The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 31, 1951, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, Tanuary 31, 195!
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Serving All . . .
Three years ago the Red Cross college unit made its
debut on the University campus largely because of ef
forts made by a University student. Today, also because
of efforts made by University students, Red Cross has
become a vitally important campus service organization.
It performs services not just on campus, but off campus,
for patients at various Lincoln hospitals.
Since its founding on this campus, Red Cross has
made remarkable advances. Last year the Lancaster
County Chapter of American Red Cross recognized the
importance and strength of the college program and asked
for a college Red Cross member representative in their
But Red Cross is not content to remain just adequate.
A new slate of officers recently assumed duties with plans
for expanding further the organization. Under the lead
ership of Joan Hanson, president, Red Cross now will
take on a civil defense program. Already a blood mobile
unit is being organized. Coeds will become Grey Lady
assistants at Lincoln hospitals and every effort will be
made to assist all campus events.
Such an organization that has service as its mottto,
deserves support and attention of all University students.
Participation by more students will enable the group to
continue and to improve its prestige. J. K.
A Good Investment . . .
Have you taken invoice recently of your personal
holdings? , ,
Generally, during the first part of a new year, a good
businessman takes a careful look at his stock and starts
thinking in terms of good and bad investments.
This week, we will be given our last chance to buy
some stock in a good investment Even those of us with
small capital will be able to purchase some of this stock
with some long term profit We're talking about stock in
something we can't afford to lose Democracy.
Starting today, the All-University fund will issue a
final call for contributions to its charities fund. At this
time, AUF will open a drive to collect donations which
students made last year. Perhaps, if you are a careful in
vester, you have pledged a certain amount but haven't dug
into your pocket yet Maybe you just need convincing that
AUF is a worthwhile board of trade.
"By aiding AUF, we are given an opportunity to make
a contribution to a community much larger than our
own campus. Twenty-four agencies will benefit through
the AUFs contribution to Community Chest Other bene
ficiaries of the annual AUF drive include CARE, and the
World Student Service fund.
Last fall, AUF decided to contribute a lump sum of
$300 from its total collections for the Crusade for Free
dom. This contribution will promote the Radio Free Eu
rope program which broadcasts behind the Iron Curtain.
It IS nopea mat W1U1 uus unai cleanup u.ivc, .v,
exceed its goal of $5,000. Up to date, contributions have
nMrlv 3 KM Yes. there still is plenty to come in
yet but collections of the pledged donations will continue
UllUireu. A).
ThA is nn real cause to
for their wholehearted support Last year, AUF receipts
topped $4,000 as the short drive ended. The longer drive
this year, tried as an experiment should have no trouble
in netting over $5000.
Through AUF, we are allowed the privilege of shar
ing with our less fortunate fellows and to support great
causes beyond the University. With our nation's armies
fighting on foreign soils, we, as American citizens, are
becoming more cognizant of the fact that we at home must
help to maintain our Freedom.
In this hour of international uncertainty, Humanity
can be our only hope. By dealing with Humanity, we may
hope to preserve our Freedom and perhaps spread it
among the world's peoples.
When the AUF worker asks you to fulfill your pledge,
remember that in your donation is your voice for free
dom. Give to AUF and be a stockholder in a better tomor
row. K.A.
Job Opportunities Available
For Ag Grads
Job openings. lor graduating
students with majors in agricul
ture are going begging, Dr. E.
Hixson, director of resident in
struction, Ag college, said Wed
nesday. An estimated 50 students will
graduate from Ag college at mid
term, the official said, and so far
onlr three or four have referred
to "Job Opportunities" which U
a list of job openings compiled
from prospective employer let
ters arrivisg at his office.
The Information is available to
anyone, Hixson sakL He gave
the following reason for the
slump in available manpower.
Induction Notices
Most graduates, Hixson said,
who have not already spent some
time to the service or who are
4-F, have received their induc
tion notices and are instructed
to report in June.
Employers want men who will
stay with the firm and-eventually
work into responsible posi
tions, the assistant Dean said,
and of course this excludes most
of our grades because of their
draft status.
Just in case the draft law may
change or some students are
looking for Jobs but have neglec
ted to inquire, Hixson offers
JIvl (Daih Thbha&harL
Intercollegiate Press
rosTY-aoTH res a
tm Oar fkMiuku M fwMtalMf ftr am atMcot (b UnnvrMty of Hr
jrmtka. M 1., "Minima of &amut cm im optmoiv only. Aeeordles to Artie II
tt Wi Br Law nwmn niat pMUniwm ih mamimaua4 r lb Br4
mt fytmmsimm, "It If M nHmn potiey of n flaar thai puMvxtlan. under
tartMMUMi 0oU to tr tnm dttorlai uumormip em ti (art at Vat Hoard
m urn ,ttm put f Mr dPMBtiw at cr Uuenuf mi On Ontrcmty avt bo)wi
On ea.ft mt n tmttr Hwrmn mmmatn pwwitw tor wtaat Um aar
W'infti mftnc at KM pn mrnmrtm,
G an ui iia mr, awwaa. waM aaar
cMvat Hacmamra aa tttHrtaya,
ama anwi cna ana af mmmtt taw i.wnni'f at rafca aae ma par
aitaaa af fcxa i wanna, aa atwatat FvaUeatttw. Emtm4 aa tnmm4 Uact Mattar mk
turn faat ton tm Umtmtm. Mrarta, r af Oacmt, Mare , !7. sa4
a emwwaJ af prtM pwn4f4 1e Im SaXlw IIM. Ac af (wnM af Oiitum
S, tail, mmmtmrntt eaaar Uu
1 EorroaiAL
4ffftar ,.,..,......,,,,.,,.,............ ,,.,...,.,.,,..,, f'Mf Vh Ma
Warlaa Mian. ....... . . Ian Rrarsrr, Im Brtw
JKawa fcar, ,rp Axlrfl, Olraa lamnM, Rath may.-oa.
trmmmx Ijuimr, Mac ttrum
mpmU .(Har ,.. MoaaVfl
taTt tpw tAHm. Mm kiaj
t K4Hm... immr Baataall
a rvattav M Hsiaa
fwMr K4Mr .IMmrf rrraraM
tf&vmrr .BaCWwrwaaa'
aj lanaa Maaa . . .. . a4f
Ht KmIvm Maaajsara. ............ .fmU ftanfeeMrr, IM Vtialwwa
limDUXa Mwr ,. Al IMr)
plead with University students
hays Hixson
the following possible positions:
Farm Home Administration
several men, civil service, assist
ant county supervisor in county
offices throughout the state. The
organization deals with Ag cre
- !
Hawaiian Pine&riDle Corn.
Several men, management work
tatbe land of sunshine.
U. S. Civil Service-Several
men, to work in the Soil Conser
vation Service and as agricul
tural marketing specialists.
Ralston Purina Company two
men, one as a salesman who
will remain in this general com
munity; the other with a degree
in animal nutrition to train in
product control department.
Colorado A. it M. college
Two instructors to teach weld
ing, tractors, farm carpentry, or
a combination of them.
Niagara Chemical Division
One man, field work in Iowa,
Other opportunities of employ
ment for graduates are available
For full particulars, contact Dr
E. Hixson's office, Ag HalL
tt.M pn sMr aM, r f&M far
mt. raunturt anr rtr dm acawM
aeaVm a4 rwitMiua atrHaa auM ana
Public Health Service - two ' ! The student making a change
men. public health and mosquito would seem, therefore, that j must see his adviser, receive per
control aspects of irrigation. Jobs though aDsence makes the I mission from the instructor of
are out of state. rt grow fonder, that on the j the class he wishes to add and
The Nebraska Farmer one j ISu cairipus, presence definitely j check with the assignment corn
man, editorial staff, work j doe bring better results. j mittee at the Military Science
throughout rural Nebraska. . ; building. The drop and add fee
Land of Sunshine The eligible draftees in the of $2.50 is paid at the Admin is-
m..j , . - tratinn riinlninff.
Deserve Ceremony
Mid-Year Graduates
To Whom This May Concern:
January 27, 1951 was a momentous day in the lives of 510
University students. After approximately four years of study these
students received degrees from the University of Nebraska. Yes
after four years they walked into the Administration building,
gave their name, were handed a diploma, and walked out grad
uates. What a beautiful climax to a University education!
I don't think it would have been asking too much for the
heads of the colleges and some of the Administration officials to
be present for these few hours.
I'm not asking for a complete
of recognition!
To the Editor:
Why can't the teachers and other faculty members at the Uni
versity get their final grades out sooner? I realize that at times
it takes much deliberation before instructors can compute aver
ages and figure out what the grades will be. But when certain
professors have only one or two classes with less than 40 students
in each, it certainly should not take more than ten full-time days
before they can reach decisions.
A University ruling states that instructors must turn in grades
to the Dean of Men's office before 10 days have elapsed since the
final examinatfon in the course. Since instructors must do this, why
cannot they also post their grades
One teacher in particular would not accept postcards for mail
ing, explaining that he would post the grades. This was nearly
two weeks ago and he has not posted the grades yet. It seems to
me that the grade is more important to the student than to the
Dean of Men's office. Some students in this certain class have
been up to this professor's office five or six times in hopes of learn
ing their examination grades and the final grades in the course,
to no avail.
If a teacher is not going to post his grades within 10 days,
why doesn't he at least tell his students this fact beforehand? i
Some professors stated to their classes during the final week
of school that the final examination in the course would not count
too much toward the semester grade as they had already "picked
out" the grades- for certain students. And yet, some of these pro
fessors are the ones who have not announced their grades to stu
dents. Must we wait six weeks for our grades as we have in the
past? Must we wait with baited breath each day as the mailman
comes around? Must we "make the rounds" each day, watching for
the grades which instructors have promised they would post?
Bv Connie Gordon
Xwo Home Ec staff members
at Iowa State probably will
never - J
class at that university.
For after eating the dinner that
was prepared by the F and N
class, they became violently ill.
They became so ill. in fact, that
it was necessary to have their
respective stomachs pumped.
The reason for this indigest
able outrage was explained by
the teacher, who stated, "True,
we made a little error in filling the
student's market orders with
Roach powder instead of flour,
but as any fool can plainly see,
the students are entirely to
blame. I only gave them some
flour which happened to be
Roach powder; they didn't have j
to use it."
She concluded with a bit of j
elementary logic xnav usuaiiy is.
heard by 5-year-olds who have
just been caught raiding the
cookie jar; "They used it, so they
are to blame."
Oh, you can put the blame on
Mayme, boys! The case rests.
The versatile IBM machines
have added new miseries for the
ctuHonts at Tnwa State. For. in
addition to correcting their finals j
15 i
and various tests, the little me
chamcai monster is now wpuwi- s
. .4.-1 1 . .
ing the weekly absences of the
18,000 students who are regist- j
ered at ISU. '
tw .f thra "arrar. s
1 VI - 1
ate" records of the student's ab-
sences are Kepi ui ii
n'u-. v-.u i
Tex. have a theme son?
dedicated (with love of course)
U"c,c Sfm' 11 thf y
Think You've
Chosen Me."
Talented Truman also has
written a song for the draft
boards of the nation. Its title:
"Take Them AH."
Ah, good old Harry!
Some draftees are
however. For instance:
Draftee: I'm getting
for a physical defect.
Friend: What's wrong
Draftee: No guts.
Well, back to the
brighter 1
mmii 8 monthsonly 2.00
This (pedal ret. tormtvdta$
tovas yoi $4.91 vndmr the singl copy price . . . $2.60 vnder
ffc $4.00 these copies would cost yon at the rrvlar swbfcrip
Horn price . , . brins ye 20c-.-copy T1MI for Im than
TSMI brings ye the aws quickly, clMrfy.TlMI cKas fee
hind tha news, fills im tha twefcarovnd, points p tha tiHla
canca, points evt tha pirfalls-TlMf sigbrs ahead of tha news
with yon, so yaa con think ahead, plan ahead.
THIS is na time far yaw to be without TIM& Whether W
fiaws af a world at war ar peace, TIMI each wrack helps yaw
to follow end vaaapstaad the news.
And how when the newt Is so Important te yea, porsanoQy
yea need the special help TIMI often. Subscribe tadcry-see,
write ar 'phone . . .
Just North of Love Library
ceremony, but why not some form
Aaron Schmidt
Senior Class President
within ten days?
things in life midterms (I
must have my little jokes.)
The University of Oklahoma
reports that poor morale and low
grades are the results of the un
certain conditions in the world
The school reported that 46 per
cent of the students came through
with grades D or F for the mid
semester tests. Even the girls are
jittery (with grades like that, no
wonder. But, look who's talking.)
One OU student summed up
the various students' attitudes by
stating, "It took me 22 years to
grow this blood. I don't want to
lose any of it in Korea."
Well, then, how about a blood
bank donation?
It would seem at first glance
that the beauties on the Iowa
5tit ramnus need onlv beautv
an(j no brains, because they need
onlv a two average.
But( t,efore an y0u University
cunnioit to ISU, I !
will let you in on a little secret: j
there are only four points in the
ISU grading system.
Of course, I have always been j
teacher's pet: they never could
-afford does. Curses on my fatal j
With this little gem, I leave
3'ou until next time, of course. !
A, 1,1 Tlrnn CsrVf
r 1 it
JJue Oil T ei)I 1 i
., .
i" order to add or drop
Classes Siuacnis uiusi k.c
..... . m
change with we aean
The deadline for adding or
dropping classes is Feb. 17, at
12 noon. .
Graduate students desiring to
enter the graduate college must
see their adviser to make out
the registration schedule. The
schedule is then taken to the
graduate office and referred to
the assignment committee.
Undergraduates who have not
yet registered must see their ad-
viser, clear with the dean of
I their college and register at the
Military Science building. The
i registration fee and an additional
$3 fee for late registration may
be paid at the Administration
and hmiftv mmbn nrV.
'Chubby' Women Are Problem;
Various Solutions Presented
With the announcement of the
new spring styles come multiple
and complex problems for that
type of woman whose excess
obeseness often leads to a nick
name of 'Chubby' or other more
descriptive phrases.
In this modern age, the Amer
ican woman has been idealized
and idolized as a thin young
thing with curves in the right
place and figures ranging from
36 to 26 and then back again to
All this presents a problem to
most women because, unfortun
ately, not all develop according
to a tape measure and some
man's fondest dream. The prob
lem, which is most sacred (and
personal) to a girl's heart, is
usually met with dieting in some
form. Of course there are a few
who let nature take its own
course, but they usually regret
Coeds Wrack Brains
For Carnival Ideas
Shooting galleries, roulette
wheels, bowling alleys, shoe shine
booths, guessing weight booths
and even side shows h&ve had
licensed amusement and hilarity
at Penny Carnivals throughout
the years of the University's ex
istence. This year, for the 15th annual
Coed Counselors Penny Carnival,
sorority pledges and girls in vari
ous halls have been racking their
brains for unusual booth ideas.
Cramming for last minute ideas
has resulted in headachs, droopy
eyelids, and slight cases of influ
enza. After all this last minute
strain, the question is will the
1951 Penny Carnival be as varied
and unique as past ones?
For instance, in 1941. the de
pressing days of World War II,
still in its babyhood, were shown
in an amusing light by almost
every booth. The winning booth,
"Caught m the Draft," was dec
orated by a patriotically dressed
boy and girl who gave each per
son a capsule containing the first
name and telephone number of
an actual boy or girl student.
Make a Date
The originator of this idea de
clared that every person should
have made a date with the girl
or boy whose number they re- j
Shrieks and screams were J
heard from the female gender at
another booth, where a little
white mouse ran into cups
marked with different stripes of
color. The noise was not the re
sult of the innocent mouse, how
ever. It was caused by penny
bets placed on cups to see which
color the mouse would pick.
In 1942, the crowd got the
most enjoyment and satisfaction
from throwing darts at a prepos
terous caricature of Hitler.
Curvaceous songs'-ers lured
spectators to the winning booth
of 1946, which contained a for
midable array of perfume and
cosmetics which transforming a
action of the floor into a beauty
. TV. rrt? ITt'Drc ct T?T
VARSITY: "Flying Missile,"
1 :35, 3:33. 5:31, 7:29, 9:28
STATE "China Sky," 1:28, 4:58,
Bombardier," 2:53, 6:23,
HUSKER: "Sudan," 1:00, 3:40,
fi 2n 9 nn "NaiiPhtv Nineties."
220, 500, 70, 1020.
k V.V I ITJ ft r'i and his orchestra
j ifM " n Dnclnf 9 12 f f T fl F) "M
If'VrX we cars who Couples Only LI IF I I If
Tax Included 111 U It Bosk ABC
MaaX acHfxa Adm. $1.70 per couple
irwSSc' ! 'bz: mi
tk T-JT D'd You Get Your Pencil? I
' r J-a J .J J I EVERY student who registered for the second
P h 14 1 1 i a I aemester received a mechanical pencil
JVOr PLAYIXC I from us.
BnMnnnnixrn 1 W,,KN ,ou nrr'1 tome n,ore wf lh "necial ,'a'1
U ill UllltUI bil I ' fr this pencil STOP IN and Ket some at
MTtanixi our information drk. I
i PROTECT your cash ... Open a "CORN- I t
ScaMtlaaal Xaval J
sky I pMimMh
ELLEN DREW 1 Llr9Jl h i ?.4-: 1
Bad Abbott V Cavils I p u ... r
L-s mnm" I
ton a ix makia sionrrez 1
"CI in AM" I. 1 Member of Federal Inmiranre Corporation
it later.
Diet Dedication
To those do-or-die women
who battle with their conscience
at the dinner tabic, these few
remarks are dedicated.
Thanks to medical science and
a few eager quacks, there are
now on the market several dif
ferent tynes of aids that are in-
I tAntad tn h0ln thf HIP! lOSe
VV.I1..V L 1 i . J . - - -' ' ' '
weight. It always says in small
print to consult a doctor before
using, though. And what wom
an would admit to anyone that
she should lose weight?
So, the problem remains: how
to lose weight inconspicuously
and still make everyone notice
the new, improved you.
Clarabelle's Problem
Clarabelle Clearapund had
such a problem. At 20, she felt
that she had missed a lot of fun
because she was a few pounds
overweight. Because she was
Another booth of that year at
tracted attention of bystanders.
Three pairs of unidentified legs
wiggled from large cardboard
drawings of can-can girls. The
crowd was even more pleased
when they discovered they would
be allowed to toss rings over the
shapely legs for a price!
A huge goldfish made up the
winning booth of 1948. Sealed in
side the . fish, and backed by
rushes and sea life, a girl repre
sented the "catch of the season,"
and put sea shells and sponges on
waiting hooks. Girls dressed as
sailors lured onlookers inside the
booth by their rollocking sea bal
lads. In the more settled year of
1936, booths had someVhat mil
der themes. Bingo, silhouettes, a
doughnut stand, a haunted house
and a fortune telling booth' were
a few of the 12 booths making up
the carnival. The winning booth
was a miniature shooting gallery.
Second place went to the for
tune telling booth, "Strange as it
Seems," and third place was tak
en by a Laurel and Hardy show,
the country's most popular com
edy team at that time.
In 1939, cokes and hot dogs
were added to the list of "buy
ables" and the crowd danced to
juke box music. Stuffed dates
containing telephone numbers
were offered to the crowd at the
winning booth, "date bureau."
Another unusual booth contain
ing a lie detector which showed
both positive and negative re
sults by means of colored lights.
With these unique ideas in
view, carnival entrants take note.
Can you measure up to the abil
ity shown in past Penny Carnivals?
5 feet, 2 inches and weighed 169
poundes, other people thought
she was overweight, tjo. So
Clarabelle took the advice of her
well-meaning friends and start
ed a special diet, consisting of
hard boiled eggs and orange.
She got hungry between meals
though, but soon found the so
lution for that. Since the diet
was to help her down on all
starchy foods, she could still eat
candy and ice cream without
touching the starches. She didn't
lose any weight.
Happy Ending:
Her ever-faithful friends found
another idea. They suggested
that she take exercises. Clara
belle faithfully followed all the
instructions given and even
though she didn't lose any
weight, her story had a happy
ending; she is the only fat wom
an contortionist in the country.
There's money in a job like that.
This doesn't offer any settle
ment to the question at hand;
how to lose weight. It has been
proven that the best way to do
this is simply to quit eating.
This may 'sound hard, but the
University of Nebraska, always
eager to help you, has several
good, unintentional ways to dis
courage eating.
NU Pound-losing Aids '
First of all, there's the food
itself. Due to circumstances
and rising prices, the stuff on
your plate isn't always too ap
petizing. You don't eat it; you
lost weight.
Another nerve racking system
is exam week. They are timely
arranged to come right after a
big vacation so that any excess
weight picked up may be dis
posed of. Then come the mid
night orgies of studying, sleep
ing till noon from exhaustion,
skipping meals to cram and a
solid diet of aspirin while atvait
ing the grades. Those two weeks
can really do wonders for some
people if they get into the right
If you have tried everything
and still haven't lost weight,
there is always consolation. Re
member, it's those fat, fleshy
plump people who are always so
jolly. They laugh and the world
laughs with them.
But in the meantime, don't
lose that two-way stretch and
the 'Ten Rules for Dieting.'
Special for relatives,
sweethearts, good friends
and enemies.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
',, . ; '