The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1950, Image 1

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    'Mil it! f ITWOl POl
Vol. 51 No. 42
n ci
Russians Ask
U.S. Withdrawal
The United . States and five
other countries called on the
U.N. Security Council to order
the immediate withdrawal of all
Chinese troops from North Ko
rea. Jacob Malik replied that the
Korean conflict can be peace
fully settled only if the U.N.
and United States withdraw from
the battle.
His motion to block out the
Korean question was defeated 10
to 1. The council voted 9 to 0 to
put the problem of the Chinese
intervention ahead of the Pales
tine case.
The United States, France and
Britain asked the council to dis
cuss the Chinese communist ac
tion instead of the Palestine
UN Action
The security council has in
vited a representative from Peip
ing to discuss the charges that
the Chinese communist forces
are deployed for action against
Korea and U.N. troops.
Warren R. Austin said that the
attitude of the council may save
the Peiping regime from a grave
and tragic miscalculation.
The Korean war has resulted
in a new farm land boom. Prices
have climbed five per cent since
last March.
Largest increases in land value
have been in the corn belt and
great plains states.
Bridges Destroyed
Strong allied air blows de
stroyed two border bridges in
the supreme effort to choke off
the Chinese red troops pouring
into Korea.
The last of the four big hydro
electric plants which supply
power to North Korea and parts
of Manchuria is now in the hands
of the U. S. marines as a result
of a five-mile advance on the
northwest front.
The U. S. superforts struck
widely, dumping 10,000 fire
bombs on the military center of
Pukchin in north central Korea.
They loosed 96 tons of fire
bombs on the red command post
and supply post of Uiju. On the
east coast they blasted the port
of Chongjin.
Experimental Theater
A special experimental ' movie
theater for children opened last
week in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Among its only rules: Adults will
be admitted only if accompanied
by a child.
The government is now trying
to end the nationwide telephone
equipment workers' strike. The
union is demanding an unspeci
fied "substantial boost" in wages
that now average $1.55 to $1.62
per hour.
In Chicago a flash fire pan
icked 130 residents of a south
side apartment. Six people are
hospitalized with burns and in
juries. No one was killed in what
might have been a major tragedy, j
Drills, Plaque
Honor Vets
At Ceremony
Halftime ceremonies at the
Kansas State vs. Nebraska game
Saturday featured a tribute to
Veteran's Day theme.
The performance was put on
as a tribute to the 19 N club men
who were killed in World War
Both the Kansas State and the
Nebraska bands massed on the
field to honor the Veterans. Pre
cision drills based on Army man
uevers were performed by the
The Nebraska band formed a
formation spelling out the word
"Peace." William Day presented
to Chancellor Gustavscn a plaque
bearing the names of the N club
men who lost their lives in World
War II. Gustavson accepted the
plaque for the University.
Taps were sounded by the
bands which were answered from
the stands. The band sang "Am
erica, the Beautiful."
Pre-game ceremonies included
the presentation of a flag pole
by John Lawlor to the Univer
sity. The combined hands then
played "The Star-Spangled Ban
ner." Donald Lentz, conductor of
University bands, was in charge
of the pre-game and halftime
Dick Billig Named
To AVF Board
Dick Billig is the new clerical
head of the All University Fund.
Recently appointed to the post
left vacant following the resig
nation of Jackie Becker, Billig
has been active in AUF work
for two years. This position is
held on the divisions board.
His other activities include
The Cornhusker, managing edi
tor; Kosmet Klub and Interfra
ternity council. He is also treas
urer of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.
Dr. Carl J. Snyder, chairman
of convocation committee de
fines an all-University con
vocation. He states, "The con
vocations are for all the Uni
versity students but no classes
will be dismissed for any con
vocation unless a special an
nouncement is made by me."
Style Show
To Highlight
Coed Dinner
The fall style show will be the
main event of the Coed Coun
selor banquet, Wednesday, Nov.
15, at 6 p.m. in the Union ball
room. The clothes will be modeled by
freshman representatives from
the organized houses.
The models are June DeGraw,
Howard hall; Caryl Giltner, Ter
race hall; Alice Engelking, Wil
son hall; Janice Brown, Towne
club; Beezie Smith, Pi Beta, Phi;
Audrey McCall, Alpha Xi Delta;
Jane Fletcher, Kappa Alpha
Theta; Ginny Poppe, Delta Gam
ma. Faye Shrader, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Lois Ann Miller, Alpha
Phi; Dee Swenson, Sigma Kappa;
Joan Richards, Kappa Delta;
Grace Burkhardt, Delta Delta
Delta; Nancy Beal, Alpha Chi
Omega; Orpha Biederman, Alpha
Omicron Pi; Becky Fuglei, Chi
Omega; Anne Lear, Gamma Phi
Beta; Lenore Baird, Sigma Delta
Tau, Larie Bucy, Loomis hall
and Barb Spilker, Love memorial.
Fall Clothes
The coeds will model clothes
worn on the campus for the full
season. Pajamas, school clothes,
sport clothes, coats, afternoon
and evening dresses will be
modeled. The girls wear their
own clothes.
The banquet is an annual oc
curance climaxing the first six
weeks of get-togethers between
freshman women and their "big
The "big sisters" have been
helping the new coeds get ad
justed to college life. They have
been having coke dates with
their "little sisters," showing
them about the campus and tak
ing them to "Campus Cues."
Ticket Sales
Tickets are on sale now from
Coed Counselors. "Little sisters"
will be contacted by their coun
selor for tickets. The price is $1.
Elsie Ford Piper will be a
special guest on the evening's
program. Other honored guests
will be Helen Snyder, Elvera
Christiansen, Mary Augustine
and Mary Mielenz.
Mary Hubka is general chair
man for the banquet. Hattie
Mann, Wanda Bott and Marie
Mangold are in charge of dec
orations. Doris Christiansen
handles the ticket sales while
invitations are Peggy Mulvaney's
responsibility. Chairman of the
style show is Jean Loudon.
Navy to Hire
NU Science
The interviewers for the Naval
ordinance will be at the Univer
sity campus Wednesday and
Thursday, Nov. 15 and 16 to talk
with deans and heads of the en
gineering, chemistry, physics and
math departments and to stu
dents in these various fields.
Mr. Ralph M. Hogan, head of
the manpower branch of the
United States Naval ordnance
department, will discuss person
nel needs with the deans and
department heads and will pre
sent opportunities for employ
ment to juniors, seniors and
Those who will graduate with
a bachelor's degree may earn
$3,100 a year under this pro
gram and those with a master's
degree can earn $3,825 a year
Dr. T. J. Thompson, dean of
student affairs, said that he be
lieves that the University is
obligated to publicize this be
cause the nation is in dire need
of ti dined college graduates
especially in these times of un
rest. Those who wish to sign up
for interviews with these men
should come to the office of stu
dent affairs, Room 104 at the
Administration building on or
before Tuesday, Nov. 14, to
make the necessary arrange
ments and to read the available
Religion Life
Views Future
The committee for the promo
tion of Religion-in-Life met at a
luncheon in the Union Thursday
noon to evaluate this year's pro
gram. Dick Nutt. Methodist Student
Pastor, presided at the meeting
of the students and pastors.
The group discussed the entire
Religion-in-Life week. Thry
pointed out the mistakes and suc
cesses of the program.
Discussion was also carried on
about ways of improving the
event for next year. It was de
cided that a more advantageous
time to hold the week would be
in the spring.
The committee felt that next
year's program would require
more careful planning in order to
be completely successful.
An attempt will be made to
clear the week of as many other
activities as possible in order to
remove any conflicting programs
which might divert attention of
the students from the Relgion-in-Life
The group made plans to
strive for an all campus cover
age in next year's program. Tent
ative arrangements were discus
sed to cover all aspects of the
succeeding event
Smiling Beauties...
.Ill I LI -III XJ1 - U MIL. I .1. I V - .
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SWEETHEART FINALISTS These coeds were selected by members of Innocents society Thursday
night to compete for the crown of Nebraska Swee theart, who will be presented with the 1950 Prince
Kosmet in a royal presentation ceremony at the Fall Revue. The finalists (1. to r.): Jean Loudon,
Anita Spradley, Jackie Sorenson, Dorothy Elliott, Lorraine Westphal, and Dolly McQuistan.
Princely Prospects . ..
f f I i f V . r .s ri ft ft
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"KOSMET" . FINALISTS These men were selected by members of Mortar Board Thursday night
to enter the final round of competition for the t itle of Prince Kosmet. The winner will be an
nounced at the Kosmet Klub Revue, Friday evening, Nov. 17 at the Coliseum. The finalists (1. to
r.): Phil Neff, Dick Walsh, Frank Piccolo, Joe Gifford, Gerald Warren, and Bob Reynolds.
U.S. Ag Agent
Cites Projects
For Mo Basin
"The Missouri Basin Develop
ment Program," was the topic
discussed by Mr. Gladwin E.
Young, field representative of
the U.S. agriculture department,
before a joint meeting of three
Ag college departmental clubs
Thursday night.
"River basins have taken on
special significance as units for
developing and making effici
ent use of our wealth of natural
resources," Mr. Young said.
He went on to state that the
Missouri river basin develop
ment program is an outstanding
effort in this direction "because
of its size and complexity."
"The objectives of the pro
gram stated simply," he said,
"are to create new agricultural
and industrial opportunities and
to protect those we have."
"For the last 10 years the cli
mate has been very kind to the
people in the Missouri basin,"
Mr. Young said. But he added
that this situation could not last
"A stable foundation for ag
riculture in a region where
drought is en unusually high
risk in farming is, of course, a
primary target of the program,"
he said.
He also said that the project
is designed to contribute to flood
control in the basin as well as
provide irrigation.
Mr. Young emphasized that
the individual farmers must
carry out conservation on their
farms in order to make this
project work the best.
"Foremost among the contri
butions that you will be able to
make is to go back to your home
communities and become the sci
entific farmers, ranchers and
homemakers of your generation,"
he told the group.
Delta Sigma Pi Fetes
Ruahees at Smoker
Dulta Sigma Pi, professional
business fraternity, held their
annual Founder's Day smoker in
the Union, Wednesday, Nov. 8.
New rushees weie entertained
with musical numbers by Patsy
Dutton, Mary Mackie and Mary
Lou Ripps. John Grevich was
master of ceremonies; he intro
duced new officers and gave a
brief history of the organization.
Movies were shown and re
freshments served.
Ferguson Hall to Complete
'Moving In9 Process Soon
The electrical engineering de
partment of the University plans
to start moving offices into Fer
guson hall in two weeks, and to
start some of the classes after
Thanksgiving vacation, according
to Roy M. Green, Dean of the
College of Engineering and Ar
chitecture. Some of the classes to be held
in the new building will be elec
trical engineering 1, 100, and
other general courses. It is ex
pected that classes will be fully
Scheduled L'V secunu beiucslei.
Red Brick
Ferguson hall stands on the
site of old University hall, fac
ing R street betweeen 11th and
12th. It is red brfck, trimmed
with white limestone. The three
story east wing will house all
classrooms. The communications
laboratories will be on the third
floor of the east wing.
The two-story north wing will
contain one large laboratory
which will house the larger
equipment needed for electrical
engineering research.
The communications labora
tories, which have been in
cramped quarters, will contain
RCCU to Register
Swim Instructors
The Red Cross College Unit
water safety committee is plan
ning to register all persons affili
ated with the University who
are qualified to life guard and
give swimming instructions.
This plan is being carried out
in cooperation with the men and
women's physical departments.
The names will be put on a gen
eral list and the workers will be
called to help with University
classes and free swim periods
at their convenience.
Interested persons who wish
to have their name on the list
should register with Pat Wied
man at 2-6413. If you are un
able to call, write your name,
address, and phone number on
a slip of paper and leave it in
the Red Cross mail box in the
basement of the Union.
After the names have been
filed and the persons contacted
as to their free hours, assign
ments will be made.
Mostly cloudy Monday with
probable snow flurries.
the radio television and electronic
research equipment.
Astronomy classes will move
from their present quarters into
Ferguson hall. They will have
one room for class work, one for
storing equipment,' and the roof
for star study.
The University's large and
small telescopes which are now
on Ag campus will be moved to
Ferguson hall. The section of
the roof which will be used for
star study will be enclosed by a
seven foot waii, which will keep
the lights of the city from inter
fering with the study.
During the construction of the
new building the electrical en
gineering classes have been meet
ing in temporary buildings.
The date of the dedication of
the building has not been set.
NU Symphony
Opens Season
With Concert
More than eight hundred peo
ple filled the Union ballroom to
hear Ossy Renardy, violinist,
and the University Symphony
Orchestra, Sunday evening.
For his solo Renardy played
Bruch's "Concerto for Violin and
Orchestra, Opus 26." The orches
tra played "The Faithful Shep
herd," by Handel-Beecham; and
"Chaconne in G Minor," by Pur-cell-Barbirolli.
"Fetes" by De
bussy, and "L'Apprenti Sorcier"
by Dukas were also played by
the combination.
Emanuel Wishnow conducted
the orchestra. He has been con
ducting this group for nine years,
ever since his debut in 1941.
Renardy was born in Vienna
and began playing at the age of
five. He soon gained recognition
throughout Europe. When he
came to America in 1939 he drew
the attention of the critics with
his performance of the entire
Paginini Caprices. He has played
with the Boston Symphony, the
New York Philharmonic Sym
phony and Chicago Symphony
Renardy owns the famous
Paganinl violin valued at $50,
000. The instrument was made
by Guarneri del Gesu in 1743.
The concert was Jointly spon
sored by the Union activities and
the School of f'ina Arts.
Prince Kosmet,
NU 'Sweetheart'
Finalists Named
12 Compete
For Kosmet
Klub Titles
Competition for honors of
Prince Kosmet and Nebraska
Sweetheart has been narrowed
down to 12 finalists.
A popular student vote will
determine the ultimate winners
at the Coliseum, Friday, Nov. 17,
at the 1950 Kosmet Klub Fall
Members of Mortar Board and
Innocents society met Thursday
night to choose the six finalists
for each title.
Prince Finalists
Prince Kosmet finalists and
the houses they represent:
Bobby Reynolds, Phi Kappa
Psi; Gerald Warren, Sigma Nu;
Joe Gifford, Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon; Phil Neff. Delta Tau Delta;
Frank Piccolo, Alpha Tau
Omega; and Dick Walsh, Farm
Sweetheart finalists and their
Jackie Sorenson, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Dorothy Elliott, Alpha
Phi; Jean Loudon, Alpha Chi
Omega; Lorraine Westphal, Pi
Beta Phi; Anita Spradley, Alpha
Xi Delta; and Dolly McQuistan,
Delta Delta Delta.
Reynolds is rated the current
Associated Press No. one point
getter among the nation's college
football players. He plays left
halfback on the Cornhusker
squad. He is a member of Phi
Kappa Psi fraternity, and is in
Teachers college.
Warren's Activities
Warren, managing editor of
The Daily Nebraskan, is College
Days chairman of opening cere
monies. A junior, his major is
journalism and he is affiliated
with Sigma Nu fraternity.
Gifford, a member of the
Husker golf team, is a member
of N-club. He is also a member
of Simon's college board and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
He is an Arts and Sciences jun
ior. Neff, currently serving his sec
ond semester as president of
Delta Tau Delta, is a member
of the ROTC band and a mem
ber of Gamma Lambda, band
honorary. He is an engineering
Piccolo, Yell King for two
semesters, is a member of Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity. A senior,
he is enrolled in business ad
ministration. Walsh, an Ag college junior,
lists as his activities: Corn Cobs,
Tri-K, Ag Ec, Union board and
Cornhusker Countryman. He was
co-chairman of the Homecoming
parade. He is a member of
Farmhouse fraternity.
Sweetheart Finalists
Miss Sorenson, managing edi
tor of the Cornhusker yearbook,
and secretary of All University ;
Fund, is also working on Col
lege Days. She is enrolled as
an arts and science junior and
is affiliated with Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority.
Miss Elliott, a Teachers col
lege sophomore, is a member of j
Coed Counselors. She is a mem
ber of Alpha Phi.
Miss Loudon, an arts and
sciences sophomore, is engaged
as: AWS board treasurer, a
member of Coed Counselors
board, Aquaquettes, YWCA and
a Union committee. She is also
a member of Alpha Lambda
Delta, coed honorary, and Alpha
Chi Omega sorority.
Miss Westphal, a Teachers col
lege sophomore, is a member of
YWCA, Cornhusker staff and a
Union committee.
Miss Spradley, a music major,
is enrolled in Teachers college
as a junior. She is a member of
Mu Phi Epsilon and "of Alpha
Xi Delta sorority.
Coed Finalist
Miss McQuistan, a member of
Coed Counselors, is a Teachers
college sophomore and a mem
ber of Delta Delta Delta.
Twenty-three Prince candi
dates appeared before members
of Mortar Board. At the same
time the 20 contestants for
Sweetheart honors were inter
viewed briefly by members of
the Innocents society. The two
honoraries traditionally select
the finalists each year.
The prospects were judged on
several points: attractiveness,
poise, personality and scholar
ship. Botany to Move ,
Into Greenhouse
Within the next ten days, the
Botany department will prob
ably be able to move into the
new greenhouse. Except for a few
minor parts, such as electricity
and plumbing, the building is
Among the outstanding new
features of the greenhouse are
cutting benches with controlled
heat and lighting over the
benches regulated by a time
Other features are thermos
tatically controlled heat, an auto
matic ventilation system installed
in the ceiling to remove excess
heat, and dark cabinets for study
ing the effects of light and dark
ness on plants. .
As soon as they receive the go
ahead from the contractors, the
department is ready to move in
November 13, 1950
'Eligibles' Asked
To Send Pictures
Filings for eligible bachelor
closed Friday, Nov. 10, at 5 p.m.
Candidates for the title must
submit two pictures of them
selves to be shown at the elec
tion polls.
The pictures are to be turned
into Sally Holmes, 1545 S Street,
by Wednesday, Nov. 15.
Friday, Nov. 17, eight candi
dates will be chosen by an all
woman University vote to be the
most eligible bachelors.
The winners will be announced
at the Mortar Board ball Friday,
Dec. 8.
The date for that evening will
be in the hands of the gentle
man's escort. The dance tickets,
transportation and corsag will
be taken care of by the girl.
Ag Builders
Issues Call
To Workers
Ag Builders urges men and
women on Ag campus interested
in the organization to sign up at
a booth in the Ag Union for one
of five committees recently or
ganized on Ag campus.
The booth will be open Tues
day and Wednesday from 9 a.m.
to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. In
terested students are to sign up
for the committee that offers the
type of work appealing to them.
The new committees are: mem
bership, headed by Pat Acken;
parties and conventions, under
the direction of Joan Raun; Ag
publicity directed by Fran Sibert;
tours, headed by Jeanne Vierk;
sales, headed by Clayton Yeutter.
Membership Drive
Miss Acken's committee will
be in charge of the membership
drives and also will set up a
workers organization. Later they
will sponsor Ag mass meetings.
The parties and conventions
committee will hold parties for
groups that visit the Ag campus
during the year. This group will
work in conjunction with the cor
responding committee on the city
campus in sponsoring conven
tions. Those with previous newspaper
experience are needed on the
publicity committee. It is the re
sponsibility of this group to con
tribute news and articles to Uni
versity publications.
Sales Committee
Selling Student Directories and
calendars is the function of the
sales committee. It also will as
sist in other Builders projects
carried on during the year.
The tours committee is m
charge of all tours of Ag campus
made by groups of high school
students and others who come to
'look around."
Love Library
Photo Exhibit
Open Today
Starting Nov. 10, Love library
will exhibit the photographs that
won in the seventh annual "News
Pictures of the Year." A hun
dred and fifty news, sports, fea
ture and other photographs
nrtjudged "the best in the show,
will be on exhibit.
These prints are the pick of the
photographs entered in the com
petition sponsored annually by
the Encyclopedia Britannica Book
of the Year and the University
of Missouri school of journalism.
Prints in the exhibit are ths
survivors from among the 3,500
photographs entered in the com
petition by working newspaper
and magazine photographers from
all over the world.
The Britannica-Missourl com
petition is the largest professional
news photography contest in the
The exhibit can be seen in
Room 109 and second floor foyer
of Love library. The prints in
clude a cross-section of the
tragedy, excitement, humor and
pathos of the year 1949.
The photos were judged in fivt
categories that are shown in the
exhibition: news, sports, feature,
picture sequense, and picture
The grand award winner and
holder of the title "News Pho
tographer of the Year," was
Leonard McCombe of Life maga
zine. His 10 prints hi the win
ninng portfolio of pictures, rep
resenting his years best work,
are all on display.
Union Schedules
Ballet Movies
Students interested in learning
more about the Sadler's Wells
Ballet troup are invited to at
tend the movies scheduled for
the' Ag Union and the city cam
pus Union.
Three movies concerning th
ballet troup will be shown Sun
day at the Ag Union, 3 p.m. and
at the city Union Monday, at
12:30 p.m.
The titles of the movies are
"Sadler's Wells Ballet School,"
"Steps of the Ballet," and "Les
Sylphides" which is danced by
Margot Fonteya.
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