The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1951, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Senior Coeds
May Apply
For $100 Grant
Friay, March 2, 1951'
WHATCHA WANT, JERK? This shocked 'Crib' customer
wasn't expecting this type of greeting from the usually cheerful
waiters. After being insulted for 10 minutes, his waitress ex
plained the purpose behind her manner. "Anything for a Rag
story," she said.
Candid Reporter . .
Irate 'Cribster' Threatens
Waitress for a Day'
By Amy Palmer
"Service with a smile" may be
the motto of the patient waiters
in the "Crib." but it was "Serv
ice with a Smirk" when a Rag
reporter invaded the peaceful
Crib" domain, Wednesday don
ned the waiter's uniform and be
gan performing the menial tasks
of a "pub" servant but as ob
noxiously as possible.
Starting off right, the new
waitress sauntered up to the
mind of your own. You oughta be
By this time, the two upper
classmen were getting a little im
patient. "Look, it just so happens
that the president of the senior
class is a good friend of mine and
I know he wouldn't order a plain
coke. What do you think we
should order anyway? What is
this the "crib" or the debate
squad? We want two cokes."
"Yeh, you guys are all alike;
nobody can tell you nothin'. You
tw.fh fhTwir hw nrHr honk on
the table and said, "Have you order a coke you wear levis, you
jerks been waited on yet?" ! "moke cigarettes. Okay, okay, 1 11
"No, we haven't," the flustered
customers replied, rather weakly.
"But we've been waiting quite
Job Arranged
The waiting had been ar
ranged, but the waitress replied,
Look, you guys come in here
With nothin' to do, you sit here
srnokin' for hours, but if you
get your coke; do you want large
or small ones?
"Small ones."
"I thought you'd say that,
they're the cheapest thing you can
This is the sort of thing that
went on at all the booths the
reporter covered. At one, though,
dont get your order in the mm- she took on the act of a starv-
tite you step through the door, ing Philosophy major working
belly-achm . nat
To undergraduate women the
American Asociation of Univer
sity Women is offering its annual
$100 scholarship.
Any girl with a high scholastic
average, who expects to be grad
uated in June or August of 1952
and who can show evidence of
financial need, is eligible to apply.
Application blanks may be se
cured at the office of the Dean of
Women in Ellen Smith Hall, or
in the home economics office at
the Ag college.
When applying, girls are asked
to give the Registrar's office writ
ten permission to send their
grades to the Scholarship com
mittee. Two letters of recommendation,
one of which is from a faculty
member, must be submitted by
the applicant. These letters may
be sent directly to the committee
by the writers, or enclosed with
the application blank. Application
blanks and letters must be sent
on or before March 9, 1951 to
Miss Mary E. Guthrie 1350 Idyl
wild Drive, Lincoln.
On Friday, March 16, the com
mittee will meet the applicants
for personal interviews in Ellen
Smith hall, between the hours of
2 and 5 p.m. A definite appoint
ment during those hours must be
made through Dean Johnston's
Winner will be announced at
the Honors Convocation April 24.
you start
crumbs. Well, whadda ya want?"
"We want two cokes."
"Cokes! that's the trouble with
you fellow-you don't have a mind
of your own. You don't like coke,
but just because the president
of the senior class one day hap
pens to order a coke, you all
think you gotta have a coke. No
Individuality, no initiative, no
Crop Research
Aids Farmers
Group Reports
her way through school. After
arguing over the merits of a coke
the fact was brought out that it
was habit forming and often
"Even after know it's habit
forming, you go ahead and order
coke? Don't you have any re
gard at all for your health, your
mental state of mind or your
money even?"
"Look, if I want to drink coke,
it's my business; but if it will
make you feel any better, put
some chocolate in it."
Oh, it doesn't make any dif
of fact, im working my way
through school too. Now will you
bring us three glasses of milk
and get out?" They got their
cokes as well as an explanation
of just what was going on
The last customer to go through
the orgy of arguing with a stub
born Witness ordered a hot fudge
crib. He was given the usual ar
gument about having no mind of
his own and simply ordered a
crib because his two friends had.
For five minutes they argued
about the order and he grew
more exasperated. Finally, he
dropped his head in his hands
asid said very quietly, "All right,
all right, bring me a dish of cher
ry nut ice cream."
Since there was no cherry nut,
he was brought a dish of straw
berry which he ate in complete
innocence. When the bill was pre-
ented, he asked, "Do you get
paid for this mouthin off to the
"I get paid for waiting on the
customers and seeing that they
get what they want. Also, we're
instructed to keep this place
clean, so why don't you leave?
You've finished, haven't you?"
At this he slammed down the
spoon, took out a cigaret, very
slowly lit it and leaned back. "As
a matter of fact, lady, I haven t
even begun to think of leaving.
Any more comments from you
and 111 let you have it in the
back of the head with' this nap-
ference to me if that's the way
vou want to do it I can see that i kin holder."
!vouve hc.d a bad start and it's Avoided Being Different,
ttoo late to save you now. That's! The waitress left While wait
iwhv I want to be a teacher; Iiing for another customer to
think I ran ruide manv souls the (wheedle, two more brothers
additional $90,000,000 in the f right way." walked in and joined her friend
bank each year because crops' Offered Job in Pool Room. with the strawberry ice cream.
recosn-h ha. Hm.icrht inrrMcpd I "Is that what vou're dome, while sne waitea to lei xnem
returns per acre.
By Julie Bell
Baptist student house, 315 No.
15th, C. B. Ho wells, pastor. Sat- i
urday 8 p. m., open house. Sun
day 5:30 p. m., fellowship sup
per; 6:30 p m., Lenten service,
Rev. E. C. Basler, speaker.
Central Church of the Christian
and Missionary Alliance, 18th and
O St., Norman Oliver, minister.
Sunday 10 a. m., University Bi
ble class. Special evangelistic
services every night from March
4 to 18; Speaker Darrel Handel.
Song leader Lowell Hagen.
Christian student fellowship,
Cotner house, 1237 R St., Over
ton Turner. Jr., pastor. Friday
7 p. m., box social and square
dance, Delian Union (third floor
Temple building). Money goes
to Displaced Persons fund. Sun
c .5 P. m.. Christian student
fellowship. First Christian
Church, recreation; 6 p. m., sup
per followed by panel discussion,
"The Christian Conscience and
Weapons, of Mass Destruction."
Speakers, Mr. Willard Gaeddert,
Mr. Hugo Srb, Paul Fenske, Bob
Rosenquist. Wednesday 4 to
5:30 p. m., Cotner house, 1237 R
First Evangelical Covenant
Church, 20th and G streets, J. Al
fred Johnson, pastor. Friday
opening service of a Sunday
school institute. Address: "When
Is a Communist Christian?" Dr.
Peter P. Person of Chicago,
speaker. Sunday 9:45 a. m.,
Students' Bible class; 11 a. m.,
worship, sermon. "When Is a
Home Christian?" by Dr. Person;
students' and youth rally, 5 p. m.
Address, "When Are Young Peo
ple Christians?" Supper; 7 p. m.,
closing of institute, address.
"When Is the Sunday School
Christian?" by Dr. Person. Tues
day 7:45 p. m., prayer meeting,
meditation by Pastor jonnson.
Hillel, Joshua Stamper, Rabbi.
Friday, 8 p. m., evening service.
Sunday 2 p. m.. Cantor William
Wolf of Sioux City, la.; at Tifer
eth Israel Synagogue.
University Lutheran chapel, H.
Erck, pastor. Sunday 10:45 a.
m., Sunday morning Lenten serv
ice in Room 315 Student Union,
The Reed a Mock Scepter. 5:30
p. m., Gamma Delta in YMCA
lounge in the Temple building.
Lutheran student house, 1440
Q St., Alvin M. Petersen, pastor.
Friday 7:30 p. m., roller skating
party, meet at 1440 Q St. Sun
day 9:15 a m., Bible study, I
Peter, 1440 Q St.; 9:30 a. m., Bi
ble study, I Peter, 1200 No. 37th,
5 p. m., City LSA, First Luther
an, 17th and A "St., cost supper
and songspiration, meet at 1440 Q
St at 4:30 p. m. for rides; 6:30,
p. m., Ag LSA, 1200 No. 37th,
cost supper and fireplace fest.
Tuesdav 5 p. m., Chapel, 1440
Q St Thursday 7:15 p. m., Len
ten vespers; 8 p. m., choir prac
tice. Methodist student house, 1417
R St., Richard W. Nutt, pastor.
Friday 8 p. m., square dance, St.
Paul church. Sunday 3:30 p. m.,
student house council; 5 p. m., i
guests of Wesleyan MSM, meet
at student house. Tuesday 7 p.
m., Sigma Theta Epsilon "Our
(Ministry." Rev. Clarence cmun,
Dr. Swindler Finds Job
Placement for Grad Students
A friendly smile and a high re
gard for students and their inter
ests typify Dr. William F. Swind
ler, director of the University
school of journalism.
As head of the journalism de
partment, Dr. Swindler not only
teaches students the finer points
of journalism during their respec
tive University careers, but he is
instrumental in the placement of
students after their graduation.
Career Began in 1933
Dr. Swindler has 'always been
interested in the field of journal
ism. A native of St. Louis, Mo.,
Dr. Swindler obtained his first
"newspaper" experience in gram
mar school when he was appoint
ed news editor of the school's pa
per. His actual newspaper career
commenced in 1933 when he be
came a reporter for the St. Louis
He then became a publicity
writer for the Washington uni
versity news bureau from 1934
to 1935 From 1936 to 1938, Dr.
Swindler was an editorial writer
for the St. Louis Star-Times, and
from 1938 to 1940, he was a cor
respondent for the St. Louis Post
During his newspaper career.
Dr. Swindler interviewed such
celebrities as Bill Tilden, Helen
Hayes, Henry Wallace and civic
officials from various states.
When asked which category of
affected. Dr. Swindler replied
celebrities were usually the least
that the politicians were less like
ly to be "stuffed shirts," while the
athletes were most likely the ones
to have the blown-up egos.
Bere Dr. Swindler came to
tie University, he had been grad
uate assistant at Washington
University in 1935 and an instruc
tor in journalism at the Univer
sity of Missouri from 1938 to 1940.
He then became an assistant pro
fessor and journalism department
head at the University of Idaho
from 1940 to 1944. Dr. Swindler
remained at the University of
Idaho until 1945. He then came
to the University of Nebraska to
become head of the journalism
dejiartment here.
Active fn Journalism Honoraries
Dr. Swindler's campus activi
ties do not keep him from being
an active member of many jour
nalism honoraries. He is national
president and past national secre
tary of Kappa Tau Alpha, a mem
ber of Sigma Delta Chi. past na
tional secretary of the American
Association of Teachers of Jour
nalism and a member of the
American Association of Univer
sity Professors.
During his directorship at the
University, Dr. Swindler has
helped institute a new senior
course for selected journalism
students. The course, Investiga
tive Methods of Editing, shows
the students through lectures and
discussions with experts in vari
ous fields the progress of these
fields within the last fifty years.
This course gives journalism stu-
ls the opportunity to learn of
advancements in other fields
which often proves useful to them
in their journalistic careers. Dr.
Swindler believes that a good
'.urnalist must not only have an
f client knowledge of journal-
m, but he must also have a well
rounded education and be aware
V world affairs.
Gives Advice
"Take all the political science
you can, and then take as much
I n I
history as you can," is Dr. Swind
ler's advice to future journalists.
He also added that economics
would probably be useful in the
Dr. Swindler received his Ph.D.
at the University of Missouri in
House Jokers Irritate
Work-Weary Student
', wnrlrincr wtirr wav thrmieh COmDlaili SbOUt the slOW service.) , titjAw 7-1S 9 m..
And the cost of that research ' sc"001 .- iYeuioos,oduj,jtuisai - . " ' Lenten service, Kev. joe xuiey
has been abut I miUton Sl "er Pg job than this I Then when she went to get the; ker; 6:30 a. m., pre
in thVVast M years Down at the pool room where I j order before she could even get, eakfast. Thu-sday-7
ui uie pv nv jews. 3Mr --.all.! mH pot nut her nenciL the enlightened I , - j .-.:..; mrc
Thc Tvmte frKri hv!." " -- -- - . .;. " ! p. m., leanerMup w..i.b
. . . " , twice as muui per uuui as juu t uuim-io wv.., H fc
I ma4 hAIA
tary oi me ieorasKa rain ira- j j dont care tQ work to an es
provement association as he t tablishment such as that and I
gave his annual report during dont thjnk that anyone who in
the annual meeOng of his organ- ( hab5ts those ,aces Ras the moral
ization here last week. : integrity of an ambushed Mii-
He said the association has ; gant"
continued to work with the.- Ordered Milk.
University Ag college in expand- j welL I happen to like work- i probably never again complain
lng the use of approved varieties fog fa a pool fialL As a matter j about the service at the Union.
dif rrrTr on1 itnor met if tc tf ! 1
research among farmers. j
The association conducted 12
regional wheat improvement !
irMhvterian-Con!Teeational stn
dent house, 333 No. 14th, Rex
Knowles, pastor. Sunday 5:30
. . C 'in
n m.. rorum, spcorci,
' . . . ., . a. )
nver with marsnmaiiow Top
ping." They were definitely
avoiding the Tje different' argu
ment. What they should have avoid
ed was this Kag reporter oui Wast and 6iscussion on Mon
looking for a scoop. But those Wednesday mornings at
Vilnius wuu wtic vaufciii
YM Management
Board Elected
The University branch of the
YMCA recently elected Dr. L. K.
Crowe president of the manage
ment board.
Dr. Crowe is a professor of
It's midnight.
The room is dark and all is
quiet when the work-weary stu
dent lmally retires;
Suddenly a blood-curdling yell
pierces the inky blackness.
A few seconds later the light
flicks on.
What do we see? Well, that's
anybody's guess. The enslaved
student was the victim of some
joker's brainstorm. While the in
tellectual had been drawing logi
cal conclusions to his problems,
it seems as though his roommate
or best friend had been exercis
ing his muscles in jumping to
decisions in the opposite direction.
Cracker Crumbs
At this rate, our unassuming
friend could take on anyone of a
variety of appearances and still
get by. Soaking wet? Face
i"blood" streaked with catsup?
Rolling in cracker crumbs? Shak
ing with rage over a torn sheet?
You name it!
However, when funsters get
started, these little incidents seem
tame compared to a few of their
more "stupendous" creations.
With this species, the motto is
"Anything goes!" so long as it
provides laughs. It has come to
their attention, though, that a
few of their schemes have back
fired in more than one big ex
Nevertheless, they go on about
their merry way, decorating the
faces of their sleeping friends
with water colors and blithely
sprinkling tons of soapflakes in
the hallways. Scattering torn-up
newspaper and rolling trash bar
rels down the corridors are
among their pet tricks as well.
In the racket-making line, it has
little freshman to set off the fire
alarm at the dorm, usually dur
ing semester intervals.
Some female jokers have an af
finity to tampering with cosmet
ics. They love the scent that is
sues forth when a match is ap
plied to cologne or perfume, pur
posely placed at the foot of some
unknowing occupant's door. Then
too, that "Pepsodent smile" turns
to a shine (or is it grime?) when
the white pasty substance is "di
luted" with shampoo.
Wild Scenes
Food is the prankster's meat
too. In this field, he finds possi
bilities unlimited. Again, his im
agination runs wild wth scents
when limburger cheese comes to
mind. He takes great delight in
smearing it very artistically over
radiators, light bulbs and most
any other object that would gen
erate enough heat to make the
stuff melt. And, if he has a band
of loyal followers, it is sometimes
possible to divert the cook's at
tention long enough to add a lit
tle "color" food coloring, that is
to the evening meal. Numbers
are also effective when it comes
to absconding with all or part
of an intended dinner.
Indeed, there is a long list of
opportunities m this world for
the practical as well as the pro
fessional laugh-getter. However,
until some new tricks are
dreamed up, how about sticking
to some of the tamer ones what
say, fellows?
dairv husbandry at Ac onWepe
He succeeds Coach Harry Good become a tradition for some brave
who has served for two terms.
Other new officers include:
Charles McLean, vice-president
an Ag college junior, who was
preceded by Virgil Ganzel; Dave
Cargo, secretary, and president of
the city campus YMCA and M.
G. McCreight, instructor of Ag
engineering, re-elected treasurer.
White. "What Is the Atonement?'
Wednesday 6:05 p. m.. Vespers.
NU Instructors Participate
Swt SeslndTiassSfd! In Professional Activities
teacher education held in Omaha, i gatu'rday 6:45 a. m., morning
Seventeen counties were repre
sented. The association conducted field
meetings at 13 wheat, oat or
barley demonstration plots thru
out the state. The association
also: helped western Nebraska
farmers to establish the Nebraska
University instructors, in addi
tion to their classroom duties,
have been taking part in a wide
variety of other professional ac
tivities. During the past month, Ne
braska's professors have dis-
Wheat Foundation a lf-h1n i tinguished themselves in many
organization to promote the use ! lelds of activity . . 4
of wheat j Dr. Richard Bourned, assistant
Co-operated with the Union i professor of economics and la
Pacific in the improvement car ! bor relations, and Irvin Reis, as
program, promoting good seed sistant supervisor of short courses
and reduction of losses in stored ' of the extension division, re
train. Held the Nebraska Wheat I cently conducted a short course
how at McCook. ' lor supervisory personnel of the
Dr. L. P. Reitz. United States I Sioux Ordinance depot near Sid-
Department of Agriculture wheat
researcher at the University, re
ported on progress toward get
ting better varieties of small
The Omaha Chamber of Com
merce honored the members of
the 1950- 4-H champion crops
Judging team at the McCook
Wheat show following a noon
luncheon held in connection with
K-4.S a. m.. Rex Knowles, speaker.
Meeting for Congregational stu
dents Sunday night at First Ply
mouth ConPreeational church.
Universitv Episcopal chapel, 13th
and R St., Rev. John Sweigart,
pastor. Friday 6:45 a. m., morn
ine Draver: 7 a. m. Holy commu-
! nion; 5:3C p. m., evening prayer;
Cardt for all
relative and friend
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
Summer Courses
Study and Travel
A RARE opportunity to en
joy memorable experi
ences in learning and living
For students, teachers, others
yet to discover fascinating, his
torical Spain. Courses include
Spanish language, art and cul
ture. Interesting recreational
program included.
For detmlh, write new t
6M Fifth At New Vark IS, N.T.
70th and South
Saturday, March 3
Riley Smith
A dm. $1.00 Tax IncL
Sixteen delegates of the Uni- i 7 a m. Holy communion
versity library staff attended the
mid-winter conference 01 tne
American Library sssociation
held recently in Chicago. Frank
A. Lundy. director of University
libraries, presided as chairman at
the university libraries section of
the Association of College and
Research libraries. Lundy also
presided at an executive board
Four staff members of the De
partment of Engineering Mechan
ics attended the mid-winter meet
ing of the Division of Engineering
Drawing of the American Society
of Engineering Education held at
Texas A. and M. college recently.
Edocation Delegate.
Delegates were T. T. Aakus,
nrofessor. and David L Cook.
.1-30 o. m.. evening prayer, 1 p.
m., penitential office. Sunday
9 a. m.. Holy communion, break
fast following: 10:30 a. m , morn
ing prayer: 11 a. m., Choral Eu
charist and sermon: 5:30 p m .
evening prayer: 6 p. m., chapel
supner, reserv&tion list down
stairs; 7 p. m., illustrated travel
a!ip with colored slides on Eng-
meeting of the Mountain-Plains i ,unri bt,a Scotland. Monday-
Library association, of which he , g.45 a m- morning prayer; 9 a.
is president. j mt Holy communion; 5:30 p. m.,
evening prayer, 7:45 p. m., dis-
If . 1 . cussion group. Tuesday 6:45
btate xilortahtyia. m., mo, 7...
J Holy communion; 5:30 p. m eve-
ning prayer Wednesday t
m mornine Draver; t . "
Rates Released
the association's annual meeting. Wallis J. DeSpain and Howard R.
Walters, instructors. Prof. AaK
bus. a member of the executive
committee of the division, pre
sided at a session of the division s
publications committee.
The University art department
hn rcivd its share of honors
Continued from Page 1 recently. Norman A. Geske, 8
Cornhufker section head and was sistant director of the University
the AUF activity queen in the art galleries, addressed the on
fall of 1850. ! nual meeting of the Kansas Mate
The team, coached by Phil Sut
ton, is composed of Ralph Larsen
and Lloyd Crabowski of Beatrice
and Donald Finch of Odeli
Beauty Queens...
CornbiMker Managing Editor
Jaequelyn Sorenson is an Arts
and Science junior from Lincoln.
She is an English major and af
filiated with Kappa Kappa Gam
ma. Sbe is a managing editor of
Comhusker and a past secretary
of AUF.
Ramon. Van Wyn garden is a
eophomore in Teachers college
from Seottsbluff. Sbe is majoring
la elementary education and is a
member of Delta Gamma. She is
a Cod Counselor and a member
Other ilnaiifrta were Sue Ann
Brownlee, . Delta Gamma; Jane
Carp-enter, Kappa Alpha Theta;
Janet Giock, Chi Omega; Pamela
' Ktoos, Kappa Delta; Mary Mac
Ida, Alpha Phi; "and Dorrts New
trssn. Kappa Kappa Gamma.
On Sunday the Omaha World
Hwald and the Lincoln Journal
will also carry pictures of the
beauty queens.
Federation of Art held at Wich
Art works by Rudy Pozatti, in
structor of fine arts, and David
Seyler, instructor of drawing and
painting, have been accepted for
exhibition in -the Pennsylvania
academy of the Fine Arts 146th
annual show, which is being held
in conjunction with the Philadel
phia museum's Diamond Jubilee.
Home Ee Meet
Two vocational education in
structors. Miss Florence Corbin
land Mrs. Rhea Keeler, attended
the National r' .nference of Home
Economics and Teacher Trainers,
held in Washington, D. C, Feb.
19 to 23.
Miss Mabel Lee, chairman of
the department of physical edu
cation for women, recently rep
resented the American Associa
tion for Health, Physical Educa
tion and Recreation at a nine
state regional conference of
A possible connection between
the amount of money a Nebraska
man earns and his likelihood of
dying is a given year is seen in
tentative figures released Thurs
day by the University department
of business research.
According to rough estimates
based on the 1940 census, profes
sional men have a lower mortal
ity rate than any other occupa
tional group in Nebraska. They
die each year at a rate of 12.9
per thousand. The state average
for all males 16 years and older
is 17 per thousand. tt
Laborers have the highest i WOIilCIl 1"
Holy communion, 5:30 p. m., eve
ning praver; 7:30 p. m., choir re
hearsal; 8:30 p. m., student dis
cussion group session on Church
history. Thursday 8:45 a. m.,
morning prayer; 9 a. m.. Holy
communion; 5:30 p. m., evening
prayer. .
Religions Society of Friends.
302 So. 28h. Sunday 9:45 a. m.,
meeting for silent worship; 10:30
a. m.. discussion: "Towards Bet
ter Understanding Between Cath
olics and Protestants," led by El
va Sather.
death rate (21.5 per thousand)
followed by farmers, 17.1; trade
workers, 16.6; businessmen, 15.7;
and clerks, 13.3.
In these statistics, however, the
farmer mortality rate is too low
and that of the businessmen too
high, Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, chair
man of the department of busi
ness research said. He explained
that the farm population has de
creased , since the 1940 census,
making it too large a base for
the 1949 death statistics used. The
rate among those in business for
themselves is probably higher be
cause of their relatively high
average age, he explained.
Pete Peters Appointed
Cigaret Representative
Pete Peters, University student,
has been appointed campus Phil
lip Morris representative. He has
replaced Bill Baker, who former
ly held the position.
Prep Tlay Day'
Junior and senior physical ed
ucation majors will sponsor a
"Play Day" for high school par
ticipants on Mafch 3. Thirteen
high schools have indicated that
they will participate, and several
more are experted to send dele
PBtps also.
The "Play Day" will teach the
girls participating co-operation
instead of competition as well as
provide experience in teaching
sports to physical education rot
ors, according to Mabel Lee, head
of the women's physical educa
tion departments.
There will be a full program
planned for the day Including
volley ball, duck pins, table ten
nis, shuffleboard, a noon lunch
eon at Ellen Smith hall, and a
swim in the Coliseum pool. The
winning teams of the various
activities will be awarded at the
close of the day. 1
Toeete- Jack
Crrw hat.
Striped Blazer
Deck Trouser
; . frs-- fcx
White Stag Play-Mates for having fun
when you're out and under the sun,
in original Sailcloth sunworthy, wash-easy
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pollen gold, sail red, depth green,
cucumber green, summer navy, clean white
and the new redwhiteblue airmail stripes!
Sportswear Street Floor
ip x