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The philosophy depart- ! ment, on the main floor, was also the administration office. This edifice, whose estimated I building cost was $100,000, alarmed the state legislature when its demands reached a maximum of $128,980. Seeing, however, that the extra sum would make the building more durable, the legislature had lit tle to say. 1871 First Registration. Thus, in 1871, registration commenced at the University of Nebraska. That wa in the day when Nebraska was young. The University came into being the 15th year after the state was ad mitted to territorial government, the second year after its admis sion to statehood, and 14 years following the close of the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln. At the same time that the Uni versity was still in the experi mental stages, Lincoln was a comparatively small town. Its population was approximately l,ooo. 'mere were iew or no sidewalks, and a gas plant was still a dream of the future. Lit erally, the school was built on the "raw prairie far out of town." The iron fence which surrounded it then is now one of the curiosities of Wyuka ceme tery. Six Beginning: Departments. In the beginning, the Univer sity consisted of six departments or colleges. Numbering among Cradle If UiniQveirsDtv Part of th Past ... i I If " - 1 f i" them were the college of an cient and modern literature, mathematics and natural sci ences; the department of litera ture, sciences and arts; the agri cultural college; the college of law; the medical courses; the college of practical sciences, sur veying and mechanics; and the school of fine arts. In 1875, the college of agriculture and prac tical sciences, surveying and me chanics were united, only to be suggested again at the turn of the century. The original campus covered four city blocks. Old "U" Hall" held its own until 1868. The chapel in the north wing of this edifice saw many a student wor- OLD CAMPUS CENTER. .Old University Hall was founded in 1869, lormcriy located in the center of the original campus. For many years the building housed the entire University. Originally a four-story building with a landmark of a steeple, the hall was always cursed with unstable foundations and a leaky roof. First the steeple was removed, then the upper stories. Classes were held in the building until 1948. It was then totally razed to make way for Ferguson hall. ship on those Sundays so long past. Its angelus tolled every day up to Armistice Day, Nov, 11, 1918. Enrollment 20 to 67. Still' in its embryonic stages of development, the University's number of registrants was com paratively small. From 1871 1877, enrollment figures read somewhat like this: 20, 46, 43, 98, 66, 67. When the campus began to branch out, the pharmacy build ing, Nebraska hall, and Grant Memorial were the first to make their appearance. Grant was erected as an armory. Architec ture hall soon followed, provid ing a roof for the University's rapidly expanding library. The School of Music came in 1894. Anxious to Study Abroad? Travel Service Offers Tours Again this summer as in the past the Laborde Travel service, will promote study tours to Eur ope for students and teachers in terested in cultural study in European schools. The service is sponsored by the Cooperative Bureau for Teachers. Last year 220 persons traveled under their auspices. The countries to be visited are France, Austria, Spain and Den mark. Specialists in French will receive intensified instruction and review at the Paris-University of Caen summer school. From there excursions will go to Mont-Saint-Michel, Rouen and other cities. German Students. Although the instruction of fered at the International sum mer school at Mayrhofen in Aus tria will be of major interest to German students there will also be side trips to Salesburg music festival, Bayreith music festival, and a two weeks art tour through Italy. Spanish teachers will be in terested in the refresher courses featured at the Paris-summer school at University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain. From there groups may take planned excusions to Northern Spain. Scandinavian Tours. Besides refresher courses, the visits in the Scandinavian coun tries will include tours of fac tories, farms, and modern hous ing developments. Prices of the trips begin at $599 which includes roundtrip transportation on chartered planes of tourist class boats, some meals, rooms at universities, ex cursions etc. Students interested in the tours should write the Laborde Travel Service, Inc., 1776 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Debaters Prepared By Grueling Work NU Theater Ends Try outs For Production Final tryouts for "Caesar and Cleopatra, which is to be pre sented in March by the Univer sity speech and dramatic art de partment, were held Tuesday evening. The play, written by George Bernard Shaw, has parts for four women and 14 men. Any student in the University is eligible for a part in the production. Dallas Williams, assistant pro fessor of speech and dramatic art, will direct the play. He has announced that the members of the cast will be named the latter part of this week. They are to be chosen from the 15 students who had previously tried out and any others who attended the open tryout Tuesday. Students who were asked to return for final tryouts were; Pat Loder, Jan Crilly, Sharon Fritzler, Dorothy Williams, Mary Mackie, Jack Wenstrand, Charles Peterson, Jim Tomasek, Wes Jensby, Don Lewis, Dutch Meyers, Chuck Rossow, Dave Sisler, Jerry Young and Dick Carson. After its performance here, the play will be presented at other towns in Nebraska. During the first two weeks in April, members of the cast will travel to various parts of the state to give per formances at s everal speech clinics. "Caesar and Cleopatra" will be the first "traveling" play that the University has sponsored. World Politics Interest Seen A. T. Anderson, professor of History, reports an increase of student interest in current af fairs. Prof. Anderson's two history classes dealing with current af fairs have increased 15 percent this semester. Interest in current history and Russian state affairs may indicate definite interest on the part of the1 students to the present and future, world situa tion. Not only this University, but world conditions are having their impact on the teaching staff of Lehigh university at Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. W. Leon Godshall, head of the department of internation al relations, reports that students are flocking in to register for this semester's course in "The Diplo macy of Russia and the Middle East since 1919." A year ago, 68 students had registered for this second semes ter course .This year, over 200 students have signed up to take the course starting Feb. 8. You see a gay group of boys and girls with briefcases, maga zines and little oblong boxes get into a station wagon, laugh mer rily and drive off toward another city. You watch them as they drive along, chatting gaily about the weather and campus events. When they arrive at their destination, you follow them into another campus and listen as they argue with students from other schools. You hear an older person say to them, "You win," and you accompany them on their pleasant, victorious journey homeward. Is this your picture of a debate tournament? If so, you have the wrong impression. In the first place, intercollegi ate debating does not consist merely of making pleasant jour neys with other students. Like any other competitive game, it consists of three grueling phases preparation, practice and per formance. In most cases, the first two stages of debate are even more important than the last stage, the actual debate. For weeks before they even open their mouths to argue, debaters are busy reading everything they can find about the question, finding material for their speeches and arranging a plan of attack. They spend hours at the li brary thumbing through maga zines and books in search of use ful ideas and quotations. Whether they are to speak for (affirma tive or against (negative) the question, they must have stacks of "quote cards" or evidence to support their ideas. ( This year, since the question is "Resolved: That the non-Communist nations should form a new international organization," debators are even listening to President Truman's talks, reading about United Nations and Con gressional sessions and watching for every new move of the Com munist party. Even after the evidence is col lected, the debaters must spend a lot of time practicing for the main event. Almost every week, each two-man, (or woman) team debates another University team. These non-decision matches are constructively criticized by the coaches and other students. When it comes to the actual tournaments, which, incidently, provide excellent opportunities for meeting nice people from other schools, even the best of speakers feel a pang of nervous ness. Usually the oaiiy morning trip is punctuated with remarks like the following: ''What did I do with my quote on the atomic bomb?" Did one of you rats take it?" "I hope we don't meet that smooth team that beat us last time," "Do you think that cute blond will be there again?" "I'm so nervous. I've never debated this new case be fore." Afterwards, of course, there is the dragging period of time dur ing which the debaters wait to see how they came out. But win or lose, they know that they have learned a lot of new ideas and techniques from their op ponents. Your misconception was right about the return trips, though. They are gay. For when the tournament is over, everyone's tension disappears and debaters are once again fun-loving, party ing University students. Ag to Hear Farm Radio Technician Duane Nelson, Lincoln reporter and technician for the Nebraska Rural Radio association's KRVN with its main studios in Lexing ton, will speak to an Ag college meeting discussing the import ance of the new farmer owned and farmer operated radio sta tion Thursday. Under the sponsorship of the Ag Economics club, the informal gathering is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. in the Ag Union. Nelson, a recent graduate of the University and formerly with the University extension, is now employed by the "rural voice of Nebraska" station. Pioneering: Adventure The 25,000 watt station under the direction of Max Brown is a pioneering venture. It is the second such farm "voice" in the country. The first was in Ohio. Like its sister in Ohio, the Ne braska station has several def inite aims: 1. Improved market reports on livestock, grain and produce. 2. Up-to-the-minute weather information. 3. More public discussions on taxation, schools and roads. 4. More information on the results of agriculture research. It is this last objective that holds the most interest of the Ag student, it seems. Under such capacity, the station is another mighty crutch helping along the University. Distinguished Guests Chancellor R. G. Gustalson and Dean W. V. Lambert were among the University faculty at tending KRVN's formal installa tion ceremonies Sunday. Both expressed a wholesome feeling toward such farm co-operation as was necessary to establish the air-wave voice of Nebraska agri culture and in that position in our economic voice of Nebraska agriculture and in that position in our economics order which the station plans to take through its broadcasting of information. Idea Three Years Old It was back in October. 1947. that the wheels of progress first Degan to turn as regards the new farmer and rancher station. The project was sponsored by the Nebraska Co-op council and sup ported by such organizations as the Farm bureau. State Grange, Farmers union and hundreds of others farmers associations. Those Eligible Those eligible to become own ers by the purchase of a $10 share of stock are: Nebraska farm and ranch op erators, thejr wives and mem bers of their family living at home. Nebraska farm and ranch owners. Ministers in communi ties of 500 or less. County agents and vocational agriculture in structors. Farm and co-op or ganizations and their employees. Slaving for Knotdedge . P o s : . : j-.-:v.- ( :.Mi.Nik. .' ' -iiHrftnTraiw mm, mm -Ailiiii'lu. n-'i , t L , , , f AMBITIOUS STUDENTS. .These toilers are among the thousands of students who forsake life's little pleasures to attend class regu larly. They do not lie slothfully in bed, but make those 8 o'clocks. But for every one of these ambitious scholars, it is rumored there are several unspeakable individuals who attend class only, when it suits them. No method would be too severe to impress upon those black sheep that education is a privilege and not a drudgery. Pollsters Find Reasons Why Class Attendance at a Netv Hiszh Students have resolved to at tend more classes regularly dur ing the second semester! This fantastic fact has just been uncovered by credulous poll - takers masquerading as Gallup and Kinsey workers. The fact that class attendance will definitely be more regular this semester was dug up by pollsters well equipped with scoop shovels. 'Good Students Never Cut' A sterling individual behind the Union hat-check stand stated YM Will Present" Film, 'Lysistrata' "Lysistrata," a German langu age film with English sub-titles, will be the next in the foreign series sponsored by University YMCA. It will be presented Fri day and Saturday evenings Feb. 9 and 10, at 8 p. m. in Love Li brary, auditorium. All students will be interested in the classical Greek satire by Aristophehes, a Greek comic dra matist. This drama was produced in the fourth century B. C. and has since been produced in every country of the world in various stage versions. This is believed to be the first screen treatment of "Lysistrata." Admissiqn is 50 cents and tickets may be secured at the YMCA office or at the door. that he always made it to all of his classes. It had never oc curred to him that a good stu dent would do otherwise, Replying to the question, "Are you attending classes regularly?", one harried little girl answered: "Yes, I'm a pledge, and we get black points if we don't!" "Who sees that you make eight o'clocks?" another femme was asked.. Her answer was brief, "The actives." Compulsory Attendance , "Have I been attending classes?" asked a young man with a smile. "Hah! I'm in the Air National Guard." Other answers to the query on "Are you attending class regu larly?" went something like this. "Yes. I haven't thought up any good excuses to skip, yet." "Yes. The weather isn't nice enough for skipping yet." . "Yes. I have to get more rest this semester. Sleeping through lectures, you know." "No, I haven t been to , class et. I haven't got a car." "Attend classes? Well, I be lieve in temperance in all things." N.U. Bulletin Wednesday ASAE meeting, Room 313, Union. Kosmet Klub meeting, 8:30 p. m., Kosmet Klub room. American Society of Civil En gineers meeting. Mechanical Arts hall. Fourth floor, 7:30 p. m. AUF fraternity solicitors meet ing, 3 to 5 p. m., AUF office, Union. Thursday Sigma Tau meeting, 7 p. m., Room 206 Richards lab. Religious Welfare council meeting, 6 p. m., Cornhusker Room at YM. Handicrafts class at Ag, Room 110, 7 p. m. RUST CRAFT GET Tli&AI AT GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th FRIDAY COLLEGE NIGHT Comfortable Booths Dancing 9 till 12 Couplet Only $1.70 per rouple Tax included 'Travel, Study, Inc.9 Announces Series of Foreign Study for '51 Opportunities to travel and study abroad are being offered American students in 1951. Travel and Study, Inc., has an nounced its 1951 series of foreign study programs for undergradu ate students in the general fields of philosophy, politics, economics. sociology and education; humani ties, arts and sciences and human interest. Convo Speaker 's Book Is 'Story of Chuckles ' BY ANNA GILLIGAN. "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay" is probably the best known work of Emily Kimbrough, who will speak at. the all-University convocation today in the Union ballroom. . Miss Kimborugh, now employed as a Hollywood movie writer, collaborated with her lifelong frinds, Cornelia Otis Skinner to write this amusing ctory, which takes place during the "Roaring Twenties," , of two adventurous young girls on their fint un chaperoned journey to Europe. Those of us who have read the tory will readily remember its The programs run from six to ten weeks. They take students through five European countries and provide for academic work in two universities. The groups attend theater, opera, concert and ballet per formences; the students come in contact with leaders in educa tional, social, governmental, busi ness and industrial fields. Prices, depending on the num ber of countries visited and length of time abroad, range from $745 to $1,350 and are all-inclusive. Jean J. Newman, president of Travel and Study, Inc., says that the main aim of Travel and Studv is to foster a critical but she "heroically" tried to save him j understanding approach to the by throwing a deck chair into problems of today, to temper im the water. Piricism and the will to action by The ttrials of thetwo girls go ! an awareness of the nature and' from one extreme toanothne.They find .themselves in amusing situ ations while tipping French taxi drivers, and trying to cure the re sults of sleeping with bedbugs. They meet authors, artists, bandleaders, tennis champions, concert pianists, and fomous ac tors achievement of western civiliza tion. proves the free and amusing style its written in, and it is not only easy, but worth-while reading. Both young and old favor it, and it is ideal for campus "before and Cornelia even is un-; bedtime" reading. fortunate enough to get the measles just as . the ship ap proaches the London harbor. One of the most widely public ized episodes in this well known constant chuckles. Almost every book takes place in the Cathedral page contains a different adven- at Rouen, France. The girls be ture, and even a few tears are , come panic-stricken when they hed with its many laughs. For , are stranded on a high balcony, Instance, one time Emily was and drop their clothes in the quite humiliated to find that she street below to attract rescuers, almost drowned a "man over- lEddcniergcx known board" by hitting him on the secretary-treasurer, head and knocking him out when I The popularity of the book , CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL. RECEPTIONIST Wa hftva a, position that would be ideally aulted for a atudent'i wife who wlshri to work 2-3 yaara. Mint ba able to type 65-65 wpm. and take short ino-HO wpm. Thia position tor receptlonlat Is In our personnel department. Some rollene preferred but not required. Applv employment office 7th floor. .MII.IJCR f AIMv ROOM FOR RFW 1141 Q St. One block from campua. If ou like knit (lrese, You'll udore our one f i V '""W f'ff''K and apiece beauties in uool boucl, with all j r,i J XXO j4 rj the appearance of expenmre, hand-fanhioned " r t ,S m knit. Smart styling in Spring's tulip pastel 'S JPF ' tones . . , as well as popular navy and white. So S- " jf much figure flattery for such a little price! 11 i In jm Sizes 10 to 18. j ((( 'Ji Dresses . . . MAG EE'S Third Floor , r y l "- V?",-"'- " fcv-"',MM'Me: f Ir