Monday, October 29, 1951 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Flie Benehviarmer VlfilDd By BOB BANKS I M Snorts Editor This is the story of Tommy Carodine, a boy who might have become one oithe best football players to Corahusker annals. As a student at Boys Town high school la Omaha, Carodine't record both In the class room and on the rridiron was phenomenal. Scholasticalfcr he was in the upper one-fourth of his class and was Mayor of Boys Town, the highest honor a student cam attain at that Institution. An all-state halfback for two years, Carodine indicated be w one individual who could combine his abundant athletic prowess with a sreat deal of solid intelligence. Under Coach Skip Palrang, Carodine led Boys Town through: some of its greatest years in football He was a real triple threat of the old school, combining his skillful running along with a capable, throwing arm and some good punting. Boys Town did not limit its schedule, it played intersections! games as well. Carodine was the toast of high school football circles. Colleges early began bidding for his services. After all, here was a bay earmarked for success. His high school record cave conclusive evidence that a college academic load would not be too tough for him, and, of course, here was no doubt about his football ability. - " Such was the background when Carodine was graduated from !;;.:-;- , t.J " I : fit i t'iiiiijiiif' .lis ! ; : W !l -3C 14. rt nail i!vuDSSiLoiro Womis By MARSHALL XrSHXLR. Assistant Sports Editor It was another dismal after-i noon of football for the Nebraska, football team and followers as the Missouri Tigers dropped the Hus kers 35-19 before 25,000 home coming fans. I The game opened with the Tig ers kicking to the Huskers, The Husker drive penetrated deep into Missouri territory, but penalties hurt the Husker drive and the1 Tigers gained possession of the pigskin. Tierer ouarterbacK. Jim Moot, fired a lone pass to end Bruce Wood in the end bom, but the- plav was called back as the Mis-, 'souri line was cflsiae. Bobby Reynolds was calling the offensive plays and com pleted a ti yard pans to Frank i Simon, On the next play. Harold carter intercepted a utn A orris pass en tbe Missouri 26. Speedy Mizzou halfback Junior! Wren crashed off tackle and en down tbe Nebraska 16 yard line! from the line of scrimmage on the) is. The ball was placed on tbe 1 yard line after the Nebraska Baei was penalized three straight times! for offside. Jim Hook plunged through tbei middle on a quarterback sneak and the Tigers went into a 6-0 lead. Defensive linebacker Paul! Fuchs successfully made the ex tra point and the Tigers kid 1-0, at tbe end of tbe first Quarter. Tbe Huskers started the sec Mid quarter with tbe ball in their possession on the Bengal 36 yard line. Bob Reynolds fired a bullet pass to Frank Simon on the 11 yard line. Kay Novak and John Bordogna1 combined their efforts to bring: the ball down to ttae five yard line. Bobby Reynolds then plowed through for his first touchdown of, the season, being forced to carry; several Tiger taduers across tbe double stripes with him. Bobby! Decker's attempted conversion1 was good and tbe Huskers knotted; the score, 7-7. j A long pass Srorn Tony Scardino was complete on the Nebraska' four yard line wnen imh. Hopp ATO 'B' Gridders Defeat Si gma Nu; Sigma Phi Epsilon Wins By Forfeit TOMMY CAEODIXE Will he be allowed to put bis shoulder ! pads back on n 1952? ((Daily Nebrask&n Photo.) j Boys Town an 1848. IDespite the Sate cast his way in early life, lhe! .had come through and was a icredit to Boys Town. Theoretically then, here was a young fellow who really was aiii athlete, a scholar and .a gentleman. Following graduation, Carodine passed mp Ms own University In favor of Loyola oHe?e at Los Angeles. But here the appar ently perfect oene was due If or a rapid reshuffling. Not due to the lack of his football ability, hut because he could not erack the hooks and would not attend classes, Carodine was expelled (from Loyola. During his last semester, he failed three courses. According to a Loyola administration (official, tone of the failures resulted because Carodine would mot attend (classes. Carodine then returned to his iown state and enrolled iin tfhe University. He was (ushered in with .all the publicity (due any ireturo iing hero. Nebraska was apparently to offer Ihim a second chance. However, there iis some iconfusion iin Carodine's entrance. According to a University Herniation, "'an applicant for admission coming from another university or ollege must file in the .office of the Director of Admissions an (officially (certified ttranscript f ! work already .completed, showing 4he rnuent to he iin good -standing and "entitled 4o an honorable ifliHrnissal." A high Nebraska administration 'official said that '"Carodine was admitted to the University iby virtue (of (his 'high school irecord, and Nebraska had mo knowledge that he had previously attended .another '.win vt:rbl(,ty. '"His grade transcript from Loyola came after 'he was (enrolled the outs, Sportettes By JOTA HELMSTADTEK WAA Spores Columnist While the Nebraska football team is out of town for the week ends maybe I can swing a little bit of the Nebraska sports spot light to the feminine side. Sporting events at N.U. are ; not completely confined to the I male students. If anyone is du bious about this last remark, rm sure Ginger Nye at the Delta Gamma bouse can show you. "concrete" proof that sirls are active In sports. The cast she has been wearing Is a result j f a soceerball Injury. This col- j mm wQl be dedicated to spot lighting girls' sports and the j girls who participate la them. The first spotlight falls on the Kappa intramural soccer team. It defeated the Delta Gamma team: 12-6 4b become 1951 Intramural Soccer Champions. With side line cheers and the HOTC band music in the back grounds Patsy Peters started &f the game by Mcking a double., Mary Hubka caught a Kappa iQy to put the Kappa one-third on-the: the -way to the outfield. Patsy Pe-; ters (dramatically slid on home to score the first Kappa run, Betty Coad also scored to make the score 2-0 before giving the JDGs a chance to Bdck, i Jan Champine and Mildred Teakley kicked singles to sret the DGs on tbe way. Patsy Pe- ! ters, Eappa pitcher, catches Laimy Esch's and Phyllis Lou don's flies. Mary Hubka comes up to ret away a hard kick down center field to tiring Champine and Teakley home to score, Shirley Sidles hooted the hall far enough to enable her to make it home for DG run number three. Jean Wilson caught a Delta Gamma tfly to put the DGs (out in the field. A fly knocked by Andy Hunt ting brought iin Marilee .Holm-' .cfuist and Jloe SeHeck. Carmean Bayer was sua om on ora mmie Epsflorii 10B:; Kappa P teammate Andy Emitting .scored i80.. ta 70- Alpha lor luie niitu!. xau Omega, &. Who gat another run before the third iout. The last Ihalf iof the second ta ming started out with Sara DeVoe scoring (on Anny Leuflers' iffy, Marilee lEolmauist catches Teak- ley's fly to account for one iof with was called for interference the intended received. Junior Wren scored n the next play and the Tiger rooters sensed that their lowty Tigers were playing fine football this dreary afternoon. Paul Fuchs converted tbe extra point and the Tigers led U-". Bob Schoonmaker intercepted a Don Norris aerial and scooted 4S yards for a touchdown. I It was a few plays later that the Comhuskers came up with one of their fanciest plays of the day when Bobby Reynolds circled wide around end and handed off to -Jim Cederdahl on a double; reverse that carried tee Huskers1 from tbe Missouri 42 to the 17. j The Huskers "sere pushed back to tbe 26 through a penalty and several losses when Norris hit Novak on the five yard line.; Freshman Jim Cederdahl broke into the scoring column for Ne braska as he slashed over from the five. Decker's kick was block-!! ed and Missouri held a 21-13 lead. Nebraska kick to the Tigers in the second half and Hopp bright-; ened hopeless Nebraska faces with an interception on toe .Missouri 49 yard line. j The Huskers drove down to the Missouri Bine yard line, with. Bar-; dogna doing most of the dam-: age and then Host the ball on a fumble which was pounced ipan; by big Paul Fuchs on the Ne braska nine. Fullback A3 Androlewicz went to the Nebraska 49 on the next play and tbe Tigers rolled down to the Nebraska 16. When it ap peared that tbe Huskers lost their heart, George Cifra fell oa a loose ball oa the Nebraska 11 and the Cornhuskers 'prevented another Bengal six pointer. The fourth quarter was about to contrast in every way, shape and from with the third quarter, which; saw no scores being made and mostly straight, power football be ing employed by both teams Jack Fox opened the sronir parade with a five yard Jaunt after taking a pitchout freta quarterback Hook. Fuchs found 1 the target again and scored a bullseye as the Tigers romped 1 8-13. Hook then pitched a pass worth six points into the arms of Bruce, Wood and Fuchs was cwiverung with aggravating, monotonous re-; gulanty- The Tigers &ed 35-13 and it was all over but the shouting.; With 45 seconds yet to be play-i ed in the rout, freshman ace Bob Smith took the kickoff on tbe Ne braska 9 yard stripe and raced SI yards for a Nebraska tally and the, longest run of the day for either squad. Deckers kick was again blocked. The Husker attempted an "tan-. By DOUG WDjCC X Sports Staff Reporter In the intramural grid program! last Thursday, Alpha Tau Omega' B" squad played Sigma Nu "'B" squad in a tot sparked with the had haiidling of Mat Baley, the competent (quarterback tor the ATOs. The final soore was in favor of the ATOs. An interception by Lyle Blue f a Sig Nu pass followed by his racing to the Sig Nu 5 yard Sig Eps Win Free Throw Tournament Sigma PM 3Spsflcm won the in-' tramural tree throw team (cham pionship with a jgrand total of 1578 points. Closely Mlowing the 2wg Eps were the Sigma Chi'c with 255 points. Way behind in third place is Phi Gamma" Oelta with 166 points. Near -the leaders is Delta Upsflon and Phi Delta Theta with' 14 B and 141 points, respectively Following these ;are Sigma A3 line set vp tbe first touchdown , for the ATO suuad. The TD was later made from five yards out. j 'The try f or the extra point was! mo good. ! Later Baley passed 40 yards onto the hands of Bui Weber,! who caught the ball and scored.! The try tor the extra point was good cm the same combination pass to Baley to Weber. i Tbe tmal ATO score came n a pass from Baley to Gene Cotter.; 'The conversion try was mo -good,) so the txnai score stoost at is points for the winners. i The Sag Nu "B" team scorea ;six points in the game, tout their is mot immediate nxiformatian available on how She TD was made. The (outstanding members f the winning ATO team were Mat Baley n offense, and Gene Cotter n defense. Some fine blockers for the ATOs were Jerry Golding and Sger Gonde, and attending clansB in the University, and Loyola nave ihim an hon orable dismissal, 'but ''his record indicates that he dtd very poor scholafitc work. "Since his high -school reaord was good, the University icould see to point in (dismissing him (despite his mediocre irecord art ILqyola. However, had the University been aware of his Loyola scholastic marks prior to 'his transfer, Carodine might mot have been admitted," 'the 'Official asserted. !l How Carodine ananuswfl to get an honorable (dismissal from Loyola in view of his -scholastic -standing iis (difficult to understand. Even more (complex the mtinner iin Which he .entered sthe Uaiiversty "Wfhout someone's heing aware of his Loyola irconrd. Obviously., ! here is a case violating the University regulation stating that a transfer student must he iin good standing at his previous ooliege hefore he 'can enter sthe iOniversity. Certainly some light meeds o he shed on such a situation. According to the latest report, Carodine is still" .classified .as ;a Tegular University student, 'despite his dismissal Irom the football team and his failure to attend .classes. In an interview with .a Daiy Uebraskan sports Staff imember, Carodine indicated that he would try to anake the Nebraska football team in 1952. In my 'opinion, (Carodine does mot .deserve .another chance. How he got into Nebraska was more than II .could find iout. ;Qnce here, he 'continued the same .did ipractiues started at Loyola. Any man deserves a second chance, but (Carodine had his, .and the Huffed it. In a recent University (convocation address, Chancellor St. G. GuHtavson had .the .courage fto point out She greatly-overemphasisiod i college athletic program .that lexiHts nationwide. It is tup to he ! Nebraska student hofl.v to bank up lis Chancellor iin his (convictions on athletics. The most ef fertive way (to help hi Ito hegin at home, Tight here .on out own (campus. We want a good football team, hut j it is not the most Umportanl thing in our (College careers. The Carodine 'cuse will iplay :a hig irdle iin (detemuning where ; Nebraaka ireally does stand on athletics. j Joan Pike started out hy slid ing toio (third which puts her iin a position to wore n Jean Wilson's kick. Wilson iin turn scores on Marilee Bolmouist's kick. MaDyn Vingers caught a fly if or the Kappas' first -out. The catch was so ood that tbe XLOTC hand started playing. Andy Buntting scored and Patsy Peters kicked to soore Carmean Boyer. Vingers (catches another fly tfor the third iout. .SocoerbaU !h o m e x tu n Ci ueen Phyllis Loudon .did it again as her teammates (Cheered. Phyllis has 'quite a reputation for 'home runs. Andy Hutting made a spectacular .catch tof Mary OHUb ka's tfly. Betty Coad scoops up .a fly .at first, .ffoan Pike (catches Sara DeVoe's Sly for diUt inurhber three. Time prevented the last oncom- plete inning to he (counted. ie Katma team Shmlltt be icongraxu- iated mx its fine playing through out She tournament. They are very deserving (champions. The game was (completed in intramural tra dition Ibv the DGs ;iving tnree .cheers for the Kappas and the Kappas three yells for the DGs. Intramural Rifle Schedule The all-University rifle shooting j '"SjuSji liim10: 1DMm Bimm iP," tournament 'begun Mnnduy, (Octo-;,i,n: Minupulen't T'Boohomme anfaninr.! her 22. With ;84 teumi: (COmnetinC1 TuonUoy D;ll-llrDwi. J'aliici! a . Kanou. in the tfive ileapues. mTL imm m EMilin) . rrh. si. Sergeant H. F.. Moeller. United! Wdnolay r:10-lntienenUntt Hluuent (OI the intrumurul itouriiament I Thurmiov .utou Unita au Ojoioi .. iPhi ing, at .5:10, :4Q, ior (6 aum. Teums laiung to appear .on time wlllil (default the matches. "(j National llifle Association a-iiles ii xwill apply in conducting the, matches. Three positions will he lused in the tournament: 'prone, II sitting end 'kneeling or Stunding. ;j The 'lougues and the itaams in (eaiih league: ji !ltotue '1 ii 'Jnurvarilly 3 II An ALn d 'I 'I'onii A !ii hetn Tlll !J'l !1 ; llt lllmllon I Tlwta Chi ' I'hl Oamm. Palta i IUXIF II diUMvanlty 2, 111 Ak Aim 'I ii iNshraWtn .Co-op I !Thtm 2 hi Mima Aluna lu I ' nirrn Chi iMltn Chi iLxmou an lndnuint 11 hiiDKomon- Jnianlry II J'lonr 'Crvop Hem TtwtH J'l B Jlt Himrui ;ihl Tmi Kniw L.Dillon itcd (luulon limmr IV JnilfwuUmt 2 NiwHomiirr lnfanttv :2 Ilrown I'alacc 1 IUbbh Kwmi Hiim 7hi iipilloo "Vhu XI I'triWim HIIlM 'IjCAKIII' V InilcMiuimt Kludsrtt AatuettUnn ."ion rtr T'mllitr. Jlmwn ViiUcv n Kmn Kmm 'I )lu Tu lull ''hi ltn Thi 1ku1ui tat urn -mk : 3 Will your next In f b ix i Read about the spreading ssanddl In li X.J r, ... vf I j Ijaill li'iiiiiiri..-''iiii.lii.i.MA,i.).i.ll.iillji J 4 a mht PAL Double or Zwgl Idgt m tlMxWm 3lpki ulrti omi) Ito wlh -C4 hi 5D - 21 hr m ' 18 b 25 mQi)lmipulking,M forilW SMth tift tm .THW Urn shMi iBeta Theta iPi. DH: ThiltH CHi. 4B: lEaiim Sigma. 21); Sigma iu, V; At Mun, 1U. Heagc Wanot, BU; Dulta Sigma ff"i. DO: Alpha (Gamma Jlho, QU. and ilndapendcntft. thruE. fiehiidule Hot "Wnnday. (Oct. 2B, at ipm:: 1. JtHokhum. I'hi iumma Helta w. lUuraluill. Bwnm (Chi. SInt7iku, tf'hi (Gammn Delta ws. WoGatry, ffiamo Alpha iEiiullnn. 2. Linn, I'tu .Gamma iDulta m. march, inn- rim (Chi. ShiimhnlK, Sigma Alpha Epsilon w. Kew (3ll. iigma il'hi IBpailDn. 3. ffrumhull, Sigma (Chi w. Waupin, Il'hi (Gumma Delta. Cmiaday, Theta Chi wt. Sashmaiit I'hi 'Kuppa !Pi. 4. Ciirtias. Sigma (Chi m. Slogan, Helta H'au 'Bella. ' IttmuuLiKer. X)elta FUpallon vw. IBeneduit. Hrnma phi -Epailnn. B. BliithiMon. Delta Q'iui Delta ws. Crum. 'I'hi 'Gamma Delta. IBnmdtm. Kiama Phi Epsilon wb. Alkme. I'hi uppa psi. 0. Sillier. HiKma I'hi Epsilon us. Hansen. Siimiu I'hi Epsilon .'fimllh. il'hi Delta Theta m. tRalston. Sigma (Chi. 7. fiehiimuii. 'J'liotii (Chi .vs. Sloan, Alpha (Tuu 'Omega. Clark, fiigmu Uu (vs. H.rashiem. IDulta (DpallDn. S. (Carver, Kigmu 'I'hi lipjilun .vs. Em man. AlpliH 'Gumma Khn. Il'anp, I'hi Gumma lielta .vs. Tonitxi, -fiig-- ma il'hi trallon. B. ItellanU, Delta Higma IHI v. SloihuT. Delta (limllon. Knveney, Sigma (Chi vi.Allon, Delta Dan (Delta. 10. 3jnrworihv. Phi Delta Theta w. VolU. Sigma 'Chi. aiiOut, Siuma Phi Erailon WK. Krugirc. Sigma Phi Epsilon. side kick" for the kickoff and Coaqh Bill Glassfonfs stratesy paid off. Nebraska earned posses sion cf the ball oo the 34, but didn't have the tas to carry them across into promise land the clock rapidly ticking the remaining sec onds off. Highlighting the 'Husker attack was Bobby Reynolds, v&o ais plaved his all-American abilities on offense and defense. John Bor dogna, Ray Novak, Jim Cederdahl. Bobby Decker and Bob Smith all played good ball for the Husker backfield. Scott, Mullen. BoH. Paynich and Simon stood out in the line. I M Football Play-offs Announced Ed Haggmboiham, University director of intramural sports, Fri day announced tbe teams m-hiA will play in the touch football play-off tournament begiiminj Mor'-y, October 29- T "irst three days of tourna- roesu " ay mi md zs uaams par- ticiptin.g in 15 sames. Five games will be played each day era Man- day. Tuesday and Wednesday. The tournament schedule: M rmda?, Odt. 3f Fwia 1 S anna Alpha Diwlm &. Dent ICjwurm. FjeUI 2 Seta Xhata n . Sisma Jurma Kin. Field I irNOla Tan Delta vs. San XL Field 4 Farm Bnoac wa. Tbna Chi. Fund A .r-Hni ul Tab Ksn 32paun. ToesaJW, Oct. Ml Fieitl 1 Sim Can -w. Ftai Gamma IDeBa. Field 2 Theta 3t Betta &ma Pit. Field S Sigma Fla Ermiua va. JUima Taa Omega. Field JUAa Tag Omen L Sam CM B. Field i ma IStitta Theta B Vs. ThStM Tag Epsilon B snuad and Theta Chi B" squad ended ia a forfeit of the Theta Chfs. which Erves the Sig ips a chance in the play-offs next week. ! The rases ericinally scbel- I w,m Fr 1 14 -mwm Tlaa jfttelta B : " v - . Wj9tnHiaiot, ChB 2i a uecwBse a me rmxa. jklbo ef the pl5"inf seasmi ia Che 1851 intramural footbaD ean pucn lias been rained eat. j The teams Whidh scfljedulei to be play-ed em Friday were tbe Tra-' aents versus Cary SMCA, Deitta, Tan Urfta B" scrmaiS -sierSDc Eats Theta Fi "B souad, Nebraska ffl, JS 'Co-Op versus TJniwraty TMCA iipieBd tetme iar.. smfl Ka. Vnnrm -irn!mc K JU"mor "wumomera nor sac ammammi m Methodist Mouse. PM XinsIUm t . Si Abu HBi Spfal It!lt IB. Foild 8 (Ciw TCA ws. Srer Wnoaa, Field 4 Warriors wa. Kcwmaa Cluh. Field Wtnneti .nf Jurmau? ames mmem igma Alpha S3muloril-LiartB HJuallsB. .and iBeta UHieta iFVaigma JUpba Mu. UnurnOT .uirnctnr Miggmtiritham awninm ttaam ito vbmob. as arlr am jstoaaftiie d Ma With tbe eanceHalian erf these games corning cm the last day of the intramural season, there is ,no chance far these squads to play off their scheduled games, so the iteaxns bave the same status they 4tad before the cancelled games. The irirtramiiral lay-ofis win be icowered and be brought to you i-that all Hinder dBmcipating muai wear lethau wioea. Stmet ataaa n nm alipw&cL The contest between Sigma PhajShroua The raafly ISebraskan. 0-11 SfalfsEsry 10e Packages Ais 25c, 1 ajtd f VSS Bon E1S Snrtk Steer w-j--xWw:':-:-: ,. w KX-Xf:-.yWrW Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests No. 26 the ooosTin Main Features Start Varsity: "Tainting the Clouds with Sunshine," 1:00, .8:11, 121, ,7:32, i:4,7.. tate: '"Two of a Zand, 1:23, 4:11, :5, :B:T; "'Corby of Caso iline Alley,," 5:3B, B:2C, :B:14. Huire: -'Pagliacci," TM, 11 (Lm( (Time l.u!lu e.jit IL..V . . .. .... a tt'a)AlMa.,atf .... TTaTHWlSOlOB S M vtmtlNM (OMR II With ( 'Tw Fealunm HifAiOf Sxurimg ml 7 :16 TM. 1 1 'itj'yitrL Today 'TWO OF A I3NDW SCOTJ O'lEJIM 11 i i W, f vV A v I ; ; t U . H $ f Y . ' : i Xon iicve lo gel top carlj in She morning So fm I i I jntt tone icver bd xMs cotit-dMHWB2k3 IXliccn St W f1 1 H H I I S CO- 'j n 1 "w' ( t uou iicve So gel nip early xd tbe morning lo jntt ((me (cvr on ihis coxkdtifktw&Xk!l Whm St came lie unaking .gt-tridL" espeaametntB cagcrtstte artSflneBB, lie fitatel fiafly, ""Tim? tfricdy for duuhTi How Y gcoEg o ioqp m flowu m (the ffann-'lien ttuty Ikiuxw &iert cme icwrrincing way Us jrove cagat-cfflle anSdneBf! If the mensshle lest . . . Sfbe 3&&ej Csmdl MUdnees TeiSt, wtich wsplj Mhki you He try Camel as . steady moke-a a &ay viler &&j hmk. 2$ anap juSgmfmtB. Once jaut dyDyel CamtilB ior :B0 fleye an your "TZcme (T Sor Throat, T ior lame!, y anil gst . . . 1 F ijyjm'm 1iKaUm 0f jip'WK r9ja riiM czvxr CF GASOUKE ALLW