The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Monday, April 9, 1951
- f II !
iiiversiy iyiS&iftrcimurdl Team
Jack Walentine Newman Club
Bob Dwehus Pioneer House
Jack Yelkin Geologists
Mel Williams Brown Palace
Al Hanson Sigma Phi Epsilon
Murl Maupin Phi Gamma Delta "B"
Lee Stauffer Lutheran House
Neil Campbell Newman Club
George Paynich Delta Tau Delta
Bob Kroenke Newman Club F
Chick Battey Phi Delta Theta F
Bob Clark Phillips 33 C
Clark Betcke Presby House G
Rav Svehla Dorm A Stars G
Arved Christensen- Alpha Sigma Phi
Jerry Anderson Phi Kappa Pei
Don McArthur Phi Delta Phi
Ben Leonard Sigma Chi "B"
Claire Johnson Lilies
Dave Graef Phi Delta Theta
HONORABLE MENTION- Wes Beerv Pioneer House; Clark Caley Dorm A Stars; Gene Carter Geologists; Bill Griffin Newman Club; Lyle Altman Sigma Nu; Bill Uiles Kinkydinks; I
IVm Hruza Alnha Siema Phi Larrv Dunnlne Sigma Jm o , narue urougmon iNeDrasKa vu-uu; jerry ssirasneim wamura, raui uusiaisun jrm icita xnciu t ,
vera nd. oig , y & phi; Mickey Sisley Delta Chi; BiU Alexander Delta Upsilon "B"; Ted Kratt Sigma Phi Epsilon "B".
I ......... . .yA:.v.y.-...:,.:v.v,-.v;-;v;-:vv: :::w:x:; I :;-:-::
1951 All-U
IIIF 'lilll
CiW'iinr mi ini.nfck' kml
Denom eager on the Newman
Club outfit gains the top All
Star team at forward.
1. Otologists (17-0)
S. Newman Club (13-2)
5. Phi Delta Thta (15-1)
4. Phi Delta Phi (15-1)
6. Sigma Phi Epsilon (12 "
. Warriors (9-S)
7. Dorm A Start (H-2)
8. Sigma Nu (9-4)
9. Pioneer House (11-1)
10. Lutheran House (10-4)
1. Sigma Phi Epsilon (11-3)
2. Pht Gamma Delta (11-3)
5. Sigma Chi (10-2)
4. Alpha Tau Omega (9-3)
6. Delta Upsilon (9-3)
6. Farm House (9-2)
7. Phi Delta Theta (9-3)
8. Phi Kappa PsI (8-2)
9. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (3-8)
10. Beta Theta PI (4-6)
The Geologists and Newman
Club are the number one and
two teams of the 1950-51 intra
mural basketball season. The two
teams hold down the two top
spots in the final cage ratings
of the year.
The Geologists won it outright.
They swept throuh a ten-game
league schedule and then took
everything the rest the leagues
had to offer in the playoffs. They
won their divisional title by 22
points, found their Roughest foe
of the year in th denomina
tional champion Ni n : Club,
and then breezed ough the
fraternity champions to take the
All-U honors hands-down.
Newman Club gets the second
place nod over third place Phi
t)elta Theta on the strength of
the two teams' showings against
the Geologists. The Catholics
were not pressed all year except
In that title game, a game their
reserves lost to Presby House
rot being considered.
One Loss
The Phi Delts tasted defeat
only at the hands of the cham
pions. Their record shows 15 wins
to that loss. They copped the
Fraternity "A" championship by
being pressed only by Delta Tau
Delta 8nd Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Phi Delta Phi, the Independent
runnerup, is the 1950-51 occu
pant of fourth place. The lawyers
saw a 15-1 game winning streak
finally broken in the Independ
ent finals by Geology.
Sigma Phi Epsilon is the Uni
versity's fifth place team. The
Sig Eps ran a 12-game winning
streak into the fraternity "Ah
finals only to have it broken by
Phi Delta Theta on the second
The Warriors jump to sixth in
the final ratings. They came out
of a strong league as co-champions
and then proceeded to im
press everyone in the playoffs.
They too were subdued by the
TITLE GAME .... Chick Battey (13) top Phi Delta Theta for
ward tries In vain for two points UKalnst the Geologists. Jock
yelkin (center) is ready for the rebound while Bill Farmer (12)
is tensed, ready for action. (Photo by Bob Sherwood.)
m,j ;
' , " I '
Ill I x
? "A A :
MEL WILLIAMS .... stellar
Brown Palace player-manager
is a unanimous choice for a
guard berth on the All-U team.
1. Newman Club
2. Lutheran House
S. Presby House (9-4)
4. InterVarslty (6-7)
5. Methodists (5-7)
1. Geologist!
2. Phi Delta Phi
S. Warriors
4. Dorm A Stars
5. Alpha Sigma Phi (8-6 1
6. Phillips 33 (10-3)
7. Rlnkydlnks (6-3)
8. City YMCA (8-4)
9. Lilies (7-4)
10. Dorm A Comets 7-6)
1. Phi Delta Theta
2. Sigma Phi Epsilon
3. Sigma Nu
4. Pioneer House
5. Phi Kappa Psj (11-1)
6. Delta Tau Delta (8-3)
7. Brown Palace (9-3)
8. Sigma Chi (10-4)
9. Cornhusker Co-op (8-4)
10. Norrls House (8-2)
champions, but only by six
Stars Seventh
The Dorm A Stars are seventh.
They won their league and then
zoomed to the independent semi
finals. They lost in that game to
Phi Delta Phi in a 47-46 thriller.
Sigma Nuggets the number
eight spot. The Nu's played good
ball after a shaky start and
turned in one of the year's big
gest upsets in the playoffs by
dropping Phi Kappa Psi.
Pioneer House and Lutheran
Student Association round out
the top ten in the final ratings.
The Pioneers lost only one dur
ing the year, that the Phi Delta
Theta while the Lutherans closed
fast and pressed Newman Club
in the Denom finals,
No fraternity "B" teams made
the top ten due to the jumbled
condition of those outfits after
the playoffs. The Sig Ep Bees
were not far off, however.
The Sig Ep juniors copped the
Bee crown to become the big
surprise in the playoffs. The
other finalist, Phi Gamma Delta
is rated second with Sigma Chi,
Alpha Tau Omega and Delta Up
silon rounding out the first di
vision. Following fourth place First
"A" Pioneer House, come Phi
Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta,
Brown Palace, Sigma Chi, Corn
husker Co-op and Norris House.
Independently speaking, Alpha
Sigma PPhi made a strong finish
and rates the number five spot.
Following the Alpha Sigs are the
Phillips 33 crew, the Rinkydinks,
City YMCA, Lilies and Dorm A
By Bill Mundell
A grand total of 35 men re
ceived mention today in the All
University All-Intramural basket-
hall listings. Pour tpams e1 five
men. each and 15 men in honor
able mention make up the 1951
grandaddy of all the All-Stars
.TnTYinin .TaMc Yelk-in nt t.Vie All.
University champion Geologists
leads the way this year as last.
Jack Is the only repeater from
last year's array of stars.
Behind Yelkin at the center
post come Jack Walentine of runner-up
Newman Club and Bob
Dwehus of Pioneer House at the
forwards and Dave Graef of third
place Phi Delta Theta and Mel
wiuiams oi crown raiaee at the
guard berths.
So there thev are the five
men who stand out head and
shoulders above the rest of the
field in intramural basketball this
year according to the teams and
piayers tnemseives.
Players Seleet Team
The entire selection was baH
on the ballots turned in by the
managers oi eacn team represent
ing the votes for their top oppon
ents during the year of play.
Yelkin, a holdover from last
years squad, is joined by Wil
liams at guard who placed on the
second team last season. Walen
tine at forward, moves up also,
coming from last year's third
Graef was also mentioned last
year in the honorable mention
division while Dwehus Is the only
man to make the team who was
nowhere to be found last season
at this time.
Yelkin was practically a cinch
to make it for the second straight
year as the season progressed. He
piled up point after point in each
contest to thoroughly amaze his
opponents. He received a first
place vote on every ballot that
came in from the teams he faced.
Two Records
Yelkin established two new
scoring records during the year,
he popped Che individual mark in
the first round of the playoffs by
pouring 56 counters through the
meshes. His terrific effort in that
contest helped him to establish
a new All-U record in scoring
for the year. His 346 points dur
ing the year blasted the old mark
by over a hundred points.
And he wasn't just a scorer.
He controlled the rebounds in
every game, both offensively and
defensively, and continually set
his mates into position to score.
Williams was another unani
mous choice. He was one of the
top ball-handlers in competition
and Was thf hrninc HaMn4
I ' " a guuu
jPalacer outfit. Although not pri
marily a scorer, he did rank
among the top ten in the frat di
vision. Walentine Tops
Top man in the Interdenomina-
Only 12 Votes
Absent in AIL
Star Balloting
Intramural basketball man
agers and teams responded ad
mirably in the voting for the four
divisional and All - University
basketball teams.
A grand total of 74 ballots
were received from the compet
ing teams. And out of the pos
sible 80 votes, that leftr only 12
outfits that didn't exercise their
right to vote for their top oppo
nents. A breakdown on the divisions
saw only one Denom vote fail
to come in, two Fraternity "B"
votes were neglected, three in
the fraternity "A" division and
six in the Independent division.
Ar Lars
The Ag College league was the
Independent division hindrance.
Three out of that single league
failed to turn in a ballot which
is partially the explanation why
no Ag College players made any
of the teams. All of the Ag
votes were vastly different, how
ever, and thut was the real rea
son no one man was named.
The berths were assigned by per
centages and not by total votes.
Most of ballots contained the
requested two teams and ten
men although some contained
fewer. Three ballots had the
names of only one man as their
vote. Two ballots tried to vote
for more than ten men, but they
were placed so the extras could
be left out when counting.
One team voted two of its own
men on their second team vote
and one team voted for one of
its won members. These, of
course, were left out In the final
A couple of votes added rec
ommendations for men In differ
ent divisions, having seen these
men in action against other
teams. These were appreciated,
but not taken into consideration,
in the final tabulation ' of the
One team sent in their ballot.
stating this at the top: "We didn't
face anybody that was worth a
darn, but these were the five
In the 74 votes, a total of 361
men received at least a second
place vote. Only four men re
ceived a unanimous vote from
their opposing teams and only
two cagers were nearly unani
mous choices.
It was a good buskotbull year
and even better can be predicted
for the future with such an In
terest shown.
35 Sllir 06i
' I VSte r III
JACK YELKIN . ... is the only
repeater from last year's team.
He was a unanimous choice for
the center post.
tion division and another unani
mous choice to the All-U team is
Walentine. He was by far the
top scorer in that division and one
of the calmest shooters and play
ers in the league.
Wally was an effective re-
bounder for the Catholics, also.
His stellar role under the boards
gave the Newmanites approxi
mately two shots for every one
oi Tneir opponents.
Graef holds down the fourth
unanimous slot on the team. This
Phi Delt scrapper led his mates
to the All-U finals and to third
place in the final standings. While
far from being the top scorer, he
was the man who made the Phi
Delt plays work and his scoring
did come into its own in the form
of long shots when the Phi Delts
really needed the points. In the
close games, Graef was one of
the Phi Delt top scorers.
Dwehus at Forward
Dwehus missed being an unani
mous selection by only a hair. He
was a first team choice on every
ballot but one and took a second
spot on that one. As it was, he
was not pressed for the fifth
spot on the All-University line
up. Bob was the main cog in Pi
oneer s successful season. Behind
this whiz, the Pioneers rolled to
Geologists Top
Scoring Team;
Catholics Next
The . All-University champion
Geologists were the hiehest scor
ing team in intramural basketball
this season just finished. The
Geologists rolled up an amazing
866 points in the 15 games ac
tually piayea for the .all-time
high average of 57.8.
Runnerup Newman Club was
right behind the leaders with a
54.2 average. The Catholics
scored 596 points in 11 actual
Phi Delta Theta, fraternity
champions, was the top frater
nity scoring machine. The Phi
Delts amassed a total of 704
points in their 16 contests for a
44 point-per-game average.
Delta Upsilon posted the top
mark in the fraternity B" divi
sion. The DU Bees notched 443
points in ten contests for a 36.9
average. The Sigma Chi Bees
were right behind with 440
points in 12 games for an aver
age of 37.6 at the season's end.
Independent Phi Delta Phi was
the only other outfit in action
to post an average higher than
40 points-per-game. The lawyers
scored 457 markers In 11 contests
for a 41.5 average.
Playoffs Get
Rolling Today
Water-Basketball playoffs get
under way Monday. The deep
water and shallow-water versions
of the game both start their post
season tourneys today.
Eight teams in both tourneys
will battle for their respective
crowns. The eight were decided
by the single round-robin league
play just concluded.
The deep-water play starts roll
ing at 4:80 p.m.
Powerful Student Union meets
Sigma Alpha Epsilon in a first
round battle at that time.
At 5 p.m. Beta Theta PI and
Alpha Tau Omega will clash in
another deep-water contest.
Phi Delta Theta will try to
subdue Sigma Nu In a deep
water clash, slated for 5:80 p.m.
and Delta Sigma Phi and Phi
Gamma Delta will round out the
first round play Bt 6 p.m.
The shallow-water tourney also
gets rolling at 4:30 p.m. when
Beta Sigma Psi meets Sigma
Alnha Epsilon.
At 5 p.m. Phi Delta Theta and
Sigma Phi Epsilon will do battle
followed at 5:30 p.m. by Beta
Theta PI and Sigma Nu.
A 6 p.m. contest between Phi
Gamma Delta and Alpha Tau
Omega will close the first round
of the shallow-water play.
The ATO's are the highest scor
ing shallow-water outfit in com
petition. The Thus hove amassed
almost a 30 polrit-per-game aver-ago.
11 consecutive victories before
finally bowing to Phi Delta Theta
in the playoffs. His shooting and
rebounding were terrific as -he
chalked up a 13-point average per
game. He was rightfully named
by his opponents to the top lineup.
Another Catholic and another
Phi Delt support Walentine and
Graef by gaining a second team
berth. Bob Kroenke of Newman
Club and Chick Battey of the
Phi Delts hold down the two for
ward position on the second line
up. Behind this pair is Bob Clark,
stellar center of the Phillips 33
aggregation and a couple of hot
shot guards in the persons of
Clark Betske of Presby House
and Ray Svehla of the Dorm A
The third team lineup has
Arved Christenson of Alpha
Sigma Phi and Jerry Anderson of
Phi Kappa Psi at forwards, ter
rific Don McArthur of Phi Delta
Phi at the center post and Ben
Leonard of Sigma Chi B and
Claire Johnson of the Lilies at
The fourth team is composed of
Al Hanson of Sigma Phi Epsilon
and Murl Maupin of Phi Gamma
Delta "B" at forwards, Lee Stauf
fer of the Lutheran Student As
sociation at the center position
and George Paynich of Delta Tau
Delta and Neil Campbell of New
man Club at the guard slots.
The teams were made up not
by position but by players. The
top five men were placed on the
first team regardless of position
they played, because most of the
players played at one or all posi
tions during the year. In making
up the teams, however, the five
men on each team were placed
in certain positions to make that
team the most effective if they
should ever take the floor to
gether. Last year's All-University team
had Jim Walsh of Sigma Phi Ep
silon and Darrell Heiss of Farm
House at forwards, Yelkin at
center and Mack Robinson of
Alpha Tau Omega and Woody
Bohn of the Lutheran Student
Association at the guards.
All five boys were back m
school again this year, but Yel
kin was the only competitor.
Heiss, Robinson and Bohn were
all ruled ineligible in this year's
action with the passing of the
rule that states "a man who let
ters in basketball at any institu
tion above a high school shall
be declared ineligible."
Heiss won a letter at Wesleyan
college and Bohn received a
monogram at a school in Wis
consin. Robinson was a letter
winner here at Nebraska during
the war years.
Jim Walsh passed up intra
mural competition this year to
take a crack at higher things. He
was on the Nebraska varsity
cage squad all year.
SO Softball
Teams Enter;
Start Tuesday
Tuesday is the opening of the
1951 intramural softball season.
On that day, 14 teams will clash
to open what promises to be a
"slam-bang" year on the dia
monds. A total of 50 teams have been
entered in this year's competition
and have been divided into the
three divisions, fraternity, Inter
denominational and Independent.
League play in eight leagues
will determine the representatives
of that league for the playoffs.
The four top teams In each league
will meet in their respective play
off tourneys to determine a
champion. The three divisional
champs will then meet to deter
mine an All-University champion.
The playoffs are tentatively
scheduled to begin on May 9
with 32 teams swinging into ac
tion. Playoffs are a thing of the
future at the present, however.
Right now it's "Play ball!"
The leagues as set up:
iMffM I
fliKtna Alpha Epsilon
KlKma Nu
Alpha Tau Omega
Phi OHtnma Delta
Bxta HlKma Psi
Phi Delta Theta
HlKtna Chi
Twita I'rwllon
Kppa Sigma
Delta Tuu Delta
Burma Phi Kpsllnn
Alpha Gumma Kho
Ia(ie in
Phi Kappa Psi
Beta Theta PI
Theta XI
Farm House
Brown Palm
Pi Kappa Phi
Tmiih IV
Tau Kappa tpsllon
Klicma Alpha Mu
Zeta Beta Tau
fiornhusker Co-op
Pioneer House
l.eaffitt V
Delta Plitma Pill
Delta Chi
Delta Blsma PI
Theta Chi
Norrls Jinnee
LMfue VI
Presby House
University YMCA
Baptist Ilnuse
inter Varsltv
Methmllst House
Lutheran House
Newman CMh
l4Mtne VII
A Men's Club
Pmntleal Arte
StuHent Union
Men's Dorm
Phi Delta Phi
Dental Freshman
Alalia Kappa A ,
ill: MMM'X':MSX. lii ...sAiSk,, . WaB
jj pill ,,
DAVE GRAEF .... holds down
one guard berth on the All-U
team. He is a Phi Delta Theta
Jack Yelkin, stellar center oni
the 1951 All-University champion
Geologists, leads the way in the
final tabulation of the scoring sta
tistics on both counts. He topped
all the cagers in points per game
with an average of 24.7 counters,
and led the field in total points
scored with 346. Both marks are
new scoring records in the intra
mural round-ball sport.
Jack Walentine of Newman
Club and Chick Battey of Phi
Delta Theta were the number
two men in the two divisions.
Walentine was second in the av
erages with 17.2 points per con
test while Battey's 253 points was
second best in the total scored
Don McArthur placed third in
scoring by toting a 16.9 points per
game average through the season.
Bill Alexander of the Delta Up
silon Bees ranked third in total
scoring with 186 markers to his
Christensen and Maupin
Number four men in scoring in
the final All-University tabula
tions are Arved Christensen of
Alpha Sigma Phi and Murl Mau
pin of Phi Gamma Delta "B".
Christensen notched -a 16.3 aver
age during the year of play and
Maupin chalked up a total of 175
Battey and Walentine are to
gether again in the number five
positions, this time exchanging
divisions. Battey's 15.8 average
was good for fifth while Walen
tine's 172 points took fifth place
honors in that division.
Bob Clark of Phillips 33 was
the University's sixth man in
points-per-game. Clark m a i n
tained a 15.6 average through ten
games. McArthur was sixth in to
tal scoring, netting a year's total
of 169.
In figuring the averages for the
final tabulation, only those men
who competed in seven games or
more were taken into considera
tion. A couple of men like Ralph
Meston of the Ag Student Center
and Lynn Christensen of Phillips
33 could have easily broken into
the upper brackets if they have
played in more games.
Six boys were declared ineli
gible during the season and they
were not taken into consideration
either although they maintained
good averages while in.
The final scoring statistics:
Newman Club was the only
outfit to get more than one man
mentioned in the top 15 aver
ages in the University with Bob
Kroenke placing fifteenth to
Walentine's second.
Both the Geologists and Dorm
A Stars got two men in the total
point division. Gene Carter join
ed Yelkin and Cark Caley joined
Ray Svehla.
1. Yelkin, Oeoloirlsts 24 7
2. Wiilentlne, Newmtin Club ...... 17.2
8. Mr Arthur, Ptil Delt Phi !.
4. Chrlsteneen, Alpha Hlgs ...... 16.8
6. Battey, Phi Delt Theta 16,8
I llllil
Makes a Man Love a Pipe
and a Woman Love a Man
1 rf Mi !!nrfl L M ir C 1 B I
BOB DWEHUS .... Pioneer
House, hotshof, was awarded,
one forward berth by the intra
mural managers and teams. ,
dtPii! S
6. Clark, Phillips S3 .......... 15.C
7. Alexander, DU Beef ......... 15.S
8. Giles, Rinkydinki 14. 4
9. Svehla, Stars 14 0
10. Tie Betcke, Presby 14.0
11. Maupin, Phi Gam Bees ...... 13.S
12. J. Anderson. Phi Psi 13 S
13. Dwehus, Pioneer 18.0
14. Broughton, Neb. Coop ........ 12.
15. Kroenke, Newman Club ....... 12.5
1. Yelkin, Geologists Mt
2. Battey, Phil Delt Theta, 253
8. Alexander, DU Bees 18S
4. Maupin, Ptil Gas Bees ........... 175
6. Walentine, Newman Club. ..... 172
6. McArthur, Phil Delt Phi 188
7. J. Anderson, Phi Psi ........... 160
8. Clark, Phillips S3 i!
9. Svehla, Stars .................. 154
10. Carter, Geologists ............. 147
11. Dwehus, Pioneer ................ 14S
13. WaulUnan, Ag Men 142
14. Caley, Stars 140
15. Broughton, Neb. Coop 13
1. Walentine, Newman Olub ...... 17 t
2. Betcke, Presby House .......... 14 0
5. Koenke. Newman Club ........ 12 5
4. Johnson, Lutherans ..... 11-2
6. Sotban, Presby House ........ 0.7
6. Stauffer, Lutherans .......... US
7. Campbell, Newman Club ...... S t
5. Anderson, Lutherans ......... fc I
8. Griffin, Newman Club ........ SO
10. McCabe, Newman Club ........ t T
1. Walentine, Newman Club ........ 172
2. Betcke, Presby House ......... 12S
,3. Kroenke, Newman Club ......... 125
4. Johnson, Lutherans ............ 112
6. Stauffer, Lutherans ............. lit
6. Campbell, Newman Club ...... 4
7. Griffin, Newman Club ........ 0
8. Anderson, Lutherans ............ 73
9. fiothan, Presby House .......... 8
10, Wetland, Lutherans 60
1. Alexander, DU 15.5
2. Maupin, Fhl Gams IK S
3. Leonard, Sigma Chi .......... 11 8
4. Watson, Farm House ......... 8 1
5. Gustafson, Phi Delta Tbeta....
Tie James, ATO .................. 9.0
7. Perrlne, SAC 8 9
8. Dunning, Sigma Chi 7.9
9. Brittln, Phi Psi.. ............. 7.1
10. Kratt, Sig Ep 7.9
1. Alexander, DU ................ IKS
2. Maupin, Phi Gam ............ 175
8. Leonard, Sigma Chi 143
4. Gustafson, Phi Delta Theta.... 108
6. Kratt, Sig Ep 89
6. Dunning, Sigma Chi .......... 95
7. James, ATO 90
Tie Weaver, Phi Delta, Theta. ..... 90
9. Russell, 8lg Ep 87
10. Perrlne, SAE 80
1. Battey Ptil Delta Theta...... 15. g
2. J. Anderson, Phi Psi 13 3
3. Dwehus, Pioneer .............. 13 1
4. Beery, Pioneer ................ 10.5
5. Brandon, Sig Ep 10 4
6. Williams, Brown Palace 10. R
7. Paynich, Delta 10.0
Tie Slsley, Delta Chi 30.0
9. Burkhurd, Theta Chi ........ 8 8
10. Kramer, Norns House ........ 8.1
1. Battey, Phi Delt Theta. ....... 2K8
2. J. Anderson. Phi Pal .......... 10
8. Dwehus, Pioneer ............... 13 0
4. Altman. Sigma Nu ............ 118
5. Beery, Pioneer 110
6. Graef, Phi Delt Theta,. .. 107
7. L. Anderson. Phi J'sl. .... 10
8. Ledlngham, Phi D. ThetA...... 105
9. Williams, Brown Palace. ....... 108
10. Paynich, Delts loo
Tie Al Hanson, dig Ep ' 100
1. Yelkin. Geologists 24 7
2. McArthur, Phi Delt Fhl 1 8
3. Christensen, Alpha Sig .......... 18
4. Clark, Phillips 33 lb 0
5. Giles, Rlnkydlnks 14.4
6. Svehla, Stars ...........140
7. Broughton. Neb. Coop .......... 12 8
9. Wenke, Phi Delt Ptil 138
8. Waultman, Ag Men 11. B
10. Strashelm. Warriors ............ 11.8
1. Yelkin, Geologlets .848
2. MoArtnur, Phi Delt phi ,1H
8. Clark, Phillips 88 ............. .11)5
4. flvehla, Stars .104
5. Carter, Geologists ............... .147
6. Waultman, Ag Msn .............14Z
7. Caley, Stars .140
8. Broughton, Neh. Coop ........... .ISO
8. Wenke, Phi Halt Phi ........... .135
10. Strashelm, Warriors ..124
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