The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Monday, May 7, 19511
Chancellor's Speech, Reigning Queen, Ivy Chain-All Part of Ivy Day Festivities
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OPENTXG ADDRESS Chancellor R. G. Gustavson officially
opened the 50th annual Ivy Day ceremonies Saturday. The Uni
versity Chancellor traditionally opens the Ivy Day festivities
with an address.
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IVY CARRIERS University coeds bring in the
steeped-in-traditi6n Ivy chains that usher in
the annual Ivy Day festivities. The Ivy Chain
bearers are nominated from organized campus
houses to carry the ivy each May.
ROYALTY ENTERS VTirginia Koch enters her kingdom as the
50th annual queen of the May Day festivities. Miss Koch reigned
over her court during the traditional Ivy Day ceremonies.
Inkeles of Harvard Will Discuss Russian
Public Opinion at Campus Groups Today
Dr. Alex Inkeles of the Rus-'day. May 7. and Tuesday, May 8,1 Tuesday, 10 to 11:15 a.m., po-
ilitical science 212.
. .. ... , ... . . . . . Following his address this eve-
university will speak on "Public jnars and advanced classes m'ning wiu presented
'Opinion and Soviet Russia" at journalism and social sciences: with the annual Kappa Tau Alpha
7:30 p.m. tonight in Love Library : Monday, 9 to 10 a.m., economics award for research in journalism
auditorium. ) 288: 10 to 11 a.m., journalism 195 'and mass communications.
Inkeles will be on campus Mon- and history 282. j The award was established in
11944 by Kappa Tau Alpha, na-
G1 O TVT 1 1 jtional journalism scholarship so-,
raduatms bemors Weeded .
ion in soviet nussia, wnicn was
judged the best contribution of
Dean T. J. ThomDson. chair-; of aericulture in Missoula. Mont. Dr. W illiam F. Swindler, diree-
man of the committee on occu-j K. O. Lee company of Aber- tor of ;he School of Journalism
national placement has released a deen, S.D. would like to employ and national president of the
list of firms wanting to hire grad-1 one mechanical engineering grad- honorary society, will present the
uating seniors and some other ; uate. Also at Aberdeen, the U. S. award.
specialized college students. j department of interior is nowre-! At present Inkeles is a research
A list of business concerns, cruiting teachers. The Beech : associate at the Russian research
corporations, industries and in-Aircraft corporation,' Wichita,, center at Harvard,
stitutions having openings are Kan., is interested in hiring me- j In addition to his book Inkeles
listed below. More information onichamcal electrical and architec- is author of a number of articles
Planting the Ivy .
1 ft i
1 ' ''I
r - I
LjaLJ .
By Various Business Firms
BOB RATJX The Innocents
president tackled Jerry John
son Saturday to take over his
office for the 1S51-1952 school
dent of the 1950-1951 Mortar
Boards ended her term of of
fice Saturday when she
masked Sharon Fritzler who
will serve as her successor.
the jobs open in various firms
may be obtained from Dean
Thompson's office in the Admin
istration building.
Engineers Needed
The Toledo Edison company,
Toledo, O., needs engineers. The
Kansas City council of Girl
Scouts, Kansas City, Mo., needs
counselors, preferably exchange
students. Carter Oil company of
Tulsa, Okla needs engineers for
foreign service. The aircraft en
gin division of Ford Motor com
pany has positions in engineering
and other manufacturing classifi
cations. Forestry students are
wanted by the U. S. department
rural engineers. In Lincoln the on the general problem of mass
Personal Finance company wants ' communication in the Soviet
two men for managership posi-;i Union.
tions. i -
Financial Assistance Available
The Harvard Graduate School
of Business Administration has a
regional financial aid program
for providing financial assistance
to well-qualified and interested
students wanting to do advanced
work in business administration.
The Household Finance corpor
ation of Chicago, I1L has need for
executive trainees. Numerous
bulletins of Civil service posi
tions of technical, semi-technical
and non-technical nature are
, available in the Dean's office.
Spray Operators Ag Convo Slated
IVY PLANTERS Charles Burmeister, junior class president,
Aaron Schmidt, president of the 1951 senior class, W. L. Hall
and Fred Deweese plant the traditional Ivy during the May Day
ceremonies Saturday. The latter two men were representing
other persons who were present at the first ivy-planting.
Ag Registration Steps Told
Junior division students regis
tered In Ag college should con
sult advisors immediately if they
plan to remain in school next
Queen Reigns
Continued from Page 1
Union Board, member of YWCA,
Tassels and -Phi Upsflon Omicron.
, In. the queen's court as junior
sttendants were Alice Anderson,
Joan SlcuciouB, Delores Love
grove fnd Joan Hoff.
Miss Anderson is in the Col
lege of Agriculture, president of
the Ag YWCA and member of
Ihi Upsilon Omicron.
Miss Skucius was the European
Farm Youth Kenan ge student
nd pact district representative of
TW Prexy
Miss Love grove is in Teachers
college, president of Panhellenic,
president of YWCA and a mem
ber of Phi Lambda Tbeta and
Alpha Xi Delta.
Miss Hoff is io Teachers col
lege, president -of BABW and a
Cood Counselor.
The senior attendants
Notice was issued by Dr. E.
Hixson, assistant dean. He said
tha -worksheets of next sem
ester's schedules must be com
pleted and returned to his office
by Wednesday, May fl.
This must be completed if stu
dents wish to complete registra
tion during the scheduled time,
May 15.
Students are "to go directly to
their advisors, eecure an ap
pointment and make out work
sheets at the appointed time.
After securing the adviser's ap
proval the worksheet is to be
submitted to the office of Dr.
Hixson. ATI this hould be com
pleted by "Wednesday, May 9.
If for some Teason a junior
division student does not see his
advisor by Wednesday, he would
not be eligible to complete
registration for the fall semester
on May 15. He would be re
quired to pay a late registration
fee, Hixson said.
Art Group Has
Joslyn Exhibit
Annual Starlight Terrace Ball
Planned by Ag Union May 11
annual "Starlight j Union from representatives to
is scheduled Fri- the organized groups on Ag
The third
Terrace Ball'
day. May 1L on the terrace in
front of the College activities
building on Ag campus.
"Wayne White, dance chair
man, said sport clothes are the
order of attire for the evening.
An informal "beer garden"
kind of atmosphere will be car
ried through with tables placed
along the blocked off .street in
front of the building, a flower
and trellis entrance to the Ag
Bob Russel and his orchestra,
currently popular among Uni
versity organizations, features
Marion MoCuBough as vocalist
Admission is 50 cents per per
son. Dancing will be from to
White said ihat in case of
rain, the dance will move into
the activities building gymnasi
cured at a booth in the Ag
Pre-danoe tickets may be se-
campus and at the door.
The intermission entertain
ment is not yet revealed but is
hinted to be something novel by
Tom Hruza, in charge of the
Ticket sales are under the di
rection of Dale Olson. Decora
tions are being constructed by
the general entertainment com
mittee of the Ag Union. Chair
man is Jean Holmes.
The Ag Union dance commit
tee is sponsoring the dance.
Chairman is Jeanne Vierk and
sponsor, Dick Walsh.
Free cookies and punch will
be served.
A conference for commercial
spray operators will be held at
the University College f Agri
culture Monday, May 7, to bring
them up to date on the latest
A full day's program will in
clude a series of short lectures
and educational displays.
Speakers will include Prof. O.
S. Bare of the Uni versify, on
small grain and alfalfa insect
Dr. Hugo Graumann, USDA
researcher, on alfalfa seed
production and harvesting.
Dr. R. E. Hill of the University
on potato, sugar beet and
corn insect control.
Dr. Robert Staples of the Uni
versity, on toxicity of insec-
German Film
Runs Named
'Emil die Detektive," a Ger
man film produced for students
in early stages of the German
language, will be presented
Tuesday, May 8, at 3, 4:30 and
7:30 p.m. in Morrill auditorium
The film will be soonsored by
; the University German Language
; department.
i "Emil und die Detektive" is
i based on the book of ".he same
; name bv Erich Kaestner and is
ticides. directed by Gerhard LamprecM.
Dr. Martin H. Muma of the! The movie is especially adapt-
University, on heel Cy con-: ed to stimulate interest in lan-
trol. j guage is simple and devoid of
Levi Mohler of the Nebraska dialect. Actors speak disiincily-
rtate game commission, on i The story is the pictorial and
musical chronical oi child activity.
conservation of wildlife
Neil Withrow, airport manager
for the state aeronautics de
partment, on spraying regu
lations. John Weihing of the Univer
sity, on disease control
beans and potatoes.
Also taking part in the meet
ing will be University weed re
searchers. They will speak
these topics:
Agronomist SuejreMs
Spraying Dandelion.
With warm weather here you
,n i can get good results by spring
the dandelions in your lawn now.
Extension Agronomist J. D.
Furrer of the University says the
on 'amine salt from of 2,4-D should
he used hv following directions
inge ana panure weea con- on the container. He advises not
tro1- spraying the lawn on a windy
Defoliants. !day, however. Ornamental planu
Crop injury from herbicides, 'may be injured.
Pyne Named
Staff Member
A Webraskan lias been selected
G.I. Bill Vets
Must Enroll
Before July 25
All veterans who are in school
this semester under the G. L bill
must be in school next September
and remain in continuous at
tendance according to a Veterans
Administration ruling issued re
oently. The legal cutoff day estab
lished by Congress for obtaining
education under this bill is July
T, -i OKI m .
in miwe u Kvhrttiirn n -vpr-ii- ' "J"- "reiOTC veterans in
to succeed a Kehrabkaa as execu- jtdK muA attendanoe
The trustees of the Sorietv f omcer xn .wavy tiu i 4, i continuous and those who have
"Were ;T.;hrn1 trti sra hMrlmo WrD, I unit at the Universitv. not beeun cr-hnnlms .wind tsr
Janice Crilly and Mary Frances , exhibitions preview Wednesday, Capt T. A. Donovan, com-1 before that date.
JohnROn. 'TUTav fi fmm 1! tr Ifl n m the . - i Veterans Whn ihave startnd
Miss Cray is In the College of 3o' Art mueum. ' janajng miioer yhooJ and withdraVn must re-
Arty and Science, winner of thei ln h Rl,llmi,pV urf nounced Monday that Lt. Cmdr. 6tart wore thi. ,at. s1ko
intramural speech contest, i award -will he Bhovm. Oper&tion
crauita masquers we palette xjnited stateB vy will
letn of Delta Delta Delta. be on diBpiay & gaUery D.
Miss Johnson jw to the College j The 12th annua exhibition of
of AOTculture. She te pase vice (photography win be exhibited in
president of Ag YWCA, Farmers the priDt ToomB of ljens un&
fair -boaro, Kn Upsilon Omicron ;Shutter ,club of Omaha,
land Omicron Nu and past oresi- ln gaUery A te Tecerit
Sent of lvMll- jpaiiitings by Kady Faulkner.
Scholarghia Activities. j
The attendants were selected j . t xi, n p11
-by the Mortar Boards on the fh L Jt "ref4ent
tanis of scholarship and activities, j Lords Will Today
Leaders selecte.1 ta head the ; A three-character cast will pre-
fvy chain were eJan Smitli,
Phyllis Haley, Barbara Schlect
and Helen Vitek.
sent the "Lord's WiH" today. May
7 and Tuesday, May 8, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 2C1, Temple,
Leading the Daisy chain were: Joyce Hunsoote will direct the
Janet Zlomek, Elizabeth Moodie, ! play and Betty Zumhinst will act
tTattlt Mann, JJancy Benjamin, las production manager.
JU1o Trampton and Cathloen j The production is being per
Cox. I formed by the laboratory theater.
George C. Pyne. formerly of St. Any veterans who is to le
Paul, win succeed Cmdr. S. P. i graduated in June and wishes to
Nicholson, formerly of Valen-1"111 ducstion must ap-
tine, who is oeing re-assigned to
the command of a submarine
tender at San Diego, Cal. Both
are former University students.
Commander Nicholson came to , Universitv or to hanw IJniwr-
ply Supplemental Certificate of
Eligibility and Entitlement before
graduation. Likewise, any student
who is now in school and wishes
to change colletres within the
the Nebraska JJ.E.O.TC in July
1948. He served as a commander
sities, murt also apply for this
certificate before the end of this
of a submarine during World l, current semester
W ar II in the Facmc. If s Bttirient -ic sTl.fl Jm Into
Lieutenant Commander Pyne,
is a graduate of Hastings Col
lege and a former University law
student. He served as a Navy
pilot .during world War H and
active service or voluntarily re
turns, he may .disregard, the A.
said, the cut-off of July 25.
Such student will foe allowed to
resume schooling under the G.L
holds the Navy Cross, awarded bill after their release from ac-
for action against the Japanese tive duty, providing they return
fleet at Kure where he scored a ! to school within a reasonable
.direct hit on a batf 'eship. I length of time after release.
Laboratory classes meeting for several continuous hours on one or two days shall meet for
examinations as follows:
Classes meeting on Monday and Tuesday shall be examined on the date scheduled for the
first hour of their laboratory meeting; Wednesday or Thursday classes on the second hour of
their meeting; Friday or Saturday classes on the third hour.
Unit examinations have been scheduled for all sections of the following subjects- UJ
Business Organization 3, 4, 21, 141, 17, 290; (2) Civil Engineering 219; (3) Economics 1L
32, 115; () Education L 2; (5) Electrical Eng ineering 135, 388. 236, 237; (6) English B, 1 2, 3
7) French 1L 12, 13, 14; 8) Home Economics 41, 42; (8; Mathematics 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 4L 42,
105, 306, 107; (10) Mechanical Engineering 1,; CI 1) Psychology 70; (12) Spanish 52. 54. If stu
dents have regularly scheduled examinations conflicting with the above specially arranged
schedule, arrangements to take such specifically scheduled examinations at another time should
be made with the department concerned on or before May 15. For example: If a student is
scheduled for an examination which conflicts with a specifically scheduled examination in
French, arrangements should be made with the French department to take such a French ex
amination at another time.
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