The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 6

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    SEPTEMBER 17, 1951
Jim Levendusky
George Prochaska
Courtesy Lincoln Star.
Ted Connor
Courtw Lincoln Journal.
Jim Sommers
Courtesy Lincoln Sur.
Dick Goll
-Courtesy Lincoln Jounal.
Carl Brassee
Courtny Lincoln Sur.
Jim Cedordahl
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
V 1
Coiutosr Lincoln Journal.
Football, Tennis, Golf On
foil Intramural Schedule
A Meeting of Intramural team
managers is scheduled for Tues
dVjrg room 101 of the Physical
ipffraljon building at 7 p.m.
fcaes Miller, intramural ath-
lWfl Elector, strongly advises all
organization to
llnovi Your
nfsiHfWrs to attend.
vantage of your
have a turnout.
pi: a ; t i A 11
University free throw contest wiU; Nebraska' t
hArtin Kr K ivk l.-tri KaiT
In the meantime participants
The Benchwarmer
I should pick up a score card from
the Physical Education equipment '
general ouUine of what the different organization will alter-,
. . . v . n u uctiii 111K acui c iiiuh ic turn
atramural sports this fall con- ,4Ay . rK e
r?.T K11 rrMf Annic ! ICU VAlUWl J.
By Bob Banks
Sports Editor
Yes siree, them thar Corn
shuckers, er whatever ya call 'em,
from Nebrasky air gonna have a
Paul Fredstrom was rated one tremenius football team this year.
the outstanding high school; TVlot ,.:,, . uinnDV ,,,w,nh
'the national grid magazines have
,come up with this year is even'
better than the propaganda stuff1
Daring- his senior year at Lin
coln Northeast, he was an all
state end on Bun Galloway's
championship football team, and
Furthermore, the quarterback slot
is no longer in the experienced
hand of Franny Nagle.
And though the sophomore
quarterbacks may be bubbling
over with ambition an ability,
they still lack that old know
how which comes only with
regular game experience.
Glassford has pointed out these
problems and plenty of others the other colleges
which face the Nebraska grid Seven conference
Three Non-Conference Teams
On Nebraska Football Slate
By Shirley Murphy Tigers were defeated by the
mi v.w with firP-!Huskers in a 40 to 34 game last
works will be set off when the'
Husker football squad meets Tex-
;ts Christian University on
29 in Memorial stadium.
The Nebraska schedule includes
of the Big
plus T.C.U.
irte (throw contest and bowlin
Concerning touch football, both!
"Aa. and "B" teams will partici-j
pate. The season begins Sept. 24;
qgg ends Nov. 3.
bcO r g a n iration representative
voted to continue the fee plan
for touch football whereby it is
frased on the number of games
Lad playoff games.
If a team finds its necessary
i drop out of the football league
$Iy, their remaining fee will be
refunded or applied on the bas
ketball fee.
The entry fee is due by the time
the first game is played and not
later than the second game.
Game officials wrill follow the
1951 official football rules.
Due to the crowded schedule.
there wil be no postponements
any games.
Any games
played because
1. The men with the best 16
qualifying scores -vill be placed
in the first flight
2. The men with the next 16
best scores will be placed in the
second flight
3. All others will be arranged
in similar flights of 16 men in
each one.
4. Separate flights will be ar
ranged for fraternities and in
dependents. 5. The schedule of pairings
pairings and deadline dates will
be posted on the Intramural
Bulletin oBard in the Physical
Education building Monday,
October 8.
6. Winners of each flight will
then be placed in an elimina
tion tourney for the All-University
Entries for the tennis tourney
which the Russians put forth,
cure, jNeorasKa is apparently . . . - , 4. cu,t nr,
. t j - a. 'IIIIHn III lilt? UUIIlllIK M'OVJI 1 . illlJIIl IIIC (JUUVlinv-ov v v 1 . v, . v , .
'going 10 neia a oeiicr ieam man, " c two Fact- flnri:
ft has since World War II. j. And we believe he is in a bet-jPcnn S at m jhe Eas and.
1 Rut most nf our nat onal crv-.ter position to Know me actual, -
efai-Hsii o!.7r! in haw romp football conditions at the Univer- T.C.U,
up with a new definition for the !sity than are some of those writers 'game
'word better.
snnalitiM as Stanlev Woodward.; so lets stay aooara me
Coach J. V. Slkes is concen
trating on passing in his prac
tice sessions with the Jayhawk
squad. His efforts will be seen
in Memorial stadium on Nov. 3
when the Huskers and Kansas
fight for victory. Last year the
Huskers won, 33 to 26.
The Cyclones of Iowa State will
meet the Corn huskers on Nov. 10
will have one warm-up at Ames. Coach Abe Stuber is
lpad on the Huskers by concentrating on ground attacKS
ii tail ait owuiv uiwat o ' , ; ... , . . ...
...u' u ,A Tj.,e.'nnv.n(? Kansas on Sent. 22. Coach with passes held to a minimum.
iwuu iia vi v even own au i .--- . m , , r. . . . ,
According to such eminent per- kers p ay. , , I - t" - J ' VTn f M StSl
aooara tne uui " ""'"v' "r r:, 1C"a "V rioWn Th
the Cornhuskers are really great. -Glassford tram and not nop on,- .tS nvwViH i, ,.,nr1eri out with
The only handicap is, however, some of the more appea Ung I ones--;e,r "ho .Darkled on offense!Stan Cozzi at halfback and Dick
tnat wooawara nimseii eviaenuy i n..;.. miom .m,.. .mvC v""-!- in k and Ray McKown.
"" r,- u-i -:a ct,0!a stand-out at defensive saiety.
for insiante. in uue uian; iici uc hivu
LJ Li . i
Paul Fredstrom
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
must be in room 102 of the Phy-
that cannot be sical Education building by noon
of rain or field September 21.
: j.,.: . k ,n ,,nia' uniy single maicnes win oe
team managers desire to arrange , Pla-l during the fall season.
JZ , 5 Tennis doubles wnll be daved in
Z (the spring season. This new plan smooth coordination. Fredstrom
o,inlifvinff rlates for fall eolf is made necessary to relieve the became one of the best pass catch
toSnerSI fhi Saturdav !nd crowded playing on the grass-tex'ers in Northeast history.
i fn t nm "at thp courts in the spring. In sDite of his ability on the
Ttunx&M. Trir onif miir Entries must be in by Septem- gridiron, he was
aiuuwu " - . , ini nk.;..l IP J i i .v.n
Creen fee for those two cays is ucl a- '"- nis uabstiudu
In selecting his winners, Wood
ward picks Oklahoma to beat Ne
braska and win the conference
If that isn't a contradiction,
then our Websters is slightly
out of date.
Most of us who view football
only from a spectator's and
reader's standpoint are probably
taken in by the flowery articles
appearing in national publications.
Before we digest it completely
says he believes Nebraska will be Nebraska team two years ago and
the best team in the Big Seven, has done a remarkable job of put
' But here is the contradiction, ing it back on the football map.
Whatever way you look at It
we Ye gota darn good coach who
has given and will keep on giv
! ing his very best. And that best
I is good enough in our books.
Perhaps Nebraska will be as,
'great as some are predicting. At'
'any rate if Nebraska is destined
to rank among the top teams ini
the nation, Glasford is the fellow
.vho can guide it to that destiny
Having gotten this little out
burst off its chest, The Daily
Nebraskan sports staff would
like to welcome back Cornhus
ker student body in general and
the incoming freshmen in par
The second firecracker in line
for the Cornhuskers is Kansas
State at Manhattan on Oct. 6.
Nebraska defeated the Wildcats
last year by a score of 49 to 21.
Coach Bill Meek seems to be
elated over Che performances of
his boys in practice namely
Hiram Faubion at passing; Ber
nie Dudley, a newcomer from
Maryland, at running, passing
and punting; and Veryl Switrer,
he was accorded the same honor
two years as center on the
Due to his elongated frame and ,hat Had Coach j WiHiam Glass
ford has noi ben quite so optimistic.
In taking a very straight-to-
Mann at quarterback.
The Colorado Buffs will
stampede Memorial stadium on
Nov. 17 in hopes of again
tromping the Huskers. The
Buffs beat Nebraska last year
in a 19 to 28 tussel. Coach Del
Ward expressed disappointment
in his boys during early fall
training and described their of
fensive play as "mighty sloppy."
Biggest bombshell of the Husk
er season will burst when the na
tion's number one team, the Okla
homa Sooners appear on the
home grounds on Nov.
sophomore halfback
! Penn. State comes to Lincoln on Husker's
Oct. 13. Last year, the Huskers 24.
tromped the Pennsylvanians by a
! 19 to 0 score. The Huskers go-to; Miin Feitnrrs Shrt '
iMinnesota for the game Oct. 20. j -lam features start
jThe Gophers are looking forward Varsity: "His Kind of Woman,
to a promising year with a string 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40.
backficld and some good fresh-; State: "This Is Korea,". 1:00,
man aspirants in tne line, ine 3:33, o:i, 5:0. nooinson ana lur-
a dollar. Fifty cents will be cation.
charged from today through m
All men regularly enrolled in
Khool and eligible for lettermen
r those specifically barred by
varsity coaches of other sports
are eligible. The entry list from
ny organication is unlimited.
Bring your entire rganitation
If yoa so desire. Just have your
mem at Pioneer Park Golf
Course ready to play on either
f the two dates above.
All tennis award winners a
the University and from othei
colleges or universities are in
elirible for competition.
Each organization may enter
as many Individuals as they
desire, but a man may repre
sent only one organization.
Separate flights for Fratern
ity and Independent entries.
Winners then play for the All-
University Championship.
id, speaking for the sports Huskers downed the Gophers with pin Fight, 3:19, 5:53, 8:37, 11:05;
s aouny on uic jit 0 v;ew, Glassford staff, we would like to say it s a 32 to 26 count in 1950. ; Hard Fast and Beautiful," 1:20,
ua uimjicu uc, I. &"vv . w-... j tJoacn uon rauroi 01
reallv is. ! In the words of our old sports- i. r,rnA nt v,;,. Tioor linp. Thei
The offensive line Irom tackle writing ouaay, biu Aiunaeu, Huskers will meet his pride and i:4i, 4:zb, v:u, iu:uu; "larazan s
Fredstrom twice led the
Rockets to state championships
n the cage sport He also com
peted in track.
Although only a freshman,
the 6-3, 195-pounder has al
ready proven that his high
school reputation was no fluke.
At Curtis he showed the usker
coaches he has what it takes for
college ball and notched himself
an offensive end berth.
Missouri 4:29, 7:08, 9:47.
Husker: ''Riders of the Range,"
to tackle must still prove itself. 1 "let's go Cornhuskers."
Several New Faces Dot
Sooner Football Lineup
joy at Columbia on Oct. 27. The Peril,
241, 5:28, 8.15.
j 1
mm m wMmsi
1 1
Toot ball defense has improved that the defense is fast approach-
more rapidly the last three years ing the offense in the complexity
ilAl ill U VI l- VI 1 ... W . V. feV. 1.U.U..W.., . . .... .1 ..V 1.
ball combined.' says Coach Bud, por years and years football
i Wilkinson of Oklahoma. toams have played straightaway!
And one 01 vWiKinsons top pn-' jntrn , .ei. v-
men posting scores in the qualify-.balls for the tourney The winner!d secondary are Oklahoma's ority chores in the current Sooner " J
: . . , . 1 1, Irtf trYi inali-h tvtaine th thrp . K . . ..: frwnthill nrartiv which beean iense can I pidy a pdiiera itie vi
(Thursday at Owen Field was to tense knows, U tne rival playing
match play.
Players participating in the . .
Eighteen hole qtialifying round tournament, will be required to QVQ tndS, CenterS
oa either cf the two dates listed mrmsn ineir own cans ana icn-j
above No more than two men rus racquets and have the prop- A rfi IneXDenenCed
fmm thP same organization mayjer type of tennis shoes. EachI IHCAJJCI icuvcu
play ia the same foursome. All Player must furnish three new endSj fullbacks and the
Il'i Sinclrr. T-tngiet.
mni Clincirr Iban all
MaslrmU rllr In
Doris Day
Gordon MacRae
Jack Smatt
"On MtenligM Biy"
la Ttrbnlealar
retains the three used balls. This. ' ..-imMv rebuild entirely Oklahoma's de- personnel is equal. Consequently!
will miarantee eood halls for all "Harry iwoore piayea pnnuiiuj . . cecondarv-Halfbacks!
IOr j rr j T ) A au t""-"" uigaiuc niuii uc-
Match play rounds will be nine will guarantee good balls for all
boles and each round will be for
one week with deadline dates for
posting scorei of rounds on Mon
. -i everv miuuie ui i-v . w i vuvu. w n- 3 j t r r a
maicnes. 1 - . ... n lonimy vjiuy juu cai l-iso n. oiu N . ,
The team championship will be sl - -JUS the Ail-American Safety Buddy .J.8 u:"lZ.e r
j .a - 1 . V j-lnlams the Sooner coach. e . 'defensive stratesems as cross-
W. E. SPET. 23
. t
Cart,,, 1
Daable rratare
David Brian
John Agar
a Calar Cafiaaa
Open 6:30 Show 7:30
W. E, SEPT. 23
ki i-
tn,.wnIntc .-Win lOUl UIUUI will o
day noon on tne raysicai wc--:y-" .! ..La ' ALZiJiob for us there but he still hasn't , .nV. The
1 hii Olin l-iam lilK I'J 1.1111 W IKJUllU 3ltA H-311Jli 111 - . . .,, i . 1 . 11 I'll 1 M lUUZUULilvil wiuwk. ' -'
inn - ,v;.j . j i j. ciavea a minuw: ui wnvtc wvu rw.i.i
ave less be-
5 t, Mhor hoiras dei
r l " -m furinln oi t a Mntr f,lMlnmr(f rt laliiU - 1 nnrlllff
rounds cf match play as mere wui j - ,'Daver on the SnUad. If Tom gets ""i "1 r'ZZrZUZV cC. same thing two plays in a row
VI JiUJ 1111CH, Hfll 1 .T Ifcft VI U"V1 - :
New blood figures heavily
onense seiaora mows wnai
.... . . . . . niawrt a mmiiic ni coiiCEe louiudu . . . . . T t.i
t. i;..; ,5,-i 4h.;inira rouna two points, aavancme i"-.r 7.-7 1... UKianoma s new u?ruary. in
tey ; leasiolto semi-finals and losing in semi- on , . . horra's defeat to its alumni h
,t.. ,f niav nc ihpre williifinais lour points, advancing to
the defensive tackle is going to do.
All the offense can be sure of is
also be a losers bracket after the , "nau, ana iowhs m iuitu.
first round Points for the brekets:Pmts, champion eight points,
will be prorated, thus allowine! Awards: Team trophy to or-
o!.t, a well .ganization winning the Cham-
j:.j..i ;,.,v,; mionshin. Medal to the Chamnion. ar? m.
8s ail uiaiviuuu. uiuj(ii"ij ,l ' ,. : . . nffpnsive
this tourney, it wui ne xo ine an-,-;wiu
- finalidc
Entries: Leave your names at ' "
irs xv,L,i vj.a; ,acute at end.
VUIU aVai a J iaiav ivuuvouvu
building ' before noon Friday,
September 21.
Ha. af i Oo ) Twa I Thrat Faar ( Fh
WaN J lar lOaTal Oaya I Oan Oar
U-U I M I J J Ui Llt L.4S
-a ) i.i 1 i.u ) in ( i M
I I 1.3 I l.ti t f t .N
Include addremes when ftrvr
tng eess.
Sring adt to Daily Xebraskan
twsfneas office. Student Union,
er mail with correct amount
and insertions d wired
player on ine squau.
nuilTT TciHnr, 'man, Tex., and Billy Bookout of
-End is oureari0(?:;Wirhita Falls. Tex. at defensive
We haw no id. are tJl or and dimJnutive Jack
are nifty runners. VI e re we-k at .
center out a iooioau - r .
team has two ends and only one : . .n,,-h ,a alv..:,
our prooiem is more
IS GriMers
Prepare For
hnur smmmace held lasx &diur-
day. Sophomores Dick Cox and
Paul Shupe, too, have shown a
determination Jo oust Congiardo.
The battle at the o.uarter
feack spot has settled down to
a struggle between Dick Mann,
George Hess, Ted Mullen and
Bob Mellgren. Fullback seems
to be the property Senior
Maury Schnell but the left half
back spot still is open, although
Stan Cozxi seems to be holding
a bit of an edge over others at
the spot
this fall although he worries abou
their lack of seasoning.
"No matter how often a coach
tells a new boy to play pass de
fense, the boy has to have at
least one long pass go over him
for a touchdown before he starts
learning,' Wilkinson declares.
"The thing that hurts most in
football is the 'home run.' a
quick touchdown by the oppo
nents on a long run or a long
Getting back to Bud's theory
If "Hsw
122 No. 14th St.
Treat Your Datet!
ntEBH hot ror OORW
Open 9 a.m. 10 p.m.
bis bots ,
have placwBient tot three jrtuderrtt
three at mora per awk. Duties
anil eons of earryine tray of
from Tearoom i IritciiTO AVily fcin-
7th floor.
MlLLts m rALM
pkiyirierit cwttrr..
Two weeks of Iowa State foot
ball practice were neatly summed
up yesterday by the Cyclone bead
football coach:
"We've accomplished a lot in
the past 2 weeks," said Emmett R.
(Abe) Stuber, "but we'Ve got
to make full use of the next 2
weeks to be ready for Wayne uni
versity. Most of the men old and
new alike are now at a point
j where they know what to do. Our
I job from here on in is to syn
chronize the offense and tighten
ithe defense."
I With most of his injured players
back in pads, Stuber was planning
to continue heavy work through
out the week and into next week.
Since part of the squad will not
be available all week, be was ex
pected to put most of his staffs
efforts on the varsity group.
Coach Bob Lamson's "B"
scuad opens its 1951 schedule
with Grseeland college. This
means that better than third
of the squad will work with the
former Iowa State linebacking
1555 StorSaana'
Wt fcava p'aorctent tor a Home Econom-j . .. mm "V
ZtvZat oar voot Beivvoa u-trt-j star faring the weeks. Toe B
team wm piy en eacn m ine
text three Fridays.
Stuber has not settled on either
his offensive or defensive lineups
yet. indicating that individual
performances within the next two
Th arl'l t a BJanaeer 01 wr
. tmit iAsnrtirrrivt. 4to hour vk.:
-,i.l-,v dmnt and ether wivilep.
t., ,,i he vt pa!tknlr interest to wife
.r au,orit who can j )'ify. Apiy E-m-
uTt-ftrvT wrvis
falltime atemwravUe poajtwna are wm !weejs ifOUli have to decide sev-
t h ca-ipuia. Apply Peronei w- crui ui viv ijwbiuwh .vuh:i.
yarnenl. Koom i'4 Admiairtrstioo i Qne the toughest Selection
"j-.r'. . -- hob is going to come at rigit half
ff: r;7irbee?: where four men have indicted
niaua s-ii3. that each is going for the No. 1
ion s.LE-Bit?y hvrt, araiM tna- 0b. Frank Congiardo, tha only
fUT ,fHio? Hioffensivt holdover at fee post, has
.-.r'und. Acsruninrauoo 07. (been injured but is back in pads.
f t" .. f' atu4;ta. cot-Ke faces a terrific struggle from
t-i d HovbE. 1237 a street. ''Emory Eichorn. a defensive letter-
Mia Twrhar orier. imm u nwn a year ago. Eichorn looked 1124 o
"3 rsrx
- Mjai- a i jy a a
CIof Tk 'oial
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