The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 02, 1951, Image 1

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    A Weighty Problem .
teflm$ www, fin (sn roi pi
5 V -vis
Grave Need
For Arms
Eisenhower In a report to congress Thurs
day Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
said that Europe needs, American
arms more than American troops.
He stated that the need f or
equipment is "grave and crying"
and that the United States must
start production"' as if preparing
for meeting the emergency of
Eisenhower said that our Eu -
ropean allies must cooperate fully
to protect themselves against the
communists and that w must
make sure "that the United States
is not merely an atlas carrying
the rest of the world on its
The U.N. voted 44 to 7 in
naming red China an aggressor.
Nine countries did not cast a
Prime Minister Clement R. At
lee said that there would be no
more UN measures against China
until all efforts to come to an
egreement have failed
In a vote taken to determine
if there would be debate of the! Iowa State college campus and . baum and camp counseling jf Of HiOUCdtOY S
issue, only five members the So-! is familiar with that college's ! headed by Shirley Coy. 4 p. m.: . . ,
Viet bloc voted for it. Since the annual Veishea Dav celebration, I Social service tours conducted! Seven Regional. Citizenship in
assembly rules require a one-j which is similar to Nebraska's i bv Barbara Hershberger andstltutes to held ,n the state
third vote and 32 voted 'No' ColWe Davs n, -iti TVrtiv ! during February and March
V. N. Troops
Cain Miles
United Nations troops in Wes -
ttrn Korea irtert three miles
by hand-to-hand fighting, it Was
reported. However, a French-
American combat team was
trnpped by superior forces in an-1
other section of the front.
auxmii viwi, wivjuuift vcty-1
nets, drove to within 4,000 yards
of Anyang which is nine miles
northeast of Seoul.
Legislature Passes
Building Freeze
The Nebraska legislature pass-
ed Governor Val Peterson's pro-
posed freeze on institutional j
building for the remainder of the'
national emergency Thursday.
The bill under went revision
ten times before it was passed
and will become law when
tcrson signs it.
Third Atomic
Lxpiosion Held
i set:
The third atomic test ex
si'.n in the last six days was set:
rs was set:
ofl near Las Vegas Thursday.
The blast was similar to the two!
so: off Saturday and Sunday.
Proposed Sales
Tax Debated
Speaking on the proposed sales meet Friday to take part in de- i Harriman will soeak to the as-, United States and was granted
tax. Sen. Dwight Burney said j bate, discussion and extempc-! sembled Red Cross representa- $21,400 to forward the Nebraska
that It wi.l take a crop failure, raneous speaking. They are- ! fives regarding the responsibili- 'Citizenship Education project,
or complete deflation" to ready Paul Laase and Bob Hasebrook, ! ties of Red Cross in the national i "The main purpose of the Ne
the state for such a tax. Sen. Dale Johnson and Wayne John- i emergency and in its increased I braska Citizenship project, ac
iiurney is the sponsor of the bill on Thar cording to Dr. Knapp, is to neip
vhich is before the legislature, j
Ao; to Begin
Directory Sale
Summer romp anH voti tvitnt
to know the address of a friend '
you met at the University. Ifjncr- i
nnlv von hari a Rtiirtpnt nirv- Dale Johnson and Paul La;.s. !
Clayton Yeutter, director of :
fales and distribution for Ag. '
Builders, emphasizes the Direc-!
tory's pos-:ible future use since j
the student's home address asj
well as the school address isi
listed. On Ag. campus sales of
t'tudent and faculty directories!
will definitely end Wednesday,
February 7, according to Yeutter. j
Workers will be in the Build
ers booth in the Ag. Union Mon-
rZCi 'ni ;tZ Z.
obtained on presentation of the
purchase receipt or purchased
ior fifty cents.
ISU Chancellor
Chancellor R G Gu.slavson
ill be included on the list of
ispeakcrs at the third annual .
i;,!rtl, ,.f,.
See in" Omaha. March 8.
,nnf,rPn , will use talk ;
bv leaders in the livestock field !
and panel dismission to cover tne
subject of animal brcerling.
Sponsors are the agriculture
committee of the Omaha cham
ber of commerce, the Omaha
livestock market Interests, (he
extension wvices of the Ne
braska college of agriculture.
Iowa Slate Collegt ind leafing I
livestock breeders and feeders ,
4 1 f
I ItPk ( ' Cft -f F' C- V
I ill v . W. 1. 1
Clar f i -a1 with li"ht country and to raise the living Mayor Victor Anderson of Lin- 40-loot In t rvl I c vn jled
M IwK f ont'freJ cild w!th i conditions. It is one of the most coin neeompani Dr. Ireland when the television set is In
Mgb r.m IS to 25 drfrre. (progressive islands in that region during the trip to Puerto Rico. ; stalled.
v. x ! I
i f i
WHODUNIT? Shown above
is a Nebraska student, uniden
tified (due to the furnishings
piled on top) victim of a prac
tical joker. Strangely enough,
there was no foul play, as the
student showed no signs of
bumps, or bruises. The "vic
tim" innocently had taken
refuge ' from his studies, only
to find himself pinned down
by heavier subjects than books.
Who was guilty? His room
mate, who had nothing better
to do.
1 Flnmrc
'. "
J CommitteC
j I c 1 vvtrksl
.r i t V tVirt nnonino rf tVia cop.
ond semester, plans continue for service led by Joan Forbes; and
College Days skeptics corner led by Barbara
u v ;Young. 4 p. m.: Representative
plans for College Days to be held
April 26 to 28.
The Dean's Advisory commit
tee has appointed a committee of
17 students to work on plans former: Human
Teachers college participation in
me mree-aay eveni.
Working with the committee
will be faculty member Charles'
! Kniedt. Knierit has taught nn r
Thf mmmitfoo ,.n
Whirh will
meet Monday, Feb. 5 in room
ia nf th. fJ.u.' JLn2L.
pects to select a chairman and
immediatelv begin Dlans foi -
open house" and exhibits
Memhpr nf th .it..
who represent all four rlasw'
i ... '
are the following: '
xvancv Noble. Joan FnrHo n9
Faye Ulstrom, Tina Wooster, Sue,
Holmes, Jane Linn, Anne Barger,
Joan Hansen, Pat Gilbreath
Marcia Pratt, Beth Wilkins, Don
j liland, Marilyn Campfield Jerrv'
Solomon and Joanne Swerre. I
NU Debaters'
Team Travels
st m i
JlfciW) I ff Si '
SUL9lllV 1 UllUY
Twonrv IInivt.rii,.
Twonrv IImW.ii,.
; will travel to Crete PridvTnH
Saturday to compete with 11
other colleges in a tournament
j at Doane college.
Kour teams w i ifo to the
Cunningham anri Rnh ShiWiv
and Jim Wamsley.
The six teams that will par-
ticipate Saturday are Joan Krue-
eer anrt rv.ri far vii.n
j Uhe and Betty Lester, Jean Caha expanded services of Red Cross -children are directed toward so
!and Betty Brinkman, Joan Hoi- j in relation to the national cmer- c,al and c,vic competence.
con and Janet Sleffen. and ,
-naries Kossow and Gene Wohl-
will enter the extemporaneous ;
speaking division.
'NU Prof Comments
On Puerto Rico
Dr. Ralph Ireland, professor in
the. Unlvers.ty pedodontics de-
r . S UH retu'. a a
( !fom
The convention was for c
Surgeon, of Puerto,. :
As a spenkcr lor the conven-;
tion, Dr. Ireland spoke on the ,
sheets of Operative Technics I
foi the Child Patient and a Den-
lal HMllh PrMmn, Inr fhllrln :
Dr. Ireland stated that since there :
is not. as vet. anv 'recognized I
denial school in Puerto Rico,
. .
most ol the Puerto Kiean dentists i
are graduates of American'
schools. j
Studi? Conditions I
While in Puerto Rico, Dr. Ire-
land got a chance to see the i
i island, its people and its living !
I conditions. i
He iftalrvl that rk'ht nnw ftfl ,
C(,nt of the Puert) Rjf8n f()'m.
ilies are living on a yearly in-1
come of $1,000 or less.
come of 51,000 or less.
"Hm r:vr," he Prided,. "Puerto
Rjco is tryiiq to industrialize the
Vol. 51 No. 74
'Rendezvous Today
YWCA to Sign Up Coeds
For Commission Groups
YWCA second semester Ren
dezvous for commission-group
sign-ups will be held this after
noon from 3 to 5:30 p. m. in
Ellen Smith hall.
All new students, all former
students and anyone interested
is invited to attend the Rendez
vous and to sign-up for second
semester commission groups.
The YW Lincoln Advisory
board, representatives from the
Dean of Women's office, YW Of
ficers, cabinet members and
Ruth Shinn, YW director on the
campus, will be present at the
The officers and cabinet mem
bers will le on hand to explain
the purposes and functions of
the University YW and to ex
plain the functions and activities
carried on by the Various com
mission groups.
Refreshments Manned
Refreshments will be served
during the hours of 3 to 5:30
p. m. The Rendezvous will be
under the direction oi oinny
Koehler, cabinet member.
The commission groups hav
been set up under Tour newlmnrr,inf breakfast headed bv
headings for this semester. They
are: higher education, nation and
world, personal growth and
Christian heritage.
Various discussion and work
groups have been formed under
these headings to meet the needs,
wants and capabilities of Univer
sity women. The groups usually
meet once a week in Ellen Smith
hall under the direction of a
YW officey or cabinet member.
Fonr Day Schedule
Monday through Thursday
schedule for the commission
group meetings is at follows:
Monday, 3 p. m.: Community
mond and Office Staff under the
direction of Virginia Magdanz. 5
n. m.: Common beliefs for a
World Church led by Mary S
rights Tieaded by:
Ruth Soren::en; and Conference
c00p presided Over by Pat Mc
' Klaney and Mary Feary.
Tuesday, 3 p. m.: Senior com-
mission ipd hv Andrev "Rosen-
i Gartrell. 5 o. m.: Comoarative
religions supervised by Virginia
' Wednesday, 3 p. m.: Alum -
ifacultv news letter under the
i direction of Jane Jackson and
Fine Arts led bv Anne Jane Hall,
- Tx.M.nIK
Noon Discussion
Thursday, 12 noon: Noon - dis -
;tt. rrrrrzr.:
' 1 M O VllCIltl
"RJ a0.. Yf-rvf-
Twtnty merribers of th.e local
eo uross umi ana university th institutes are: Feb. 5-Oer-chapter
of the Red Cross will , Feb 6ogaiiaia; Feb. 7
attend a luncheon meeting with Htjngv Teh 8Broken Bow;
the American Red Cross presi- Feb i2Culbertson; Feb. 27
ot-nv loudy in vinana.
Mrs. Genene Grimm, volun
teer sponsor of the Red Cross :
( college unit, and Joan Hanson, i
president of the University chap-iucl
jkr wiU drive to 0maha to at.:ra!
i tend ihc luncheon and meetinc.
i tend th luncheon and meetine.
E. Roland Harriman. president
will attend a luncheon in thei110"-
! Fontenelle hotel and speak to' The University Teachers col
tl-r .'!: CflVTAfl as on
'Red Cross representatives from
! the midwestern area.
! His address will be tied in with
; the Red Cross fund-raising cam-
paign which begins in March.
1 u; -nriu mnhaai7 the
cencv and the additional duties
i as an aid to national defense.
Harold Hill, manager of the
.ul RaH fms rhaBter. will I
be present as one of the repre-
sentatives from this area's unit.
and their Industrialization pro-
gram is advancing steadily."
'Bonny Weather
Dr. Ireland arrived In Piifi-lo
Rico on Sunday, Jan. 21, before
th h ' d k f was sccond high on the
the rainy season. He atateditcam, fourth in hogs and 11th
- hT? linySSo ? h
. . r . l.'
"'ft d 'd " f "
,r " not a"ect thc
'Jniact arlderi Dr Ireland'
. . ,aCl' aaoed Ur. IfCldnfl,
The. Wture was 80 degrees
mnoi r f ma -rim a "
most of the time."
Bad Flying Weather
Dr. Ireland left San Juan,
Puerto Rico, by plane on Mon-i
day ,Jan. 29. However, due to
the bad weather conditions in the
New York area, the plane couldn't
land at the New York air field
In order to make any landing
at all. the nlitne hari to turn hnr.1t
and land in Bermuda. Dr. Ire-
land stated that because of the j
bad weather In New York, he got i
bad weather in 1
to spend almost
muda, courtesy
two days in Ber-
of the air liner..
ill Iff
cusson group under the leader
'shm of Virginia Cummines and
Hester Morrison. 3 p. m.: May
Mary Hubka and world organi
zations led by Ginny Koehler. 4
p. m.: Student-faculty group
presided over by Audrey Flood
and Worship workshop led by
Kathy Dill. 5 p. m.: Leadership
training under the dire 6n of
Sue Allen and Current affairs
headed by Barbara Mann.
All University women are
urged to attend the tea some
time during the specified rjjrs,
whether they want to b ome
members of the campus SVCA
or are interested in joining one
of the commission groups.
From the point of view of the
YW, anyone which includes all
members of religious, racial or
ethnical groups is welcome to
attend the Rendezvous and to
take part in YWCA activities.
. T
Topic Planned
1 . I :
were announced Thursday by
Dr. R. H. Knapp, of the Univer-
iFity and director of the Nebraska
VItlzenshlP EducaJlon project,
I Nearly 100 schools will partici-
j Pate ln the institutes.
i At each institute. Dr. Knapp
i , Af
and staff members of the Citi-
zenship project will present new
zimaiertajs ana recem icieas on
citizenship education. Social
studies teachers, principals, and
superintendents will discuss
some of the problems and have
a 1 consultations with
members of the project staff,
I The days and host schools for
M.-.dison- March 8 Nebraska
The Nebraska Citizenship Ed
ucation project is part of a long
; range national program directed
y v,oiumui- u.s.y
Columbia university and fi
J nanced by the arne6ie lounaa
: lege recently was seimea as one
oi ine res'"""'
Nebraska's smaller schools plan
new ways of linking together
b!)S1E , American Ideals and
knowledge of society so i thdt the
behavior and conduct patterns, of
I 1 " 1 v
' .
stwk judging team from the
University was relegated to 11th
place in the Southwest Fat Live
stock show at Fort Worth Wed
nefduy, The twm took second
place at the National Livestock
show at Denver recently.
This is the way the Ncbras-
, ,hn 14th In cat-
ti and fifth In horses. Stwe Eb-
jerhart was hifh Individual on
! the team end 10th high indl-
'vidua! in sheep. Russell Schel-
7hrd high man and
ncvenih hit'h Individual in hogs.
The team is coached by Prof,
M. A. Alexander,
A 1rim ,rom llJVH State col-
. h contest Htld WbS
' cached by Vern Kerchber,er, a
nnivitv crar)uate, formerly oi
Hay Springs.
Tflf"viion SH
iTVomiftfHI for Union
Spend an enjoyable evening
with television! Where? Student
Union, of course!
In the near juiure stunenis can
i ,,,nlri(fc. Ih h Tin.
! L matching television on a 1200
yjuure inch screen. A set has also
been ordered for the Ac cfimous
which has a fi8 s-tia-e !n"h
.New Rodeo Groiro
Rehilidrdt Will
Speak to CO A
Dr. James Reinhardt, profes
sor of sociology, will speck on
"America's Stake in Europe and
Asia" at a meeting of the Candi
date Officer association Wednes
day, 7:30 p. m., in Love Memo
rial Library auditorium.
Of student interest will be
election of officers for the com
ing year to replace present of
ficers. Scabbard and Blade, profes
sional military honor society,
will be in charge of the meeting.
All freshmen and sophomores
are cordially invited to attend the
TNC Candidates, Follies'
Script Tryout Times Told
. . i i
Plans are now uner Way for
the annual Coed Follies to be
held Tuesday, Febr. 27, at the
Nebraska theatre. Sponsored by
the AWS board, this year's
event is under the direction of
Marilyn Moomey.
of the Typical Nebraska Coed.jBord, Alpha Omicron Pi; Hester
Climaxed by the 'presentation
the show will offer skits, curtain
acts, and a style show given by
the finalists in the TNC contest.
tk tvp h..nnti. n tsK
place on two different Wednes- j Residence Halls; Julia Johnson
davs, Febr. 6, and Febr. 13. TheAdele Coryell Kappa Kappa
first tryout, on Febr. 6, will be Gamma; NH"; J
held in Union parlors X and Y Margaret Wilkins, Delta Gamma,
at 7:15 p.m. Last year's TNC Skit Tryouts
was Janet Carr. j The AWS Board Vill journey
At the first tryout, the candi- tQ each cornpeting house for skit
dates will wear date dresses and and curtajn act tryouts Febr. 7
will be interviewed by the AWS an(J 8 tryout schedule Wall
Board and tacuny juages. n'"ibe as follows:
these candidates, 20 girls will be wednrsaay. -br.
chosen for final tryouts.
Style Show
At the final tryout, the girls
will wear school clothes and will
be individually judged by the
lAWS Board and faculty judges.
From this group, the Typical Ne
braska Coed will be chosen. The
(finalists will also take part m
the stvle show narrated by Jan
iice Crilly, this year's "Dame
Fashion". r
Before the second World War,
the candidates were chosen on
w;i- rvQtnr noise, eenerai ap -
rU. anA dress. The TNC
I had to meet professional model
ling qualifications. When the war
; started, the now present "fH
( cations oi m.-huuiiiih -lily,
appearance and interest m
; school activities were decided
iupon by the board.
Candidates i New officers of the Red Cross
Candidates for Typical Ne-. College Unit for the year 1951
braska Coed and their respective were installed Wednesday, Jan.
houses are: S1- Ntw board members were
Marilyn Ogden, Miriam Wil- also announced and all were
ley, Alpha Phi; Molly Britten-; present for the first meeting,
ham, Ruth Lemice, Howard Hall; j Board positions were named as
Norma Engle, Barbara Bridth-1 follows: Jo Raben, water safety
auer, Sigma Kappa; Anne Janejand jjfe saving chairman; Don
Hall,' Lorraine Westphal, Pi Beta j Dunbar, motor corps chairman;
Phi; Betty Stratton, Janice r ui-
lerton, Tri Delt; tseuy
Weaver, Delores Lovegrove, Al
pha Xi Delta; Artie Westcott, Jo
Ann Knotts, Loomis hall; Luella
Cooney, Jean Holmes, Love Me
morial hall; Joan Krueger, Bar
bara Young, Gamma Phi Beta;
Phyllis M. Heecht, Dorothy Giss-
Students Still
May Add, Drop
Stuoents may still drop and
; add the classes they choose pro
vided they go through the prop-
er clearing channels.
The student must see
......... I T- Tfl 7n CJCrIl KJl H '.I
eollece receive permission from
the instructor oi tne cu
wishes to add, go to the Mili-
11'.:,,:. v,ic Hrt nd droo fee
! of 2 50
i As of date less than 30 students
have gone through this proce-
dure Students cannot add or
Hr,n r aws after VI noon,
iFeb. 17.
Registrations still are not com
pleted. Those who have not
registered yet must see their ad
viser, clear with the dean of
their' college, register at the Mil
itary building and pay their reg
istration fee at Grant Memorial.
An additional fee of $3 must be
paid by those registering late.
A Armory Building to Start
Next May; Cost: $250,000
The new armory on Ag cam- building during tne uay ano rc- riin.-ie iwu yeais i smoy ,n
r,v h,- Parted bv the mid- soive units at night. Space will any subject by July, 1951, until
pus may be started by tnc mia ,dfid Jm fl dri haH( rifC they earn their degrees,
die of May. This was disclosed ranj!C S(.h0ol rooms and mess fa-; 4. Postponed Induction of
todav by the company contract- (.i)iti?s. A second building Is pro-! college student who reaches in
ing the bids for the building. posed to store vehicles and thejductton age until he completes
The standard four unit armory equipment. . ! his Bcademic year.
Is estimated to cost $250,000.
Federal authorities ifl 1 the
ground from the University on
a lease arrangement of one dol-
99-voar term.
I A department of the "army wiU'eated in the Poultry Husbandry
handle the building costs.
The building tinder consider-
Htlon will measure 161 by Ho
feel The central part of the article. Measurements oi me urea
armoi-y will be two stories high.! are 300 feet east and west, and
The outer tier of rooms will be 400 feet north and south. '
one story high. Building plan The Ag armory building -will
specify brick veneer to conform ' compare with the present Mili
to the architectural finish of thejtary and Naval Science building
. - ... ft ti-. 1 .lf r.r, r. ri 10 'McirHrlti r
The plan provides simultaneous '
neoting space for 4 units. With!
this construction. 20 units can
be handled In one v.-ek.
i Nlulit, Hav Cr.
t KOTC units -will use the
Exec Approves
Suggest Revision
Of Constitution
The University Rodeo Association Constitution waa
ratified by Ag Executive action Wednesday, but with the
provision that a financial agreement between the rodeo
club and Farmers Fair board oe ratified and included.
The passing of the association's constitution with th
special clause marks a climax to a drive by a Bmall group
of students interested in ranching and riding who have
been wanting a recognized and functioning organization on
this campus for years.
ler. Wilson hall.
Ruthann Levine, Sylvia Kras
ne, Sigma Delta Tau; Jane Jack
son, Jeanne Vierk, Alpha Chi
Omega; Barbara Roland, Doris
Kendle, Towne club; Jo Rich
ards, Amy Palmer, Kappa Delta;
Marilyn McDonald, JNanci ue
Morrison. Cecilia Pinkerton, Chi
Omega; Barbara Anderson, Mary
.Tean Neelv. Kanna Alpha Theta;
iienruae vara.
Hattie Mann,
7 :15 A Ipha Chi Omega
7:30 Sipma Kappa
7:45 Kesldenct hail
8:0 Chi OmeKa
8:15 Sigma Delta Tau
8:30 Alpha Phi
8:45 Alpha Omloron Pi
9:00 Kappa Alpha Theta
9:15 Kappa Kappa Gamma
Thursday. Febr. 8
7:15 Gamma Phi Beta
7 :30 Pi Beta Phi
7-45 Tri Delt
8:00 Alpha Xi Pelta
8:15 Pelta Gamma
8:30 Terrace hall
8:45 Kappa Delta
9:00 Towns Club in
room 315 at Union
: -a w t
! KaH I iacc I nil -
lllStaliS 1CV
Board, Of ficers
oiadyc- jvovotny, veterans nospi
tal chairman; Jo Berry and Mar
lene Mecke. sub-chairmen for
the Veterans hospital program;
Joyce Johnson, handicraft chair-
man; Jane Mccormicic, orpnan-j
ages: Sharon Neff, Orthopedic
hospital; Suzie Stoll and Ralph
Hanneman, Mental hospital co-
chairman; Donna Prescott, pub
licity. The new board members will
take over their duties immedi -
ately and will assist Joan Han
son president, in the expansion
and new programs of the Red
Cross College Unit board.
; ' - ,cm
! " ' 7
p w Artman. v cp Dres aent ann
' - .... . .
No'rdgren, secretary -
; Dorothy
i . , rv,.tinc
I Dorothy Nordgren, secretary
1 treasurer; Joan Hanson, Veterans
j hospital chairman; Sara Sage and
j Gladys Novotny, sub cohairrnan
! for the Vets program; Pat Wied-
man, water phil-ij hhu uie -
ine: Pat Nolan, motor corns; Bill
Dugan. special events; Marlene
Swengle. Grtho'2XV
Sally Krause orphanages, Chuck
Widmeier, Junior Red Cross,
Donna Prescott, publicity.
Mrs. Oonene Grimm will again
serve as adviser.
The new armory niiiiding 'win
be located In the northwest corn-j pp tlr
ner of the Ag campus. The lot lsVICCi lO Iltr
east of 33rd street ana near
Hitchcock street. The lot i
This is a correction of the lo
cation described in yesterday's
Swoenev of Omaha announced m a """''. J"" rz
the authority t. go abend -withjof practical Interest and wen
the 'construction ycsterdny. His j humorous Hoy ler Is -one of ,
office, and the Boiirri of Reints j PCA's top lecturers and has
have hen negotiating for the ! given mttt.y lectures throughout
construction almost u year. i the coutitiy.
Friday, February 2, 1951
The Rodeo Association as set
up under the constitution will
assist Farmers Fair board in
sponsoring the spring todeo. No
provision was made in the con
stitution for interschool rodeos.
Revise By-laws
Suggestions for revision of th
Ag Exec board constitution were
reviewed by Rob Raun and Eu
gene Robinson. These include in
elude only minor details in the
by-laws and may be changed
merely by board approval.
Any revisions made in the con
stitution proper, however, must
be approved by the Ag student
body at the spring election. This
was brought up in connection
with the proposed "Ag Council"
which amounts almost entirely
to changing the name and man
ner of student representation to
the Ag Exec board.
Keep Off
The board discussed the prob
lem which has confronted it per
iodically since Ag governing
body's existence, and that is of
students walking on the grass or
more commonly known as "cut
ting corners."
tt was decided that a "Keep
off the lawns" campaign would
be intensified and widely pub
licized. The campaign has the
approval of Dean W. V. Lam
bert and will probably warrant
police enforcement.
Last fall, the campus improve
ments committee of the Ag Exec
board did almost everything in
its power to save the beauty of
Ag campus by its drive to elim
inate the short cuts.
l . committee termed the
a failure and has sense
appealed to Dean Lambert for
enforcement powers. The dean
has agreed to do everything in
his power to enforce the ruling.
Ag Sigrn
Board members discussed the
possibility carrying through last
year's plans to erect a sign at
each of the two wlfcin entrances
to Ag college proper. The idea
was fired by mention of one Ag
college student who was asked by
an out of state traveler, "Which
state institution is this?"
The Ag Exec board is finish
ing plans which include sponsor
ing a contest with a prize for
the winning sign entrv. Final
plans will be announced at the
j next regular Ag Exec board
meeting Feb. 13.
College Deans
Draw Plans
; T. 1.,..
rOF lllUUCtlOll
! t College presidents and deans
! fro"1 675 institutions recently set
i aside !Wverhl nlnni Inr Tnilit-.r-t.
! induction of young men. Thev
:prwd a dissatisfaction con-
; ernlng the selective service act
, - i3uOU.uiuii vun
i.nn ni. 1 ..t - .
x-'ciukics BKreea to a lu-pomi
program to be presented to con-
precedence wer other considera
The four chief points made
1. Students whose Inductions
j ?J?V 'l 5 J
branXof th ameTs r7-
2" The e induction will be
8dontlng , lower age only if
there ,s aft emergjcy shortage.
; increase the number of ROTC
j unjts find efer thejr mber,
until they complete college traln-
S 3. Deferment of students in
theology, medicine, dentistry, and
; related health field, and 1n grad
i uate schools in mathematics, en
gineering and biological sciences.
Also defer undergraduates who
Cyril H. Iloyler, a represent
ative of the RCA research labs,
will address students at an ATEE
meeting Monday, Febr. 5 at 7
p. rn. in Room 217, Ferguson
Hoyler will speak on the elec
tronic counters, the equation
nolver and the various phos
phorus. Although the lecture it
v .
. '