The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, April 11, 1951
win M
CI i
By Dale Reynolds
A. familiar face around the
Dairy Industry building is Irwin
h: Hathaway, assistant professor
of dairy husbandry.
A member of the experiment
station staff, Hathaway takes a
great interest in student affairs.
In fact, for the past 15 years he
hrs been chairman of the faculty
advisory committee of the Ag
E"c board.
An Ag Exec board member
stated his opinion of Mr. Hath
away this way:
"He believes students are cap
able of governing themselves, so
h lets them make up their own
m'nds, interevning and advising
only when there is a definite need
for advice.
Asset to Board
"His 15 years of service are a
great asset to the board."
In addition to this, Mr. Hatha
way is on the faculty committee
on student activities, faculty
committee on College Days, and
on the faculty Innocent commit
tee. Throughout his participation in
these various committees, Hatha
way has shown a strong interest
in students and their organiza
tions. Mr. Hathaway is a native
Iowan but received his bachelor's
and master's degrees at Kansas
State college. Since 1926, he has
been at the University.
Most of his work here centers
around nutrition in various feeds
and milk products.
Co-operative Projects
These dairy department proj
ects often are in co-operation
with other departments. Some
times they are carried out in the
Poet Laureate
To Address
Writers Guild
Dr. John C. Neihardt, adviser
editor of the "Prairie Schooner"
and professor of poetry at the
University, will be the guest
speaker at the spring luncheon
meeting of the Nebraska Writers
Guild April 21 at the Cornhusker
hotel at 12 noon.
, Dr. Neihardt was declared the
poet laureat of Nebraska by a
joint resolution of the state sen
ate and was thus recognized for
his work upon the American epic
cycle of pioneer life.
The recognition was the first of
its kind by a law-making body
to an American poet.
He had previously been pre
sented with an honory degree of
Doctor of Literature by the Uni
versity in 1917.
In 1919 he shared the prize of
the Poetry Society of America
with Gladys Cromwell.
In 1926 Dr. Neihardt issued a
Volume of "Collected Poems"
which brought together his three
epics of the west, "The Song of
Three Friends," "The Song of
"Hugh Glass" and "The Song of
the Indian Wars."
Dr. Neihardt now lives in Co
lumbia, Mo.
Directors Select Casts for Lab
Theater One-Act Productions
. Casts have been chosen for four
one-act laboratory theater pro
ductions to be given Tuesday,
April 24, 8 p.m., and Friday,
April 27, at 1:30 p.m. in Room
205, Temple.
The cast for "Over the Tea
cups" consists of Joan Follmer
as Betsy Young; Joan Cutler as
Betsy's cousin, Emily Tucker;
Nancy Dark as Mary Beardsley;
and Lorraine Coryell as Mrs. Pol
bemus, a New York visitor.
The play is a comedy of the
PE Fraternity
Initiates 31
An initiation of 31 physical ed
ucation majors April 3 into Tau
chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa,
professional physical education
fraternity, marked the re-activation
of the group on the Univer
sity campus.
An election of officers named
William Jenson president; James
-Buchanan, vice-president; Paul
Hughes, secretary; Harold Deit
rich, treasurer; Glenn Beerline,
historian and editor; William
Hoyt, guide and Verl Scott, ser-geant-at-arms.
Those initated were: George
Alexander, Glenn Beerline, James
Buchanan, Don DeCosta, Duane
Dietering, Frank Eastabroks, De
wayne Gardiner, Stanley Gerlach,
Harold Gilliland, David Graef,
Sedley Hall, Ed Higginbotham.
Art Hillman, William Hoyt,
Paul Hughes, Robert Jensen, Wil
liam Jensen, Hollie Lepley, Rob
ert Lohrberg, Wayne Lubke, Don
ald Martin, Lowell Neilson,
George Nutt, Bruce Perrine, Verl
Scott, Jesse Sell, Charles Shef
field, John Shull and Philip
Coed Pep Filings Close Today
Today is the last day coeds
may apply for positions on next
3'?tr .yell squad.
All freshmen and sophomore
girls who would like to try out
should sign up in the Union ac
i'vlties office.
According to a decision of the
advisory board, two women will
be selected by the board as
cheerleaders and two. will be
.hoxe as alternates.
Tfca board felt the lack of
fiala Interest was caused by the
absence of girls from the state
hi;rh school yll squads.
I Friday from to 5 p.m., in the
eov Known
res'S' in
JbMi It...
laboratory, using rats to experi
ment on, and sometimes in an
other department, using cattle or
other animals as "guinea pigs."
Hathaway is now working on
an experiment that concerns vita
mins for hogs. The project is in
co-operation with the Animal
Husbandry department.
Two other "irons in the fire"
are in co-operation with the Ag
Engineering and Agronomy de
partments. All of these problems, when
solved, will benefit farmers,
content of corn.
At one time, he attempts to de
4500 Expected
Feeders Day on
Nebraska Four-H Clubs
About 4,500 people are expected
on the Ag college campus for
Feeders Day this year. The
event is scheduled for April 20.
Prof. William J. Loeffel, chair
man of the animal husbandry
department, said about 180 cattle
on various experiments will be
shown. Prof. Loeffel is in charge
of Feeders Day.
Among the cattle to be shown
will be lots on winter and fat
tening rations, some animals be
ing fed individually, seme saf
flower meal, some different ratios
of calcium and phosphorus and
some on a vitamin A deficient
diet. Several bulls which are be
ing fed for record of performance
will be exhibited.
Dr. Marvel Baker
Among the speakers will be
Dr. Marvel L. Baker, associate di
rector of the agricultural experi
ment stations; Prof. Loeffel; Dean
W. V. Lambert of the College of
Agriculture; Prof. Thomas W.
Dowe; Dr. John Matsushima and
Robert W. Koch.
Dr. George Browning, associate
director of the Iowa State college
experiment station, is scheduled
to speak on "The Use of Grass
in Beef Production."
In addition to the men's pro
gram there will be a session for
women. They will be shown va
rious ways of cooking meat and
ways to use lard in baking. Spe
"front" put up by two society
ladies forced to less pleasant liv
ing circumstances. Jask Wen
strand and Marcia Burklund will
act as directors of the play.
The cast for "Overtones," writ
ten by Alice Gerstenberg, consists
of Mary Mackie, as Harriet; Pat
Loder as Hetty; Sue Gorton as
Margaret; and Shirley Fries and
Dorothy Nordgren will direct
the play and Joyce Hunscote is
the production manager.
Members of the cast for "Sun-
rlav rViKte Vivo Pfsns" arp1 Marv.
lou Rips as Berta; Ed Prado as
Fidel; Mildred Goodman as Ce-
lestina; Faye Graham as Salome;
and Peggy Wood as Tonia.
Production manager for the
play is Mrs. Cyra Renwich and
director is Barbara Durland.
The cast for "Riders to the
Sea" consists of Diane Downing
as Murya, the mother; Mary Ann
Lebsack as Cathleen, a daugh
ter; Janice Ringle as Nora, an
other daughter; and Ken Clement
as Bartley, the son.
Jan Klone will direct the play
and the technical work is under
the direction of Dorothy Williams.
NU Bulletin
Cosmopolitan club meeting can-
celled; all members working on
program to meet at 7:30 p.m.,
Union ballroom. '
KiMmet Klub workprs meatine.
5 p.m., KK room.
Block and Bridle initiation and
meeting, 7 p.m.. Horse Barn.
Coliseum, Frank Piccolo, Brick
Paulson, Don Devries and
George Hancock will hold a
cheerleading practice for all as
pirants. Tryouts will be held Thurs
day, April 19. The aspirants will
be judged on general personal
ity, crowd appeal, grace of mo
tions, voice and aptness in learn
ing the yells.
Members of the advisory board
who select the coed cheerleaders
are Nancy Porter, Bob Raun,
Bob Parker, Frank Piccolo,
Brick Paulson, Don Lentz, Potsy
Clark and Jake Geier.
termine how drying affects feed
ing content of corn. At another
he delves into the advisability of
irrigated pastures for dairy cattle.
Dairy Products
Another of his tests concerns
dairy products. He is trying at
present to find the vitamin con
tent of cheese.
Hathaway likes to spend his
leisure time at home doing odd
.lobs. He is married and has one
daughter who is a sophomore at
at University.
Hathaway summed up his 25
years here by saying, "It's been
a privilege."
to Attend Ag
April 20
cialists "will put on the demon
Women's Session
The men's program of speeches
will open at 9:15 a.m. at the
college activities building. The
session for women begins at the
same time in Animal Husbandry
hall. The men will visit the ex
perimental feedlots, starting at
11 a.m. The program will con
clude at 3:30 p.m.
Between 4,000 and 4,500 at
tended last year's event. Prof.
Loeffel said interest in feeding
throughout the state indicates that
attendance this year will be as
high or higher than in 1950.
Writing Is A 'Gradual Thing'
Says University
Writing is a "gradual thing"
says history professor J. R.
Alden, author of a book entitled
"General Lee: Traitor or Patriot?"
His book, concerning the senior
major general under George
Washington at the time of the
American Revolution, will be
published April 23 by the Louisi
ana state university press.
My interest in the revolution
began, Dr. Alden explained, when
I was a graduate student at the
University of Michigan. With the
fine William L. Clements library
of American history on the
campus, I naturally became inter
ested in that part of our Ameri
can heritage, he said.
General Gage
My interest in history, develop
ing from my use of the library,
he said, led to my first book,
"Southern Colonial Frontier."
Colonial general Gage capitvated
me next, he related, and I wrote
"General Gage in America."
Then, Alden said, one thing led
to another and I moved on
Charles Lee, a high ranking of
ficer in the same regiment and
army as General Gage.
To Continue
Yrj-l frm f Tr-vl
TT tCU VAIllliUl
Weed researchers at the Uni
versity will continue their investi
gations this year to find more
effective ways of controlling the
annual headache for farmers.
Here are some of the projects
which are underway:
Deane Finnerty, Dayton Kling
man and Neal Shafer are trying
various ways to control weedy
grass in bromegrass. They're us
ing plots which contain a good
Lincoln and Lancaster brome
mixed with hairy chess and
downy brome. The scientists are
using varying rates of nitrogen
in conjunction with other weed
control practices. There will be
chemical herbicides applied, using
a mixture of TCA and dinitro
compounds. Mowing and burning
also will be compared in their
effects on weedy bromes and
Ktnnnth hrntnp.
jdea of the fertility treatments
is to increase the vigor of the.
i smooth brome over the ability
'of tht smooth brome. Mowing
j and burning may eliminate the
seed source of the weeds, and
subsequent crops may be rela
tively free from weedy brome.
Past results with TCA has given
good kills of the undesirable
plants, but the smooth brome has
been injured somewhat. There)
are no recommendations yet fori
its use. I
Another experiment which is
designed to find the best kinds
and rates of application of chem
icals to kill grassy weeds in al
falfa will be underway.
Sagebrush control experiments
in the western part of the state
will continue. The tests ere made
through 'the cooperation of the
State Department of Aeronautics
and the Piper Aircraft Corpora
tion, which furnishes the plane.
Results from last year's experi
ments show that there has been
65 per cent kill on sagebrush,
using one pound of ester 2, 4-D
per acre. And grass production
in the sprayed areas seems to
New Building to Replace
Lutheran Student House
When coeds scamper to andj
fro between the dorm and the
concession stand across the street,
seldom do they stop to think that
a couple old timers are watching
This old timer, now yellow
with age and ready to fall apart
at the hinges, is the old Lutheran
student house. Although old as
far as years go, the Lutheran
students at the University have
only possessed it since 1949.
x Now they are planning start
out afreash, tear the old building
down and erect a new Lutheran
Student Center Building in its
Before gasping its last breath
of life, however, the old house
breathes a story that compara
tively few Nebraskans could re
call first hand today.
Built in 1874
In the beginning, 535 North
16th was built by a Lincoln man
as a home for his family. That
was back in 1874, when "R"
Street was the main thorough
fare for Lincoln traffic and, at
the same time the street farther
est north of "O".
The University was composed
of only one or two buildings
A prominent Lincoln attorney,
now 88 years old, a son of the
man who built the house, was
12 years old when this home first
NU Symphony
Plans Recital
Six music major students will
appear as soloists with the Uni
versity Symphony orchestra in
Union ballroom.
Melvin Folts, Virginia Nord
strom, Helmut Sienknecht, James
Stevenson, Bonita Blanchard and
Sunday April 15 at 4 p.m. in the
Senior Recital. It will be held
Lewis Forney are the senior soloi
the music department's annual
ists. These students were selected
by popular vote of their fellow
classmates to appear in the re
cital. Folts, trombonist, will play
"Sonata in F Major" by Galliard
Folts. Miss Nordstrom, flutist,
will play "Concerto in G Major"
by Mozart. Stevenson will play
the violin solo, "Symphony Es
pagnole" by Lalo. Forney, pian
ist, will play "Concerto in E Flat
Major' by Liszt.
Sienknecht, tenor, will sing
"Salve Dimura Castae Pura" by
Gounod. Miss Blanchard, con
tralto, will sing Verdi's "O Don
No admission will be charged.
History Prof
Lee, he discovered, was a very
unusual person. He wrote num
erous propaganda pieces under
various pseudonyms, of which
"Anglus Americanus" was per
haps the most common. He pos
sessed such a trenmendous tem
per Alden said, that some of his
acquaintances thought him to be
insane. According to Alden, Lee
would say anything anytime.
"There was nothing ordinary
about Charles Lee, he remarked.
And since no one had made a
real effort to get information
about Lee, I decided to write
about him. I traveled through the
South and East, gathering fur
ther material about a little re
membered general, he related. I
searched through Lee's letters, old
newspapers and magazines, and
government documents to find in
formation for my book, said
In 1945, Dr. Alden became an
instructor at the University. Since
then, he has worked on the book
for a little more than four years.
At exec board meeting, 7 p.m.,
Recreation room.
AUF presidents meeting, 5 p.m..
Recreation room. j;;
General entertainment, 5 p.m. S
Dance committee meeting, 5
p.m. i
Public relations, 5 p.m.
Craft class, 7 p.m.
N. fl Om I Tw I'Thra Trent FIt
Wrdi lari Dmy ) tJi Otf
J-lt t.U t M 'IM I.S
u-i"T mi .w i 'i.wVi7sfi i.
i-n .e i " .m7i7m j i.o i f m
it-M i7s7i."
Include tddrnues when figur
ine tout.
Brine adt to Daily Ncbraskan
business offlne, Student Union,
or mall with correct amount
nd Insertions desired.
LOST Billfold In Colioum locker room. f
N-l credentiali aud papcri. Wayne V;
Bath, 1201 JSt, ; ;.
ANY typing don-Thee, notebook, term ! 5
ppn. experienced. EoHe Paul, 1B26
j. J-8253 ;
LORT Plnlc hellrlmmed flMe in
brown cne. Donna Hyind. 8-3387. !
LOST Blillold- In "collneum-rneed cre
dential? and Identification. Hmel
Balch. J-7831.
Lout Kappa Alpha Theta nororlty pin ;
Reward. Helen Cook. 3-3388. 1 ;i
came into existence. His sister,
who died in 1949. had lived in
this house almost continually
since it was built.
As a result, this property had
been in the name of this family
without a transfer of ownership
for 75 years until it was sold to
the Lutheran Student Foundation
Incorporation of Lincoln three
years ago.
Property History
The other piece of property
belonging to the Lutherans, 529
North 16th also has an attached
A gray, non-descript-looking
frame, now in the, process of be
ing torn down, made the spot
quite a show spot in its younger
days. Built in 1884, it was one of
the more prominent Lincoln
homes in its day. Unlike its next
door neighbor, this house chang
ed hands several times before it
became the property of the Luth
eran Students foundation.
Thus, today two old landmarks,
who saw the University grow
from old "U" hall to what it is
now. are being confiscated. A
big, new, better building is
with these two eamces go
memories of many a parade,
many a fashion and many an
amorous couple, all of which,
though different in a way, ex
pressed the mood and feeling
symbolic of the University
through the years truly Nebras
kan. City Jaycees
To Sponsor
Parking Panel
"What can we do about Lin
coln's parking and traffic prob
lems?" The Lincoln Junior Chamber
of Commerce today promises in
teresting and informative answers
to that question Wednesday at the
second of the Lincoln Forum
series of panel discussions on
civic affairs and problems of lo
cal interest.
A group of five experts will
outline the extent of the city's
transportation problems now,
and in the near future, and will
discuss possible solutions at a
free, public forum in the Uni
versity of Nebraska's Love Me
morial Library auditorium.
This form, co-sponsored by the
Jaycees and the extension divi
sion of the University, will begin
at 8:15 p.m., Wednesday, April
Moderator will be E. J. Faulk
ner, president of the Lincoln
Planning commission. B. L.
Erickson, City Engineer, Paul
Watt, local representative of Har
land Bartholomew and Associ
ates who are making the traffic
survey for Lincoln, Mrs. Fred
Putney, member of the City plan
ning Commission, and John
Lawler, representative of the
Citizen Advisory Committee of
the City Council will be the
Ernest H. Weir, jr., Jaycee
Councilman in charge of this
project, said that "This series of
forums is offering both an oppor
tunity and a challenge an op
portunity for all those interested
in civic affairs to become better
informed on local problems and
a challenge to all the citizens of
the community to prove that
they deserve good government by
becoming informed on the issues
before them."
Tor the miMt superb jarket you
can buy ... the name i
"Rotwnblum" one of Miller'
"great"! Impeccable i thin
"tailor's jacket," by the master
era f lumen vho make distinctive
Roaenblum tailored unit. To see it
in to want it ... try It,
and St become a mut have."
Have it In lounge or double
breasted routine to vear every
where, every seaiton from now on!
In finetl ntlid-tone virgin wool
flannel. Red, Kelly, Navy, Pink.
Single-breanted, 10 to 16. 29.95
Your "Madetnoiitelle"
College Store
'Jr,,, i r'il ik.fiM.!IIWmii,,3ll!lllill!:rtW
Advertising Convention
, I' fijrf 1
'' - I ' ' i A.
... .
INSIDE STORY Lisa Loughlin chosen "the girl we'd like most
to write copy about" by outstanding advertising students from
40 universities, talks with five students who attended Inside Ad
vertising week in New York. They are (l. to r.) Donald Stine,
University of Nebraska; Ira Quint, NYU; Lisa Loughlin; J. War
ren Newell, University of Nebraska; Wayne C. White, University
tion was sponsored by the Association of Advertising Men. The
students were told the inside story of such large national ad
vertisers and agencies as Time, Life, Fortune and NBC
6 Sane Sex Life9
tobeln 1 97 9 Is Again on Market
For only $1.98 you too can ob- when you check it out of the II
tain complete instructions on how brarv. If you lie about your age
to live a sane sex life.
How? By ordering Dr. H. W.
Long's book, "Sane Sex Life."
Many students on the campus
have received notices, complete
with business reply envelopes, of
fering this "complete and unex
purgated" volume at the amaz
ingly low price of $1.98, formerly
$5. And if you order within 10
days you receive "absolutely
free" a 32-page "Picture Story of
Woman's Sexual Life." And it
may interest you to know that
this special offer saves you $3.02.
At Library, Too
You can save the other $1.98
by checking the book out of Love
Memorial Library or the Lincoln
City Library.
This book first came out in
flapper days, 1919 to be exact.
Then, it cost $5. The book has
been revised and the cost low
ered for every generation. It was
re-revised for the present genra
tion in 1937.
The sale of this book is re-
stricted to married persons or
persons over 21. You must state
your age when you order, but not
Builders Mass
Meet Tonight
University Builders will hold a
mass meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in the Union, Room 316.
Shirley Coy will be mistress of
of ceremonies during the eve
ning's program. Board members
and Mary E. Mielenz, Builder's
faculty adviser, will be intro
duced by Marilyn Coupe, presi
dent of the organization.
Jack Davis, district chairman,
will give a report of his commit
tee's accomplishments and their
plans for the summer.
The athletic plans for next
year and now Builders can aid
the department will be the top
ic of Athletic Director Potsy
Clark's talk. He will also tell the
mass meeting how Builders can
influence high school athletes in
attending the University.
Bernard W. Fuhr will speak on
Freshman Week and how Build
ers can help at that time.
The mass meeting is to urge
anyone interested and especially
men in working in Builders to
sign up.
'jmmmmmKmmwmm mm9 vim
Wm MSB-'
f Si
lil: f 0
v- f:;:
Second Floor
X . ... . f t - . v .. ...... .Y,
on the order, says the Better Busi
ness Bureau, then you are liable
rather than the company which
sells the book. The libraiy re
mains immune in all cases.
For Married Couples
The book, first copyrighted in
Great Britain, does not bear the
traditional restrained touch of the
English. But then, it is written
entirely for married couples. No
information is available upon Dr.
H. W. Long, the author,
! Endorsements are auoted from
the Journal of Iowa State Medi
cal Society, the Social Hygiene
Association of Kentucky, and
American Medicine Another en
dorsement is a touching letter
from Mr. and Mrs. J.C.C., Jr.
whose marriage was "going on
the rocks." The book, which ar
rived on Saturday, had cleared
away all their marital trouble by
Do not despair if you are
threatened by approaching mar
riage. Dr. H. W. Long can help
you change "a bleak tragedy into
a "glowing adventure."
and his orchestra
Dancing 9 until 12
Couples Only
Adm. 1.70 per couple
Tax Included
!Pi3:irai!RfK!'v:;!ii n