. 'fx v.. V v. N I. ' i. ft J ' v.'. ; , it' ' . 'L. (V.. I' PAGE 4 Phiie,JSesiyE!ivBe!e,S"S,oIbSe BT GERRY FEIAMAN T5dltor' note: This Is the second In series of article entitled "My Most Un forsrettable Student." Each will contain a true story told by an Instructor to a reporter. ) 'John TSirnrnons, ft deaf Negro army veteran of World War II, is my most unforgettable student." These are the -words of John Wiley, director of the Univer sity's speech and hearing labora tories. Wiley first met Simmons when the ex -soldier enrolled in one of the instructor's speech classes at the University of Southern Cali fornia. The deaf student was at tempting to learn phonetics, a Activities Of Faculty Reported The University faculty has shown their interest In profes sional activities by attending many off campus meetings. The following was reported In the "University Faculty Bulletin: Miss Sue Arbuthnot, assistant ui: professor of elementary educa tion. and Miss Mary Mielenz, sociate professor of secondary education, and Miss Mabel Strong, assistant professor of English, attended the fortieth meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English held Nov. 23-25 in Milwaukee, Wis. Dr. Arthur Westbrook, Direc tor of the School of Fine Arts, attended the meeting of the Na tional Association of Schools of Music held Nov. 23-25 in Cin cinnati. Dr. "Westbrook is a mem ber of the Graduate Commission of the association. O. E. Edison, professor of elec trical engineering, was elected one of the four directors of the Nebraska Section of the Ameri can Institute of Electrical Engi neers at a meeting held recently In Omaha. Four staff members of the de partment of music attended the meetings of the Nebraska Music Educators association held re cently in Scottsbluff. They are: Dr. Arthur E. Westbrook, Direc tor of the School of Fine Arts and chairman of the depart ment; David Foltz, associate pro fessor of voice; Robert E. Stepp, instructor of brass instruments and theory, and John C. Whaley, assistant professor of music edu cation. Dr. William F. Swindler, Di rector of the School of Journal Ism, attended the meeting of the National Conference of Editorial Writers "held recently in Des Moines, Iowa. He was chairman of the critique sessions on con temporary editorial pages. Kenneth Cannon, professor of family relations and child devel opment, addressed the Eighth Annual Institute on Family Re lations held recently in Omaha. Dr. Joseph B. Burt, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, and Dr. R. A. Lyman, Dean Emeritus of the College of Pharmacy, at tended the interim meeting of the Executive Committee of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy held recently in Chicago. Dean Burt is chairman of the association's executive committee. C. J. Frankforter, associate professor of chemistry, addressed in recent weeks the following organizations: The Manpower Conservation conference, the Cosmopolitan club, Air Reserve Officers association, the Retail Credit association of Lincoln and the Engineers club of Omaha. His subject was, "Are We Ready for Modern War?" AIJF . Continued from Page 1 ka Sweetheart; Jayne Wade, Pep Queen; Janet Carr, TNC: Sue Eastergard, Mardi Gras Queen; Kancy Dixon, Interfraternity Ball Sweetheart; Eileen Derieg, Honorary Commandant; the Uni versity's first Activities Queen who will be presented at the auc tion. The Builder's Calendar girls will be sold in one group. The girls include Adele Coryell, Mi gie Jensen, Pat O'Brien, Mary Chase, Jo Chase, Mary Pitter man, Ruth Jewett, Pat Gaddis nd Dorothy Elliott. Members of the varsity foot ball team have donated their services for the AUF auction. Those to be sold in one group are Charlie Toogood, Bob Reyn olds, Bill Mueller, Fran ttagle, Don Bloom, Ron Clark, Moon Mullen, Nick Ariduci, Don Btras heim, Joe McGill, Rex Hoy and Frank Simon. Entertainment Entertainment will be fur nished during the auction's in termission by acts from Footlight Tollies, Delta Gamma Coed Fol lies Skit, and Kappa Gamma's talent show act. The highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the Activities Queen. Tickets to the uetion will serve as ballots. Finalists for Activities Queen are Julie Johnson, Dee Irwin, Elizabeth Gass, Marilyn Vingers, "Poochle Kediger and Joan Han son. Tickets to ' the auction can be purchased from house represent atives or at the door for 25 cents. Music Students To Give Hecittil A student ' recital will be pre iented Wednesday at A p.m. in the Social Science auditorium. The ttudents are: Irene Hun ter Hyatt, pianist; Donald Ko rinek, clarinetist; Betty Breek, pianist; and Kathleen Burt, ac torapanlst. The program will include Beethoven's "'Sonata, 'Op. 54" snd "Andante Grazloso Con Moto,' Mendelssohn's "Santa 'tor Clarinet" and "Rondo Capric doso, Op. 14," "La Plus Que Lente" by Debussy and "Two Preludes. -Op. 34" by Sho.Uako- , . ' subject which consists of: the teaching of an alphabet to record speech as it sounds. Simmons served in the South Pacific where he went in oombat duty. A tropical infection of the ers -caused him to have a -complete loss of hearing. Because he mastered the art of lip read ing, few knew of his defect. In fact, few students in the pho netics -class even suspected that his hearing was not perfectly normal. Those who knew of his handicap agreed that he would never be able to pass the course but he succeeded. Overcomes Trouble People who become deaf usu ally begin to have difficulty in speech. But Simmons, deter mined to avoid this trouble, worked out a system which en abled him to keep his nearly per fect voice from deteriorating. Ev ery night, for an hour at a time, he would read aloud to his wife. This kept his voice completely normal. So excellent was his lip read ing that a person talking face to face with him could not discover the defect. But if anyone would have stood in a position where it was impossible for Simmons to Beware of (Ugh!) The Thing j Warns Frustrated Victim BY CONNIE -GORDON Here is a true-life incident that could have happened to you, you, or even YOU! This story concerns a person whom we shall call X. L. Believe it or not, X. L. was a happy young man before "it" came into his life. Here is the tragic story in his own words: "I was a carefree "young stu dent at NU, until I found out the horrible secret that everyone in America is wondering about. "Since that fateful day, a smile never passes my lips and my days are dark and dreary. I've become frustrated, developed complexes, and have started smoking two cartons of cigarettes a day out of sheer nervousness. "Do you know why I'm so frustrated and perplexed? It's because (brace yourself ) I have found out what v(ugh!) 'The Thing' is. A Little Man "It all started as I was non chalantly walking to my 8 o'clock Purchase of Dictionaries Complicated When buying a complete un abridged dictionary select either the second or third edition. TSrick son is partial to the second edi tion while Joe is partial to the third edition which includes dia grams of the architecture of early American women. Do not buy a dictionary unless It contains sections on color charts and spectrum (color plates preferred) and common birds of America. If a color portrait of Noah Webster is not included, ask for your money back. If you wish 3,000 pages of clean reading (Sears and Wards have less pages) you will want the un abridged edition. The new work section gives the reader a thorough grounding in modern vocabulary 'with words such as senate office building and a new variety of reindeer such as red nose. Students who want a lighter load during the semester -can carry the abridged dictionary. Its cheapness is another quality along with the handsome binding that would make any student's mouth water. Any student would feel inferior (as students without TV sets al ready are) if he asked his girl for a kiss and she answered with "Chold." He would naturally jump to the (false) -conclusion that she said she was cold and didn't want his affection. To the informed, however, chold means I would. A pocket dictionary would have saved a social blunder, unless he is the kind that doesn't ask first. A man once said that by read ing the dictionary every day he was promoted from office boy to assistant manager in eight weeks. He was associated with the Central Corporation of Cross Word Puzzles and had married the boss's daughter. CLASSIFIED EXPKRT ptim n1 VrMrt rrpftlrhiR. tnl service. ttffiwartniHMi't, 1343 O Ht. CLOSK In. onfi room niw available lor unlvfrmtv tiovi. Student Hotel, 327 Bo. 11th. 6-S102O. FOIJNT) Fountain pen on path near Morrill Hull. Owner may Identify and pay tor ad -at Dally Nebraeltan office. NFKD help In Math, German, Phylc? Call Max gzklarcxyk, 2-3094. WATCH ItEPAIK NEHKAAKA STOKE. BOOK $3H.f Zenith Portable $3i.9.' at STU DENT SUPPLY, 1118 VI. 2-1142. $31 . r,0 Mnnncs m Cfiffeemaater $:io.(HI at 8TUDKNT SUPPLY, 1118 O 2-1142. LARUK Hunplv Electric Shavern 10 eff at STUDENT SUPPLY. 2-1142. iniToLKAOKn Student wlnhen a date with (flrl about 27 for Mortar Board Ball. Call evening, 2-3138. FOR 8A7T?Tuxedo! Siie 8 m! Worn twice. Lean than half price. 2-5420 alter 6. jmr. wanta ride to OhicaKo, Dec. 21-23. Krrlko Klyohala, 2-1174, Share ex 1 penaea. TWO fririu -want, ride to New York. Share expenaea. Mel 2-1174. THREW -want ride to Oaltfornla. Shar xpanaee. Neelah, 2-1174. TT7XWS-f or rit iT" AYKRB, . 1SW ioT 13th. ON OAMPUB, Refrlaerator. warm, email ot. , Share hath. IS-7.M. 2u. WANTED Ride to Detroit. Wharo . penaea. Joseph Kltachuk. 5478. UH AD Student "With "BO Plymouth wanta rldera to New York t Cihrletmaa Va cation. Oall 8-7Bari, P"AnTioAu.y new- fun tin, i uii :ih nri tu die 86. Keammitble. Phone read his lips, the veteran would have been unable ta hear even the loudest yells or orys. Before joining the army, Sim mons was working toward a de gree in sociology. When he re ceived his honorable discharge, he returned to the University of Southern California where he changed his major to speech and hearing correction. The veteran, who because of an incurable disease will never hear again, decided to go to the South to help the members of his race who are either deaf or hard of hearing. There are al most no such special teachers in Negro communities. 'Never Complained' Wiley said he will never for get Simmons. He added, "Sim mons was an intelligent, good looking, healthy young man with a charming personality. In spite of his great handicap, he never uttered a word of complaint." Simmons was a man of tre mendous courage and initiative, Wiley said, and all who knew him respected and admired him. He had the "guts" to overcome a terrible handicap, he continued, and eventually to go on to help the people of his race. class, when a little man jumped out of the bushes and exclaimed, 'Help! Help! They're after me be cause I have "The Thing" and I know what it is! I'm not safe any longer with "it" in my pos session." "'He told me what an outcast he had become since 'it' came into his life. Then, before I knew what was happening, he threw a box in my arms, and dashed away, leaving me standing there, stupified and dumbfounded. "As stunned as I was, I opened the box, mostly out of -curiosity, and found to my horror 'The Thing' staring me right in the face. It was at that moment I -. ,a . . . t .3.,, i . ( : . t started on my 'Get-rid-of-The- ining campaign. 'Get Out of Here!' "No matter how attractive I made The Thing' seem, every one kicked me out the door, and exploded after me, 'Get out of here with that , and don't come back again!" "But everything's quiet now; the little men with the white jackets will be after me in a lit tle while, but before they come, I -want to offer you some advice. It may save you from this ordeal that I've gone through. "If a little man ever jumps out of the bushes at you and shoves a box in your face. Just throw it right back at him and then as loud as you can, yell, 'Get out of here with that ' and don't come back again!' " At mtLLER'S I , ilk'll Sizes I , & 1 . SA i TllsJlH. i ' a aaaaaaaaiMa : y $ a biiliitclive Wjilbr'i jl j j V ? (:. All I I THE DAILY NLBRASKAN Fine Arts Ensemble Plans Concert A while back, say a hundred years or so, when good friends wanted to get together for a real friendly time, they got a roarin' good fire in the fireplace, hired a good combo and settled -"back in the shadows in an intimate fashion." Only they -called it chamber music. For those of you who are still confused about just what cham ber music is, there's an easy way to find out. The Friends of Chamber Music will open their second season with a concert on Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom. Fine Arts Ensemble The concerts will be given by the fine arts ensemble. The mem bers of this group are: Emanuel Wishnow, violin; Mrs. Gladys May, piano; Mrs. Rosemary Mad ison, cello; Max Gilbert? viola; and Truman Morsman, second violin. Guests from the Omaha Symphony Orchestra will be added to the ensemble during the second and third concerts. Chamber music was originated as a form of relaxation for people who were interested in music, but not professionally. For everyone it was an -ejoyable evening of in timate music without the strain and -excitement -of the regular concert music. Noted Composers Such -composers as Haydn, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schubert, Spaeight Beethoven and Chausson have loaned their talents to this field and the re- suit is music that has lived for over a century. ThP frionrlc jif rhamhsr tnncir- was founded in the spring of 1949 with the purpose of bring- ing the -enjoyment of classical music to -other music lovers and students. This year they plan a series of three concerts, the first of which will be Thursday eve- ning. Tickets tor the series are S3. 60 and -single admission is $1.50. Student tickets are half price. Honors Committee iDlSCUSSeS UiailCe "Members of the Honors con vocation committee have consid- ered including the event in next year's College Days. The group has not taken defi nite action as was stated in Tues day's Daily Nebraskan, accord ing to Dr. Roscoe Hill, chairman of the committee. The student and faculty group j aiso considered a disadvantage j the fact that Ferguson hall would i be dedicated the same morning College Days planners "had re- , quested the -convocation be held. ' Members of the College Days committee had requested the j Honors convocation take place from 9 to 11 a.m. before the dedication of the new building at 11 a.m. ;ii:,j!!!B!!!i!(r,T!',fi!;;;;ii!!!i!:;.!:j!iiiii:J ERRY parkling "CRONIES" coordinates s V . Vets to Hear Debate Squad Four members of the Univer sity debate squad will appear Thursday evening at Vets hos pital in an exhibition debate. The four will debate the fol lowing topic: Resolved, that the non-communist nations of the world should form a new inter national organization. The affirmative will be upheld by Dale Johnson and Wayne Johnson, and the negative by Joan Krueger and Doris Carlson. Johnson and Johnson are fresh men and Miss Krueger and Miss Carlson, sophomores. The exhibition debate is a, part of the Delta Sigma Rho, national speech honorary's program this year of increasing audience de bates. Warren Wise, president of the society, has contacted more than 50 civic organizations in Lincoln and scheduled various debates before their meetings in For the Vet hospital debate, Wise worked with Joan Hanson, Red Cross board member in charge of entertainment at the hospital. The teams will debate at B p.m. Thursday. YM to Show Italian Movie "Revenge," the latest Italian film to be presented in this country, will be shown at Love Library auditorium, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8 and 8, at 8 p.m. This Italian movie is being sponsored by the University JYMCA. Admission is 50 cents, I tax included. 1 Anna iviagani, ar -oi upen c" Plays the leading role in '" tuui;uuii pu&i-wm itav. I lne sl01T 'concerns a returned ; Italian prisoner of war who is Mlui:Keu lo liIlu me 'viUdKe 110111 j whi?h he -came a shambles, his iamuy scanerea ana ms neign- bors too stunned by the war even to begin rebuilding their lives. SOr of law; Donald A. Keys, pro He succeeds in reuniting the jessor of operative dentistry; family and rebuilding the power- I Frank E. Mussehl, professor -of house, thus restoring light, both poultry husbandry'; Albin T. An electric and spiritual, to his de- derson, assistant professor of his moralized community. j tory; Clifford M. Hicks, profes- When "Revenge" first appeared '0r of business organization and on t;ie screen in Rome in 1946, management, and J. E. Livings it was 302 minutes long. After ton. associate nrofessor -of Tilant , editing and decking it with Eng lish substitles for American audi- j ences, it now run 90 minutes long. "Revenge" was released in Italy as "Un Uomo Ritorno" (A Man Comes Back). Many reviews have heralded ! Anna Magnani for her magnif- ! fjcent penurmunce. :!:!l!lilt1...,.iiwIHlmimil '"IlJ .. SMNMH 1 I HOLIDAY FRESH WINTER PASTELS Reef Coral Wisteria Moon Clow Bermuda Blue ill i jar Ear Rag Poll Queries Students On Korean War Situation University students and in structors think that the Chinese attack has beeun in Korea. Many offered opinions that the A-bomb should not be used and if it were used it would ,mot be effective unless it had been carefully planned and used in the most strategic military objectives. L Do you think the Chinese attack is beginning and why? The general opinion seems to be that the Chinese attack has already begun. One person stated that since 1932 the Chinese have been preparing for aggression against America. For the last two years there has been a com munist infiltration in the Chinese government. Another person says that they Liaison Group (TV TTl:rf HPlll'Or -- " MdlxAX, A ill New Members An election to fill the three existing vacancies on the liaison committee will be held at a meeting of the University Sen ate, Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 4 p.m. in Love Library auditorium, ac cording to Dr. George W, Rosen lof, secretary. The nominees -submitted by the -committee on committees are as follows: James Blackman, as sistant professor of engineering -mechanics: Rovee KnaDD. wares i?,Br of secondary education; James K. Ludwickson, associate professor of mechanical engi neering; Walter "Militzer, profes sor -of chemistry; Galen Savior, ; professor -of secondary education, i.and Walter Wright, associate proiessor oi tngusn. No more than two persons from any -one -college may be elected and serve on the liaison committee at the same time. Holdover members -of the com- mittee are: David Dow. prof es- pathology. Reports will be given by the scholarshio .anneals -committee. ; scholarship awards committee, and the student affairs and -student conduct -committees. The faculty senate is made up of all members -of the faculty I with the position of associate proiessor -or HDOVe. i A. IJ, K FACULTY-STUDENT AUCTION TONIGHT 1. "Doc" Elliot to Auction 2. "Activity Queen" Presentation 3. 7:30 Union Ballroom M ATES 10 to 18 3V f The Per fact Gift, concocted for you! "Styled 'wltli the "ftinliion .extriM" tliut you love fine knil, liuhy 'herriiiltonr., deejxeut (lolniHti iileeveti, Himurt 'rilihed trinw, riniootli zip cloHuren, ujierl wirpin wiiilei, und in plorioue freh c.iilorts'! "Mieely prieed, too! Uin-nilM SKIKT, Indn lierrinyl.one 100 wool, knil trim on pttcketx IMiOKE 100 WOOL -SUIRT . SLKL'IXKSS n'KST wUli rili- kit itrim ... .7.J3 STKH'M) VUUL4IN V EATEK with rlhlted e.iilor mid ietipiiip . C4IUMGAN, in nolid -color ... . JJ.JJS IJAT-WING 5Vi'E ATER, olid e.oh.r pull oii with liHt'k zipjier , TVI A.TCHING CLOCHE, in !luly IlierriiifdMme ...... SPORTSWEAR . , .. Second Floor 225 " "j y Wednesday, December 6, 1S50 have gone so far in their prepara tions for aggression that we cant stop them without an all out war, A-bomb Use 2. Should the A-bomb be used in Korea? The pinion was about half and half. Some thought it should be used and others did not think it should be used. Their reasons were varied. Fear seemed to be the biggest problem. Fear that if we used it to stop aggression the enemy would come across the ocean and do the same to us, S Do you think it would be effective if used? . Even though some of the peo ple interviewed expressed fear, they thought if it were used in the right places and at the right time the A-bomb would be ef fective. Harold Peterson, president of NUWA, answered the three ques tions by saying that the Chinese attack has begun. He thinks that if the Chinese are succeeding they will not stop at the 38th parallel, but will drive us -on and possibly out of Korea, Scare Weapon He does not think the A-bomb should be used in Korea. It would be useful -only as a scare weapon. The Chinese are used to more drastic things, such as earth quakes, floods and plagues. Carl J. Schneider, assistant professor -of political -science, stated that the Chinese attack has begun since they are now fight ing the American forces. He said that the A-bomb should not be used except for military use. Generalizing he states that the political and mili tary implications -of its use would have to be explored before a definite -answer could be given. As to its effectiveness, it would depend upon what was being bombed and destroyed. A specific answer could not be given until one knew what the targets and the purpose of its use would be. (SIuiHtinas !iT-- Ali-Alike, Assorted. I With or Without Imprinting Also Christmas Letter 'Sheets See this large selection -before you 'buy. GoJdenroil Stationery Store xisjvorth 34th Street jmmwmm, 'jl'Sil'ilnliliiMllMIIIII'lIti!'. 'I;1! V 1 1 c 1 mi ii