The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 22, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1951
Turn Into
by Bea Beutel
A play which in the first act
seemed plain shifted quickly
Tuesday night into a touching
story of a New England family
suddenly raced with a small lor'
tune from paintings they had
considered worthless.
Perhaps the first night adjust
ment to new character parts and
New England "twang" provided
for the short lisillusionment, but
as quickly as the plot of "The Late
Christopher Bean" became com
plex, all thoughts of worry ceased
from the minds of the contented
The very charming drama left
each customer in a satisfied, if not
thoughtful mood, stimulated at
the sudden ending and excellent
portrayal of characters.
The story, centered around the
maid of a small town doctor, mr
noticeably wove a moral of "hon'
esty is the best policy," as it
brought forth the tale of the
paintings of a young artist whose
life had been a failure.
At his death, Christopher Bean
had left all his works in the care
of Abbie the housekeeper, his
sweetheart, and the doctor's fam
ily who had so kindly tolerated
his paintings. Ten years after his
Dr. Taylor
Tells U.N.
The United Nations has made
three basic contributions to the
world which are:
"1. It provides a universal
framework for the specific settle
ment of disputes.
"2. It provides a world forum
for the exchange of ideas.
"3. It provides universal meas
ures for collective measures
against aggression and provides a
universal measure for cooperation
in economic and social r iMs
These ideas were presented by
Air. raul Taylor, State Depart
ment representative to the United
Nations, at a speech Monday
"One of the most important
services that the United Nations
offers." he believes, "is that it
does furnish a great sounding
board for foreign policy." This is
inevitable, he added. The U.N.
was first used as a sounding board
by the Soviet Union, and later
used by the U.S. to combat Rus
sian propaganda.
Besides political issues, there
are great possibilities for the ex
change of ideas in the field of
science, the official stated. Other
countries look to the U.S. for
knowledge from the scientific
field. They depend on the U.S. for
new discoveries which can be
used universally, he added.
The U.N. participates in collec
tive measures against aggression.
One of these developmental fac
tors is the work of the Collective
Measures Committee, Mr. Taylor
said. This committee was created
by the General Assembly for
uniting for peace.
"Part of the plan involved new
effort," he said, "starting from the
ground up to study and work out
collective measures, prepared in
advance, so the defense of free
countries doesnt have to be im
provised such as was the case at
the beginning of the Korean war."
Mr. Taylor stated that the VS.
has reported its present forces in
Korea to the Collective Measures
Committee and has also set up a
plan approved by Congress for six
divisions in Europe. Other coun
tries will make their reports soon,
he added.
Because the U.N. has to make
long range plans for the future, it
is constantly making efforts to
devise some arrangerm. t in ad
vance whkh would make collec
tive actions in the future shared
among the U.N. nations.
"I don't tee why an all-out
atomic war with Russia is inevi
table," the State Department offi
cial stated.
"Our efforts in the U.N. are de
signed to build up and encourage
other countries to build up their
defenses so we may eventually
have security."
Mr. Taylor, a native Nebraska n,
attended Doane college. Hi lather
was Dean J. E. Taylor at Doane.
He is the nephew of the late
Chanceitor Samuel Avery of the
death his works had been dis
covered and become popular, as
was announced to the family
gradually by "TeUant," ably
played by David Andrews, a man
intent on faking Bean's work,
"Rosen," an art dealer who came
to buy the paintings for a worth
less sum, played by John Darley
(also the set designer) and "Max
well Davenport," a kindly art
critic portrayed by Arthur Howe.
As the family discovered Chris
Bean's work was valuable, they
searched every nook where they
might have discarded each paint
ing, under the nervous direction
of "Dr. Haggett," the father
played by Lou Girard with a per
fect portrayal of an honest man
turned unscrupulous by the scent
of money.
Each member of the family,
Mrs. Haggett," Florence Anguish,
"Ada Haggett," Elizabeth Cald
well, and sweet and not too sure
"Susie Haggett," Paulle Clarke,
helped to persuade the trusting
"Abby," Alexandra Jack, that
she should leave her favorite
work of Bean's behind with them
for a keepsake, really planning
to sell it for a high price.
When Abby walked into a
scene not planned for her ears,
she discovered the plot to mis
lead her and consented to no
part of it. In a final-bit of ex
cellent acting, carrying out her
whole fine performance. Miss
Jack turned the audience first
one way then another, catching
for her, their sympathy and re
lief at the surprise ending which
unfolds as the family attempts to
take from her still more paintings
she has saved.
Another excellent performance
was presented by Rich Miller,
playing "Warren Creamer," a
protege of Chris Bean's. Provid
ing the love angle with young
"Suzie," he, with Miss Jack,
seemed to provide the most con
vincing accent and New England
Next week the Hayloft will
present a popular Broadway hit
of a few years ago, "The Phila
delphia Story."
N. U. Bulletin
Friday. Jane 22
10-12 Photo Lab instruction in
camera arts; headquarters:
Union Faculty Lounge.
3:00 and 7:30 Foreign Film, "The
Meart oi Fans" being shown in
order to increase Displaced Per
sons fund on the University
campus Room ABC, Union.
Sunday, June 24
7:30 Film, "Destry Rides Again"
Union Ballroom.
Monday, June 25
4:00 Miss Mary Mielenz of
Teachers College reviews" Bos
well's London Journal" in Love
Library Staff Room.
Tuesday, Jane 26
7-9 H andicraft Instruction
Union Craft Shop.
Wednesday, June 27
4-6 H andicraft Instruction
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Inelede 4dre when figur
ing cost.
Bring ads te Daily Kebraskan
business- office, Siadeat Usiien,
er mail witk correct amesnt
a4 lasertlens desired.
All-State Boys, Girls Settle
To Hard Work and the 'Been Line'
After the confusion of first day
finding classes and rooms, 320
All-State boys and girls have set
tled down to three weeks of fun
and instruction. The only big
problem now is the common ex
pression, "I'm broke," which may
be heard issuing from the mouths
of any number of students spend
ing spare time in the Union
Although more than one stu
dent has come from each town to
All-State, one of the major wor
ries of the girls' house sponsors
is to keep homesickness out of
mind. Beside getting the girls in'
and out on time, these hard work
ing persons must keep their
charges occupied, such as taking
them to the movies, in spare time
in order to removo the easily re
membered "home front" thoughts.
"The first night we got here
we were all so tired we just went
right to sleep, and ever since it
hasn't been hard to keep the girls
quiet," says one of the girls.
"Sometimes Mr. Foltz can tell if
we're tjred by watching the kids
who sit half asleep in class, so he
issues an 'early night order. That
means we have to be in bed by
eight-thirty. We're all too tired
to object."
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From Sunday to Thursday the
girls have to be in at 10:00 p.m.
Friday night1 they have a half
hour more, and Saturday their
curfew is 11:00 p.m. The boys'
time limit is always a half hour
more than the girls', so as one
feminine All-Stater put it, "that
makes it nice." Anyone leaving
the house after six in the evening
must "sign out" or be sent home.
All girls must be up at 6:43
a.m. on weekdays and 7:30 a.m.
on Sundays, "or else." Each house
has a "call girl" who struggles
over beds and slumbering females
to wake all in time for eight
o'clock breakfast. The third floor
of the union is used as the cafe
teria and central eating place of
all boys and girls, and is af
fectionately termed the "bean
line." Girls from the various
houses take turns serving behind
the counter. The kids seem to
enjoy the well planned menus and
foods, with one exception: "There
aren't any second helpings."
Everyone has been so nice and
helped us find our way," said one
girl. "The first day some of the
girls got mixed up and walked to
the Capitol building trying to find
the music school, but after that
most of us began to enjoy everything."
"i 'f r-i ,f " " ' ' x V
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of all brands tested in which
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found no unpleasant after-tasteJ
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The students seem to enjoy
their classes, and feel that the in
structors are excellent, as well as
being nice. Says one All-Stater,
"I haven't heard about even one
instructor yet thekids haven't
Each student is allowed to take
as many courses as he likes.
Picked from applications of the
best students in school, the All
Staters have short sessions in
which they are able to absorb
materials quickly. For those who
have private lessons, a daily half
hour practice period is provided,,
in which the student "Just pushes
out whoever is ahead of him and
has spent his time."
Various types of amusement
have been planned for the All
State group. Buses - have been
provided for a trip to Capitol
Beach and for picnics. Every
night the students may see con
certs and plays put on by various
All-State groups.
Aside from all the Instruction
received, the students consider
the friendships gained as one of
the most important parts of All
State. In the words of a junior
in high school, "At home the kids
usually run in certain groups, but
here, they're different, everyone
is taken in as a friend."
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