Monday, April 9, 1951' PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ' I i 3 M . 4 1 ! i X r L "1 i'-4- 1' Nebraska's Campus Antics Captivate 'Nosey9 Earthworm During Warm Days The conquering earthworm came out of his hole today to take a short peck at the noisy world above him. Things were really humming so the little an imal that cultivates three square inches of ground per day started to look around. . He found a lot of happy peo ple running around campus en joying the first real spring day Nebraska has seen since Decem ber. Most of them were carrying their coats and a few of the pessimists had umbrellas. Cars Tear Around An unusually lare number of cars were tearing around the streets, many of them with the tops down. The little worm won dered if it were Saturday, for no one seemed to be going into any of the buildings for classes. All at once he heard someone mentioning his name and he looked up to see who would be talking about him, a mere worm. A feminine voice was saying, "That low living worm giving a test on a day like this." He knew then ihat it wasn't him they were talking about, but one of the teachers that sat in the classes. He could feel a blush covering his entire slimy, grimy body as the voice went on to describe the instructor. Relatives Modesty Of course the little worm part way agreed with her. After all, Money Problems . . . NU Student Loan Fund Offers Aid to 'Broke' By Art Becker Are you bothered with in omnia? Do your dreams develop into nightmares about those de moniac bills at the end of the month? Hm-m-m-m??? If your trouble is financial, and if your friends are reluctant to gap you a "ten-spot" once in a while, take heed. Probably you have not heard about it, but the University has a fund just for you that is, if you can meet a few requirements. This student loan fund is com posed of 64 memorial funds do nated to the University for the purpose of enabling and encour aging students to remain in school. Two Forms Loans are made to students in two forms, emergency loans and unlimited loans. .. An emergency loan is made for amounts up to $50 for a period of six months or less. The larger loans (unlimited type) require a co-signer who will be responsble Yale President Fears Military Yale University President A Whitney Griswold warra that channelling the nation's youth into the armed forces instead of college may be playing into the hands ol the communists. ' Writing in the April issue of the Atlantic, Dr. Griswold says that "in the emergency, we talk of college education as a ron-essential and an expend able." But, ha adds, while the United States is neglecting high educa tion, Eussia is making use of it as a strategic asset, citing evi dence that medical, scientific and technological institutes in Soviet Eussia are full and their enroll ment increasing. , Discussing possible remedial measures, Dr. Griswold points out that it may be necessary to short en the time consumed in high school Md college. Although op posing "acceleration," he sug gests instead improving second airy education. - Helse urges colleges and uni versities to cooperate with the United States Armed Forces in stitute in offering extension courses for men on military service. Losses Threaten Swins Raisers A severe outbreak of baby pig diseases has hit Nebraska herds this spring. Dr. Carl Olson, jr., head of the University animal pathology and hygiene department,-M Monday. He . said the department has been doing research on the dis eases for the past several years. There have been severe losses this spring p to nearly all of the pigs farrowed in some herds. One farmer in eastern Nebraska lost 300 out of 500 farrowed. . Dr. Olson said symptoms of the maladies vary, but vomiting and diarrhea seem to be the most common. The symptoms are usu ally followed by death. The cause, he said, U unknown, but pos sibly a virus is responsible. Ex periment stations over the mid west ara attempting to find meth ods of controling the diseases. - University scientists have an opportunity to study the diseases close at band. An outbreak oc curred recently among newly far rowed pigs at the institution's swine research center. Many re ports of disease outbreaks are re ceived by University staff mem bers from swine raisers outstate. for the loan if it is not paid when it becomes due.- The size of these loans and the time limit for their repayment is determined by a seven member committee after a short interview with the applicant. The interest rates are 2 per cent while the borrower is in school, 4 per cent after graduation, and 6 per cent if the loan is not paid when due No interest is charged if repay ment is made within one month after the loan is made. Size of Fund Since loans are constantly be ing made and payments are re ceived nearly every day on the outstanding loans, the exact size of the fund is seldom the same from one day to the next. The latest figures show approximately $184,226 in total loan funds for the use of the combined colleges of the Lincoln campus. In addition to this, there is $47,150 in a fund for the use of medical college students at Omaha. Due to various stipulations and restrictions on the use of the funds as set up by the donor, only $153,222 is included as actually available for loaning to students on the Lincoln campus. Of this amount, about $30,000 is now out in the form of loans to students. The total loan funds is further broken down into funds available to students in the various colleges as specified by the donor. Ap proximately $81,000 of the total fund comprises a general fund which is available to all students. Amount Loaned The amount of money loaned from the fund has been con stantly increasing during the past few years. During the fiscal year from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950, $18,302 was loaned to students. Within the period from July 1, 1950 to March 31, 1951. 213 loans with a total value of $26,138 have been made. Of the latter figure, more than $16,000 was loaned during the first three months of 1951. Requirements The only fixed requirements a student must meet to receive a loan are a 4.0 grade average and a record of good standing at the dean's office. Freshmen are not advised to atinly for help from the student loan fund, because the main pur pose of the loans is not to help students get started in college, dui to help them stay in school until they finish. Application blanks may be od- tained at 202 Administration halL If you are one of these haughty individuals whose pride keeps him struggling under the pres-1 sure of weighty bills, remember this: a student loan is not a debt; it is an investment in education one of the best investments an individual can make. it had been one of those pro fessors who had aken his uncle and three brothers away to one of the buildings. He had heard later that the nice little students in the classes had been forced to cut open the worms. And the little worm had been so sad to think of his uncle because he was the modest type, anyway. By this time, things were be ginning to quiet down, so the lit tle worm decided to go home. He dug a hole and crawled back into the cool dark earth where he lived. He had no sooner gotten there when a friend of his squirmed in to see him. The friend had been out of town and had dropped into see his cousin on the wav back to Lincoln. Hill Activities The cousin lived out north of town on a hill. They knew a great many people in common because for some unknown rea son, the students were always going out to the hill where the cousin worm lived. The cousin worm had lived a dangerous life out on the hill. Whenever he came to the surface flying missies fell all about him. He heard the people call them cans. The friend said that the little cousin worm was planning on moving to Lincoln to be near them and away from the students. He knew that they were supposed to be most numerous on the cam pus, but from what he had seen, he doubted it. Then too, now adays there were more people with blue uniforms that spent a lot of time out at his hill and he didn't like them nearly as well as the students because they just sort of crept upon him and never said too much. Consul Companionship The little earthworm was glad to hear that his cousin would be living near him, as he was very lonely since his uncle and three brothers left. The two earthworms munched contentedly on a piece of dirt un til it was time for the other to crawl on home. . They bade each other goodbye and then the little earthworm curled himself up and went to sleep. He had experienced a hard and trying day and as one of the few thousand college worms, it was his duty to always be at his best every morning. 'Good Newsr Dance Cast Needs Men All University men who are interested in taking part in dance routines for the Kosmet Klub's musical comedy, "Good News," are urged to participate in the tryouts Tuesday in the Temple building. Room 21 at 7 p.m. According to Jack Moore, in charge of the show's dance re hearsals, there is still a need for several partners for the coed dancers which have already been selected. All males, including those al ready cast in the musical's choruses, are eligible to tryout. ' ihose who attend the tryouts may perform any dance routine. They may bring their own mu sic. A pianist will be present to accompany all candidates. Choreographer Moore stated, "It is necessary that we cast the male dancers as soon as possible, in order that we may rehearse the coeds and men together in their respective dance routines. "Tuesday night trials will cul minate cast tryouts for the musi cal comedy," added Moore. "Those who can't possibly attend then should call me without fur ther delay." "Good News," directed by Dal las Williams, will be presented April 25, 26 and 27 at the Ne braska theater. The play will be one of the highlights of College Days. ifes F$t Plns The "Husker Holiday' parade in the College Days Festivities, April 26 to 28, is aimed to ac quaint Nebraskans with the Uni versity. Floats entered in the parade should combine both beauty and eye appeal with educational value, Dick Kuska parade chairman, ex plained. The educational value may be interpreted to be a slogan or short saying that ties work at the University in with the parade float. Floats used at Veishea Days, are examples of the kind of float that should De dis played in the parade. Floats will be competing with floats in the same class. The floats are classified as sponsored by religious organization, college or ganizations and men's and wom en's organized houses. Floats will be rated 40 per cent on beauty and general eye ap peal, 35 per cent educational . , x f I vaiue, zv per cent, originauv emu Iowa State's , spirit of occastion and 5 pei -ent use of noise such as music. Entry deadlines for floats is April 16 at 5 p.m. In case of duplication, float entries may oe entered any time before April 10 at 5 p.m. A one dollar entry foe must accompany the entry for each float. The parade will be one of the biggest events of the College Days celebration. It will be April 28 from 9 to 11 a.m. Tickets numbering from 381 to 400 for the Duke Ellington show have been lost. These tickets will not be honored at the door. Please return these tickets by mail or bring them person ally to the Union office. J. R. Alden, History Prof, Writes Book on Revolution AG BULLETIN BOARD Tuesday Ag Union activity committee meets at 3 p.m., Ag Union. YM Cabinet meets at 5 p.m., Room 3, Ag Union. Farmers Fair committee meets at 5 p.m., Room 110. Builders Sales committee meets at 5 p.m., Room 2. Rodeo planners meet at 7:30 p.m., Recreation room. Five Military Branches Offer Advanced ROTC Applications Many fields are open to ap plicants for the next advanced Army ROTC course in September, 1951. Applications for this ad vanced course are still being accepted. Courses open to students are: artillery, engineers, infantry, mili tary police and ordnance. Many have applied for these applica tion forms but there is still need for men interested in artillery and engineers. Artillerymen receive broad in struction in gunnery, survey, communication, materials and ar tillery tactics. They are trained! to maneuver powerful artillery A University faculty member is the author of a new book which throws new light on the revolu tion, George Washington and an obscure British-born general. He is John Richard Alden, pro fessor of history. Dr. Alden's book is "General Charles Lee: Traitor or Patriot?" which will be released April 23 by the Louisiana State university press. General Lee is perhaps best known as the general whom Washington is said to have called a "damned poltroon" at the Battle nt Mnnmniith. Dr. Alden not onlv j . V.f Kiit nl.n Va presents evidence which proves that Lee's judgment and conduct at Monmouth were creditable. However, historians have gen- jerally re,vrded Lee' as a traitor because he was court-martialed by young officers currying the favor of Washington. Dr. Alden shows how this was an unjust decision on the part of the court-martial and also points out some of Lee's contributions to the American cause which have also been overlooked through the rectly responsible for the suc cessful repulsion of the British at Charleston, though historians have usually given the credit for that victory to the South Carolina military leaders. Dr. Alden is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has taught at the University of Chi cago and Michigan during sum mer terms. An earlier book by Dr. Alden won the 1945 Beveridge prize given by the American Historical association. He is now working on a new book of the revolution to be included in the new "Rise of the American Nation" series. weapons to destroy army resist ance and material, enabling the years. Lee was the outstanding infantry to advance. The skill and equipment of artillerymen were important factors in winning World War II. Engineers Builders The engineers are active in war and peace. In order to secure ad mission to this course a student; must be enrolled in the proper academic field. Engineers are in j charge of building and maintain ing all airfield and military bases j and their utilities. AUF Solicitations Recipients To Have Requests in April 15 The executive board of the All University Fund is now planning for what organizations they will solicit funds during the coming fall term. The purpose of AUF is to or ganize, promote and administer all solicitation of money from the to tal student body of the Univer sity. No organization may be per mitted to drive for funds from the total student body of the cam pus without permission and ap proval of AUF. This year AUF raised $4,500, This went to the Crusade for Freedom, World Student Service Fund and Lincoln Community Chest. Any on-campus organization may drive through AUF by sub mitting a request to the execu tive board of AUF before April 15 and meeting with the execu tive board some time this month. The AUF drive is to be conducted and the length determined upon the recommendation of the or ganization concerned. The request should be sent to Sarah Fulton, AUF Room 306. Union. A budget outlining specific needs and expected receipts must be included in the request. It is understood that permission to drive and the budget are subject to the approval of the organiza tional heads and executive board. AUF will not drive for on campus organizations seeking in creased membership or funds for general running expenses. Funds collected for campus organizations must be used for some all student project. Study Habits Lab Will Open Soon Students Interested in enroll ing in remedial reading or study tiabits improvements labs, which .will begin the week of April 8, tihould make arrangements this week at the Junior Division office In Temporary Building A. . Remedial reading labs will meet from 4 to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or 11 to 52 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Study habits labs will rneet 9 to 10 a.m. Monday and We&Mwday or 4 to 5 p.m. Tues day and Thursday. Western Nebraska's Oil Wells Interest Oklahoma Geologists Oklahoma geologists are inter ested in recent oil developments in western Nebraska according to a statement by Eugene C. Reed, Nebraska associate state geologist. Reed, who addressed the Tulsa Geololigacl society recently, said that many University graduates hold responsible positions with Oklahoma oil companies. Among the men present at the Tulsa meeting were Louis H. Lukert, di vision geologist for the Texas company and A. L. Beekley, chief geologist for Mid-Continent Pe troleum company. Nebraska Geologists E.G. Woodruff, first graduate of the University department of geology is consulting geologist in Tulsa along with Wesley Gish, Roscoe Shutt and Kent Kimball.. John Maher is with the oil and gas division office of the U. S. de partment of geological surveys in Tulsa. Other Nebraska geologists working in Oklahoma are Holger Johnson of the Wilcox Oil com pany and J. E. Upp of the Amer ada Peteroleum corporation. In his speech to the Tulsa Geo logical society. Reed discussed the surface and subsurface geology of Nebraska. He emphasized the 1P4I oil discovery in the western part of the state. This area now hi a total production of four thousand barrels a day. Reed NU Expert Reed is the outstanding Ne braska geologist in the field of logging underground oil and gas wells. He is the asociate director of the conservation and survey division of the University. The members of the Tulsa Geo logical society include oil geolo gists from Tulsa and surrounding area in Oklahoma. Approximate ly 200 members were present at the meeting which Reed was in vited to address. Parking Plan Panel April 11 "What can we do about Lin coln's parking and traffic prob lems?" This will be the discussed topic at an informal panel discussion to be held in Love library audi torium at 8:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 11. This is the second of three monthly meetings sponsored by the Lincoln Junior Chamber of Commerce. Ernest Weir is the councilman in charge of the series and Bill Palmer is chairman. The moderator of this meeting will be E. J. Faulkner, a member of the Lincoln Chamber of Com merce, The meeting is free of charge and the public is invited to hear the panel discussion and to take part in the question and answer session. Spring Brings NU Face-Lifting Job Monday All Cosmopolitan club members Camouflage is an activity of the who are working on the Cosmo engineers as in tne maKing or maps and surveys. They make ex tensive use of explosives and demolitions, in laying mine fields and destroying strategic enemy roads and bridges. Women May Enlist in Navy Women between the ages of 18 and 26 and enrolled in an ac credited university may now en list in the Naval reserve and ap ply for a Navy commission. Those interested must join the United States Naval reserve and attend two summer training pe riods by the summer following graduation. If they are not ac cepted for the officers school, a complete discharge may be ob tained before August, 1951. Ap plicants must contact' the naval air station in Lincoln before April 8. The school will begin classes in Chicago on July 9 and will last six weeks. On the completion of this course and the two training periods, the women will obtain a commission in the naval reserve as an ensien on inactive dutv and warmvai must meei in me union will receive regular navy pay. ballroom, at 7 p.m. They will not be put into active Community service and skeptics duty until an actual state of war corner groups meet at 3 p.m. in 'exists. Ellen Smitn hall. j Representative council and of militarist in America, and, except for his nationality, might well have been commander in chief instead of Washington. He is di- NU Bulletin Board Peacetime activities of the army 1 fice staff meet at 4 p.m., Ellen ' Animal Proleilt Cicular Spring means a campus face lifting job for the department of building and grounds. They are uprooting trees in preparation for new landscaping. Plet tne reQmremerits of the ad The victims of this uprooting vanced course ROTC are recom- process will have new homes iu....u.. waiting ror tnem nn nthr narte : iicutcunnis ui engineers include flood control and harbor maintenance through out the United States and its pos sessions. Student veterans with a year or more of honorable service in the armed forces of the United States, who will be under 27 years of age at the beginning of the fall term are eligible to apply. Course Not Repeated Those who have had over six months but less than one year of basic military science to establish eligibility. The special one year course for veterans will not be repeated in the Army ROTC next year. Students who successfully corn- Smith Hall. Common beliefs for a world church, human rights and con ference coop meet at 5 D.m.. El len Smith halL of the campus, however. In the vicinity of the Carillon Tower, another tree replacement project is going on. The spring of 1952 will bring about the the Officers Re serve Corps, in their respective branches. Distinguished graduates may qualify for regular Army Commission. Further information may be ob olantmtr of a flork of nw trs. tained in Koom- no. imiiiary nu ce - .- Naval Science building. the re-landscaping program is in the process. The present trees are being regrouped around the columns. Air Force ROTC Lists Promotions Air Force ROTC appointments have been announced. Lloyd Keller has been promoted to master sergeant in squadron A. Technical sergeants are Fred Moshier, Wayne Handsby, Gordon Krough and Doane Pickering. Master sergeant of squadron B is Donald Overholt Richard Wes tin, Arthur Gross, Otto Schmidt and Robert Johnson are technical sergeants. Butter Stumbaugh is squadron B master sergeant The technical sergeants arc Bernard Sprague, William Cozier. John Wirsia and Gustave Wolf. Town Meeting Panel To Discuss Modern Art "Does Modern Art Make Sense"? will be discussed on the Town Meeting of the Air on Tues day, April 10, at 8 p.m. over sta tion KFOR. Members of the panel discus sion will be Stuart Davis, whose paintings ate exhibited in gal leries over the country; Thomas Hart Benton, former director of the Painting and Art Institute of Kansas City, and Perry T. Rath bone, director of the City Art Mu seum of St. Louis. Court Says Oath At Cal Invalid The University of California loyalty oath is a threat to aca demic freedom, warned the State Appelate court at Sacramento, Calif., recently. The University board of re gents was ordered to take back 18 professors they had fired upon their refusal to sign a special non-communist pledge. Nearly 14 months had elapsed since the board first told all university employees to take a non-communist oath or be fired. Published by University A revised circular which tells in detail about animal protein fac itor is off the press at the Uni versity and is available at the oifices of the Extension Annex. Dr. Merle J. Brinegar, author of the publication, gives an ex planation of APF and Vitamin B 12. He discusses the value of an tibiotics in swine feeding, how they may be purchased and how they should be fed to pigs. CREPE PAPER If e tarry in ttock all of DeniHHt't 28 eolor$. Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street Man I She's uf mad about plaid I r K- .Eft 1 J """" CSTli "-t V f 7 WANT ADS LOST Billfold In Colincum lockor room. I Nd eradentlali Md puperi. Wyr ' Bth, 1201 J St 2 " CHADUATB tuJentt will 'tutor ' mttii-mutici, phytic and Spliit Call WH5II evening. We plan to add several young women to our art staff in Kansas City. Regular salary will be paid and all supplies furnished while receiving advanced training on the Job. If you are interested in creative designing, lettering, or finished drawing and would like a full time per manent position in our Kansas City office write Mr. W. R. McCIoskey for additional information. HALL BROTHERS, INC. Designers end Manufacturers of Hallmark Cards 250S Grind Avenue Kansas City. Missouri VanHeusen n. r. u. sporfcheclc shirts Be s bomii winner with the lssif . . . urar Van lifruwn Sportcherk shirts in bright plaid! With their bold, virile colora they're cheerleaderi in every crowd completely wshLle and ey-wearuig. Sport Vm in a wide range of plaid combinations ...long or ahort aleevea. Cottn-$4.50 A $5.50 Rayon-$5.5Q A $6.50. 0 Van Heusen "the M'wWs marteist" shirts I PH1L11PS.J0XES COBP.. MW fOBK 1, fl, r. J Freshmen, Sophomores Juniors, Seniors 'All are invited to the Dave linen's Clrclicslra 15) JlLI j3 q LiM Student Union Ballroom Tickets 0I.CO per couple