Monday, April 16, 1951 PAGE' 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 'i Cpileg tans Tha housa killed th idea College students based solely and maybe It Wiled good chance to make a front America stronger. ; Education ran be any country's strongest wea pon In this modern world of scientific destruc tion. It is somewhat nearsighted to think that Students with enough ability to pass a stiff aptitude test would do the nation more good In the service than In university. The house amended the draft bill to give local boards the test results end the students scholas tic standing and let them have linal say on de ferment The members of the local draft boards re all conscientious citlrens who are trying to help their country. But they are not necessarily en perls on education. There is no reason to ex pect them to make better decisions on educa tional deferment than the universities. Educa tion Is a business. No business man would let a layman make key decisions for him, so why let the draft boards decide which of our young men should spend the next four years In school and which should spend them In a battlefield. These are decisions which Involve the future cf human beings. No decision could be more im portant to the Individual of draft age than one Rag Congratulates . . NEW" CHEERLEADERS for their appoint ment to one of the University's vital organs of spirit Also congrats are due members of the Veil Squad Advisory board for their decision to Include coeds in next year's group. The large turnout (over 70) at recent practices proves thst coed enthusiasm is by no means lacking. STU DENT COUNCIL for looking into the case of high initiation fees being charged by honorary and professional groups. Certainly this Is an unpopular task likely to attract, cynical criticism, "tot it prows that the Council is still looking cut for student interests. NEW TASSEL INITIATES Who received membership to the orgeniration On basis of work points. Also orchids to Julie Johnson who was named top Tassel worker. AG EXEC BOARD for their recent action on pos sible constitution changes allowing for represen tation cf all authorized Ag organizations on the board, n well as proportional representation of men end women. STUDENT UNION for their attempt to bring well-known entertainers to the campus once or twice each year. An enthusiastic student crowd at the Coliseum attending the Duke Ellington concert proves that it is appreciated. Excellent performances have been witnessed in ether Union -sponsored events like the Sadler's The Iowa State Daily reports that it's election lime at Iowa State. The Ballyrot column reports new party on campus; it "the new splash in Campus politics! The Cocktayl Party. Here Is the Cocktayl Party's platform: 1. Ve think that Communists are simply liorrid -.-. "X We stoutly maintain that war is rot nice.'" ' 3. We think thr.i sin is wrong sometimes). t. We think that Dairy Industry at I.S.C should be converted to a brewery.'" 5. We promise thst every student will be given new car, golf dubs, tennis racket, portable radio, television wel, a steady income, a frteady -date and diploma just as soon as be enters col lege," Here is a list of some of the Cocktayl -candidates: Thflam IHtgbMTy IneltriWe: wiring time fr Roommates Can Comment Coeds ane old Biblical sayma, -iove Thy Neighbor Thyself, may be "tres bonne" s far s most her bed in the morning. Cone- ruin their friend's personal pro University students re concern- quently, he room was never 'perty than some of their own. d; out to mariy girl woo room with other females whose per- : swniilities clash with theirs. liv - Ing by this wsying is almost im- .f possible. ' ome these urts who nave . j . v rooming with other girls were 1 fSKtrea oy n lunoiaaeo reporter me) to stste their opiniom on eeming their respective room mates. Their answeif ranged all the way from "Oh, ee, my rooro tnate's terrif, to "My gawd, tfhefc bnosriousr' One of toe jmost popular com- ttnt wmceming the "'obnoKi- mm rwmrmim was that they Che fortune (or rrvisfortune) of!1Kfl 'ther task; but, added, """" tv w trwir room ana rtiea, ' iiTtere isn any- neraf U was miaerable niS a co lor in s f ft bad been bit by thing 3 detetit more than per- stant ouroe of trouble tta ber a combination durt st.OTn-burn- rm wtio will borrow by thingf rwitnmt,l.. One irl commented, "Jf ny ' yttgrnmate woald r,lv throw jnk" rm ber vide of the room. It "wnuld be .cy; but, be V-tili piling 9t w may ide ff the room. owwy, trwr sncs een i"e room or imtnne, ji laciks lre pigpen.'' One dorse coed stated Siiat ber I Jhn ifm Hsr! I Wii'wwMiwi!e a -iii'H,-im -It . rt.. flwlnoti twiITO "at""!! w w tm wwww, mm mm wmm oCM. m mm n .ii flii mt hmktom iwwim te n toin num ml ttmrm Editorial Comment Role in War of deferment for on aptitude tests ' Stelea Geodi' Cochtayl Party Emerges On Campus Political Scene By Cosmic Gardoa lectuwi fraud." - -Albert Einvtcli A professor at Vt cturientc in He pointed out oiner inings you witn your daiiy al T, listening mcA-ies." Even though this prof does think Assigning clas sics is ""morally wrong," I wonder if be assigns them anyway. "Well, it's 30 times Again, So, until next column time, So long! "Flash Be "Tcrrif or Obnoxious in 'Rag Opinion Survey roommmai was not partieularlr 'messy, but that he ne-er made cteaneo ijj- the maid. This meant that She would either have to make her roommate's bed after her roommate had leTU or clean the room bemelt. Mot being the L-r. JO J" cnmr"a icn jn rv .t-L, -.-w. jj .m 11 1 doct clean the room, or ' u" ure -iu, -nr- cause she rfthe girl's roommate) Ijiwt dopsrit ive a lwewit Oare "Tes t broke in. ""she 1uS I ooestit care, cioes he?" It that frtany coeds ty either. This rrine wk lar among many ot tl-ie anter - viewer mi THrr-rri uwi. nn rjy triwaj jum drmt care about their room-'and ' T i" f efc Or wwd stood on the oap.rnte was perfect, but that she tw(l w,t my roommmate does. She Wic irhat whwt m min 4r 'utiwntiinv fm and : eveti worse., when she does bar- ow my things, she doesn't care ;Tiow tney Hook when he fTives m-tem iook to me. Boy, whatta 'sfl.''" ! This igirl Kpressed the snti-: (Daily fhBkaihuv lasseswWlef ite Prrtw mmn-tmmnm a. Wwwiw w flit .tvwnrv t MHgM 01 l iHnani iwt iniiiintHni mum 'H .W irtB. Simtmr mi. concerning his defeiment and yet the house has transfered the responsibility of this decision to persons who are not experts. If they had given educators the Job or put educators on the boards, it would make the men affected a lot more happy. It is bad enough to leave home and friends to serve in the army, but when you are told by a group of men who are not qualified to make the decision. It makes a bad thing worse. There have been complaints that deferment on the basis of IQ would be discriminatory. This cannot be denied but it can be explained and defended. Deferment in itself admits in equality. No attempt is made to defend the scho lastic deferment plan because it is democratic, but a very definite attempt is made to defend It because It will help assure the continuance of democratic institutions. We more sure of winning a future war if we pui the educational system we have built to work on our side. If the use of this educational system necessitates the deferment because he does not meet certain scholastic standards than it is to defer him be cause of physical deficiencies. The United Stales must see that In a complex modern society education is the only real defense against totalitarian brute force. d.p. Wells baiiet last, fall and Stan Kenton concert last spring. MOOT CM OUR T WINNERS in cluding 16 successful teams of law students who presented their cases successfully. Special praise goes to Lewis E. Pierce and Leonard Harnmes, law seniors, who were named winners of the 1P51 competition trophy. These two have moved through freshman, sophomore, Junior and senior rounds without defeat to earn this honor. JOHN AND MARCIA ENTERTAINERS Hank Ceok and Fatsy DuUon for their hilarious presen tation which caused the audience to demand an encore next Friday. RED CROSS COLLEGE UNIT for adding another fine project to their list of services. Their program of carrying en tertainment to Lincoln orphanages not only bene fits the kiddies, but the University as well with good will. SIX SENIOR MUSIC MAJORS for their recital performances Sunday. The six, Melvin Folts, Virginia Nordstrom, Helmut Sien knecht, James Stevenson, Bonita Blanch ard and Lewis Forney, were selected by their fellow class mates as woloirts. FACULTY MEMBERS for their part in College Days plans. Their partici pation is evidenced in plans announced by the School of Music, Student Health, and departments of speech, English, language, geology, botany, conversation, art and Morrill ball museum. twUrtirUl.T tBelurible." West Virginia university reported to the Daily Athenaeum, the student Dew-tpaner ..... , . there, that it was "morally wrong" for him the prof) to assign classics like David Coorerfield to IK; A-- c sAj, f 1 that "you -ould thinnk of .11 the might e doing more consistent environment- yuch as -looking ; to the radio, or going to the ments of mam- ciris njrse5 with roommates ho would rather he' a UmdsMtti Other (gripes included, "She never wakes roe up when sine says sne's gamg to, "She i- na . ','v . a when she's around, ! , n' never fet any sleep." After bearing these eommenlx, I w-ondered if any girl an cam- 'pus .ad a roommsTe who was r1-' worth commenting about in m compamentary manner. Diw-HT coirunBTJUft ctrme 101 far between, but aome coedf These comments came few - - nnmu-'oouldrA sk for m Ihettipr rnom- ,lm,t. One cirl stated t ber room- ed. "we tQ cart be perfect, can vu anm.. die. ,vi,. ful bow we can Aismias our fault a easily, but those of out (fnends and riwimmal. m.'eXL ' rfmiv another stwn-. Well. 2 rness that's ut bu- man mture! mTCMin i nnMtnM' mm mi Hutidi"ijf, ih.Ii inn fwrtii mttt- m whim mmH. i 4mmm . mil. Nr Mm. soi k '" t"f -nmr mii wMmi Am,. ifaHiflHll . mm. ewH SMI fWlwl'twiHltt &1 Standard Time Wanted To the Editor: In view of the fact that stu dents at the University are per manent or temporary citizens of the city of Lincoln, and the state of Nebraska, I propose that the University use the same stand ard time as the city of Linc In. Clocks on the campus are sel dom synchronized with central standard time. For the past week the clocks have been almost ex actly three minutes fast Over a period of several months the clocks may be either fast or slow by as much as five minutes. The reason for this is that the University power plant does not hold an electric power frequency of exactly 60 cvcles at all times, i Closer frequency control is a pos- sible solution but might be ex- pensive. An alternative would be to reset the clocks periodically, perhaps weekly. In this way the master bell clock and the caril lion tower clock could be regu lated by comparison with West ern Union or radio, and all other clocks could be reset by the cu todians of the buildings. If this plan were put into practice all personal and University activities of the students and faculty would be done using the same standard time. It is a possibility that each of 6000 students may have been three minutes late on each of the class days of the past week. That is 6,000 students time 3 minutes times S days which equals 90,000 minutes or 1500 hours of class time wasted because of the dif ference between central standard time and the University standard time. The return n the investment of a few hours of time by the custodians and power plant oper ators each week makes such regulation well worlh while. Nolan T. Jones. Maine-Bound Guard Unit Includes 25 IVU Students Maine-bound next week will be i saying good-bye, the realization the 173rd Fighter Squadron of came. By way cf small talk some th. Nv. Air r.narA v 'one said If you see any nice dol- the Nebraska Air Guard. They follow the 132nd Oroun which left last week. The outfits win be sta- iTm going to get married as soon ! tioned at Dow Air Force Base,1 as I get out." Then with a flurry! Rnonr m ' f -n,-, j tv,9irM ' m-m v Some 25 Nebraska students withdrew Just after Easter for the actual activation which was Apr.i i. Same Ta Get Decrees According to Dean T. J. Thomp- son's office, some who had worked tar enough ahead were able to take exams and get full I credit for courses being carried. Ina few cases this will mfanthe ; actual .-rdmg of degrees. , Otbers will get at leas-t partial credit. : The unit had been drilling and making preparation? for depart- 1 ure for several monins. as o xne i&uard's activities at Bang o information was Milable-Xbetax5ota.di.ojn through a 'men are due to be released in months. The guardsmen are being al lowed ix daj-s travelling time, and most cf them are driving east king advantage of sight-seeing 'opportunities. It 41 IVnartrp Ll: T ? Z ans thev"w-ere j-. that the d-v came with ut amyone half realizing they were joing. But as they began XU Agronomist Travels lo Africa Orrin "W'ebner, US. Department of Agriculture agronomist sta- : : tioned at the University, is cm his 'way to Africa where be will as-. :isist wi'Jh the development and production 1 sorghum varieties in thai country. He U oe sone for eight months n leave-of-abnenoe frcm the Departmect.' i " JeTt a.sbinrum, DC, this week for London were be first will rm-jfer with the Bntisn J" . . ''"'' '" . ,", d ;Cojoniai ..ce. we lur"c tioned in Kono. Africa, for JJMM VK of tots work. nw. vv, ... .m irm!i- te CTrting "researc in Afrca in the field ci' sorghnam production. , He will also Aid in introducing ' special American cultural prac- : -ith rrniiert Rtats 4Kmxaax. Webster toe along a larfe col- lerticm cf Amerioaa aoirglium rietie. Thcr win be eraluatea m-w wna; ui o4, uuuoj-lerro-sirid conditians for : bom. unoer northern eria. tr4HJ I firtftn . alii IO ilCaU AClelDIll ESean Ereewe ws elected new prejaoeni. of AdelrAii. Olbers 'ehosen lor the lHil w-iri r Jone. n-i.-e presiaent: V Grty, treasurer; and Wc.o- ward, historian. 7he ksctian were taeia at dinner merting at the siom m t rCharlott Uanan. Tuesday ':ning. Miss l&aao and Graoe Jones wct bortesne. Tl rw offioers will be to- t'Ued n VLw and will aaeume offioe an the ii.IL j Betirmg effirwrs re !Pn?'iU Jt(Tion, president: E 8 d e a m Breene. viae- preKient; Shirley iMacLam, secretary; Fram Holac, ;j trinu."eT, ene Ann OrisfR, tus- I A ttloviinon farty was btlfi "after e ekections. , v - 1 1. ., OflWrs for Ceas TeriM Mem'bers -rff Fhi Ctw The. eietted Pat Bee presiding no IVLarilyTD Krautu xice president t (i rneetitig Tuesdfiy night to She Ut.ion. .Secretiw for Che coming erm Joati Saoiaen w?th Hwbhy Xxu- aen tt ?x-w ttneasurw.. Ttie Jil.n- TeW pi"?" xenru hi thf Tnwtmr v"e": JKg?" ii-'iRtei., Jrim?Tll:TrS. JT'WfSy r ' ij,'w Orin I:,irer Joitn , ., A " THtik Ho'iden J-iarrwt WenJoe, lAJeeCiBs Truman Fires MacArthur President Truman has General MacArthur. fired The general was dismissed from all his commands early Wednes day after a series of now-no-1 longer-secret quarrels with the general over the conduct of the Korean war. The turning point came when the general publicly backed the views of House Leader Martin who called for use of Chinese Na tionalist troops in a second front and the general's fully expressed Coeds to Give !) T f 1 JT lttllO ICCllcll The University School of Fine Arts will present a two-piano re- i cital Thursday, April 19, at 4 p.m. in the Social Science audi-j torium. Fourteen music students i will participate. Mary Robinson and Kathryn , Newhouse will combine efforts playing "A Rose Breaks Into Bloom" by Brahms. Next will be Marilyn Mangold and Shirley Ransdell with "Liebeslieder Waltzes" also by Brahms. Joann Walters and Janice Ab buhl will play "Romance" by Rachmaninoff. ''Vocalise" by the latter will be played by Shirley Whitaker and Rose Mary Casner. Gladys Novotney and Janice Fullerton will play "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" by Diehl. Pinto's "March of the Tin Soldiers" will be done by Jo Ann Jones and Two selections will be played by Audrey Schuller and Marilyn Pruesse. "Hobby Horse" and "Run, Run, Run" by Pinto. .V" i1," E'TZLZZ'Z "JZU i Si a.OVB aVa .iSawu '--- , 'they walked out. j r 1 scarlet rever fZ f Z mjj g T rJ i IV 11.11.19 JiVt Knirnc: I .rAU' aVdl $tudents on campus partiauT quarantined be- ' no are paruu ju-ii cause of the diphtheria cases can , read this article with a cynical ujjoot. It has happened before, a con- bouse, that is. In 1S38 a co-op bouse cut at Ag was quarantined for two weeks because a few of the boys in the bouse had scarlet fever. Thev promptly attracted atten tion by declaring to the interested publk tha that thev would not shave on, by-passers siarted looking in the windows as they passed for a glimpse at the bearded boys. The ''Rag carried d2jr reports as to the progress of the beards and any new cases of scarlet fever were reported in the last paragraphs. After three weeks, the boys xe let out of their bouse to rrwre face the public. At a public dance that night they were called to the stage to show jjj. sproutmgs J the past few, And that's bow whisker kings and their traditions grow. f -w SWeClISll .11 0 Vie T A ri ctt 41 1& AIJITl iU, 1 "The Chi3.drer. is the nest and last if the f oreiEB flllRS fi this rear on April 2D and 21. It if a Swedish film about seen : orphaned children wbo, after the ! oeeta 01 their parents. Aesve their 'Jbe rrH-ation of a bitter winter - na poor nouse. 4tw bot- no aures wtstbtb The purpose of fbe film, ac cording to the "ublitiers, 4s lo point out the essentia! g;owd off mankind by telling bow ear of the seven -"wandering tniidren finds a home and a future derpite the hazardous misnapi Uhal be laD trem in their lorif trek. M.icli of the IDra Is devoted lo sSiots of Swedit scenery through urnr. ji -jn be sbowu am lf m; K&Tmvim m.m iC) .7 3 ir pooaored toy tbe Uiu- :-en:.rty "MCA.. sveiT t-iecietl Sa rT m Y . ffA I rCSIGCDl Cene Kerr, lit, of Columbus. wras elected president cf ?,e braslca Association of F-utur rarmers cf America sit tt clow of the orpanizatiat's 2iird am mial contention 5aes Saturfiry. Totrnr flerr .stunweds Junior won of Mr. and Mrs. FraaJt Eerr who liwe on ftarna sefE miles souttteart of ColiiEDtous. Gene has1 a everape crad of D per cerrt it liigla wSsiMoil and Si per iculturt. ceirt ; other tffirwrs elected tafliide ; ierwys TDtrndKon of TLineoln, , V1(jt, j-jjaen rjuje Thompscas of 1 jtyriiha. aecretarr; CaJ liemmon ff. Crawtord. Tasurer: nfl Allen ; stnerw f 7ebTei Oty, mew reroner. f-rA diEptw t Waverly VOTj in ffWepEUKes pmse 7 or ; wrnning xrit mora. wros an ttie ' .l'V'-wtry 'im:ii ji iu iuuj l-wT icwrrtwut. A ttotiC! a? U..T72 tio" ironi ! 3 fffi nt'finolt itiartirlrisitfi sin h Mevs In IUinih.vTio ..... . t . a I k. rfPf(ated Truman charged the general with refusing "whole hearted" support of United States and Uni ted Nation's policies. The White House made public exchanges of past messages and other docu ments disigned to make the charge stick. The general received the news magnificently. His secretary dis cribed the reaction in his state ment," He never turned a hair." However, the Republican did Couny Lincoln Journal-Star THAD FITTENGER Thad Pittenger Wins $3,750 AEC Award Thad Pittenger, Jr., University advanced student in agronomy, was notified Friday of his selec tion for an Atomic Energy Com mission Fellowship of $3,750. The award was made by the A .EC's Institute of Nuclear Studies at Oak Ridge. Tenn. and line National Research council . 4 The Fellowship will permit him '? studv bKhemical genetics at the California Institute of Tech- i nologv in Pasadena in 1951-52. j He will do research work on a i certain type of bread mold under j the supervision of Dr. G. W. j Beadle, formerly of Wahoo. now (one of the nation's foremost ' geneticists. ; Pittinger, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Pittenger is a Purple ! Heart veteran of World "War II J4 served in Europe. He is mar- ried and the father of one child, H the bachelor of science degree from the College , 1 -m February. 1947. He will receive the Doctor of Fhilosopfcy degree in Agronomy next June. While at the Lniver- sitr, he has received three Atomic Energy cfnmission fellowships. He has been studying with Dr. E. F. Frolik. University agronom- ist currently studying the effects c? atomic energy radiation on com seed and pollen. TA C 1 " o ffltui Still Effective , . ..- - ,.-. - Agennes which get part f , draft bDl lowering the in- their money through the Social ' d-jrtion age to 184 years and SecuriTy Act will not be affected : calling for a study of universal by recent merit system legisla- military training was passed by lion. the House Friday. The pasage of L.B. 52 diswm- .The roll cell was 172 to 44. The tinued the Nebraska merit system. w-hich also extends the serv but personnel tor professional and iee period to 26 months, goes back technical positions with the de- to the Senate. The latter passed partmeut of health, division of a similiar measure last month employment security and the de- 'with s stronger military training partmenl of assistance and child : provision. weolare will still be recruited by j By a 138 to 123 vote the House the system. Indi catiar that -lay scales may be adjusted upward July 1. as a result ci rising living costs were g;ven. COCA-CClLd fcOTrtrxn nrir ! r- l lJ U i 1 2 ; 4 , f j if 'i tmmmr H 'X.0m tJS" 11 ' i Eievievj not take it so well. They used such phrases as "tragic error" 'and "forerunner of a Far Eastern Munich" in commenting on; the removal of General MacArthur as commander-in-chief of the occu pation and United Nation's com mander. Martin commented that the Re publicans will get the general to return to the country Monday night to state his "complete views." The congressman added that the Republicans will attempt to investigate the question of the conduct of foreign policy and in addition," the question of pos sible impeachments." NU Budget May Increase The University may get $1,500,. 000 more tax dollars than was proposed in Governor Peterson's 1951-53 state budget The Legislature's Budget Com mittee has decided tentatively to recommend the increase. This would give the school a tax dollar budget of $12,500,000 for the two years starting July 1, which would be an increase of $4,500, 000, or 56 per cent over the cur rent appropriation from the tax supported state general fund. The increase would give the University a total 1951-53 oper ating budget of about $23,700,000 including money from all sources tax dollars, student fees, fed eral funds and "auxiliary enter prises" like athletics and stu dent cafeterias. Korean Developments Monday the Chinese reds threw open the flood gates of the Hwachon reservoir in a futile at tempt to stem the allied invasion o North Korea and then fled north. OJher Chinese forces moved south of Hwachon, four miles west of the reservoir and seven miles above the 38th parallel. And farther east, U. S. forces ran into heavy resistance in ihe anea southwest of Inje. But on either flank of the 90-mile allied front north of the 38th parallel, the Eighth army attacked without op position. Later, the allies reported only slight gains north of Seoul but heavier attacks under light on position from the eat. On the west-coast front, the weather turned against the American. Yanks tried to scale preripitious mountains capped with snow against CJiinese communist mor tar and automatic and small arms fire. Thursday. American warplanes shot down five enemv jets in one ;of the biggest jet fights in his- ! ' American cve enemv jets, probably destroyed two or more aaa da- !acd 15 I rv, i v.; J; 'visions puDed back on the cen- .: tral front puzzline the American ; staff officers. j However bv Friday, the Red J Chinese withdrawals in Korth 'Korea coincided with a morning j thst they might be preparing the r&7 for heaw air strike at the advanrinp allied e-rrtind frrrr Thus far the Reds have kept ! their Russian-built planes based !in Manchuria, where Allied ; planes are forbidden to venture. Hone Passes Draft BiH : eliminated a provision which ' would have permitted inductees to state whether they want to serve in units in which white and j Kegro troops are segregated. Arir.ona, doe Coop d be cmmjnn it a favorite tdeol fttberinr spot. At the Cft-ep CacaCwla h the favorite 4ruJc Vitb the r!'er crew i ml t rtiivers;jy ( Aritua, aa with evry crowd CdLe leloufs. a . " ' MiA2i3t ...i; ..1lI . ., and Jtariiya Houflti 1 competition.