The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1951, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Tuesday, March 6, 1951
HuskersTake Conference
Track Title at Kansas City
Coach Ed Weir, his pet theory,
and his trnck team won the Big
Seven Indoor track tltlo Saturday
night at Kanoas City.
Tho Husker drulertnon scored
40 Ms points to lift tho title from
defending champion Kansus and
favored Missouri.
Weir has lonj? supported team
depth as being tho surest way of
winning track championships.
And It was depth which won the
HiiRkcr titlo this time.
Tho titlo was annexed on sec
ond, third, fourth, and fifth
places. In fact, only two Ne
brnsknns, Hobe Jones and Leon
ard Kehl, won blue ribbons.
After tho meet was over Weir
emphasized that It was the team
working as a unit and not as in
dividuals that enabled Nebraska
to win.
Weir Says
'They were a fine bunch of
kids," Weir asserted, "and every
inch of energy they had was put
forth. They cams through in the
Vaulter Don Cooper was a
prime example of giving up per
sonal Interests for the benefit of
the team. He had a good chance
cf breaking tho conference polo
vault record of 13-feet-llVi
Inches set last year by Sooner
Bill Caroll. The Husker star had
cleared 14 feet consistently dur
ing the entire season,
But ho sacrificed this personal
interest In order to run the 60
yard dash. And In doing so won
third place in a race which Ne
braska had been weak in all
His iprintlng effort may not
have been a reason for his
inability to break tho record.
But it still served to spur tho
Huskers on. And the team
elected him honorary captain for
the indoor reason.
Fortunately, Leonard Kehl was
up to par and equaled his best
mark of the season, a 13 foot 6
inch effort which won first place.
Settles Feud
Hobe Jones settled his feud
with Tiger sophomore Pete Gal
lup. Both men were rated top
contenders to win the 800. Jones
not only won the race but set
a new Nebraska mark of 1:56.4.
Gallup faded to fifth at tho end
of the race.
Another outstanding perform
anco was contributed by Wendy
Cole, He had been out of action
most of the season with a bad
leg. He shook off his injury and
ran a close second to Jayhawk
Jack Greenwood in the 60-yard
low hurdles.
Hurdler Don Bedker also gave
a surprise performance by run
nlng second to Greenwood in the
60-yard high hurdles.
Shotputters Paul Grimm and
Lowell Neilsen rate a loud ap
plauso for their efforts. Grimm
tossed tho iron ball 45 feet-four
inches and Neilsen followed with
a 44 feet-ten inch heave. Both
marks were good enough for
fourth and fifth places, respec
Broad Jumpers
Sophomore broad jumpers IrV'
ing Thodo and Glenn Bcerllne
copped third and fourth places
in their event. Thode jumped
23 feet-four inches. Beerlino
was only an inch behind him.
Dick Molssner was below his
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HOBE JONES ... set a new
Husker half mile record at
Kansas City and placed fifth
in the mile.
LEONARD KEHL . . . gave the Huskers one of their two blue
ribbons by winning the conference indoor pole vault title. He
had previously won the event as a sophomore.
Dusters Hit Phillips,
Stars, City Y
ll Win
By Marlin Downey
and Buck I'lin
Highly touted Phillips 33 fell
before a determined bunch of
Dusters Saturday afternoon in a
thrilling 32-31 overtime affair.
The Phillips crew was the third
independent team in the Univer
sity while the Dusters were un
ranked in the last ratings.
In the initial period the Dus
ters jumped to an early 8-3 lead.
However when the half ended
the Phillip's had narrowed the
margin to 14-12 and in the next
stanza were ahead 22-18. The
roaring fourth quarter saw both
teams fighting for supremacy,
neither seeming to be able to
break the 29-29 deadlock. In the
heartbreaking overtime the Dus
ters crowded out a fighting Phil
lips team by a skin-tight one
point margin.
Fred Muhali led the Phillips
With nine while close behind
were Bill Johnson ana Jonn
Johnnette each having six.
Dusters top scorers were
Linquist and Bob Johnson
dumped in 10 apiece.
Geologists Spree
Geologists downed the Pirates
47-23. The Pirates couldn't seem
to stop the sharp eye of Gene
Carter as he garnered 16 and
Jack Yelkin who flipped in 10.
Ralph Hall was the leading hoop
ster for the losers with 13 points.
The Dorm Stars drubbed Dorm
B&C to the tune of 51-31. It was
an evenly matched game until the
NU Center Sets
Neiv Comhusker
Scoring Record
Rnh Pierce, stellar center
the Husker basketball team, has
established an all-time Nebraska
scoring record for a single sea
son. His 18 points against Okla
homa Saturday night brought his
season's total up to 365 points for
22 games. This is already 5
points better than the old record
which Milton Whitehead set last
Pierce had his best evening
against South Dakota when he
hit the hoop for 29 points. He
rang up 25 against Minnesota. He
can bolster his scoring record
even more against Missouri Wed
nesday night.
hectic fourth quarter when the
Stars hit for 24 points.
Ray Swehla scorched the nets
for 24 while teammate Bud Har
ris hit for 13. Both boys play for
the Stars. Notching up the mark
ers for Dorm B&C were Bill
Stout, grabbing 15 and William
Heaurman, accounting for 10.
Nebraska Co-op Wins
Another thriller for the day
saw Nebraska Coop break the
Dorm A comets 31-29. Both
teams gave a good account of
themselves in the upset.
Broughton netted 12 and Young
bucketed six for the Co-Op's.
Dick Giles banged away 10 and
Dan Switzer bagged nine for the
Pill Rollers took an easy one,
2-0, on a forfeit from the Rinky
dinks. Fiddle-de-Fees Wins
Phi Delta Phi, No. 1 Independ
ent team, rolled over Alpha Sig
ma Phi 33-26. As usual, lawyer
Don McArthur led the scoring
t-.-,, this time with 14 points. Team-
nicue jjiu vvcunc Jifijeu Willi
eight. Alpha Sigs Paul and Joe
Siegmund kept the losers in the
running with 12 and 8.
In a Saturday "B" game, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon broke a Beta Sig
ma Psi hex to take a 27-24 deci
sion. Sig Alph Bruce Perrine
was the wheel flipping in a nif
ty 17. McAfee, and Huebner of
the Beta Sigs split 14.
Inter-Varsity Downed
Presby House shellacked a
willing Inter-Varsity squad
36-26. Clark Betcke's 13 and
Norm Sothan's six made the bet
ter half of the winner's score.
Dick Heigel's 10 and Wagner's 8
helped the I-V cause.
City YMCA overran an under
dog Gunners, 52-25. Schmidt,
Green and Osterman were the
big-guns in the YM offense. They
scored 13, 12, and 15 points, re
spectively. Flipping the points
in for the gunners were John
Rasmussen, who had seven and
Scott Stockton and Rog Steeves,
each contributing six.
Delta Sigma Pi met and de
feated Acacia, Saturday. The
quarter scores were 14-6, 27-12,
39-15, and 51-23. Three boys
from Delta Sigma Pi couldn't
seem to be stopped as they
plopped in point after point. They
were Simon with 17, Lincoln
with 14 and Cottingham with 13.
Acacia's John Ewin and Chuck
Miner had six.
usual form and cot caught in a
four-way tie for second place at
6 feet-two inches in the high
Ken Jacobs came tnrougn wnn
a tnira place in ine mue run.
He failed to place in the two-
mile event.
Mile Relay
Nebraska hopes in the mile re
lay received a set back when
Wendy Cole, the second liusner
runner fell on the turn. How
ever, he got up and finished the
race. Nebraska was shut out in
time comparisons.
Missouri was second in the
meet with 37 Vz points, Kansas
third with 30, Kansas State
fourth with 25 Oklahoma fifth
with 25, Colorado sixth with
I8V2, and Iowa State brought up
the rear with 3 markers.
Weir summed the meet up
when he said it was well run and
every school performed credibly.
fin-yard hlRh hurdles Won by flrncn-
woori, (K)r second, Hedker, (N; third,
Harriot, M); fourlh, Kenner, tM);
fifth, Foster, (M). Time, :07.5,
60-yard rinsh Won hy Raaco, (C);
seeond, Iloxklns, (KS ; third, Cooper,
(N) ; fourth, Bilker, .KS); mm, Keuoy,
(C). Time, -.06,3.
flO-vard low. hurdles Won by Green
wood, K; seeond, Cole, (N); third,
Model, (Cl: lourtn, carter, (mj; mm,
Renner, (M). Time, :06.9.
Mile run Won by McCluire, (M); sec
ond. Abel, (K): third, JaeoDs, (IN);
fourth, Kavs, (KS); fifth, Jones, (N).
Time, 4:20.1.
UO-vard dash Won by Meailer, (O);
second, Hakcr. (KS); third, Vanet,
(Ml; fourth, Coleman. (O); fifth, Alex
ander, (N). Time, :C0.3.
880-vard run Won by Jones. N;
second, Crabtree, (0): third, Bowers,
(KS); fourth, Fisher, (K); fifth, Gallup,
(M). Time, 1;B8.4.
Two-mile run Won by Semper, (K),
second, Fox, M); third, Palmqulst,
(Kl; fourth, McCulre. (M); fifth. Drum
mond, (O). Time, 9:11.3.
Mile relay Won by Kansas, second,
Missouri; third, Kansas State; fourth,
Iowa State; fifth, Colorado. Time, 3:42.2.
Broad Jump -Won by Hosklni, (K);
second, Stovall, (M) ; third, Thode,
(N); fourth, Beerline, (N) ; fifth, Cox,
(C). Distance, 24 feet 7 Inches.
Shotput Won by Tanner. (C); sec
ond. Mayes. (O); third, Brusca, M);
fourth. Grimm, (N); fifth, Neilsen,
(N); distance, 50 feet 11 inches.
High Jump Won by Jones, (O); tie
for second amonn Gold, (C); Launlus,
(M); Severn, (KS); Melssner, (N);
height, 6 feet i -inches.
Pole vault Won by Kehl, (N); sec
ond, Cooper, (N); third, Lemon, (O);
tie for fourth among Floyd, (K); Wilkin,
(IS), and Llndsley, (C) j height, 13 feet,
fi U -inches.
From The
Sports Desk
Hy Rill Mundell
Sports Kdllnr, Dally Nehraiksn
Hats off to a fighting band of Comhusker tracksters.
We knew they could do it.
It was great to see Ed Weir's cindermen come through
in the clutch to pick off the big plum of the Big Seven
carnival last weekend. It was a fine victory for a fine
bunch of competitors.
What was even better to see was the fine team interest
shown by the Huskers. Personal ambitions were set aside
so that the team as a whole could carry home the prize.
Foremost in my mind is senior pole-vaulter, Don
Cooper. "Moose" has been a Husker vault mainstay for
four years and has always been near if not at the top of
the conference vaulting.
This year it was definite. "Moose" had six times in six
meets bettered the Big Seven pole vault mark set by Car
roll of Oklahoma last year. "Moose" had soared higher than
any other athlete in the history of the conference and was
nearing the world's record for a vault from a dirt run-way.
But Don has a couple of other assets. Ho is one of the
faster sprint men in the loop and he is a non-selfish indi
And so, because of these, Don ran the 60-yard dash for
Nebraska and picked up three all-important points by plac
ing third. ,
Don't let anyone kid you; running 60 yards in fast
company can tire a fellow plenty.
And so after the 60, Don went into his pet event, the
pole vault, tired and exhausted and finished second to
teammate Lenny Kehl.
Look at the standings that would have resulted if
"Moose" hadn't run the dash.
Subtract the three points for Nebraska in that event
and add one more to Missouri which Harold Carter, who
finished sixth, would have gotten. There's your three-point
victory margin gone and Missouri would have been cham
pion by one point.
Don could have spent all his energy on the pole vault
and undoubtedly would have established a new Big Seven
record beside his name.
Don won't go down in the conference record books
as the man who holds the loop vault record, but in the
hearts of Huskerland he's an all-time record-holder and a
wonderful guy.
Thanks a lot, "Moose."
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Cage Playoff s Begin Today;
First Round Pairings Listed
The long-awaited intramural
basketball playoffs get under way
today. Sixty teams are still in con
tention for six championships, the
fraternity "A," fraternity "B,"
Denominational, Inde pendent,
All-Unaffiliated and AU-uni-versity.
Fraternity "A" and "B" teams
inaugurate the post-season play
today. Fifteen games are schedul
ed in the first round play.
Tuesday's schedule is:
5 p.m.
Ag College Slsma Phi Kpsllon "B" vs.
Sigma, Nu "B".
7 Ag"' College Helta Upsllon "B" vs.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon "B".
Court I Farm House vs. Sigma Nu.
Court II Norrls House vs. Delta Sigma
Court' III Brown Palace, vs. Alpha Tail
Ag College Sigma Chi "B'' vs. bye.
Court I - Delta Tau Delta vs. Beta Sig
ma Pst.
Court II Sigma Ch vsl. Delta Chi.
Court III Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Theta
9 p.m.
Court I Phi Delta Theta vs. Tau Kap
pa Kpsllon.
Court II Kappa Sigma vs, Comhusker
Court HI Delta Sigma Phi "B" vs.
Alpha Tau Omega "B".
10 p.m.
Court I Phi Kappa Psl vs. Theta Chi.
Court II Pioneer House vs. Delta Sig
ma PI.
Court III Farm House "B" vs. Alapha
Gamma Rho "B".
The second half of first round
play in the playoffs is slated for
Wednesday. Independent and De
nominational contests highlight
that day of cage action.
Wednesday's schedule is:
5 p.m.
Ag College Rlnkydlnks vs. City YMCA.
7 p.m.
Ag College Pirates vs. Phi Delta Phi.
Court I Pht Gamma Delta "B" vs.
Delta Tau Delta "B".
Court II Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Plamors.
Court III norm A Stars vs. Ag Ex
tension Annex.
8 p.m.
Ag College Presby House vs. InterVar-
Court I Beta Theta PI
B" vs.
Kappa Psl "B".
Court II Dusters vs. Geologists.
Court III Phillips 33 vs. Veterans.
Ag College Lutheran House vs. New
man Club.
Court I Ag YMCA vs. Nebraska Co-op.
Court II Dental Frosh vs. Warriors.
DON COOrKR . . . gave the Indoor champion Huskers on added
boost with a third in the 60-yard dash last week-end. "Moose"
has been named honorary captain of the team for this Indoor
NU Frosh Win Postal Meet;
Thinclads Stomp Missouri
The Nebraska freshman track
team opened its indoor track
season with a 59-47 victory over
the Missouri frosh team.
The Husker yearlings were led
by Tom Carrodinc, former Boys
Town athlete, who won victories
in the 60 yard dash and the 60
yard low hurdles.
The Tiger frosh featured Hall
who had double victories in the
440 yard dash and the mile run.
The next Husker meet will be
against Oklahoma. This year's
squad is "comparatively thinner"
than last year's team and Coach
Weir claimed that "the boys have
not fully rounded into top shape
as yet."
The final results:
60 Yard Dash: Won by Carro
dine (N) second; Bcrning (M),
third; Kuslmcr (N). Time 06.3.
CO Yard Low Hurdles: Won by
Cirrodine (N), second; tie be
tween Kailsback (N) and Lind
quist (N). Time: 07.4.
60 Yard High Hurdles: Won by
Court III Phi Aalpha Delta VS. Ag
Men's Club.
10 p.m.
Court I Kappa Sigma "B" vs. Phi
Delta Theta "B".
Court II Dorm A Comets vs. Ulles.
Mndqulst (N), second; tic be
twren Kailsback (N) and Rey
nolds (M). Time: 08.0.
440 Yard Dash; Won by Hall
(M), second; Hiinlcy (N), third;
Hodges (M). Time: 63.0.
880 Yard Kun: Won by Hodgea
(M), second; Bradshaw (M),
third; Scott (N). Time: 2:02.9.
Mile Run: Won by Hall (M),
second; Scott (N), third; Miller
2 Mile Run: Won by Miller (M),
second; Rutz (N); third; no en
tree. Time: 10:17.5.
Pole Vault: Won by Dickey
(M), second; Huches (M), thlrdf
Gum (M). Height: 12' 9!8".
Broad Jump: Won by German
(N), second; Kuslmcr (N), third.
Reynolds (M). Distance 21'0"
High Jumps Won by Hcldek
(N), second; Morcland (N),
third: Tarker (M). Height: 5'
Shot Put: Won by Dale (N),
second; Giles (N). third; Kieffer
(M). Distance: 43'4".
Mile Relay: Won by Missouri
(Bradshaw, Bern! ng, Hodges,
Hall), second Nebraska. Winning
time: 3:36.7.
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