The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1950, Image 1

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    r 1
Vol. 51-No. -0 51
Wednesday, November 29, 1950
yronos Uiiifiese tiees
As "Notorious Acjjis$iis
Austin Demands Prompt
Security Council Action
United States delegate
United Nations security council Monday that the Chinese
communists are now in open and notorious ag-gression in
- The consequences of Chinese actions, he said, are po
tentially grave. He urged the UN to face these issues
He asked Wu Hsui-ehuan, red
China's representative, if he still
held that communist troops in
Korea were all volunteers. Aus
tin demanded to know how long
the Chinese had been planning
White House press secretary
Charles Ross said that the state
ment was made with the knowl
edge and approval of President
Austin asked the Security
Council to act on a resolution de
manding the withdrawal of red
troops from Korea. Although
Russia is expected to veto this
resolution, the U. S. will push
passing of the resolution. The
matter may then be carried into
the UN general assembly.
The action followed a state
ment from General Mac Arthur's
headquarters that UN forces in
Korea face "an entirely new
war. The statement branded
the Chinese Teds as aggressors
and asked for diplomatic action
to solve the problem.
On the fighting front, the com
inunist hordes continued to push
ahead, virtually nullifying the re
cent UN offensive. General Mac
Arthur's headquarters estimated
that nearly 200,000 troops were
active in the campaign. Red
troops were reported to be 13
miles south f the point where
the recent allied offensive be
gan. South Korean army elements
were retreating, frantically try
ing to re-establish a defense line.
In Washington, high defense
officials, said that they thought
a defense line could be estab-
ss Korea, just above
, and Wonsan. They
at the air and naval
General Mac Arthur's
superior fire power of
jnd troops would enable
g defense to be made.
European leaders were report
ed to be fearful of the results of
the Korean war. They fear a
complete collapse in Korea, or a
war with China. Tfcury ara re
ported to consider the Asian war
a -bottom! ess pit" a. o which
troops w21 be poured.
These leaders feel thai the
final showdown with Russia will
be in Europe. European defenses
are now weak while the leaders
debate the measures which
should be taken.
The eororainect arzuKtaced
that it weald bufld a fcoge atomic
energy layoot for censr
f elements of the hydrogen
bomb in South Carolina. jf
The bomb itself will not be
roade st the site, but materials
which wiU go into such a bomb
wia be njancfactsired. The site
was selected after inspection of
190 or more sites throughout the
The project will cover
a acre site along the Sa
vannah river. About 1500 fam
ilies will have to vacate their
land to make way for the plant
and swrroundiJig grounds and se
curity area. The DiiPont 3e ?Je- j
x u -
Art Exhibit
The feature exhibition for De
cember at the University art gal
leries will present the work of
John Siarkott'fcla, an outstanding
artist working in the iiddlew
Kr. Szarkowski was staff pho
tographer at the Waiker Art cen
ter in Minneapolis for three years
and is now an instructor in pho
tfkTSiD'hv at The Universal' of
liinnesota. He was given a one- j
man snow in me art center s
in 1MB and
has exhibited us
ana KUiwauJtee, is. iix.
kowKki's work was given special j cobs would be left in the field, j relT10(ieled ejigineJL-iven cylinder
mention by the Art Digest in its j The grain would be hauled to a i shejier anj a con.,(:ril)e tank.
review of the recent Six States granary directly from the com 1 OB u three-wheeled trailer This
PfaotographyEidiibition held at j plot. -K puIed Mlnd picker; Ccth
the MJwtuke Art institute. , yfs tst University agricuJ- l from the picker drops directly
Portraits, atlion shot, and : turJil eTlghjeers w. They've ex- into the sheDer.
j-roblems of still compowor. vi'J penmerd -ith , pk-ker-sheller -. A,BIBni ErJwted
comprise most of the December I JT .. tvipmselt-es Tie xpwlf
bition. Some of these photo- ? rStehard wi5 ! About 200 1anTer stlJ-
graphs have appeared in -Amer- 1 fl" t'nif tvIL-rr 6er and friend of tt Univer-Pbotoerapwid-iW-
' df StS Lus I tow resen-ation, for the
Peter Worth, assifiUint proJessor f d2g lSS .JZ. College of Agriculture Boundup
of art at he University, wij dis- j
talk, at ZM p.m. Sunday. Dec1'""" -3.
Mr. Worth, in addition to his j Dry Experiment
activity as a paiuter and sculptor, j The University Trias been using
is also a photographer, and will the picker-sbefler in order to ex-dest-ribe
the formal Qualities j perinent with drying. They've
which cUstinguish the exhibition found corn can be harvested eas
as a work of art. 1 ijy -when it has a moisture con-
Aa hour of recorded music wiE j te'nt of about 25 pert-ent. Advarjt
precede the exhibition. j a get are getting the corn out
: early, teKs loss from shattering
The Weather
Fair tonight and "Oflarwlay.
Cooler 1b the west portion Tem
peratures ta be 0s Wedaeoday.
Warren R. Austin told the
AUF Auction
Will Reveal
New Queen
Presentation of the Activities
Queen is the new "attraction of
the annual AUF auction sched
uled Wednesday, Dec. 6.
The queen will be selected
from a field of candidates sub
mitted by the following activity
organizations: Builders, Tasseli,
Corncobs, WAA. The Daily Ne
braskan, Cornhusker, Com
Shucks, YWCA, the Union,
BABW, Red Cross, Coed Coun
selors, AWS and Kosmet Klub.
Judging of the candidates by
a committee composed of AUF
advisory and divisions board
members took place in the Union
last night. The committee will
meet again at 7:30 pm, Wednes
day, Nov. 29, at the Union to
finish choosing the six finalists.
Their identity will be revealed in
The Daily Nebraskan Thursday.
"Rag Page ' lege white a student there. Miss
A page of The Daily Nebras-' anchard was also a soloist for
kan. services of the Mortar ! Huron ee ch?lL- n
Boards. Innocents, members of ! th -1operet,tt ?f I
the offensive platoon of the ! whi, f at V".l w 'J?
Husker grid team, the eligzble menr ,of e V'
bachelor and Ugliest Man on Congregational church chou- and
Campus candidate? will go on the 15 ,n Veor silob?
auction block. Temr for he Messiah
Beauty Queens of 190 are , wiU Robert Martell. Mr. Mar
also expected to be added to the i tell is a graduate student in the
auction list. "University and is majoring in
Many Items" to be sold by ' music. He is a member of Phi
the auctioneer this year will in- Delta Kappa, honorary education
chide several "articles" " and the fraternity: Phi Mu Alpha Sin
services f groups and individ- fonia, professional music frater
ual. j nity: University Singers, and the
T-ast t ts TnAorotc ciM t Madrigals. Mr. Martell also at-
j their services as -hashers" to the tended Yankton college, the Uni
Ietoud donatSnc the lar j verstty of Denver, and ale.
group donating the largest
board members were sold as
-bsby-ss-tere" Services of one
auctioneer wmrtt in a rarkss. ta
several groups, and included such
prize ofJerings as washing a car.
washing a cozen diapers, a
speech, playing Santa Claus at
the Vets hospital Christinas party
and two days busboy service.
Utiott to Preside
Dr. Curtis Elliott, will be back
at his role of auctioneer. Last '
year, be was responsible for sell
ing $430 of items.
A surprise program featuring (
campus talent will entertain 1
those who attend the auction.
5 Vgtnrhtirnlr Arrive
1 VUlUOOU daieS
!lf JT 'J
is I ilk V I lUll
Deadline for sales of the Uni-
; v'T ytao, ine wm- uke up ;he portion of the
husker. has been set for Dec !..:
TTh7 i TVun tin !l.s! i,
the books will be sold. -Tassels
and Com Cobs are seH-
be bought in the Comhiisker of
fice in the basement cf the Union.
Tassels are selling the books
from a booth in the lobby of the
A deadline must be set for the
hook fek-s in order that the com-
can'be notified. No books will be
sold after Dec 1.
According to Jack Barchart,
business Bianager of the Cora
busker approximately 2500 books
have been sold.
Price of the Cornhusker is $5 .00
which may be paid to either the
Cobs or Tassels.
Corn Pickers, Crib Nearly
Obsolete Sav Az Enmneers
Farmers attencir.g Farm and j moisture content of 12 or 13 per-
Home Days Wednesday at t.'ie cent at a cost of one to three cents
University were told that the j a bushel Farmers cooperating
' rnec-larJcal corn picker and corn j m ith the demonstration said they
crib may become obsolete soon, j
Th corn nicker, they were
told mhy 8O0n be replaced with "i
- "J"""""" '
i anJ handling the crop m one
Corn drying experirnerjts have
been succesef ul, too. Last year in
oemonptrations in some parts of
the slate orn was dried to a
Of 'Messiah'
December 10
Annual Concert
Soloists Named
The Messiah, Handel's great
oratorio, will be presented by the
University School of Fine Arts at
3 o'clock, Sunday, Dec. 10, in the
Coliseum. It promises to be one of
the biggest musical events of the
holiday season.
Production of the famous ora
torio by a chorus of 600 voices,
the 65-piece University orchestra
and four soloists accompanied by
piano and organ, will be under
the direction of David Foltz.
There will be no admission
Soprano solo selections will be
sung by Mrs. Anna Hayden Wil
liams, who has presented recitals
in Las Vegas, Nevada: Beloit,
Wisconsin; Little Rock. Arkansas,
and many other places. For two
consecutive years, 1947 and 1948,
she won second place in the
voices of tomorrow contest of the
Midwest summer music festival
sponsored by the World Herald.
University Singer
A University senior, Bonita
Blanchard, will sing the alto
solos. Miss Blanchard attended
the University of South Dakota
and Huron college before coming
to Nebraska. She sang contralto
solos for the presentation of the
Messiah in 1948 by Huron col-
Lloyd Lotepetch. a senior in trse
j University majoring in music,
I wiU NRg the bantone solos for
e cratono. ne ur wii
tone solos in "Elijah" at the St.
Paul Methodist Church last
spring. He was also a soloist for
the Orchesis spring concert last
year. Mr. Lotspeich is president
cf Phi Mu Alpha Siafonia, pro
fessional music fraternity and a
member of the University Sing-
Traditional carols will be heard
from the Ralph Mueller can Hon
tower before and after the Mes
siah concert.
University 4-H
Meets Thursday
I University 4-H club will hold
rJZO pjn. in the
Ag Activities
dancing will
; All members are urgea oy
'president Clayton Yeutter to at-
Strohm on Agriculture in Russia
and the Far East. Wednesday.
Nov. 29 in the College Activities
s 3
building at 1:15 p.m.
! This talk is being held in con
is nemg ceia in con- 5
ita Farm and Home j
Junction w
i Days program this week.
Abt stwdent who has sot
had his pit-tare takea for the
Corabssker but have ft takea
at Warver.Medibt stodio
Tuesday tbroar Thursday.
No appoiBtmrats are acces
sary. The final deadline Is
TttMrsday, Nov. St.
are well paid in corn they saved.
Nina Arms. agncuJturai re
search engineer, solved the prob-
v, tr.!irr.n-,t
V- Wednesday.
The informal gatliering is be
ing held in conjunction with the
annual Farm and Home Days
which began Wednesday morning.
Farm and Home Days are jointly
r-ponsored by the Lincoln Jun
ior Chamber of Commerce and
the University.
The roundup wiQ include a
barbecue under the direction of
Animal Husbandman K. C Touts,
entertainment and a talk by
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson. Pro
gram arrangements are under the
direction of Dr. Ephriam Hixson,
associate director of resident
teaching at the college.
ii!iJv.. iiiii
$ '"' ngtttft IY lfliiMtl .
Y'VF" i
Courtesy Lincoln JournAl
Names Grad
Stanley Lambert, 1949 Univer
sity College of Agriculture grad
uate from Ewing, was selected
Monday as the nation's outstand
ing Block and Bridle club mem
ber at the organization's annual
convention in Chicago.
Lambert was selected from
representatives from 28 states
from California to Florida. This
makes the third year out of the
past four that a Nebraskan has
won the national honor. Willard
Viesek of Ord won the award
in 1947 and Ned Raun of Minden
was selected in 1948. The club
is an honorary organization of
agricultural college students and
former students.
The Ewing youth now is
ranching in his own community
after graduating "with high dis
tinction" at the college of agri
culture. Majoring in animal
husbandry, he received the high
est grade average of his class and
was on the honor roll during all
of the four years he attended.
His education was interrupted
m 1943 by serving in the armed
forces. Lambert was the recipient
of a scholarship each year he
attended the University.
Among his other accomplish
ments: He was manager of the annual
Junior Ak-Sar-Ben show in 1950.
Was a member of the high team
in sheep judging at the Interna
ttional Livestock exposition in
1949 and at the Denver show.
Received the chapter merit
plaque from members of the Ne
braska Block and Bridle club.
President of Farm House fra
ternity. President of Ag YMCA.
Soloist in -The Messiah"" given
at the College of Agriculture in
Lambert is the son of Mr. and
; -Mrs. Carl Lambert.
is living on the home ranch which
ee"s father in 1SS3.
Piano Stylings
To Highlight
Military Ball
Frankie Carle and his rehes- j
tra mill furnish the music for the
first and biggest social event of j
the vear. the Military BalL (
Carle, who has sold more retail
records than any other artist
during the last two years, will
bring his famous band to the
r . - I . 4
tvervone mows tnai r raniue
Carle is the nation's roost pop-
Everrone kno"s that Franlue
war pMiM-ic-auci. uut
know that he has composed such
IJJl Injurs isJk, owiiiw: iciiauc,
"Oh What Is Seemed To Be" and
-Rumors Are Flying."
Senior cadet ffieert are U
Beet ia the armory tonicht at
p.m. practice the crawl
Tbarsdar uiebt at p m.
senutr cadet fficers aad their
ladies are t meet in the Cli
sewn for tfce fwrpose mt coing
through the craad narch.
Carle holds a major distinction
in that he has oeen a leading
solo artist as well as orchestra I
leader on Columbia and Victor .
Kis playing has been called a !
"golden touch." The group has ',
been featured at such major
music locations as the Hollywood
Palladium, Hotel Shamrock and
me uvu meaiCT.
Appearing with Carie win
many young musicians, lie is
featuring, with his orchestra.
Terri Stevens, Bobby Clark and
Allan Sims.
Tickets for the Ball can be
purchased from any advanced
military student for $3. Spec
tator tickets are on sale for 75
Poems Published
For NV Students
The original poems of three
University students have been
accepted for publication in the
Annual Anthology of College
The student and their poems
"How Proud and Haughty" by
Robert Zimmerman, 'My Heart"
by Lidis Frederick and ""Jewelled
Dream" by Alice Jo Smith.
The Anthology is a compila
tion of the finert poetry written
by the college men and women
of America. Selections were
made by the National Poetry as
sociation from thousands of
poems submitted by students j
from every section of the coun- (
i try. 1
raises University Record
Student Accident Rate
Under Nation's Average
There's one thing University students can be proud of
that's their safety record.
Students have proved by their own safety record that
it's not always the kid or young driver who causes the most
That's what Ray Osborn, director of public welfare
and safety in Lincoln, said Tuesday, when he commended
University students for their "excellent record of safety
Basketball Ticket
Sales Continue
Basketball ticket sales for fa
culty, students, and general pub
lic will continue into next week.
The faculty tickets will be $4,
and student tickets will "be $3.
Reserved seats for the general
public will be $1.50, and general
admission, $1.00.
Students and faculty tickets
will include admittance to basket
ball and all other sports during
the rest of the school year. Pub
lic tickets will cover basketball
games only.
The entire side of the Coliseum
and west bleachers will be re
served as a student and faculty
section at basketball games.
Foreign Expert
To Address
Students Today
"Communism's Threat to
America and How to Avert It"
will be the topic of Dr. Karlis
Leyasmeyer's talk today at 4 pjn.
in Love Library auditorium.
Dr. Leyasmeyer will give two
talks on Thursday. "Irrefutable
Facts and Christianity" will be
discussed at 12:15 pjn. in room
313 of the Union.
"The Testimony of Invincible
Heroes' will be given at 7:30
in room 315 of the Union. This
talk will deal with Dr. Leyas
meyer's experiences before the
communist's firing squad. After
he was arrested by the commu
nists, he was tortured and sen
tenced to die. He suffered equal
hardships at the hand; of the
Nazis during World War II.
The one time target of Nazis
and communists alike was born
in Latvia and educated in Eng
land where he took advanced
i Kict
nomic arid
i an author, lecturer and editor,
t The speaker has spent the last
: four years in Germany doing
relief work and speaking to West
German university students. He
was editor of "Sauksme," an
ec Vatianal and scientific maga-
zine, and secretary of
press which consists of
, ?
t" , "rir-"
k-L PS 1
n Til
i.'-r ,r.4K-
; ' & f,
p v i ,K tl
T t.."
of the Inter- arssty Christian
--y t - I
i U LfOP .lllUICS
11 a CC 111 COIlteStS
The University crops judging
team returned home Sunday
after placing third in the Inter-
national crops judging contest in
Chicago and fourth in the Na-
tional contest in Kansas Citv.
yi0 '
Team members were: Norman !
Swanson. Eugene Heuermann, ;
Don Kerl and John Wilkinson.
Wilkinson was fourth high in
dividual in the Kansas City con
test and Heuermann conned
eighth place,
At Chicago Wilkinson placed
fourth. Heuermann sixth, and
Swanson 15th out of the 28 con-
Athletic Department Plans
r. r f v s r
Huhu&h. ?stfir Y narhnnk
"Spotlighting the HuskerilOO pages of pictures and sketches
Greats of Yesterday and Today" with action shots of the current
is the name of a new publication j Cornhuskers.
announced by the University j There will be full-length pic
athtletic department. tures as well as biographies of
The firm of Londsey. Xeville, i the present squad. A resume of
Karabatsos and Associates has
been commissioned by the Uni
versity athletic department to
publish the yearbook.
Tentative plans include making
the publication an annual one.
The book will be distributed
through the Athletic Concessions
department and sold only by N
club members and freshman
numeral winners.
'Spotlighting the Husker
Greats of Yesterday and Today" is
to be dedicated to the N club
members who lost their lives in
World war IL
The Husker stars of yesterday
as well as those of today will be
included in the book.
The cover has a scarlet back
ground faced with spotlights
shooting out rays of soft creara
color. The two-page middle
spread will feature a squad pic-
ture of mis year's team.
The publication will consist of
during last year."
"When Lincoln can reverse the
national average," he continued,
"especially in view of the large
number of students and young
people, it certainly speaks well of
the city."
Because the record is the op
posite of the national average,
Osborn said it shows that people
can't say it's "always a kid or
student who is responsible for
"We certainly appreciate the
record," Osborn said, "and hope
students will continue to coop
erate." Students Involved
Traffic accident records at the
Lincoln Police department re
waled by Capt. Paul Shively and
Sgt. Willis Manchester, show that
aoout ij per cent of Lincoln's
accidents last year involved stu
dents. Although this percentage may
not be complete because some ac
cident reports did not give the
driver's occupation, even if all in
complete records were entirely
students, the percentage would
be well under the national aver
age of 27 per cent.
This national average as re
ported by the National Safety
council, includes drivers under
25 years of age.
The most accidents in Lincoln
occur in the 25 to 34 age spread.
The total number of drivers in
volved in accidents during 1949,
were divided in the following age
Ages Reported
Under 16 years, 55; 18 to 19
years, 755; 20 to 24 years, 1550;
25 to 34 years. 1951; 35 to 44
years, 1117; 45 to 54 years, 867;
55 to 64 years, 674; and over
75. 52.
The national high. Captain
Shively said, is between ages of
16 and 19 years.
Of the seven drivers involved
in fatal accidents last year, three
were students. The other four
vere scattered among four age
groups. Lincoln had four fatal
ities last year.
In the 220 accidents involving
injuries, some 299 persons were
injured. Property accidents ac
counted for 4538 of the total of
j A break-down of the total
; number of drivers involved in
j accidents shows that the most
were professional and business-
men. The occupation was not
specified in 1084 cases,
Occupations Given
lilt UU Vl.LUJdUUliA alZ 03
t -, i , i . t
S'onal and business, 1711; clerical,
traveling men 53: commer-
drivers military, 85;
oer workers, not domestic. 2189;
housewiv and domestic work
ers. 514; and others, 219.
Dean T. J. Thompson said he
was very enthusiastiTabout the
M a ' ,n T .
! "The city
I mended," he
sold, for helping
1 the students handle rallies and
for handling the crowds that
come to see football games."
' He footbaU crowds
j " tre handled the best this year
?an 9 eAer have been
For t05 who criticize women
" drivers, police records show that
of last year's accidents males were
H''ved in U46, whereas women
a part oi only luub. u&ia
See Safety, Page 4
A meeting of aU Ag College
Seniors and others who are
Interested ia ob placement
after rrad nation will be held
Dee. S at 7:38 p.m. in Room
361 Dairy Industry building.
wr -w
years or JveorasKa lootoau.
highlighting the gridiron greats
of the past half century, will be
Coverage of the coaches and
press, radio and TV workers w ill
bepart of the publication also.
The Nebraska athletic history
section will begin with 1900 and
cover all activities up to the pres
ent time.
Several additional features.
still . top-secret, round out the
The entire proceeds from the
sale of the book go to the conces
sions branch of the University
athletic department, which pro
vides part-time employment for
Nebraska athletes.
Tentative release of the pub
lication is scheduled for mid
January. Inquiries regarding the
magazine should be addressed to
Lu F. Klein, concession manager
of the University athletic department.
vv , - :
Courteiy Lincoln Journal
RAY OSBORN The director
of public safety in Lincoln
commends University students
for their safety record during
1949 which reversed the na
tional average.
Tours, Display
At Ag Engineer
Open House
The Ag engineers will hold
their annual open house at the
Ag Engineering building Thurs
day at 7 pjm.
All freshmen and sophomore
engineers are urged to attend
the meeting as it will give them
a chance to become better ac
quainted with the work of the
representative engineer of Ne
braska's leading industry.
A tour of the various Ag en
gineering departments (farm
machinery, farm structures and
equipment, soil and water con
servation and tractor testing, a
speaker, displays on application
of agricultural engineering and
refreshments will be on the
agenda for the evening.
The agricultural engineering
group is planned to prepare the
student for engineering work in
rural communities, for positions
in the manufacture and sale of
farm machinery and farm power
equipment, for the management
of farms where drainage, ir
rigation, or power farming
methods are prevalent, for posi
tions as advisers, counseling en
gineers, or architects in connec
tion with agricultural develop
ment, and for positions as teach
ers, extension specialists, or re
search specialists in agricultural
engineering with colleges, ex
periment stations, or government
agencies. The increasing use of
electricity on farms has opened
a new field to graduates of this
f Anyone needing transports -I
tion to the Ag campus should
j meet in front of the Union at
6:45 pjn.
Lincoln World
- Affairs Meeting
Begins Friday
TK. ........ ,i t : i -
1 Conferenece on World Affairs
j u t, ur.i
library from Dec 1 to 3.
The theme of this year's con
ference is "How Can America
Best Strengthen Democracy in
the World."
The program for Friday, Dec
1, will include an address by Dr.
Carl C Bracy, Chancellor of Ne
braska Wesleyan university on
the topic. "Strengthen ing Democ
racy in the World Community.
Walter K. Schwinn of the U. S.
State Department will speak on
Strengthening U. S. Informa
tion Program Abroad."
Schwinn is special assistant to
the assistant secretary for public
affairs. He served in Poland for
the State Department from 194d
to 1949. He is thoroughly in
formed on the plans and operation
of American services overseas.
A discussion will follow two
addresses. Disscussants will be
Martin Luschei, president of
Nebraska Wesleyau's interna
tional relations club and R- C
Patterson, State Adjutant, Ameri
can Legion.
A forum period will conclude
the evening's program.
The chairman for Friday's pro
gram will be Dr. K. O. Broady,
director of the Extension Divi
sion of the University.
This conference is under the
auspices of several Lincoln civic
groups and the American Friends
Service committee.
University sponsors are: AG
Calendar Sales
C - . 1
avcxixiyt:, X
A three-in-one bargain win
be for sale after Dec, 1 from the
Nebraska Builders.
The, bargain is the Nebraska
calendar which can be used as
a memo pad and makes an ap
propriate gift. The price Is $1.
All the features of a regular
calendar are combined with
those of an engagement book.
They are approximately 6 by g
inches. The calendars are boxed
i and ready to wrap as gift.