The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1951, Image 1

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Vol. 51r-No. 86
So Long, Fellows . . .
,,vvrv . if ;i-
on campus these days is the send-offs to the
service. Showing surprise and resignation is
Europe Has
16 Divisions
For Defense
Gen. J. Lawton Collins said
il A . n ...
xnai western Europe has "some
thing on the order" of 16 divis
innc nf ofonc. offiot coiWa
attack "6"""3V t times. The Feb. issue of the US
. . , , News & World Report states a
The army chief of staff was;c0lege boy's choices under the
testifying at senate hearings on , draft
the administration plan to put six Though pessimistic, here is
' I sl?-ns Jlnto comblned what the magazine has to say:
North Atlantic defense force.! p. h
Tse six would bring total I iresnmen
ground troops to 22 divisions. ' Freshman can join the reserves
Collins told the senators Korea I if ,he. is no .UA- But active-duty
ha thnm thot- ! call is certain sooner or later. If
1. It is difficult to build up i
tV-SSaMJUauasajata the eaemya.? lom National Guard. Or
has launched his attack. The ay TOlunteer now as an en-
2. Outnumbered ground troops, listec! man m any service with an
equipped with superior fire power
and using natural barriers, can re
duce the offensive power and us
ing natural barriers, can reduce
the offensive power of aggressors
who are depending largely upon
furperior numbers.
UN Forces Take
Korean Offensive
United Nations tanks and
fantry went on the offensive
above Checoh on the east-central
Korean mountains and smashed
ahead four miles into the heart
of menacing communist bulge.
The U. N. push hurled back
elements of three North Korean
divisions who for a time had
threatened to turn the allied flank
below the central allied front
stronghold of Wonju, 20 miles
northwest of Chechon.
The drive also gave the allies
the initiative all alongt he Korean
front from the west coast 80 miles
inland to Chechon.
Lt. Gen. Mathey B. Ridgway.
commander of the Eighth Army
and all ground forces in Korea,
confirmed that the allies have
broken the counter-offensive and
sent the reds into retreat.
Air Force Stops
Involuntary Recall
The air force is cancelling the
involuntary recall to duty of
about 18,000 reserve airmen be
cause of the volume of voluntary
re-enlistments and enlistments.
The suspension of voluntary re
calls applies only to airmen. A
spokesman said it does not effect
the recall into active service of
members and units of the air
force organized reserves.
Lackland Field
Found Crowded
''"he senate preparedness com
mittee charged the air force with
a "grab the best" manpower pol
icy which caused a breakdown of
basic training at Lackland field. ,
The committee, headed by Sen.
Lyndon B. Johnson (d., Tex.) (
st,id that 68,731 men and women
were crowded into a base which
can accommodate only 27,500.
Senate investigators said they
found that conditions at Lackland
were substandard, but concluded
that "no undue hardship to en-
Ueii nttrcmnpl rAcnlffH fmm thi'
housrog, clothing, food or medical
care -Jferet at the base."
Michigan Officials
Start Sign Hunt
The cautious city manager of
East Lansing, home of Michigan
State, didn't want to make any
false charges.
About a dozen stop signs and
six Darking meters were missing.
The city manager said hp didn't
want to accuse college students j
directly, but pointed out to the
been fo
its that such signs had o- J Fm.wi
found in dormitories and OtUity Interesting
fraternities. Anyway persons re
turning the loot to the police
station would not be prosecuted.
The Weather
Partly "loudy Tuesday and
VednpsdJ. no decided change
in temperature; high Tuesday,
r&$ Ml
Recent Issue
Of Magazine
Has Answers
Where will I be next year?
This draft question is still the
main topic of discussion on all
college campuses over the nation.
The draft situation has been
stated and restated innumerable
sKieu ma rebl
he is able to drill regularly, he
He may join the army, air
force or Naval ROTC. This offi
cer training guarantees deferment
to complete four years of study
and brings a commission. The
student then spends several years
of active duty after college.
Another alternative is to enlist
in the naval reserve, apply for
in-iRoc (reserve officer candidate)
program. Any accredited college
offers ROC. Only high-rank stu
dents get in. April 15 is a dead
line for applying. Marines offer
platoon leaders' class.
A frosh may also volunteer next
May. Defense department prom
ises students their choice of serv
ice. It is a calculated risk to rely
on official promises. If 19 or old
er, he can expect the draft next
summer. Youths under 19 will
get into their sophomore year
before call comes, in all prob
ability. Sophomores
Sophomores may enlist in na
val reserves, apply for ROC. This
requires two six-week summer
training courses and drills. Ma
rines' PLC is similar. He may also
join the guard of reserves or vol
unteer. Another alternative is switch
ing to an engineering or science
course or he may plan on the
draft. About 1 out of 2 sopho
mores will be picked next sum
mer. At least, this is the opinion
of the magazine.
Juniors can enlist in naval re
serve, apply for ROC. The ma
rine PLC is open to them also.
They may stay in college. Draft
boards are under pressure to de
fer juniors, though no one can
prejudice an individual case. Lo
cal board is supreme.
Another alternative is to vol
unteer now or in May. This guar
antees choice of service. But this
wastes investment in college
study. Air force has some avia
tion cadet openings.
Senors may wait for the draft
but a call is virtually guaranteed
next summer. He may also try for
deferment. About 1 out of lOOjKnotts, programs; Joan Meyer,
w "y iuuiy ...
sential worker-engineers and
medical trainees seem to have the
only .cal chance now.
Enlistment in the naval reserve
is another chance. A senior may
apply for a reserve officer com
mission upon graduation. Or he
may enlist in marine corps re
serve for officer candidate school.
Those who flunk can get dis
charges. The courses begins after
A Zwti TJiiiimrsitv
h J IllVrSliy
The Akron Buchtelite of Akron
university in Ohio has reported
a significant set of statistics.
It seems that Yale graduates
have an average of 1.3 children
while Vassar grads average 1.7
children. AH this, comments the
Buchtelite, "merely goes to show
i that women have more children
jthan men."
Jim Stevenson who is getting farewells from
1. to r.) Dick Hovendick, Jim Kirschbaum, John
Olsson and Dick Paschal.
Style Show
To Be Held
The Home Ec club and mem
bers of the fashion merchandiz
ing class at Ag are presenting a
style show, "Something Pretty
Special," in the Union at 7:30
p.m., Thursday, Feb. 22, and not
Feb. 28, as previously reported.
The show will be divided into
five parts. Each part will feature
either suits, casual, or tailored
dresses and formal models. No
less than half of the 50 dresses
to be modeled were made from
the design of a student and
therefore without use of a com
mercial pattern. ATI of the gar
ments to oe snown were sewn
by the girls themselves.
"I like My Age," is the title
or the first part of the show
which will feature useful cotton
dresses, typical of certain age
groups. Annette Carnahan will
narriate this section.-
"Always in Style" Clothes
Suits will comprise the second
section, "1 Like Tradition," to
be explained by JoRetta Owen.
The "always-in-style" type of
clothing will be shown in this
The third section to be nar
rated by Pat Hasson is entitled
"I Like Line, Pure and Simple."
It will emphasize the various
lines of dresses, straight, full, or
A basic dress with several
changes of accessories will be
used to carry out the "I Like
Versitality" theme of the forth
section of the show. Bonnie
Schmitt will explain this portion
of the program.
The final part of the program
is called "I Like Fashion." Some
thing new, different from any
other garment and representing
the "height of fashion" will be
featured in this part of the pro
gram. Delaine Bishop will nar
rate for the final portion of the
Expanded Show
This year the show has been
expanded. In the past the annual
Home Economic club presentation
has been Held in the Foods and
Nutritions building on the Ag
campus. This year's show is
bigger, hence the expansion to
the Union.
Tickets including the Drice of
refreshments are 50 cents and
may be obtained at both city
and Ag Unions. The Home Ec
club is in charge of refreshments
and will also handle tickets,
publicity and ushering. Mrs.
Mary Hall's merchandizing class
is doing the basic planning con
tacting the models and writing
the scripts.
Grnndman Chairman
Mary Ann Grundman is chair
man of the style show, and
ticket sales is under the super
vision of Jeanne Vierk. Terry
Barnes and Mary Jean Niehaus
are handling publicity. Other
committee chairman arp .Innn
stage, Marilyn Bamesbereer.
waitresses; Carrie Ann Peder
son, dressing room and Elizabeth
Gass, ushers.
ROTC Forms
Available Soon
Applications for the next ad
vanced army ROTC course, be
ginning in September, 1951, will
be accepted between March 1 and
April- 1.
Forms will be available March
1 in Room 1J0, Naval science
Upon acceptance and enroll
ment in the advanced course, the
student will be deferred as long
as he remains in good standing.
Applicants for the advanced
course must sign a statement that
they are willing to accept a re
serve commission, if tendered, at
the completion of the course, and
if called, will serve two years ac
tive duty with the army.
AUF Board
Filings Open
This Week
Students may file for AUF
board positions this week.
Under the new constitution,
recently ratified by the Student
Council, AUF will function
through three boards executive,
solicitations and publicity. A to
tal of 21 positions on these boards
must be filled.
Applications for filings may be
obtained att AUF booths in the
Union. Interviews with executive
board candidates will be held on
Saturday, Feb. 24. Interviews for
positions on the other two boards
will follow on Saturday, Mar. 3.
The executive board consists of
a president, two vice-presidents,
a secretary and a treasurer. The
vice-presidents are in charge of
the other boards.
The nine members on the so
licitations board head the major
divisions of the board. These di
visions are: sororities, fratern
ities, organized houses, indepen
dent students, denominational
groups, faculty, Ag college, ac
tivities and honorary organiza
tions. Publicity has been divided into
newspapers and radio, booths, art
work, speakers and special
events, office, education of work
ers and mass meetings. The heads
of these seven departments com
prise the publicity board.
Applications will request in
formation on the student's class,
his grade average and previous
experience in AUF. The applicant
must specify the positions he pre
fers and his reasons for prefer
Exact time and place for in
terviews with candidates will be
announced later.
Coed Groups
Putting Polish
On Skits, Acts
The finalists who will present
their skits Feb. 27 for the annual
Coed Follies show at the Nebras
ka theater are now putting the
final touches on their acts.
Nine women's organizations on
campus will participate in the all-
girl event and prizes will be
awarded to the best skit and the
best curtain act.
Five groups will present eight
minute skits and four will give
five-minute curtain acts.
The organizations participating
Alpha Chi Omega, Chi Omega,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Towne club,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Gamma Phi
Beta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi
Beta Phi and Alpha Phi.
The tickets are on sale now and
may be bought from any AWS
board member or from members
of the Towne club.
They will also be on sale the
following days at a booth, in
the Union: Thursday, Feb. 22;
Friday, Feb. 23 and Monday, Feb.
Only girls are permitted to at
tend the performance at which
the twenty TNC finalists and the
Typical Nebraska Coed will be
presented in a style show.
'Sisters' Change
Interview Times
The interview time for candi
dates who have filed for posts on
the Coed Counselor board has
been changed.
Marilyn Campfield, president,
stated that the interviews would
be held in the afternoon, Satur
day, Feb. 24, rather than in the
morning. The previous scneauie
interferred with Coed follies
All candidates wno naven't naa
interviews must arrange the
changes themselves. Time for in
terview may be arranged as was
done previously, in Ellen Smith
There will be four senior, six j
junior, and six sophomore posts
on the board. Half the members
from each class will be affiliated,
and half unaffiliated.
All unaffiliated girls are urged
to file for posts, because positions
are still open.
Duties of the board members
will be to hold board meetings
and group meetings. There will
be about ten Counselors working
under each board member.
In order to be eligible for can
didacy, each girl .must have
weighted average of 5.5.
Budget Group Will Visit NU
The budget committee of the
Nebraska legislature will visit
the University city campus build
ings on Wednesday, Feb. 21, Ar
thur Carmody, committee chair
man announced Monday.
Committee members will leave
the capitol at noon to tour the
University. They have already
visited Ag college and the college
of medicine in Omaha.
The senators believe the col
lege of medicine needs more
room and some new equipment.
Dr. Harold Leuth, dean of the
college, says the budget must be
increased more than $600,000 to
bring itsdf up to par with the
national average. The present
budget is $981,540.
Groups Open
Gustavson, Taft . . .
Chancellor, U.S. Senator
Meet, Talk While on Plane
Just what kind of person is
Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio?
Returning by airplane to Lin
coln from the National Commis
sion on Accrediting of colleges
and universities in Chicago. Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson, as a re
sult of a chance meeting, sat with
Senator Taft.
The senator was flying to Salt
Lake City to give a Lincoln day
He returned Sunday from a
conference in Chicago.
Men Win First
Place in Bridge
Jamie Curran and Jack Trumpy
carried away top honors in the
bridge tournament held at the
Union Saturday. Their 13 plus
score topped all comers in the
final round.
Close behind was the team of
Chuck Hughes and Chuck Deuser
with 12 points. The John Ander
son, Larry Ebner and Sydna
Fuchs, Marion Brown teams also
qualified to enter the regional
mail tournament with scores of
eleven and nine plus, respec
tively. The four teams will compete
for regional honors Saturday in
Room 313 of the Union. At that
time entrants for the Big Seven
tourney at the University of
Kansas will be chosen. Two
teams will represent the Univer
sity. Hands for Saturday's tourna
ment were prepared by the Na
tional Intercollegiate Bridge
committee. They will be kept
secret until play begins. All uni
versities and colleges will play
the same hands.
The Union Recreation com
mittee will serve refreshments
at the tournament Saturday.
'Ragf Reporter
'N .- -v. .
U - i 1
Answer to Shucks New Issue
By Wally Reed
Shame on Shucks.
Ladies, gentlemen and Shucks
staff, in my most humble man
ner I appeal to you, not even a
dog would bite the hand that
feeds it. Corn Shucks came out
as we predicted it would. It's
humor rocked the campus, but
what a terrible price was paid.
The Daily Nebraskan's good
name was smeared into the low
est depths of integrity (word
meaning good and' pure.) We
have told you month after month
what a wonderful magazine
Shucks is, how it's humor has
spread joy and happiness not
only to our own campus but to
other campuses throughout the
U. S.
Our happy little group could
have not been more surprised if
a small A-tom bomb had been
exploded in our midst.
Track Down Paper
If by chance one or two of
our readers do not know what
great injustice this whole article
is based upon, we ask him to
track down a sensationless bit of
driwle called "The Daily Ash
can" or the "bucket."
We are to commend the
"bucket" on their expose of the!
crap-schooters who are trying to I ing picture in this issue. It's
invade the campus and pray on been fetching men over to the
innocent but willing students, house ever since it was printed.
Also of their 'scoop' concerning As long as we're on the sub
Reynolds, Aimless Al is going to , ject I might add that my nomina
be missed in the halls of old 1 tion for the next pin up girl is
connection with the stink i
The committee ends its tour of
state institutions next week-end
with visits to the North Platte
experiment station and the Curtis
agricultural school. The group
has visited all 17 board of control
institutions and the four state
normal schools.
A new auditorium has been
recommended for Chadron State
Teachers college. With recom
mendations from the committee
and briefs of the arguments for
building freeze exemption, a
"defrosting" committee will de
cide the fate of the recommenda
tion. E. Albin Larson, secretary to
the normal board, said he sub
mitted his brief for the Chad
Chancellor Gustavson found
Taft to be a very "warm" and in
telligent person. He is a man, the
Chancellor commented, very cap
able of the important congres
sional work being carried on in
Washington, D.C.
The Chicago meeting was held
nearly two years after a previous
meeting of the national commis
sion on accrediting in 1949. On
May 3, 1949, Chancellor Gustav
son, chairman of the commission,
called a meeting in which a set
of standards for professional
schools was developed.
Schools weak in professional
training were eliminated, forced
to consolidate, or to develop and
integrate improved educational
programs. Additional study of the
problem was made during last
week's conference.
Colorado Exhibit
Shows NU Works
Four faculty members of the
University department of art have
been invited to exhibit their art
works at the Artists West of the
Mississip exhibition at Colorado
Springs, Colo.
They are: LeRoy Burket, cur
rently on a Fulbright scholarship
in Paris, is represented by his
well known intaglio etching en
titled "Lamentation" ; Walter
Meigs shows "Disciple," an etch
ing; Rudy Pozzatti is represented
by his rich intaglio color print en
titled "Someone" and Divid
Seyler, well known in Lincoln
for his sensitive drawings, ex
hibits a drawing entitled "Pieta
Marie Dolores."
NUCWA Mass Membership
Meeting Planned for Thursday
A mass meeting of NUCWA
will be held Thursday, Feb. 22,
at 7:15 p. m. in the main dining
room of the Union. President of
NUCWA, Harold Peterson, will
preside at this meeting.
All students interested, mem
bers, all house delegates, an in
dividual or group of individuals
may attend this meeting. Here
the organizations of the NUCWA
spring project will be explained
and information will be given
about the political committee.
The steering committee has
made definite plans to explain
possible problems hat the con
ference might consider. These
plans will be presented Thurs
day evening.
Discussion topics for Thursday
include problems of admission of
new members, including Spain,
presented by Ruth Sorensen; vot
ing in security council by Gene
Retort Gives
at the Tau house, Bergquist,
president of the Taus, issued this
statement. The stench coming
from the house is merely nothing
more than a pledge. Further in
vestigation showed that the
pledge is one who has been dead
for six weeks but ihey are keep
ing him as they think he will
make a good active some day.
Communist Activity
If you will take it from one
who is in the know, the real
reason for the Student-Council
quitting in confusion is their re
cent investigation of communistic
activity of members of the 'Rag
aand 'Bucket' staff.
The Shucks staff also put out
another little pamphlet along
with their issue of the 'bucket'
entitled Corn Shucks.
In the current issue we wish
to call your attention to the joke
on Page 19, top of the center
column. It's good.
There is a portrait of an In
dian woman which we feel will
eventually will be the rage all
over the campus as it satirized a
college girls life so well. It's
called 'Woman on Huntum for
Husband. You will know the
portrait by the shotgun in the
squaws hand.
Dee Riddell has a very fetch
jo tserry wnose snapsnoi sianas
out in the book like red on white.
ron auditorium last Saturday.
The brief will be decided upon
by the committee in executive
Near Halfway Mark.
Committee hearings are the
near halfway mark on budget re
quests for the 47 state agencies.
The total of hearings reached 22
with those on budget requests of
the state auditor and the state
fair board.
Most of the hearings have been
agencies with smaller appropria
tion requests. Library commis
sion's request and the attorney
general's office have hearings
slated for this afternoon. Thurs
day and Friday hearings have
not been scheduled as yet.
Tuesday, February 20, 1951
ISA Officer
Filings Open
Until March
ISA offices of president, vice
president, secretary, treasurer,
publicity director, corresponding
secretary, social chairman and
intra-mural sports director are
open to independent students.
Filings for office should be
placed in the ISA box in the
basement of the Union befor.
March 5. Applications should in
clude the name of the applicant,
the office he wishes, his phone
number and his reasons for filing.
Those who are elected will
serve next year.
To file a student must hav.
maintained a satisfactory Univer
sity grade average. Any indepen
dent student is eligible to file.
According to Jim Tomasek,
present president of ISA, only a
very small proportion of the in
dependent students who said they
would support an independent
student organization have filed.
At an executive meeting with
H. P. Davis, adviser for the or
ganization, several problems,
which would probably face th.
new officers, were discussed.
One of the most important of
these problems was that of stu
dent housing. It was suggested
that the new council investigate,
evaluate and find available hous
ing. That the ISA assist the Student
Council with the freshman orien
tation program next fall, was
also suggested at the meeting
Interviews will be held
Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 4 to
6 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall for
AWS board positions. These
are for those who were not
interviewed Saturday.
Wohlner; atomic energy com
mission by Joan Jones; Korean
situation by Joan Krueger and
economics and moral sanctions
presented by Don Knutzen.
All organized houses and in
dividuals who are going to par
ticipate in the sjiriag s.utferenc -are
to submit names of delegates
and preference of country to tne
NUCWA box. Union, by Wednes
day, Feb. 21, Doris Carlson,
chairman of the University
Council for World Affairs steer
ing committee, announced. Dele
gates will be assigned countries
at a meeting of the steering
committee Sunday evening.
Countries available for repret
sentation are the following:
Afghanistan, Argentina, Aus
tralia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil,
Burma, Byelorussian Soviet Re
public, Canada, Chile, China,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslo
vakia, Denmark, Dominican Re
public, Ecuador, Egypt, El Sal
vador, Ethiopia, France, Greece,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras.
Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Le
banon, Liberia, Luxembourg,
Mexico, Netherlands, New Zea
land, Nicaragua, Norway, Pal
estine, Pakistan, Panama.
Paraguay, Peru, Philippine Re
public, Poland, Saudi Arabia,
Siam, Sweden, Syria, Turkey,
Ukranian Soviet Socialist Repub
lics, Union of South Africa.
United States, Uruguay, Ven
ezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics and
United Kingdom.
Applications For Representation.
The right to represent a par
ticular country will be by appli
cation. An organized house, a re
ligious house, an independent or
ganization or an individual or
group of individuals may apply.
The request should include first,
second, and third choices of a
country and your interest and
qualifications for wishing to rep
resent such a country.
NUCWA'S spring project will
be a model political committee
of the United Nations general
University students will discuss
issues ana carry oui pouucai
committee meetings. At the po
litical committee meetings, am pi.
time will be given for debate,
discussion and committee reports.
The model session as now
planned will deal with two is
sues, wnicn, due 10 rapioiy
changing conditions, will be de
cided later.
All UN Nations Included
Participation will be by a
country representation system.
All 60 member nations of the
United Nations will be included,
as each is represented m this
Preparation meetings for the
delegates will be held for sev
eral weeks prior to tne aciuai
Delegates will be presented
with necessary background ma
terial and information on the is
sues. Also, categorized material
will soon be available in the li
brary. To assist delegates in,
learning about the country they
represent, contacts with foreign
students will be arranged.
Sue Allen, chairman of the
spring conference in 1950, will
serve as student adviser. Dr.
Summer J. House, instructor in
political science, is the faculty
Similar projects have been th.
model General Assembly in 1950
and the model UNESCO sessions
cf 1949.
I '
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