ft PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - i t r,-:i, w 'i-J 1 i 5 EDITORIAL COMMENT Woi Method of Control , . . One of the greatest problems facing American1 today is how the nation can protect itself against communism and other subversive elements while preserving the constitutional liberties under which we have grown strong and free. History will Judge us, just as it judged the authors of the Sedition act of 1798 by how we solve this problem. The Internal Security act, better known as the McCarran act, passed by congress last September, over President Truman's veto, was an attempt to curb communist activities. The first 17 sections consist of provisions of a senate bill, generally known as the Mundt-Ferguson-Johnston bill or the Mundt-Nixon bill, are aimed at controlling and impeding communist activity in the United States. It is not the general purpose of the act with which we disagree. However, we believe some provisions to be un constitutional in many respects and entirely in effective In accomplishing their objectives. Sec tion 18 through 21 and 23 embody the president's recommendations relating to Internal security; Section 22 consists of some extremely complicated amendments to the Alien exclusion and deporta tion statutes which offer quite delicate problems in the conduct of foreign relations; Sections 24 through 30 amend several phases of the substan tive law and procedure governing naturalization and denaturalization; Section 31 creates within the department of state a semi-autonomous Bu reaus of Passports and Visas. In this editorial we shall deal in general with some of the highlights and general affects of the bill. Later we shall consider particular provisions. A basic objection of the act is that actually it proposes to use a sort of meat ax to hit evils which can be more effectively dealt with by skillful use of a properly shaped scapel. While trying to protect the internal security of the United States the act has created evils far more serious man tnose wnicn it is aimed at rem edying. Some provisions may be unconstitutional; others are impractical. In considering what should be the most ef fective action in preserving internal security, it should be remembered that congress has from time to time enacted various statutes designed to protect the government against injury from acts of allies of the world communist movement. Ex perience has demonstrated that certain statutes need strengthening. Sections 18 to 21 of the Mc Carran act incorporate changes relating to the present espionage statutes, the Foreign Agents registration act and the statute of limitations as it affects prosecutions for violating espionage laws. Another section allows the attorney general more supervision over aliens subject to deportation. These modifications simply provide an additional protection at a time when needed. But other pro visions will affect adversly loyal Americans, In cluding all University students. In succeeding editorials we shall consider in de tail some of the following sections and conse quences: the registration provision requiring every communist to register and the possibility of self incrimination; the direct criminal sanctions; the various penalties of the act; the Impractical de finition of several terms including "totalitarian governments;" changes in the exclusion and de portation of aliens; changes concerning diplomats and international organization personnel. We must realize we' are living at a time when the American people themselves are becoming hysterical over the, communist thrtat. True, it must be watched closely and controlled. But we must be careful also to guard our precious rights of freedom of speech and the press which the McCarran act -seemingly has forgotten. The ques tion that faces each of us is whether to follow the group that is "registration-happy" and those content to impede our constitutional liberties, or whether to guard jealously our freedoms. America has grown great under principles of liberty and equality. So long as we keep our po litical and economic institutions stable and assure our rightful liberties, we need not fear commu nism. Justice Robert H. Jackson made a wise comment a few days after congress passed the McCarran act. He pointed out that the act shows lack of strength in our democratic institutions! and only undermines the confidence of the Amer ican people in freedom of speech and the press -j. k. Pledge Slaves . . . rx 'V. 00 j0 . ' Affect Y Kappa Pledges Settle AVF Debt, Enslaved by Sig Eps OCIETY 'The Thing9 for Spring Is Red Hair, "Rats" by Jean Fenster "To dye or not to dye." That is the question which a lot of campus coeds are going to be risking themselves this spring. Fashion magazines say that reddish casts in hair will be "the thing" lor the coming season. Of course, those coeds that are blessed with shining black locks will have a difficult time trying to dye their hair red. And they'll be just as smart, too. Rut if vou've been lookinu foi something that will give your hnir nnH von a lift, whv not trv a home job of dying? "Tintair," a Apologies . . . Our apologies to Rev. Rex Knowles. Wednesday, The Daily Nebraskan used its lead editorial "Beginning of Lent" and ran the ar ticle unsigned. Due to an unintentional mistake, Rev. Knowles was not properly acknowledged as the author of the article, a guest editorial. The editorial should hold true meaning for every student and it is our intention that its author be given full credit for his contribution. Stolen Goods' K-State Department Head Denies Own Flmili Notice By Connie Gordon It would seem that even department heads can flunk subjects, according to the Kansas State Collegian. The retired head of the K-State English de partment opened his mail one Monday morning and-found to his complete surprise, a failure notice in a milling department course. He later commented, "Obviously I've been mis taken for one of the 11 students named Davis." (Davis is his name, by the way.) While we're on the subject of professors, the Akron Buchtelite at the University of Akron reports a new way for modern educators to down formal barriers between profs and students. Fashion experts, states the paper, suggest the faculty dress more casually. Fon instance, a prof who has an 8 o'clock class should show up once in a while attired in a smoking jacket of a bath robe. Or an anatomy instructor could wear a tie with a digestive system painted on it. If the profs at Akron follow these little sug gestions, they may get some rather surprised looks from the "non-conformists" on campus, but, just think of the improved class conditions. The-pledge's-Lot-is-not-a-Happy-One depart ment: The Interfratcrnity council at the Univer sity of Arkansas has passed a resolution against all pledge walkouts, on both a general basis (which would include all fraternities) or on an individual fraternity basis. Ah, yes, the happy life of a pledge! Slaves for a day! That was the experience of the Kappa pledges Saturday when they were forced to serve the Sig Eps for the day. The pledge class had been sold to the Sig Eps at the AUF auc tion. The girls were subjected to the worst of horrors, housework. They set tables, made beds, served meals, cleaned furniture, sewed on buttons, darned socks and washed dishes. Several of them even spent a few hours shining the boys' shoes. (Inci dentally, the girls have plotted to have their shoes shined during Sig Ep "health" week.) Others spent all afternoon scrubbing and waxing the dining room floor of the Sig Ep house. The episode was not unpleas ant for all of the workers, how ever, some or them siavect over a bridge table with the boys, whilo the others did the dirty work. At 3 P.m. all the parties con cerned forgot the work and at tended the Sig Ep and Alpha Gamma Rho basketball game. The girls forgave their slave drivers long enough to cheer for them ,and with Kappa support, the Sig Eps breezed to an easy victory. Then it was back to work for the Kappa pledges. But not for long. At 8:30 p.m., the boys stop ped finding Work for the pledge? and gave a party for them in stead. It is rumored that several romances budded as a result of the days activities, but most of the pledges agree that the main results were callouses, dishpnn hands and "scrubwoman" knees. r domedu of (n By Donna Prescott The Alpha Phi pledges finally gave their delayed Christmas present to the active chapter Monday nighfc When you go to the Phi house from now on you'll use the new gold doorknocker. There has been at least, one mishap from the Coed Follies practices: Theta Ann Teglier completely lost her voice for When President Truman made his State of the Union address on the radio a few weeks ago, a Daily Northwestern reporter thought it would be a good idea to get some professors' opinions on the speech. However, he was in for quite a surprise. It seems that out of all the profs he interviewed, none of them had an opinion on the speech. As a matter of fact, none of them had heard it There is absolutely nothing like being informed. The Silver and Gold of the University of Colo rado reports that the University's winter sport enthusiasts may be disappointed to learn that they won't be able to skate at the University ice rink. The reason for this astounding statement is very logical and simple: No ice! Remarkable deduction. How many students on campus have ever wond ered if their feverishly-written term papers are really read by the profs. According to the Hastings Collegian, a student at the college decided to test the profs and see if they actually did read all the term papers required in a course. As a way of testing one of his instructors, he inserted a paragraph in his term paper stating that he didn't believe teachers read what pupils wrote, and asked the professor to underline that para graph if he read it. His paper was returned to him unmarked. My term paper worries are over at last! Ag Students Given Keys at Banquet A vocational education ban quet was held Wednesday night in the Union ballroom. The ban quet was sponsored jointly by the Voc Ag-Association and the fu ture home economics teachers. Rev. E. L. Jeambey was speaker for the banquet. He gave a novel talk called "Picking Up Sticks" in which he displayed his wide collection of canes and flags from all over the world. The welcome was by C. E. Wilcox of Kenesaw. Carl Cer wick, Kearney, president of the Voc Ag Association gave the re sponse. Wanda Pearson led group sing ing accompanied by Phillis Dan iels who played the piano. Presentation of keys of voca tional agriculture to a choice se lection for honorary membership held the spotlight of the evening along with Rev. Jeamby's talk. Co-chairmen of the banquet were Wilma Jones and Burnell Swanson. Mary Francis Johnson and Wayne Daniels drew up the program; Carolyn Huston and Glen Baum were in charge of the table decorations; Iris Wells and Earl Hultman were in charge of ticket sales and pub licity of the dinner. Mary Lou Williams and Del mar Whittler arranged the rec reation; Virginia Reynold and George Johnson sent the invitations. American Males Frustrated By World Situation, Says Look Th typical attitude of the draft- eligible males at the University of California is, according to a survey taken by Look magazine, is, "We are bitter and resigned, frustrated and disallusioned, but we aren't mad at anyone specific ally, and we're not saying 'to hell with it.' " The survey presented in last week's Look was a summary cf attitudes toward the draft found on the campuses of four different colleges, representing all parts of the United States. They are: Cali fornia, Northwestern, Princeton and North Carolina. Infantry, Marines Unpopular In the article it was revealed that the majority of students would rather serve in the navy or air force than the army. The in fantry and marines are regarded as "having very little future." The students on the whole be lieve that Russia is responsible for the current world situation. The;- have lost any faith they ever had in Truman and are dis satisfied with our leaders in gen eral. One student at Northwestern, a campus !?r.Jer, said, "If the foreign policy were more intelli gently handled or at least more clearly and cleanly handled, I would be more willing to go. I'm not going to volunteer. . . I'll go when I'm called but not will ingly." The article states that there was almost total rejection of Hoover's "Operation Gibraltar" stand by collegians. Jhsi (Daily, TbrfjhaAkarL Mem bet Intercollegiate Press FOKTt-KlUHTH fEAS lb Dally NebrasKan u published oj the student ot lb University of Ne jrasKa as expression of student cswt ana opinions only According to Article II of th By Laws governing studen' publications and administered oy th Board of Publications, "it la the declared polio of tr Board that publications jndet Its lurtsdlctlon snail be free from editorial censorship on the part of the unei'd or on the part of any member ol the faculty ot the University, but meniuerf of the staff ef The Dally Nebraskan tr oersonally responsible fr -hat the vt or do or cause to to printed. Bnbeertptloa rates ars tl.oO per semmter, $2.60 per semester nmilrd. or S3.00 tor the sollese year, (4.M mailed. Slniile copy gc. Published dall during the school year aeepi Matardaye and Hundayt, vacations and examination priiods and one less during the month of August by the University of Nebraska under the super vision af the Committee oo Student Pub'lratlnnn. Rntered as Mfrnd Clans Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraaka, under Art of Congress, March 3. I8!t. and at special rate of postage provided for In flection 1103. Act of Congress of October i t l17, authorised September 10. 1822. f EDITORIAL I- Kdltor Jerry Warren ."' Managing Editors. ....... Joan Kruegrr, Tom Rische f " Mews Editors Kent AxtHI. Glenn Roneniiulnt. Ruth Raymond, Jeanne Lamar, Hue (Jnrton Sports Editor Bill Miindcll . Ass't Sports Editor Jim KiMnl - Featnre Editor.... Jare Kanda'l ' Ag Editor.. Ill'k Walsh ' . Society Editor nnna Prrarnt' Photographer n-.H f't-rn-i) HI'Mrss hlfL Agrees With Hain To the editor: I have comments to make re garding "A Student's" reply to Hain. While it seems that "A Student" has shown that Phil Hain may have exaggerated in failing to note the existence of campus religious institutions, I think it is the case that "A Stu dent" erred in interpreting Mr. Hain's statement. Neither do I think that Phil Hain was advo cating a pro-Christian oath nor a uniform position in regard to religious issues. It seems to me that the mv Tuesday's Daily Nebraskan has a well found criticism of stu dent conduct at the lecture by Dr. Hans Kelsen Monday, per haps Mr. Huestis has not con sidered all the angles. Granted, the departure of the students as well as some faculty members was extremely rude to the speaker, but perhaps such an embarrassing situation could have been avoided if the speaker had been forewarned about the time limit of his discussion. Dr. Kelsen, who was delivering an excellent speech, nevertheless portant point in Mr. Hain's letter was showing no sign of conclud is exactly that one which "A ing when 10:51 a.m. rolled Student" dismisses without com- around. ment or proof at the close of his letter. I believe that Mr. Hain was disputing the idea that reli gion should be kept under the roof of the Church. If we are firm believers and sincere fol lowers of God, it is part of our belief that we live and act at all timet in our religion. That would indicate a necessary ap plication and recognition of re ligion in all our classroom activi ties. It is not hallowing religion to keep it under the roof of the Church; it is fossilizing and dis torting it to do so: Whether or not I have ex plained Mr. Hain's position as he intended it, I have expounded a position of my own. which will serve the same purpose as if it were Hain's. Sincerely, . Thomas Graham. Rnslness Manager.... rf K ::i.'tilr Ass't Business Managers Ju?k Cohen, Chuck It'ir elslrr, !h r.-lc'tcnhaeh Circulation Manager... '! "' ul'in . flight Mews Editor Jeanne Lamar in Speech Time Limit .) the liuiLor: Although Charles D. Huestis his letter to the editor in If he was told before begin ning to speak about the time limit, and if the circumstances were explained, then certainly he should have compiled with the set time limit in order to prevent an embarrassing and unwarranted situation. Whether Dr. Kelsen was informed on the class hour before beginning is not known to this reader. If he has not, then he should have been told by the chairman; if he was, then he should have complied with the limit. Any truly good speaker should know that he cannot speak over time and expect audience ap proval. Students in the audi ence no doubt realized that their "11 o'clock" teachers might not be symphathetic with them if they presented the excuse of an overlapping class the previous hour. True, the "walk-out" was embarrassing to the audience, the speaker and the University. But perhaps it could have been avoided, and perhaps it can be in the future. A member of the audience. several days last week. Dick Weston just sits around the house and stares into space. Then he starts talking about his favorite girl. Could it be that he plans to go steady with her when she is at Northwestern? Joe Pollack no longer has his mustache! The Lincoln alums sicked the pledges on him and they shaved it off. This week-end the Phi Psi alums and local chapter are giv ing a stag banquet at the Corn husker Hotel for Bob Reynolds. It seems that Jim Parlmelee's Theta Xi pin has been traveling back and forth between Martha Picard and him. One day you'll see it on her, the next day he'll have it back. When are you go ing to decide to keep it, Marti? ' Last week-end the Beta's jour neyed to Omaha for a party given at the home of Ted Egen. His date was Mildred Yeakley. Other Betas and dates were Paul Shed and Carolyn Rothenburger, Don Schulteis and Alice Stehley and Bill Rogers and Jan Schmidt man. Jim Sullivan has just made an unspeakable purchase. He now has a grey-green striped, flannel night-shirt with little "doo-dads" on the top. It must be cold where he plans to spend his honeymoon. Congratulations to the new pledges on the campus: Jo Stroble, Phi; Harvey Got'., Allen Grove, Chuck Shade and Jerry Paulson, all Delts. Seems to be a little trouble around the Pioneer house. Jim Spease and Dick Anderson have not been spending much time there. Maybe Ann Carlson and Marti Smith could have some thing to do with this. What happened to the trip to the Mardi Gras? Val Hammond was planning to fly his buddies down for the carnival. The real object of the trip was so Perry Meyers could have a get-together with his pinmate. Those planning to make the trip with them were: Bob Scoville, Harris Carnaby, AI Kramer and Chuck Dugan. Last Sunday the Sigma Nu mother's club gave a date-dinner for their sons at the house. The dinner was served buffet style. The Delts are still waiting for Keith Sralla to pass cigars. But Sandy Ridell has to wait her turn to pass candy at the DG house. The girls on the campus have been wondering what to give op for Lent. Many of them are dieting, cutting out deserts, lunching before going to bed and eating between meals. How many of us females will stick to the duel-purpose of Lent? Midge Gady and Ed Tegete meier were married in the Re deamer Lutheran church Sun day, Feb. 4. Ed is teaching in St. Paul. Kathy Cliristensen and Don Ewin? were married in Beatrice last Sunday. Other recent marriages: Stan Portche and Grace Znanard; Stan Mallory and Jerry Leigh from Mitchell and Bunny Laux and Bill Munson. Engagements: Twlla Carlson and Don Dreiger who recently returned from Korea and Marijo Hansle and Jim Austin. Two pinnings this week: Hank Pedersen and Marge Line and Mary Van Horn and Glenn Cur tis. . . Old Dan Cupid hasn't let the campus down completely this week. We have wind of two new steadies: Bob Stryker and Mary Mackie and Mary Ellen Ander son and Don Davies. Parties this week-end: Friday Kappa Sigma formal. Palladian party at Union. Delian-Union party at Union, Saturday Kappa Alpha Theta formal. Amiketa formal in the Ag union. ' Phi Delta Theta house party. Delta Tau Delta dinner-dance, j Cosmopolitan club dance at Union. 16 Groups to Have Booths at Carnival Coeds of 16 campus organi zations are busy this week mak tng plans .for" Saturday's Penny Carnival. The annual event, which is sponsored by the Coed Counselors, will be held in the Union ballroom from 2 until 4:30 p.m., Feb. 10. Each of the 13 entries will sponsor a carnival booth which may be patronized by the custo mers. These spectators will then vote to choose the winning group, who will receive a cup for recognition. Tickets, which will cost 25 cents, must be punched by workers at six different booths in order to be eligible for a vote. Ballots must be cast by 3:45 p.m. Feggy Mulvaney and Donna Grucber, co-chairmen of the event, have announced that the following groups will partici pate: Adelphi, Towne club, Women's Residence hall, Sigma Kappa, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi and Alpha Chi Omega. new home dye recently put on the market is easy to apply, rea sonably priced and fun to experi ment with. It can be purchased in shades to match your present coloring, in shades that will add new highlights or in shades that will give your hair a completely new color. And just for the "fun of ex perimenting," yours truly has home-tested Tintair and gotten startling results! Chignons And Braids Chignons and braids will be added to the existing fashion of a perfectly smooth brow and crown this spring. And although the college coed may not adapt herself to buying "rats to get the chignon effect, she will be faced with buying hats that are made to fit "back-mass" hair style. As always there will be hats of all shapes, but remember that tho "darling little crescent" job was created for a chignon hair-do. Tight-fitting little straws be decked with lots of flowers, veil ing, even paillettes will be pop ular for spring. There are ging ham hats and lots of velvet trims. Lemon Top Color Lemon yellow is an important color in many spring millinery collections. The mauve family from pale pink through straw berry pink and lilac will also be very good. No matter how serious the world situation is and no matter how austere fabric shortages aro, they never ration women's hats. Hats might make a coed look sil ly and men laugh, but they're here to stay and so are laughs. A hat is the part of a costume that is worn closest to the face. Not only is its color importanl your attractiveness but the shi.pe of a hat may change the entire contour effect of your facial fea tures. Look' three times before you buy a hat front, back and side and then make your choice. Placement Office Lists New Jobs According to the Committee on Occupational Placement of fice, there are openings in busi ness concerns, corporations, in- j dustries, and institutions fori graduating seniors. The various concerns are eager to have seniors file letters of application from which they will fill vacancies. T. J. Thompson, chairman of the committee, has a list of openings and requirements of approximately twenty concerns. Students interested in getting a listing of companies for making written applications may obtain same in Office 104, Administra tion hall. If any departments have interested students, they should be referred to that office. RUST f.RAFTi,, GET THEM AT GOLDEUROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th D 5 SI Lincoln's Busy Deportment Stees ion ?UTS The Pride and Joy of SMADMT (CUBIILS These adorable Shoes come in red calf , . , blue calf and black patent. M For Smart Girl's a smart color . , , Terra Tan calf. You'll lie In top comfort in one of these practical shoes . . . either for dress or casual wear! GOLD'S- . Street Floor t i