The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1951, Image 1

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    Vol. 51 No. 82
May Queen Filings
Will Open
The Mortar Board's prepara
tion lor Ivy Day will get under
way with filing for May Queen
by senior women.
Filing will start Wednesday,
Feb. 21 at 9 a. m. and close 5
p. m., Feb. 28. Candidates may
file in Ellen Smith hall or the
Ag Union office. The necessary
filing blanks will be furnished
The new system which was in-
To Continue
Korea Policy
On his return from a flying
trip to the Korean front, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur said that the
U. S. Eighth army will continue
its "meat grinder" tactics of kill
ing the Chinese communists in
Korea without attempting to seize
or hold any particular area.
He restated his basic strategy
to keep the Chinese Red supply
lines extended so that they may
be hit from the air while U. N.
tank and artillery forces grind
the Reds at the front.
Spearheads of about 170,000
counter-attacking Reds drove a
menacing' wedge between the
western and central Korean
fronts. Red patrols already have
pushed within two and one-half
miles west of the key road junc
tion of Wonju in the central Ko
rean mountains.
. Chinese Communists
Fire on British Ship
Chinese communists fired on a
British tanker as it approached
Hong Kong. The ship was dam
aged and Hwo British officers
were injure. The new threat
arose as battered U. N. forces
broke contact with the enemy
south of fallen Hoengsong and re
treated to a new defense line
protecting Wonju.s ten miles to
the south'.
Dr. Wayne Reed
Named to High Post
tv Wavne O. Reed has re
signed as president of Peru State
Teachers college to Decome unu
State assistant commissioner
of education. His resignation from
Peru is effective April l. weai o.
lnneuace arts division
at Peru, his been named acting
president of the college. . - ,
Reed's new job is considered
the next-to-the top education
post in the nation. He is expected
to reoort in Washington April 1.
Gomon was a graduate of the
University school of journalism
In 1931.
Prankster Rebuked
In Legislature
A firecracker explosion in the
legislative chamber failed to
bring the laughs provoked by a
like incident several years ago. .
After defeat of amendments to
the bill offered by a senator, a
small firecracker exploded in the
aisle next to his desk. The sena
tor told reporters he did not light
the firecracker.
Speaker Ed Hoyt, who was pre
siding rebuked the funster who
caused the noise with, "We don't
r.eed any of that."
Mortar Boards
Plan Luncheon
The Mortar Boards will hold
their annual Founders Day lun
cheon Saturday, Feb. 17 at 12
noon in Union parlors ABC.
All alums of the chapter of the
Black Masque have been Invited
to the luncheon. The classes of
21, '31 and '41 will be honored
by the present Mortar Boards.
Former Mortar Boards Ruth
Small Pierce, 1924; Genene
Mitchell Grimm, 1949; and Breta
Peterson Dow, 1935, will speak
at the luncheon. Their speeches
will be based upon how their
college and Mortar Board ac
tivities have effected their
Nancy Porter, president of
Mortar Board, will give the
welcoming speech. In charge of
the luncheon is Norma Chubbuck.
DP Committee Given
Promises of
Aiwnrdlna to Miriam Willey.
co-chairman of the displaced
persons committee with Romaine
Rnnmussen, the enthusiasm shown
In response to the call for DP
"assurances'' of aid has given
the commutes the "go ahead"
sign for their project.
The Methodist student house
has promised room and board
for one displaced person for next
Cotner house has assured a
room for the year for a student
DP. Rev. C. Vln White has of
fered room and board for one.
Transportation Aid
Presbyterian student house has
promised transportation from
New York City to Lincoln for all
of the displaced persons that will
be University students next
sc'iool yeur.
Canterbury club has assured
$10 per month for one displaced
Miss Willey said that "there is
no reason to believe that the
twelve University scholarships
for the diHplacod person can't
be hurl."
More room and board assur
Feb. 21
itiated last year will again be
used to select , the senior woman
who will reign over the Ivy Day
court as May Queen, May 5.
Mortar Board is in charge of the
The senior receiving the high
est number of votes from junior
and senior coeds will be the 1951
May Queen. The second highest
candidate will be the maid of
Qualifications Named.
Qualifications for May Queen
outlined by Mortar Board in
clude: a 5.5 average weighted,
senior standing, enrollment for at
least 12 hours and active par
ticipation in campus organiza
tions. The remainder of the Ivy Day
court includes two seniors, four
juniors, two 'sophomores, two
freshmen and two pages. The
court members will be suggested
by organized houses and chosen
by present members of Mortar
Board from activity women of
each class.
Candidates for Queen will be
announced in The Daily Nebras
kan March 19 along with the
election slate for AWS, BABW
and Coed Counselor officers.
Election results will remain se
cret until the Queen appears to
open Ivy Day ceremonies.
To Elect Officers
University coeds will elect all
1951-52 campus officers and the
1951 May Queen March 20.
Prior to last year's election,
there are no filings. Junior and
senior women nominated seniors
from a list of all University
women eligible for the honor.
The top eight candidates were
then voted on for May Queen in
a special election.
Last year the Ivy Queen was
Jan Nutzman and her maid of
honor was Mary Helen Mallory.
Coed Elections
Are March 20
University coeds will go to the
polls March 20 to choose 1952
52 campus officers and the 1951
May Queen. Board members and
officers of AWS, Coed Counsel
ors and BABW will be elected.
Polling place for city campus
will be Ellen Smith hall; Ag stu
dents will vote in the Ag Union.
The complete slates of candi
dates for all the coed organiza
tions will be published by The
Daily Nebraskan prior to the
Junior women will further as
sist the Mortar Boards by filling
out a junior questionnaire, list
ing all activities which they
have participated in and the of
fices they have held during their
thre"e years at the University.
The questionnaire will aid the
Mortar Boards in making their
selection for new members who
will be revealed during the Ivy
Day ceremony, May 5.
Candidates for the BABW,
AWS and Coed Counselor posts
will be nominated from recom
mendations and interviews by
board members of the respective
Mortar Board is in charge of
the all-girl election. Ballots,
Kathryn Swanson; City poll,
Joel Bailey; Ag poll, Annette
Stoppkotte and Dorothy Bow
man; BABW, Janet Carr; Coed
Counselors, Marilyn Campfield;
AWS, Sally Holmes; junior
women, Jean Fenster.
At Ag Tonight
"Hey. look out for my ar
row "
Cupid and his arrow win set
the theme tonight at me Ag
Union box- social party.
In keeping with Valentine's Day
the party will provide games,
dancine. valentine passing aa
decorated dessert boxes.
The Valentine afafir is sched
uled for 7 to 9 p.m. tonight.
Woman students are instruct
ed to brine decorated dessert
boxes which will be auctioned
during the evening. Men students
attending are eligible to bid for
the boxes. A limit to be paid lor
the decorated boxes will be en
ances are needed to insure com
plete success of the program.
"We desperately need more
board assurances," emphasized
Miss Willey.
The co-chairman of the dis
placed persons committee, which
functions under the Religious
Welfare council, urged that all
the rest of the assurances be
turned in by next Tuesday,
Feb. 20.
Promises Due Now
The call for new "assurances"
was issued from Willey and
Rasmussen a week ago, March 1
is the deadline for the promises.
If Nebraska is to continue the
program, for which the Univer
sity received much praise, the
assurances fur food, clothing,
rooms and miscellaneous supplies
must be turned in immediately.
In order to meet the March 1
deadline, anymore assurances
must be in by next Tuesday.
The University holds a unique
position among the nation's col
leges by being one of the few
institutions to Hporwor such a
displaced persons program.
Chancellor, Lecturer
GREETS LECTURER Chancellor R. G. Gustavson greets lec
turer Dr. Howard Hanson after his lecture Monday. Dr. Hanson,
former University student, is giving the annual Montgomery
lectures this week.
Students Hear
Define 'Faith in
"Is Faith in God a Delusion?"
Leith Samuel, British lecturer,
discussed this question before a
University audience in the Union
ballroom on Monday evening.
Samuel stated three prelim
inary considerations. If God had
no objective reality, then faith
in God is a delusion. This means
he would not exist as a person
apart from our knowledge or ig
norance of him and his existence
would equal the desire to get a
name to cover the unexplain
able. Fickle Favoritist
i Faith Is a -delasiaa if God 'has
objective reality, but is a fickle
favoritist who likes to give fa
vors on some and likes to watch
others squirm in agony, declared
Samuel. Fearful subjection to
such a God might be wise but
should not be confused with the
title of "faith."
If God has objective reality,
but can't cope with our personal
problems or with the world he
created, then faith is also a de
lusion, he added.
Samuel asked two preliminary
questions to follow up his con
siderations. How can we know?
Is the knowledge about our God
compatible with the other knowl
edge we are learning as Univer
sity undergraduates?
Student Answers
He went on to explain that
four main types of answers are
given him by students. To the
answer, "I couldn't care less,"
Samuel says that they will begin
to care ultimately. To the group
saying "I would give anything
to know," he answers, "You can
soon find out." Some assert that
nobody can know. He replies
that this is illogical and unsci
entific as can be seen in the im
possibility of agnosticism. His
answer to "we do know, but do
not know everything" is that we
will know all ultimately
'in Know au ultimately.
Other key statements to the
crux of Samuel's argument were
that no certainty is possible on
a pre-experimental basis and the
basis of the experiment must not
be our promise or vow to God.
It must be God's promise to man.
The establishment of this rela
tionship is a beginning, not an
Wednesday Lecture
Samuel spoke last night on
"Insecurity the Vicious Circle."
He will speak Wednesday, Feb.
14 on the topic "Truth on the
His discussion Thursday is ti
tled "The Fifth Freedom." These
Science Topics
Of Lectures
All University students are
invited to attend a tea and lec
ture every first and second
Thursday at Brace lab. The first
Thursdays will cover topics on
the chemical and biological as
pects of physics and on pure
The second Thursdays will be
devoted to lectures on mathemat
ics, philosophy and related topics
in physics.
Tea will be served at 3:50
p.m. and the lectures will begin
at 4:10 p.m.
The schedule is:
March 1: W. E. Militzer, "An
alytical Problems of Algebraic
March 8: A. S. Skapiiki, "Life
and the Second Low of Thermo
dynamics." April 5: A. L. Johnson, "The
Theories of the Solid State."
. April 12: H. Ribeiro, "Boolean
May 3: T. Jorgenson, "Range
Energy Relations for Slow Mov
ing Particles."
May 10: Marian F. Clark,
"What is Algebru7"
Leith Samuel
God9 Delusion
talks are given in the campus
chapel at 15th and U at 7:30
p. m. 1
The lectures are a series called
"Present Tense and Future Per
fect" asking the question, "Have
you considered Christianity?"
The series are all-University lec
tures sponsored by the Inter
Varsity Christianity Fellowship.
Eleven Seniors
To Be Honored
At Arts Banquet
Eleven seniors in the school
of fine arts will be honored at
the Fine Arts banquet Thursday
night at 6:30.
Four seniors from the speech
department, four from music, and
three from the art department
will be given certificates by Dr.
Arthur Westbrook, head of the
school of Fine Arts.
To be eligible frr the award
a student must have maintained
an average of 6.5 in all classes
throughout their college career.
The faculty of each depart
ment will then select its quota
of students from those who meet
the grade requirement on the
basis of contribution to the de
partment and participation in de
partmental activities.
Dr. Howard Hanson, director
of the Eastman School of Music
in Rochester, New York, will
speak on the subject, "Music in
American Culture."
The University Madrigal Sing
ers under the direction of Dave
Foltz will sing at the banquet.
Tickets may be purchased
from any member of the honor
ary societies in the department
for $1.50.
t t t-.i ,
Kamona Laun Elected
Loomis Hall President
Ramona Laun was chosen as
president of Loomis hall for the
1951 semesters. She is assisted by
Joyce Schroeder.
Otner officers are secretary.
Maxine Peterson, and treasurer,
Phyllis Zeilinger.
Bridge Tournament Play-offs
Scheduled Saturday at Union
Due to the close competition!
; in the bridge tournament, It will
be necessary for the Union to ' ,ourna(me ar,e quesiea xo oe
, , , . , , present. An absence will be a
hold another preliminary tourna- forfeit toward being included in
ment next Saturday from one un- the National Intercollegiate tour
til 5 rt.m. in the TTninn Pnrlnr V 'nament.
The top players from the three
combined tournament ratings by the Union to the University
with their average score arc: 1st, I0 Kansas on the 6th and 7th of
Jack Trumpy-Jamie Curran, av-' April to be entered in the Big
erage score, 2C; 2nd, Chuck Dcu- Seven tournament.
ser-Chuck Hughes, average score, The top regional teams will be
25; 3rd, Marion Brown-Sydna sent to Chicago the last of April
Fuchs, average score, 22; 4th, , to enter the National Intereolle
Larry Ebner-John Anderson, av-igiate bridge tournament,
erage score, 22; 5th, Burdette Results of the tournament last
Randolph - C a r m e n Christoffel, Saturday, Feb. 10, are the fol
average score, 21; 6th, Jane Jor- lowing:
dan-Pat Healey, average score,
x lie rugjuiiui yayuiiB wui latce
place at a later date between the
rr. No. North and South
1 William Snud-Edwurd Saad
Jack Trump-Jamie Curran
Burdette Rundolph-Carmen
Dennis Mitchem-Ralph Hall
Marion Brown-Sydna Fuchs
June Jordon-Pnt Healey
Pr. No
East and West
Lurry Ebner-John Anderson... 1
Ozzie Solem-Jerry Solomon 6
Mildred Yeakley-Louiae Wells 5
Ocne Jobnwn-Steve Flancburg 2
Herb Encdr-hl-John Wil.ion
Bob Duis-Darrell Schurmann 4
Lieee&rf Music
Composer Assails Artists
For Lack of Originality
' JMew (popular) music can
not be good," said Howard Han
son, Monday -evening in his letc
ture "Development of the Crea
tive Arts" at Love Library au
ditorium. Hanson is presently director of
the Eastman School of Music in
New York. He is also president
of the National Music council, a
Pulitzer Prize winner, adviser to
the national government, and has
served as guest conductor on nu
merous occasions. He has written
an opera and choral works.
He was introduced by Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson.
Since it is not original popu
lar music, it excites a memory of
some other work which gives it
its appeal which lasts usually for
not more than ten years, some
times only a day, according to
Hanson. Really new music on
the other hand, being original,
raises no memory, and therefore
often does not appeal to the or
dinary listener who hears it for
the first time, Hanson theorized.
The test of time is the only
reliable standard on which to
judge creative arts. Applause
meters and poles are no criterion
for judging music, he said. Even
time is not infallible. He cited
the St. Mathew Passion, now con
sidered to be one of Bach's great
est works, which was not dis
covered for 80 years after it was
written. New music of the 16th
century is still being brought to
People want and should get
faster evaluation of contempory
works. Evaluations are con
stantly being made, he said, but
what is good. Scholars are
swayed by the craftsmanship of
a composition. Artists may be
influenced by critics. And the au
dience, an important judge, may
adhere to personal prejudices. A
performer will please himself
and listeners, thereby often dis
crediting the composer. Hanson
met all of these conflicts while
serving on a government em
ployed committee to select the
best music for- exchange with
South America.
A writing may become suc
cessful because of its appropriate
ness at the time it is written. An
able conductor may be respons
ible for the immediate liking of a
new niece. Conductor, critic, and
listener are the three forces that
decide the fate of a musical com
position. When a prize is given
for the best in a contest it often
goes to the composer who dis
pleases the least number of ex
perts judging the contest, Hanson
?'he Boston symphony has
nished a pattern for the his
tory of American music, he said.
Since 1881, this organization has
sought to play the best of son
temporary American writings.
They first have publicized such
artists as Chadwick, Director of
the New England Conservatory,
Foote, White, and Haus.
In 1889, they played composi
tions of MacDowell, the first
American composer to gain wide
acclaim in Europe. Hanson
pointed to his works as an ex
ample of time for a critical cri
terion. MacDowell is still in the
active repertoire of modern orchestras.
TNC to Be Revealed Feb. 27
At Coed Follies Presentation
The Typical Nebraska Coed
was chosen Tuesday night from
the twenty finalists selected last
week by the AWS board.
However, the TNC will not be
revealed until the climax of the
Coed Follies program at the Ne
braska theatre, Feb. 27.
A committee of faculty judges,
Sally Holmes, president of AWS
board and Marilyn Moomey
I iudet-H the finalists
Finalists were: Beth Wilkins,
Delta Gamma; Artie Westcott,
18th and 25th of February. All
d team wh placed in the three
The two top teams will be sent
These bridge tournaments have
been under the direction of James
rorusr. jean ijouaun is uie ciitur
mem of the event.
i 2
Christoffel 2
Hanson credited the Boston
Symphony for revealing such
composers as Gleason, Strong,
Parker, Byrd, and others of the
latter 19th century.
The early part of the 20th Cen
tury was not without its share
of creative talent. Hanson men
tioned Aberg, Able, Gillsrest and
Schelling as typifying the qual
ity of their time. The latter's
"Impressions From an Artist's
Life" is one of the great pieces
to come from that decade.
The second ten year period of
the 20th century saw a change in
style appear but those still of the
Continued on Pace 4
E Week to Hold Contest,
Issue Emblem
The College of Engineering and
Architecture has issued a call for
any University student to test his
imagination and drawing talents.
These talents would consist of
designing a plaque emblem to be
presented to the department
within the Engineering college
that wins the E Week open house
and window display competition.
Each year during E Week a
plaque has been presented to one
of the five departments within
the college. Last year the final
name that would fit on the
plaque was engraved on it and
the plaque was retired.
This year the engineers need
a new plaque and have decided
to sponsor a contest for a new
emblem design on the plaque.
A $15 first prize will be
awarded to the person designing
the emblem to be placed upon the
Cast In Bronze
Those designing emblems must
remember that it will be cast in
bronze and that intricate details
can not be included in the
Contest rules have been posted
on bulletin boards in various
campus buildings. The rules for
the contest are:
1. All reeularlv enrolled under
graduates of the University of
Nebraska are eligible to partici
pate. 2. The emblem may be square,
a rectangle, a circle or any poly
gon with outside dimensions of
3 to 4 inches.
The entry must be two times the
scfoidl size,
3. The name: College of Engi
neering and Architecture, Uni
versity of Nebraska, must appear
on the emblem.
4. The emblem design must be
symbolic of the College of Engi
neering and Architecture.
5. Each entry must be sketched
or drawn with instruments on
8 by 11 inch paper.
6. Designs sumbitted will be
judged on general appearance,
arrangement of details and suit
ability. All entries must be mailed to:
Deadline: March 12.
C. V. Cunningham, E Week
contest chairman, 3325 R street,
Lincoln, before March 12, 1951.
For any further particulars
Loomis hall; Jeanne Vierk, Alpha
Chi Omega; Betty Stratton, Delta
Delta Delta; Marilyn Ogden, Al
pha Phi; Mary Jean Neely, Kap
pa Alpha Theta; Hester Morrison,
Chi Omega; Marilyn McDonald,
Alpha Omicron Pi; Delores Love
grove, Alpha Xi Delta; Joan
Krueger, Gamma Phi Beta.
Nancy Klein, Delta Gamma;
Julie Johnson, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Jane Jackson, Alpha Chi
Omega; Jean Holmes, Love Me
morial hall; Anne Jane Hall. Pi
Beta Phi; Janice Fullerton, Delta
Delta Delta; Nancy DeBord. Al
pha Omicron Pi; Adele Coryell,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; and Bar
bara Anderson, Kappa Alpha
Finalist In Style Show
TNC was judged on scholar
ship, personality, appearance and
interest in school activities. The
twenty finalists will participate
in a style show for Coed Follies.
Janet Carr was chosen TNC last
Nine women's organizations
! chosen i to appear in the all
girl production of Coed Follies.
Five groups will present skits and
four curtain acts. One skit and
one curtain act will receive a
Organizations which will ore
sent eight-minute skits are: Alpha
Chi Omega. "Coed Folly"; Alpha
Phi, "Orpheus and Eurydece A
Greek Mythology"; Chi Omega,
"Ticket to ?"; Kappa Alpha The
ta. "About Face or We're in a
rjraft"- Towne Club "A Satire on
ir,Ti,Vh '
Curtain Acts
Five minute curtain acts are:
"A Report on the Census," Alpha
Omicron Pi; "Hie Trials and
Tribulations of the Traveling
Troubadours or The Thing,"
Gamma Phi Beta; "Military
Academy," Kappa Kappa Gam
ma; and "The Bugs and the
Flame," Pi Beta Vhl.
AWS board members and four
Towne club representatives will
sell tickets A booth in the Union
will be open four days beginning
Thursday, Feb. 22 and continuing
to Tuesday, Fi'b. 27. Price of
tickets is 70 cents.
Wednesday, February 14, 1951
It Happened At NU ...
Last Sunday, Feb. 11, the house
mothers and presidents of the
freshmen girls' dormitory were
invited to a tea given by Love
Memorial halL
As the group of eight proceeded
to Ag campus dressed in their
Sunday best, they couldn't help
but wish they were going riding
in one of the many convertibles
they passed and wishing they,
too, were enjoying the early
spring weather.
Arriving at Love hall at the
designated time, the tea-goers
seemed to feel as if they were
either too early .or late for no
one was there.
Looking again at the invitation,
the date for the tea was Feb. 18,
not the 11th just a week too
Design Call
contestants are asked to call
Entries will be judged by of
ficials of the College of Engi
neering and Architecture.
The civil engineers department
within the college won the
plaque during last year's E
Week. Charles Beys accepted
the honor for the department.
Co-chairman of E Week, Glen
Johnson and Clayton Hanson
said, "The basis of Engineers
Week is the competition within
the departments.
Engineers Week and The
Farmers Fair will be held during
College Days this year.
Defense Issue
Is Topic at GOP
Meeting Feb. 16
Governor Val Peterson will be
the main speaker at a meeting
of the Young Republicans in tha
Garden Room of the Lincoln ho
tel from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on
Friday, .Feb. 16.
This meeting is open to all stu
dents interested in government
affairs. Civilian defense problems
will be discussed after a busi
ness meeting. This is an oppor
tunity to hear the state's top
leaders find to take an active in
terest in the affairs of the gov
ernment. Victor Anderson, mayor of Lin
coln, is another guest speaker.
Edward Gillette, state civilian de
fense director, will be modera
tor of the civilian defense dis
cussion. This meeting is sponsored by
the Lancaster county Young Re
publicans. Chuck Thoene is presi
dent of the chapter. He is a re
cent law school graduate and
present deputy secretary of state.
Don Bergquist is membership
chairman of the University group.
Mrs. Barbara Blackburn Kratz,
law school student, is active in
the University group and vice
president of the Lancaster chap
ter. Dean Kratz. recent law grad.
is Lancaster membership chair
All students are welcome to at
tend. The meeting will be no
later than 9:30 p.m.
Nebraska Host
To Lutherans
At Conference
The University was host to
approximately 130 students from
throughout Kansas and Nebras
ka at their mid-winter training
conference Feb. 9-11.
The theme of the conference,
"Preparing For Service," was
presented through a series of
"workshops" led by students
and pastors.
Pastor Paul Bierstedt, nation
al adviser of the Lutheran Stu
dent association of America, was
present to instruct students with
methods of building a stronger
LSA on their campus.
"Our problem lies with tne
many tnousanas oi nuuom
who are not active in LSA," said
Pastor Bierstedt. He outlined
five things necessary for an ef
fective program: prayer, study,
evangelism, service, and recrea
tion. The conference was terminat
ed Sunday morning wnn
Holy Communion service at 8:30
and Eible study at :30.
Delegates to the conference in
cluded students from Kansas
university, Kansas State, Beth
any, Midland, and Dana colleges
and the Omaha branch of the
University of Nebraska.
: I Young GOP'S
To Hear Peterson
Young Republicans will hear
Gov. Val Peterson speak on civil
defense Friday, Feb. 16 at the
Garden room at the Lincoln
Also present at the meeting
will be Lincoln's Mayor Victor
Anderson and State Civil De
fense Director Edward Gillette.
The Vcothcr
Fair mnd warmer Wedntwday
mid Thursday, with faiths Wed
nesday near 20 degrees la the
cant and S5-40 decrees la ths