The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Monday, May 7, 1951
Alums Defeat NU Cagers,
ucky' Scores 16 Points
The Alumni cagers proved
aauiraay mgni tnat old basket
ball players as well as old sol
diers never die as they trounced
the Scarlet and Cream Varsity,
Too much height and exper
ience proved to be the downfall
of Coach Harry Good's sauad.
The Alum combination of Milton
"Bus" Whitehead and Bob Pierce
had too much of both.
The Varsity got off to a con
vincing lead in the earlv mom.
ments of the game when Bucky
nucnanan scored two field goals
and Bob Mercier cashed in on a
free throw.
me Aiums Droke the scoring
column on a basket and free
throw by Whitehead.
From that point on in the first
quarter the Alums started pull
ing up. The scoreboard read 10-6
in the Varsity's favor with six
minutes remaining in the open
ing frame, 10-10 with five min
utes left, and the Varsity held an
18-16 sedge at the end of the
first ten minutes.
Personal Duel
A personal duel developed be
tween Buchanan and Whitehead
in this quarter with the Alum
center scoring 11 while Buchan
an racked up nine.
The grads hopped into the
driver's seat at the beginning of
the second half. With two min
utes gone they held a 20-18 lead.
Pat Mallette scored a basket
from the key hole to bring Good's
crew within striking distance of
the Alums, but Kenny Anderson
doused all their hopes with three
successive baskets in his initial
appearance while the Varsity
could tally only a free throw.
Danny Kuska scored the last
basket of the half. He hit a cor
ner shot with 23 seconds re
maining to give the Varsity a
halftime score of 30, but the
Alums had a comfortable 12 point
However, Coach Good jerked
his starting five early in the sec
ond quarter in order to give his
other players a chance to per
form under fire.
Scrappy Bob Mercier started
the third quarter by stealing the
ball from the Alums and tally
ing on a set up.
Whitehead retaliated for his
team, Joe Good got a long, and
Pierce scored on a pivot shot to
make the score 47-37 with two
and a half minutes gone.
Johnson Fouls Out
Bill Johnsonr the Varsity's 6-7
center, fouled out with two min
utes remaining in the third quar
ter. With him out of the game,
the Varsity had no one to battle
giants Whitehead and Pierce un
der the back boards.
The closest the Varsity could
crowd the Alums was 54-47 mid-
ailiiiiiiiis 4
r K
(Courtesy tt Journal-Star)
N U Golfers
Club Ichabods
The Husker golf team
swamped the Washburn Uni
versity team by a score of 16
to 1. It was the Huskers fifth
win of the season. They have
only lost one this season and
that was to the Kansas ' State
Wildcats on muddy fairways.
Joe Gifford of Nebraska took
medalist honors with a 77; he
was followed by his teammate
Erv Peterson: who posted a 78.
In the first match Joe Gif
ford defeated Jones of Washburn
by a 3-0 score. Husker Doug
Dale tied with Gascoigne of the
Ichabod squad 1-1. Gifford
and Dale dropped Jones and
Gascoigne 3-0.
Erv Peterson of the Huskers
drubbed Kasnicha of V'ishburn
by a 3-0 count. Husker Al
Blessing defeated Dutton of the
Ichabods by a 3-0 score. Bless
ing and Peterson took a 3-0 vic
tory from Kasnicha and Dutton.
way in the third quarter.
But the old-timers soon erased
that margin. With a minute and
a half remaining in the third
quarter they led 59-49. At the
end of the quarter the score
board read 63-49 in the Alums'
Whitehead had four fouls as
the fourth quarter got underway
and saw little action during the
remainder of the game.
But his absence did nothing to
hinder the Alumni squad. Pierce,
Neal Mosser and Joe Brown
teamed up to carry on the of
fense. -
Brown scored his only two
field goals in the last quarter,
and Mosser chipped in with
The Alums led 72-58 with
three minutes remaining in the
Sell Scores Last
Jess Sell scored for them as
the gun went off to bring the
final score to 76-65.
Good substituted as freely in
the second half as he did in the
first in order to give his charges
game experience. Only two
players, Gus Lebsock and Arnold
Stern, failed to see action ior
the Varsity.
Whitehead took scoring honors
for the day with 18 on seven
field fioals and four free throws.
Pierce cashed in on four field
goals and seven free throws to
account for fifteen points.
Buchanan scored five baskets
and six free throws to lead the
Varsity with 16. Mercier fol
lowed him with 12 markers on
three field goals and six free
Among the newcomers on the
Varsity, Clark Smaha, Mallette,,
Kuska and Weber performed
most creditably. Smaha scored
eight points, Mallette followed
with, five, Kuska had four, while
Weber scored one. All four men
turned in adequate floor games.
Johnson was up against some
rugged competition. He did not
fare to well against Whitehead,
but there are plenty of other
pivot men who didn't either.
But he still needs a lot of pol
ish plus the experience which he
will get next .year.
Three Officials
A feature of the game was us
ing three officials to direct the
game instead of the usual two.
This plan was highly effective,
and it may be one of the "new
looks" in college basketball
Good said his team still needed
"more experience in the post and
more height."
He praised the fine Alumni
showing and commented that he
was "surprised at their excellent
physical condition."
The Alums turned out in full
force for the fray. Only two men,
Bob Cerv and Bob Srb, were
missing from his conference
championship teams.
Bob Pierce was elected hon
orary captain of the 1950-51 team
at a recent dinner in the Corn
husker hotel.
Alumni tg ft pf tp
Pierce, f 4-13 7-10 3 15
La wry. I u-t o-o a a
Sell, f . 1-2 0-1 4 t
McArthur, f ....... 0-0 1-1 0 1
Whitehead, c ...... 7-1S - 4 18
D. Schlefper, c 1-3 0-2 4 z
B. Schlelper, c 1-2 0-1 4 2
Mosser, g 4-6 0-0 4 8
Brown, g ......... 2-8 2-2 1
Cech, g 0-5 1-S 2 1
Anderson, g - l-i z v
Gates, g , 1-2 3-4 4 5
Kipper, g 2-8 0-0 4 4
Brandenburg, g .... 0-6 0-2 S 0
Tots! 27-72 22-39 43 76
Varsity tg ft vt tp
Good, f ........... 1-6 1-3 3 3
Weber, f ........... o-3 1-1 5 1
Walsh, t 1-2 1-3 1 3
seger, t l-z l-s x a
Abernathy, f 0-2 0-0 1 0
Smaha, f 3-5 2-4 2 8
Exstrom, f 1-5 0-0 1 2
Kufka, f 1-3 2-2 1 4
Bottom, f 0-0 1-1 O 1
Johnson, c 0-2 2-2 5 2
Ward, c 1-2 0-2 S 2
Stoup, c 0-0 0-1 0 0
Buchanan, g 5-12 6-9 1 16
Mercier, g 3-9 6-8 3 12
Wilnes. g O-S 1-1 1 1
Mallette, g 2-5 1-1 1 5
Frymier, g 0-2 2-2 S 2
Vol Is, g 0-0 0-3 O 0
Trumbull, g ....... o-o o-o o o
Martin, g 0-0 0-0 O 0
McAfee, g 0-1 0-0 O 0
Total 19-64 27-47 32 65
Score at halftime: Alumni 42, Varsity
Technical fouls: Pierce, ates.
Officials: Ed Maull. Clair Sloan, and
Charles Worrall.
Netmen Drop
Third Straight
The "third time a charm" the
ory failed to hold true for the
Husker tennis team as they were
dumped for the third straight
time this year by a 7 to 0 count,
this time by the Icabods of
Washington university.
In the singles, Mechem of
Washburn dropped Radin of Ne
braska to the tune of 6-1 and 6-4;
Ichabods' Powell defeated Husker
This Week's
Tennis Kmum Rtata at IJnraln.
Golf Kansas State at Lincoln.
Rawball Oklahoma at IJnraln S p.m.)
Tennis Denver V at Lincoln.
Rasenull Oklahoma at IJncoln S p.m.)
Track Raima Mate at Mannattn.
Oolf Colordo nd Oklahoma mm tttt
Oolf Colorado College Invitational
Oolf Colorado College In vital km
Colorado Springs.
Ed Sarkissian
Cops TT Title
Eddie Sarkissian, University of
Nebraska freshman, is the new
District champion of the All
American Table Tennis Tourna
ment. Sarkissian won the cham
pionship in the senior division.
This includes players from the
ages of 18 and on up. Two other
Nebraska students . entered the
tournament. Allan Tully and Burt
Robinson failed to conquer their
school colleague in their bid for
the championship.
Sarkissian will travel to Chi
cago to compete in the national
finals he will compete in the same
senior division. "I have hopes of
winning the national tourna
ment," said Sarkissian.
Sarkissian is the proud owner
of some top-flight table tennis
awards. Among them is the state
Y.M.C.A. championship, all-uni-versitv
champion last year, and
member of the Nebraska tableT the other four-bagger.
tennis team uiai iraveucu iu
Kansas University for the Big
Seven tournament.
All Sarkissian needed to win
was 3 out of 5 matches, but he
didn't need the other two to win.
He swept through his first three
matches without a defeat to win
the district crown.
eljjis,2,B IPres
Lilies, Dental Freshmen
Cop First-Round Victories
A 1
Independent and Interdenomi
national softball tourney play
completed its first round of ac
tion Thursday and Friday, fea
turing close contests and run
aways. A grudge battle was featured
on the coliseum grounds Friday
between the Geologists and Sig
ma Gamma Epsilon and the Ge
ologists buried the hatchet deep
in the Sig Gams' championship
hopes. The Geologists were vic
tors by a 23-2 tally.
The victors socked the Sic
Gam pitcher for 17 hits while
coasting behind the superb three
hit twirling of Arved Christen
sen. Chris hung up the top
strikeout performance of the sea
son, sending 15 Sig Gam batters
down swinging.
The Geologists sluggers
slammed out seven extra-base
blows during the rout including
four homers and three doubles.
Jack Yelkin was the top bats
man for the winners, getting two
singles, two doubles and a home
run for a pretty fair afternoon.
Carter collected three singles
while Roh and Simon each got
two safeties including a home run
apiece. Pitcher ennstensen coi-
(Courtesy f Journal-Star)
Walt Weaver 6-2 and 6-2; Delton
of Nebraska lost to Blackburn of
Washburn 6-1 and 6-3; Stearns
of Washburn beat Husker
Schroeder by 6-1 and 6-3 count,
and Andy Bunten of Nebraska
was defeated by Klinestiver of
Washubrn 6-0 and -6-4.
Yetter was top man in batting
for the losers with two singles.
Presby House and the Method
ist Student House hooked up in
a good game Friday that saw
Presby finally winning, 8-5.
The Methodists jumped off to
a 4-0 lead in the second inning
on two walks and two errors.
Rollie Haas, on the mound for
the Methodists, was up to that
point mowing the Presby batters
down, one-two-three. He struck
out the first five men he faced.
The Presby bate came to life
in the third frame, however, and
pushed across two tallies to nar
row the gap a trifle. Four more
big runs won the game for Pres
by in the fourth stanza as the
winners socked Haas for three
hits and took advantage of two
bobbles afield by the losers.
Presby hurler, Mundell, was
touched for another run in the
top of the seventh, but it wasn't
enough to halt the Presbys who
had added a couple more in the
Herb Lemon, Presby seoond
sacker, was the only man on
either squad to collect more than
one hit as he drove oat a single
and a double. His was the only
extra-base blow during the con
test, also.
The Lilies struck for two runs
in each the first and third innings
of their first round contest and
then held on to edge the Stu
dent Union, 5-4 Thursday. The
Lilies, although getting only three
hits off Union hurler George Hill,
made good use of three Union er
rors in running up their four
The Union men came back
strong in the fifth frame for three
tallies on two hits and a walk
from Lily pitcher, Weber. Weber
bore down in the final sixth
stanza, however, and shut out the
revived Unioners.
No man got more than one
bingle in the seven-hit game.
Clark and Ray Novak of the Lilies
each collected a double while Jack
Yamamoto of the losers also con
tributed a two-bagger.
The Dental College Frosh
turned in major first round sur
prise by blasting the Ag College
YMCA, 10-2. During the season
the Aggies had drubbed the teeth
pullers by 15 points, but Thurs
day was the dentists' day.
They saw the Aggies tie the
count at two-all in the bottom of
the first inning, but then broke
loose with one in the second and
three in the third.
Dent hurler Stem shut the los
ers out with but three more hits
after that and the Frosh coasted
to the victory.
Johnson and Weist each col
lected two hits to lead the victors.
L. Human also got two for the
losers. Gene Wilkens clouted a
home run in Che first Inning with
a mate aboard for the only two
Aggie runs.
Another Ag team found things
more agreeable in its first tourney
encounter. The Plamors overcame
Trio Prep Marks
May Be Broken
Three state records appear in
danger of being broken when
high school trackmen assemble
for the Nebraska high school
meet Friday and Saturday.
Hoppy McCue appears capable
of cracking the broad jump mark.
The Lincoln high relay team
could set a new state record. A
new height into the pole vault
may bet set Both Beckenbach of
Alliance and Hofstetter have bet
tered 12 feet this spring.
an early Men's Dorm lead and
went on to win easily, 12-4 in a
Thursday contest.
The Dorm men Jumped to 3-1
lead in their half of the opening
frame, but fell behind for good in
the second on a four-run out
burst by the Ag delegation.
Jishra, winning chucker, looked
sharp in allowing but three hits
and striking out seven. Diehrn
was the loser pitcher and al
though giving up 11 hits, it was
his bases on balls that really hurt
the Dorm chances. He passer 15
men durtng the six-inning con
test. Pitcher Jishra was also the bat
ting star for the winners as he
banged out three singles and a
double. Schroeder collected two
singles and Schmidt smacked a
triple and a single to help the vic
tors along. Diehm's double was
the big blow for the losers.
The Newman Club moved on to
the semi-finals of the Denom
playoffs by blasting the Univer
sity YMCA, 15-5 Friday after
noon. The Catholics bunched
their scoring in the first threa
frames and coasted to the win.
Bob McCurdy, on the mound
for the winners, allowed by five
hits as he struck out three. The
Ramblers banged 12 safeties off
losing chucker, Brockley.
Rodriguez led the victors in
hitting with three singles while
Neil Campbell collected a triple
and a single. Bill Collopy wal
loped a home run to add to the
Catholic rout Schmidt led the
losers, getting two singles.
The other contests Thursday
and Friday were decided by for
feit. The Lutheran Student As
sociation won over the Baptist
Student House, the Navy ROTO
received a forfeit from Delta
Theta Phi and Practical Arte rot
a free pass from Phi Alpha Delta.
Monday will see the making
up of the rained out first round
fraternity contests. Tuesday will
also be used to play any first
round squabbles that remain
Wednesday will be the first day of
second round play, If weather
permits, with the Independent
and Denom teams leading the
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The Husker eolf team met
Kansas at Lawrence Saturday Tifniii Features Start
. i. Al 4Kn -
State: "Kind Hearts and Coro-
afternoon but the results of that
Xneet were not available when
this paper went to press.
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Include addresses when flrur
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Brine ada to Daily Nebraskan
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nets," 1:10, 3 15, 5:20. ':25, 9:31.
Husker: "Tall in th Saddle,"
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