The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 18, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Friday, May 18, 1951
Editorial Comment
Seeking a Permanent End . .
"Theta Nu Epsilon has agreed to dissolve it
self, now and for all time to come." This state
ment by Chancellor Gustavson issued after two
weeks of controversy concerning it is in essence
the good news we have been waiting for. But
the manner in which TNE will be dissolved
causes much speculation from the student body.
Why would an organization which has defied
the administration for many years suddenly de
cide to "dissolve itself?" The Chancellor said in
his statement, "I have taken it upon myself, after
extended conferences with alumni of the organi
zation and with its student members, to re-admit
the four students to University classes on a pro
bationary basis."
Dr. Gustavson went on to say he has in his
possession sworn statements from active members
and pledges from local alumni to substantiate the
decision to disband. Is this enough proof to as
sure the actual demise of TNE. Does the Chancel
lor have the complete list of members?
Without Usual Sadness . .
These and other questions are currently being
raised by interested students and these students
deserve answers. The statement that TNE has
agreed to dissolve itself is questioned by all. Can
you trust the members of TNE to "dissolve itself?"
The Daily Nebraskan believes, and feels the
student body concurs, that Chancellor Gustavson,
in his dealings with student and alumni members
of TNE, has been most sincere and forthright in
his desire to rid the campus, once and for all, of
this undesirable society. But we question the
advisability of placing trust in the men who be
long to TNE to cease their activities.
The Chancellor's statement is surely the most
concrete proof to be realized in many years to
assure that TNE is really on the way out. All
that is left to do now is wait and see what de
velops. We fervently hope whatever pressure the
Chancellor may bring to bear on TNE will be
enough to insure a permanent end to Theta Nu
Epsilon. j.w.
This is what is generally known as a swan
song. But this swan song is different from all
the rest different in the respect that it isn't sad.
Naturally, there is certain sense of sadness
connected with a staff publishing the last paper
of the year. For some it will be the final edition
of their collegiate careers. For others it is just
a beginning.
Despite all the pseudo-nostalgia, no staff can
wish for any more newsworthy stories to work
with than had this staff. Such stories as the first
annual College Days, the re-admittance to girls
in the cast of the Kosmet Klub spring show and
the presentation of a full-scale broadway musical.
Working under the disadvantage of publishing
a paper under cold-war conditions, the staff
handled other history shattering events. We re
joiced when "Moose" Cooper entered the charmed
circle of pole vaulters clearing fifteen feet. We
urged the Nebraska Legislature to give the Uni
versity a square shake on appropriations and were
pleased to announce the total amount allotted.
We witnessed the demise of a faltering or
ganization called ISA and encouraged a reorgani
zation of Independents. We applauded the Stu
dent Council on adopting a new plan for fresh
men orientation, student representative on facul
ty committees, progress on a teacher rating scale
and various other investigations.
To culminate this semester of outstanding
news events we watch dreams shattered and
dreams coming true at the 50th annual Ivy Day
ceremonies. But this was not the end of an
already fruitful year.
We then concerned ourselves with petitions to
make known the standards on which members of
Innocents are chosen, a vigorous campaign by
the Student Council to present a constitution for
the students' approval which ended in a new
era for student government and a defeat for the
The climax of the semester was the appre
hension of seven students suspected of being TNE
members, the suspension of four students and
the ultimate statement issued by Chancellor Gus
tavson stating that TNE would "dissolve itself."
For answers to the many question raised by
the above issues it will be necessary to wait until
next year. Many should be brought out into the
open now but time does not permit.
So the staff does not write "30" for this sem
ester in sadness but with a feeling of expectation
for the coming year. j.w.
'That's All PauV
Ends Reviewer's Year
Please be brief when writing tor the
Letterrip eolnmn, Letters with "nom
de plnme" man be accompanied by the
ot the author. Vlew expressed In
this column represent the opinion of
writer only Mid not necessarily thou of
the editor.
Junior Men
To the Student Body:
Prior to selection of Innocents
next spring the Innocents Society
win issue a statement, in The
Daily Nebraskan, of the broad
general qualifications and re
quirements for membership in the
innocents Society.
Innocents Society
Jerry Johnson, president,
Petition Result
To whom it may concern:
The members of the Better Stu
dent Government Committee are
gratified to note the statement of
the Innocents Society which ap
pears elsewhere in this column.
The Better Student Government
Committee now feels that its work
has been accomplished and there
fore dissolves itself. We arc glad
to announce that any seeming
differences of opinion were amic
ably settled and that the inten
tions of the Society, as noted in
their letter, and those of the Com
mittee, as expressed in the peti
tion, are substantially the same.
Better Student Government
Weekend Data.
At The Theaters .
HALF ANGEL Wetta Young
finds she can mefct. the nicest peo
ple and do the "darndest" things
as a sleep walker in her role of
a good girl one day and a bad
girl the next in the Technicolor
comedy "Half Angel" at the
Joseph Cotten and Loretta
Young get themselves into a lot
of funny hot water in the story
of a woman with a split person
ality who loves a man when she
is in her pixie mood and doesn't
even know him when she's a plain
hospital nurse. As a result of her
sleep walking mania and her split
personality, she almost manages
RCCU Honors .
No one that I know of dislikes the phrase
"thank you" as intensely as I do. Not that I am
against the idea of expressing gratitude; I am
same three men and the entire gang at the Uni
versity radio station for the encouragement and
help that enabled me to keep my shows at the
opposed to tne oia way or saying . oo spedal
engineers, JESSE
t say "thank you" to you who have helped me and nu CRUMP and KEN WALTERS, the si-
write this column and have
, helped me with my radio shows,
I' really mean that I appreciate
the remarks both good and bad
and I am grateful for the wise
advice that I have received from
all of you.
To DAVE HAUN at the Dave
Hann Music company for allow
ing me to use his establishment
to listen to the records that I
have reviewed for this column. It was through
his cooperation that I was able to review late
release records for both "High Frequency" and
"Music from Everywhere."
To BOBBIE TUDENHOFT at the Haun Music
company for helping me pick the right records
to review in this column. Also for lending a help
ing hand in selecting the group of records that
helped me acquire a balanced radio program.
MARR for the kindness extended to me while
I covered the activities at KNUS. Also to the
lent men behind the mike.
of the Lincoln Program Service for all the cour
tesies that they have shown me for the past
year. Throughout the weeks Pat would indicate
the records that were most requested over Pro
gram Service.
To AARON SCHMIDT who "wised me up"
about some of the facts about classical music.
'Although I've never been a true music critic
this column was one of review only I have come
a long way through my talks with Aaron about
music and all of its parts.
To THE RAG staff for all the assistance they
have riven me throughout the year. For with
out their help, this very amateur writer could
never have written this column.
And last to YOU, the reader, who have fol
lowed and backed me through the year.
To you all, a very humble, "thank you."
And so as this final story goes to press, I
think of one last record "And So to Bed."
That's all, Paul.
Stolen Goods'
'Flash9 Ends Crime Career
With Tips for Final Exams
My crime career is ended! Yes, today is the
last day I will be able to "legally" steal material
from other schools; zut as I look at my career as
a columnist philosophically, I realize that all
things must end sometime, and now is a very
appropriate time.
Unless the rumors I've heard are false, or
profs have suddenly done away with end-of-the-term
tests, finals are just around the academic
corner. Most of the students around NU will
probably start studying conscientiously for the
first time this semester.
But, states Dr. Frederick N. Marty, in the
Syracuse Daily Orange, don't cram, sleep instead!
Dr. Marty stated that many students who
ram for finals and neglect their sleep will find
(hat they have rained nothlnr but a set of jumpy
nerves and a miserable bunch of grades. He also
pots "thumbs down" on any kind of stimulants,
from "cokes" and coffee to "Nodoz" or other
stimulants that contain benzedrine.
Dr. Marty listed a few "simple" rules of health
which, he stated would pay dividends in a "bet
ter functioning body and mind and contribute to
alertness at exam time. His simple rules are:
1. "Three well-balanced meals a day."
2. "Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep in a
well-ventilated room."
.By Connie Gordon.
3. "Daily period of relaxation."
Activities Gripe
To whom it may concerdi:
As chairman of the Btter Stu
dent Government Committee I
have officially expressed by con
dign relief and pleasure upon the
dissolution of the committee.
Unofficially, I should like to
remark that, after five, years
which should have convinced me,
my original opinion of student
activities has been justified and
confirmed n a m e 1 y that one
might abolish over 90 percent of
them without noticing their pass
ing. There are, of course, many hon
est, well-intentioned, and polite
people engaged in what we po
litely call "activities." Alas, my
recent enforced contact with the
members of our student elite
corps leads me to the sad con
clusion that they are, in the
mam, confused young people
whose chief characteristic is an
abysmal lack of a sense of direc
tion in short, a kind of semi-
hysteria over trivia induced by a I
distracting and unique sort of
! academic menopause. Few get
into this game "but doth suffer a
sea-change into something rich
and strange."
Most of the beneficial services
performed by these people could
be handled by our excellent and
very cooperative administrative
staff, but these embryo leaders
subjected me to an amazing va
riety of monstrous nonsense, the
purpose of which was to justify
their collective existence. The
arguments employed a series of
baffling analogies which in
cluded everything from seed sort
ing, to halfdigested political
axioms, to udder attachments. I
confess that I did not understand
these arguments.
I think that the only solution
for this ridiculous situation is
abolish all these societies; they
will then assume the status of
sub Tosa organizations, and will
therefore immediately gain the
recognition they desire. They will
maice tne members very happy,
and the real students, then as
now, will be blissfully unawarp of
their presence.
Fritz Picard.
aarS i J I v &
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I lilliliillifl '
E Av !- 1 ,1 - $. ' ,-
RED CROSS AWARDS Joan Hanson, president of Red Cross
college unit, presents Gene Berg with an award for outstanding
volunteer service. Berg, Audrey Rosenbaum and Bob Mosher,
all founders of the Red Cross unit on campus were honored at
the Red Cross banquet Wednesday and presented plaques and
merit awards. Honored also was Harold Hill, chairman of the
Lancaster county , chapter. Berg and Mosher are past presidents
of Red Cross and Miss Rosenbaum is a former vice president.
Cornshucks Hope
To the student body:
Last week, the committee on
Student Publications temporarily
suspended Corn Shucks because
of financial problems. Under the
circumstances, they had no choice
and I believe their action to be
a sound one.
Corn Shucks mav be back on
the campus next vear: it mav not.
Whether it is depends on the Com
mittee's final ruling. We of the
editorial staff sincerely hope the
action wm take in consideration
the editorial quality of the maga
zine. During the past two years,
the editorial staff of Corn Shucks
has been building and planning
for the future. We have always
felt that each issue showed an im
provement over the last and are
proud of the general appearance
of the magazine.
We firmly believe that the
University of Nebraska has a
place for a humor magazine. Nat
urally, we understand that the
Committee on Student Publica
tions cannot assume the responsi
bility for a constantly large
deficit. We hope the Committee on
Student Publications will forgive
one year's insolvency and will
also consider the magazine on its
editorial merits.
Personally, it has been a privil
ege to edit Corn Shucks and to
work with such a wonderfully co
llusker Annual
Ready May 31
The 1951 Cornhusker will be
ready for distribution Thursday,
May 31. The yearbooks will be
distributed every afternoon in
cluding Sunday from May 31 to
June 5.
Students must bring their re
ceipts and I. D. cards to the Corn
husker office to receive their
yearbooks. Anyone not in school
at the time of distribution can
make arrangements for receiving
his book at the Cornhusker of
The cover of the new Corn
husker will be black with grey
and red lettering. The modernis
tic cover drawing will depict how
agriculture and industry are
brought together in the Univer
sity. A sketch of the Carillon
tower will represent the Univer
sity with drawings of corn fields
and factory smokestacks on each
Teh 1951 Cornhusker will be
dedicated to the students of the
University. Recognition of famous
alumni is us theme.
Individual pictures of juniors
and seniors will be grouped ac
cording to the colleges to which
they belong. Each section will be
prefaced by pages picturing fa
mous alumni from the college.
The index of this year's Corn
husker will be much more com
plete than last year's. It will list
the pages on which the formal
pictures of each student appear.
There will be many color pages
in the 1951 Cornhusker.
White Named
As Ag Council
Wayne White was elected Ag
college Student Council repre
sentative for next year at the
regular meeting of the Ag Exec
board Wednesday night.
White replaced Rob Raun as
Ag college representative to the
Council. Raun held the position
two years.
Representing Coll -Agri-Fun
board on the Ag Exec 'oard,
White will be a junior member.
He is also a member of YMCA
cabinet, Corn Cobs, newly elected
chairman of the Ag Union dance
committee and Farm House
The new Ag Exec board picked
the Ag college representative.
Board members are: Jerry
Johnson, Dick Young, Jo Raun,
Alice Anderson, Joyce Kuehl, Jan
Ross, Eugene Robinson, Rex Crom
and Wayne White.
Graduating from the board are
Rob Raun, Ruth Fischer and Jack
Holdover members next year
will be Alice Anderson and Dick
Young. A report on the constitu
tion of the Home Ec club was
presented, discussed and voted
to be returned to the club for
alteration. Ruth Fischer is acting
as moderator.
The constitution will be revised
and returned next fall for alteration.
to acquire two husbands one
subconscious husband and one
conscious husband.
Aiding in the fun and. excite
ment are Cecil Kellaway, Basil
Ruysdael, Jim Backus, Irene Ryan
and John Ridgely.
searching light is thrown on an
important factor of the divorce
problem in "Payment on De
mand," starring Bette Davis and
Barry Sullivan.
The stars portray a couple who
come to the parting of the ways
brought about by the wife's con
stant scheming and plotting to in
crease her husband's business suc
cesses. The romances of the cou
ple's two daughters, Betty Lynn
and Peggie Castle, are woven into
an interesting plot w'h the late
Jane Cowl, Kent Taylor, John
Sutton, Frances Dee and Walter
Dande offering supporting char
acterizations. THE LAST OUTPOST Two ad
venture-loving brothers face each
other under different flags in a
brawling, two-gunned Technicolor
saga "The Last Outpost," now
playing at the Lincoln.
Ronald Regan appears as a
devil-may-care confederate of
ficer who leads a band of South
ern raiders in arauding assaults
against union supply trading
along the Santa Fe Trail. Rea
gan's brother commands the
northern troops who fight des
perately to keep the vital route
open to the east.
Adding romance to the bloody
ambushes and daring raids is
Rhonda Fleming in the role of
a frontier girl.
NEW MEXICO. The frailties, as
well as the courage of the fron
tier white man and the Indian
are pointed out in "New Mexico"
with Lew Ayres and Marilyn
Maxwell at the State.
The movie deals with the mi
nority problem of the American
Tndian whose unfortunate plight
today stems back to the period,
duing the late 1860's, wnen tne
frontiers of our country were
moving steadily westward. The
desperate personal efforts of a
U.S. Cavalry captain to bring re
form to the unscrupulous, graft
ridden handling of Indian affairs,
set the pattern for the tale of
college professor adopts a chimp
and tries to raise him just like
Junior, but makes him the juve
nile delinquent of the year, ac
tion rides high with Ronald Re
gan, Diana Lynn and "Bonzo in
"Bedtime For Bonz-" at the Cap
itol. ,
RnriTn resnonds beautiiuiiy to
his treatment as a five-year-old
boy right down to the wearing
of a complete "Hopalong" Cas
sidy outfit. The "monkey wrench
(n the Droceeamgs comes
Bonzo innocently breaks into a
jewelry store and steals a valu
able necklace which is traced to
""Stuart: "Half Angel," 1:46, 3:45,
Lincoln: "me lasi kjuk.,
1:08, 3:15, 5:22, 7:32, 9:42.
w.hruki! "Hometown Story,
1:26, 4:54, 8:05. "Bitter Rice," 2:52,
6:00, 9:20. , n.
rnnitnl: "Cause for Alarm " 1:00,
3:57, 6:54, 9:51. "Target Unknown,
2:22, 5:l, a:io.
4. "Avoidance of the poisonous effects of the
excessive use of tobacco, coffee, tea, cocoa, and
5. "Stimulating drugs should never be used."
6. "Cool showers or bathing may be utilized
for a refreshing effect."
If you follow these rules, you may not pass
all of your courses, but you'll be able to say that
you were the healthiest person on campus who
failed his courses.
Eleven University of Connecticut students dis
covered that being initiated into a fraternity
wasn't as easy as thev had expected. Thev had
to go on a kind of a Scavenger hunt, but on this ' 2, V? tI?,. PxtP'
u u . . . . , ... ' . x. , , CTdthy Cox, Pat O Brien, Nanci
hunt, they had to find only one thing. That thing, j DeBord, Lola Banghart, Joe
however, was a dime in the black of night in ! Brown, Bob Downing, John Kes-
Mashamoquet Brook, State Park, Pomfret (those i sel- Pru1 Bateman. John Sinclair,
familiar with Connecticut may know where this
state park is located; I don't.)
The students were pledges of a civil engineer
ing honorary fraternity at the University.
The boys were given flashlights and measuring
tape, as well as a few "pertinent" directions which
finally guided them to the thin dime.
This is all the pilfered materials for today . . .
for the semester, for that matter. So, so lonr, Ifs
been rood to know ya FLASH!
SDC Awards
Writing Honors
Janet Steffen, Jerry Bailey
and Jim Kostal were named as
the winners of the first Sigma
Delta Chi awards for excellence
in writing on The Daily Nebras
kan at a meeting of the journal
ism honorary Thursday evening.
Their names were engraved on
a plague which will hang in the
"Rag" office. Sponsored by the
undergraduate chapter of Sigma
Delta Chi, the contest included
the first semester of the 1950-51
school year.
Miss Steffen, a freshman, took Lincoln Journal and Dr William
first place in the news writing F. Swindler, director of the
competition with a story about School of Journalism
an address made by Col. Edward
V. Finn at a NUCWA meeting.
Bailey's winning feature story
described the different types of
architecture on the University
campus. He is a senior.
The sports writing award went
to Kostal, who is now serving in
the air force. His story con
cerned the prospects of the 1950
51 wrestling team.
Each of the winners was pre
sented a book donated by War
ren Wood, Gering Courier; E. C.
Leggett, Ord Quiz and Boyd von
Seggern, West Point Republican.
All are members of the profes
sional Sigma Delta Chi chapter.
Judges of the contest were:
Scott Greenwood, manager of the
Nebraska Press association; Gil-
Deri savery, city editor of the
Charity Chthing Drive Ends
Mem ber
tntercolleg late Tress '
rflttTV-fcldHI'M VKAB
i... Umi Nra.a M fMibllnhed by the itiidmu ot the Unlvernity ot NebrMkn xprennlno ot Itudentf' ntwi end
antQKinf only. Aeonrdln to Article II of the By Laws goyat-nln cturfent nubllcitlomi and tdmlnliittrtd by tho Board
PuMMMtioni, "It I the declared policy of the Board that publications, under It Juritdletlon una!) be free from edi
torial eeriorh(p on the part of the Board, or on the part of any member of the faculty of the Onlvemty but memhen of
Uw etaff of The Dally Nebraakan are perfonnliy reaponalbli for what they any or do or cauee to be printed
ftatrlpfi mtea mm ta.bO per aemMter, tl.oO per enweier mailed, or 13. Oo for (he college year. I4.M mailed. Mingle
eif So. FaMlenrd daily rla the w-aool year neept Hatnrdaye and Hnndaye. nnUm and examination nartode and one
4tM a.irtnf the month of Aaruat by tw Dalvenlty of Nehraalia ander the snnervlsloo of the Committee on tttndent
l'llatloae. Kntered M fleennd Claae Matter at the Font Office In Uncoln. ebraeka, under Art of Oonrreea, Mareb S,
J-i9, and at apeetal rata of postage provided fo- m Section HAS art of Congress of October 8. lull, authorised September
t, tast. .
IMitne , , ' Jerry Warren
fewta-"! Editors .. inaa Kroefer, Tom Klsebe
("aw &tors Kent Atteil, Jeanne Lamar; So Gerten. Katb Raymond Don Pleper
t-imrtm tMiltfl ...................,......,.,.... Bill Mnndell
4 ((utrta eU tor. .................. Bob Bank.
tae. Jane Rat.lnll
Mltr. ' '""
f !" rrlltor .- Pinna Preaeott
-'mtngmmkm , Bob Sherwsed
hifini New laltor Jn Randall
Jan Klone, Art Dickey, Jerry
Severson, and Ralph Hanneman,
go my deepest thanks. It was their
The campus YWCA will end its
drive for old clothes Friday. Uni
versity men and women are being
asked to contribute any old cloth
ing, shoes and headgear to the
YW's annual clothing drive.
The drive has been carried on
in the women's organized houses
llli6"0? I the representative council this
ZL: T.7 ";"a""c j year. Each house has a box in
...ue my ioo go mucn easier. , whlh rinth. mnv h
your program, students! Let's
make it a good one!
Displaced Students Committee.
Frank Jacobs, Editor,
Corn Shucks.
Students Praised
T Tlfi ta . y. .
We want to take this opportu-1 North 15th Voters
nity to thank all individuals and I To the Editor:
organizations who have supported During the last election, I
the displaced students drive at i learned for the first time that
this point in the program. Your ! there is now a polling booth in
generosity is sincerely appre- Ferguson hall. Since the Student
dated. The contributors to date: Council seems to hand these l'oca
Ag Men's Club, ASAE, AWS, Beta tions out with such ease, I was
Sigma Psi, Canterbury club. Coed- wondering if it might be possible
Counselors, Farmhouse, French ; to have another booth located on
club. Kappa Epsilon. Kappa Phi! North 16th Street? Its such a long
club, Mortar Boards, Women's ways over to the Student Union,
Athletic association, Vocational and since many of us do not have
Atr association. Ruth Shlnn and cars it is a great inconvenience
10 wbik en me way over to mt
Union just to vote.
I realize that we (residents of
North 16th) may not have the
PhvllsK Wnrron
ft is necessary that we also in
ject a note of discouragement as
to the filnrur nrncfrosa of the total
drive result in the hope that it connections with the Council that
will encourage other campus or-Otner groups seem to nave, dui
ganizAtlons thbt have been con
tacted to give this support 1n the
drive as soon as possible. This is
I thought perhaps something could
be arranged anywav.
By Hooper
placed. All groups muat bring
their boxes of clothing to the YW
office in Ellen Smoth hall by
The YW has asked University
men to bring old clothing to the
YW office by Friday.
The clothes will be packed for
shipment to a charity on Satur
day. The specific group that is
to receive the clothes has not
been decided.
The results of the drive so far
have been quite good according
to Ruth Shinn, YW director.
However, more contributions are
requested before the completion
of the drive.
I IMte
Sports 4c Comedy
run. "Ma Pa Kettle Back an the rarm
joseph corret
Color By Toebnleelor
mmi Cf TIME 1
Colortoon Special J
Open 12:45 50c to
-Waft WWCHSafcj
Jeffrey Lynn
Marjorie Reynolds
MAT. BTr ta S r.M.
r-"-, u'iiji, wan in if i.
A22L&?,n,t. dm--'M. term papers,
roports, etc experienced. a-Sfcg.
ArCII0.N.8 ""' Co-op" Boarding!
Club now helps; renslved at Baptist Stu-
oem nouse, air. North 1th. Board av
Slptenibs? m"nttU T,m b''"l''S In
OPEN 13:45 a
VF" ytim ,nW n.iWWUI
FOR BALE Oerrrmn course with reeords
LHn'm , ? Keoord Plyr
112 BO. Royal Deluxe portable tvpe-
JSSSkSS!'' blcyc"- m- w
TWO Wealeyan students seeking ride to
Massachusetts or neighboring states.
Will share expenses and driving. Call
8-1W1 1,
LOST Phi flnmrna"" Delta Pralraltypin'
cIiITtWo?8 "R" P,'y",C ,0h'
OPEN 12:41 X5o to Then ne