happi ness. Cllft appears as a poor, am bitious youth working In his wealthy uncle's mill. He has a love affair with factory-girl Shelley Winters, but it soon at tracted to beautiful socialite Elisabeth Taylor and her glamours way of life. After a whirlwind romance, the two clan to marry, as Clift wins an important position at the plant. But the imDendinsr wedding is threatened when the mill worker reveals that she is expecting baby. Tormented by his dilemma and unwilling to relinquish the bright new way of life that is almost within his grasp, Clift becomes obsessed with the idea that he must murder her Then an ironic twist of fate intervenes and the ultimate destinies of the trio are expounded in sequences charged with impact Unfolded in "Across the Wide Missouri," now playing at the Stuart theatre, is the valiant le 19th century th gend of America's fur trappers, who wUdemeTtrails the west toiHow Coul You! '' is now on at the open a new nauon. Clark Gable stirs as Flint Mitchell, intrepid trapper who pits his wits and strength against the ennning of Black- (Quakers), 312 South 28th street; 9:45 am, meeting for worship; 10:30 a.m. discussion; experiences at Pendle Hill by Margaret and Clarence Perisho, Lutheran (Missouri Synod): Divine worship at Union, Room 315, every Sunday, 10:45 am; Festival of Kelormation next, Sunday; anthem by choir under direction of Harry Giesseiman; Gamma Delta; Christian knowl edge service and fellowship clum. bunday, 5:30 pm, University YMCA lounge, Temple building, beginning with cost supper; choir rehearsal; Wednesday, 7 p.m band room, Temple: Al Norden, pastor. -Names In The News- By CHARLES GOMON SUH News Writer Reds Hold Out kUKM Ainea ana com tmist negotiators failed to agree on the final disposition of the cease-fire line at the 14th subcommittee session held Thursday in Panmunjom. Previously the reds conceded to allied de ands that the line be set along the present battle front rather than along the S8th parallel. However, ' the reds are now holding out for custody of Kaesong, the former truce site, which the U,N. com mand says must be turned ever to our forces. Suez Evacuation Ordered EGYPT Britain announced that about one-third of the British dependents in the Suez canal area would be evacu ated to safety immediately. The announcement implied that despite the polo sticks which Gen. Robertson Escaped Leopard Shot MT. IDA Ark. A leopard, one of a number of circus ani mals which escaped from a wrecked circus truck, wTas shot to death in the mountainous area north of Mt Ida, Ark. The elimination of the leopard left ten other beasts at large including another leopard, two Half Million Welcome Royalty WASHINGTON Half a mil lion persons turned out to wel come Princess Elisabeth and her husband. Prince Philip te H ashingioa. FoI "s a ' rade from the airport, the royal couple had lunch with President Truman and his Jailbird THE BRONX, New York The resident of a Bronx apart ment doubted his senses as he opened the door to his room. In true Halloween spirit an rfioe than many disinterested Individuals. (After all, who mas H- Truman? ail yon Democrats stand up and tell me.) Quote, "An election is pa:"t of student government which trains us to think and act individually, and to vote according to their individual evaluation of the can didates up for each offioe." "Leaders," may I close in say ing that your article was so care fully planned and double-talked that it stimulated my interest in answering it I ish you the best of luck in striving to "clean up" dear old Neb-&ska Uj May I point tu the ctUr outstanding group on the jampus, of the opposite sex, an say, '"Where would you be todafy if there had not been a pohtiral party FRACTIONALLY YOURS. Jack Faap COLLEGE NIGHT or MICKEY KULL end his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only ADM. JL70 FEE COUTLK Tax Included t'f :' r In. mi um 1. 1 n i ii Hurt. H, . Um, ,.. smk-smjcL (Doxcl feet Indian warriors who op- j pose the Inroads t mountain men into the rich beaver country. j Flint effects a conciliation with Bear Ghost, played by Jack Holt,) who is chief of the tribe, only to have all his efforts, undermined when a member of his party stupidly kills Bear Ghost to avenge the death of his brother. The story reaches its climax with an atack by Ironshirt and his warriors upon the white men. fraifce.Riin9$ End Today ful lead role in "Come Fill the Cup," now being shown at the Varsity. Although Cacney rose to fame In Hollywood as a screen tough guy, in "Come Fill the Cup," he is on the law's side, lie is city editor of a large metropolitian newspaper. He undertakes an unusual assign ment tn behalf of his publisher, one for which he Is particulary adapted and knowing by reason of his life up until the time he became the paper's top newsman. Raymond Massey, Gig Young, I jimmy Gleason and Sheldon Leonard support Cagney and Phyllis Thaxter, , A marital mixup that blasted th tranquility of New York's Washington Square, "Darling, Joan Fontaine, John Lund, Mona Freeman .and Peter Hanson co star in this merry account of a saucy escapade that scandalized the neighborhood. The story traces the outlandish consequences after an eavesdrop ping adolescent wrongly infers that her mother is philandering. Armed with a few facts of life and an adult wardrobe spirited from her mother's closet, she sets out to woo the man In question, thus removing' temptation from her mother's path. How this meddlesome Miss Fixit brews a key of trouble for mother and dad, terrorizes an eligible young rasises eyebrows and pulses for Joan Fontaine is cast as the at- tractive mother, while John Lund For Kaesong At many points along the battle front communist troops began a series of attacks de signed te blunt the allied spearheads thru sing into red positions. In one area twe ILN. tanks and twe tank-retrievers were knocked out of action by red artillery, despite a snow storm which the allied column was using for cover. Despite this action, driving rain and snow squalls kept the front quieter than it has been for several weeks. brought when he came to Bri tain Suer headquarters at Fayid, the home government expects that tension in the zone will not lesson for some time. Evacuation of families generally means expected armed conflict black bears, a polar bear and six rhesus monkeys. Tuesday night a lion from the same circus had mauled a S-year-old girl to death, and it was suspected at first that this lion was among the escaped animals. It was later accounted for in another cage. , family at Blair House. Mil lions watched the spectacle on television and others listened fa en the radio as Princess Elizabeth pledged that Bri tain and Canada would rork K In Season owl hooted athim. It devel oped that the bird was a fu gitive ir& the Bronx zoo. a few blocks away. Check Your Fa vorite and Let Us Help You! Q "Satchmo at Syunheny Rail" Louis Armstrong dc AH Stars. O Shakespeare's "The Temp ed" with Raymond Massey. "Death of a Salesman" Thomas Mitchell and orlg. cast Benny Goodmans famous "Carnegie Hall Jazz Con cert" (W38). n "Tales of Hoffmann" with Sadlers Wells Chorus and Royal Philharmonic Orch. D "O-rer the Rainbow" Les Brown and His Band of Ke nown. O "it' No Sir" Four Knights. O "Solitaire" Tonny Bennett O "Domino" Tony Martin. O "Meanderin' Tang ha Monroe. O "Undecided" Ames Bros. and Les Brown. O "Got Him Off My Hands" Doris Day. O "Blues from an America U Paris" Ralph Flana ran. O "Louisiana" Pete Kelly A Big 7 Dixieland Band. Support Your Band Buy "On Parade" CX of NEBRASKA BAND ine "O" st 2-6921 plays her flabbergasted husband, Mona Freeman is the under-age adventuress trying to educate her mother in the ways of the world. Peter Hanson protrays a young doctor caught in the middle of the muddle. Henry Busse and his orchestra are appearing at the Turnpike tonight and tomorrow wght, AUF Exec Board Applications for All University Fund executive board must be filed at the AUF office in the Union by 5 p.m, today. Those who have had two years' experience working on AUF are eligible for the positions. They may pick up application blanks at the AUF office. Applicants may make appoint ments for interviews when they file today. The present executive board will cpnduct interviews Wednesday, Nov. 7, Executive board members are Sarah Fulton, resident: Adele iCorvell. vice president in charre of solicitation: Anne Barcer. vice president in charge of publicity; j Joan Hanson, secretary, and Stuart Reynolds, treasurer. Money Lost A brown coin purse was lost Wednesday evening by a Corn Cob worker somewhere on city eampns or around the Union. The purse contained from 5 to 35 dollars from the sales of Homecoming dance tickets. A reward is being offered to the finder of the purse, if he will bring it to the Union of fice. ROTC Students 'Freeze' During Military Parade Personnel from the army, air and navy ROTC units braved sub freezing temperatures to present bachelor, andia mniiaxy parane on uie grounds P"54 01 ule -OJiunJ inursaay Few spectators were on hand to , witness the abbreviated exercises. JjOW temperatures a rove in honor ceremonies inside. An of ficers' center and a pass in re view were the only functions car ried out WANT ADS HIT " YOU WANT rT VI 1JTS DAILY KEERASKAii WANT' ADS CASH KATES !. mt w i 1 Vknc f Fw : rh farB i ejr ta; ttyt j j Bay, JtM J" 'L-HVa iVjaiTsrs 'M t l Cn ,'s. 1 L'-1 C" j - 1 1511JB -s i . (i - f s.o7Ya Include af--big (( fijrur- Bring ad to V.lf X.-..-rkan business effwe, Student Caion, or mail with eorrert amount and insertion desired. Any typing -d-ve these, terra paperi, notebooks, elc EKpenenoed. ON CAMPUS Sleeping room, S5.BB. Smtl luraifcheet and inrfp amfuraiK&frd apart meat, .ground Ileur, Children. 2-443B. STOP WoRSVINC -about 9nc music for 3l Rjua Jimmy Phillrpa Combo i-6Bl Dto-. S-7717 Evetuu&. For Sal Tndo site 40, thtrt 15-31. Call S-601 evrnttxgr,. 51ain Features Start Varsity: Come Fill the Cup , lilO, 3:14, 521, 728, S:42. Esquire: Tbe Bicyre Thief," 7:24, $:02. State: "The Sea Hornet1 1:00 J:53, 6:59, 9:52. "Honeychie," 224, 5:17, S23. fAM rig "Tfcs Sea Hornet" Rod Cameron Adele Mara 2nd flit Judy Canova Plus Tiews aus nsna urn msst "asm SKI3BK seat mottx or nne rcaa rr,' omI SBMTa TrCMAUOS" mA Ta, '"'( " -'- iiiimiiiiirtiini . ''"'ihTiiminitiiiwiMniiiiii'iii -nw lit j i