Only iaUy pvblkcliot lor stvdcnts cl 1ht Utthm'ttf 9f Htbrst&u r The Weather Partly cloudy sad mfid. Nat tatte m warm west portion. I Vol. 51 No. 23 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Monday, October 16, 195Q "x 1- Satellites 'Peaceful' Truman President fleets Gen. MacArthur President Truman, in a speech In Honolulu, said the iron cur tain countries are just as anxious as the United States to have peace. As he prepared to go to Wake Island to meet Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, he said, "We have to get the truth to thern, and we are going to get it to them. I am not one of those who think another war is inevitable." He arrived on Wake Island at , about 6:30 a.m. (Sunday). Gen eral MacArthurs flight took be tween seven and eight hours to cover "he 3.985 miles from Tokyo. Agenda Not Announced Truman had not previously in dicated what the agenda of dis cission between he and MacAr thur would be. The president car ried with him detailed informa tion about all Asiatic countries. American troops continued to carve at 20.000 reds trapped be tween the U.N. troops and the red capital of Pyongyang. The naval bombardment of t-noiyui apparency COB- Oiaiwllnr R C r.nctiv iai-t in a nu.nsi hhl. iicsi.ris?.n tenuing. since the Chonjin radio j has been named as speaker for The discussion will be held in 1 V...ij""' yyy::- V'" .... liies; IN o ted NU Pioneer The Most Eligible Bachelor. the Yell King, the Honorary Commandant, the football cap tain. Sweetheart Queen, and the Homecoming Queen, will be chosen at the annual Baby Show sponsored by the Universitv ! Dames. The lucky babies will be T?irrMs TVkrlixr frr picked by Mrs. Gustavson and t?&r&il9' "Dent College Dean The Dames club is a social or ganization for the wives of mar ried University students and is onscis Mi Tl&llQS Oil eOiEliliil Scii sponsored by the faculty wives. Their activities include bridge lessons, art classes, and square dances. Funeral services for Dr. W. Clyde Davis, founder of the Uni- CHAN'CEIXOK R. G. GUSTAVSON The Chancellor will address the first All-University convocation Thursday. Oct. 19 at 11 a. m. in me Coliseum. Has topic will be "Look to This Day." The con vocation will climax a week of United Nations activities which in clude a debate, a coffee hour, a library display and a faculty roundfable discussion. Chancellor to Discuss UN At Convocation Thursday had remained off the air since early Thursday. The battleship Missouri led 37 ships in bombard ing ports, rail lines and other communications facilities along a 130-mile strip of coast from Sonjin to Chonjin, which is 145 miles southwest of Russian Vladivostok. German Elections Elections were held Sunday in Soviet held East Germany to elect Dew officials for the puppet government. Under a four-power agreement, the residents of East Berlin axe cot entitled to vote in. these elections. The red govern ment announced Saturday that no one would be permitted to eater the zone while the elec tion was being held. Only one slate of candidates was placed on the ballot. Th Unit Statoc Umminivil the elections as a -sham.- Voters vocai30n is being jointly the first all-University convoca- ; Love Library auditorium. Par tion to be held at 11 am. Thurs-ii ticipattog will be Theodo- Jor day, Oct. J 9. The convocation f gensen and Richard Sill ol the wiU be held in conjunction with physics department and Maurice UN Week. C. Latta and Eripar X Jnhnu.n Speaking at the Coliseum, the 3 of the social sciences department. ' ""' entertainment program was Chancellor will discuss the anni-! Johnson is on the historv fanilitv announced last week. It is part versary of the founding of the and Latta is an economics nro- :; of an entirely new reorganization unitea jvaucos ana reiciea top- lessor. Kosmet Kluh Polls Women About Show The first indication of student feeling regarding the Kosmet Klub request for coed participa tion in the '51 Spring Show, will be received Monday night. In the first positive attempt since 1941 to produce a show j with a mixed cast, the men's i dramatic society plans to visit ! organized women's houses' and '. present brief explanations of the , system. "After afl," stated Leon Pfeiffer, president of the Klub, "it is up to coeds as well as the general student body to help de cide. And we would like to hear their opinions." Part af New Outline The Klub's move to launch the 'Migration tickets within reach of the average stu dent's budget will go on sale Monday." This was the announcement of Bob Rogers, student versity dental school, will beheld .migration committee chairman. According to Rogers, this Monday afternoon, Oct. 16. He 'year's tickets will sell for $8.50. KTrm evening at his The traditional trip will be made Saturday, Oct. 28 to tw,-c n,mAA t iMi lr a r-k I Lawrence, Kan where the Corn- tal college in 1899, which, four " I HQ 26 VlKUVS the C7 w years later became a part of University dental college. He served as the first dean and pro fessor of operative surgery till his resignation in 1922. He was the first president of the Lincoln Odontography so ciety, which later became the Lincoln dental society. He was a past president of the Nebraska huskers will meet the Kansas Jayhawks. All University students who desire to take part in the migra tion are urged to buy their tick ets early, because there is a lim- Tar Heel Ban gainst iegro ir1 Negro students mav not enroll The ticket price is much lower in the University of North Caro- j than that of two years ago when KS- The convocation was an nounced by the University con vocation committee, beaded by Carl J. Schneider. The Chancellor's ad dress is en titled "Look to This Day." It will be a repeat performance for Gus tavson. He gave the UN Week convocation speech last year. ; speaking on atomic energy and international relataons. The cor.voci lions committee has not disclosed whether stu dents will be dismissed from fx , : 1 - f the migration caravan traveled to the same place Lawrence. Tha 1948 tickets were sold for $13. The entire cost covers tha round trip trein ticket (S5.41) and the stadium admittance, ticket ($3.00). The balance will go for sundry rally materials Dr. Davis outline that received nrst con- Th. fmir m. wii 3ir : siaersiion last spring. the "UN and the Application ot S?id Pfeiffer, "Since the reor-Knowledge- or the advancement i f on oi .J. ZJrZLr?:": Wb- not produced the en- 1 society and a member of knowledge gained and the rela-3 terta,nmenl- 8IS1 proceed the konship this knowleoge has on whlch their caPababt:es "This situation has arisen due to lackadaisical attitude on the part of some Klub members, poor faculty relationships, lack of co-operation with certain had no alternative but to cast ballots for the "natwrnal front" ticket, which is 70 percent cota DumisC French Leu The French government is re ported to have asked, the United States to provide a total of three billion dollars in military aid for the French armed forces during 1SS1. General VLacht&nir's inteSig- the United Nations organization. KindUble Discussion The program is open to the public A question and answer period will follow the roundtable discussion. Both faculty mem-croups used in the productions. classes or not to attend the con- ii lbers am Uni-ersjty students may - restnctaons imposed by the fac- aiieiMi. " In pfeseDtiiDg the dismss-ion, the lour men will be continuing a social science versus physical science discussion started last jyear. j While student on the Unaver Ssity dtirmus are celratuii I'M and SM pjn, four members of 11 Week in their own way, state the University faculty will take J and Lincoln UN Week officials -'are also planning to observe the lina J That ruling was made by Fed eral Judge John J. Hayes on "Oct. 9. The suit was instituted !by students at North Carolina i college, a Negro institution, who had charged that the facilities offered at that school were not ! eoual to those at the Tar Heel such as pom poms, etc. I school at Chapel Hill. j Rogers stated that the migra- Judge Haves ruled that, in tion train will leave Lincoln 6:1 compliance "with both North Saturday morning and will ar Carolina and federal laws, the rive in Lawrence about 11:30 a.m. j Negro institution offered facili- The return trip win begin thst ties which were on a par with evening at 9:30 p.m. and wCl those of the state university. terminate about 2:30 the next Carry Out Law morning. North Carolina's Attorney Gen- ! "This migration is an excellent era I. Harry McMuDan. said: "Our i opportunity for students to show success in winning the case was j the team some real support.'" due to the fact that North Caro- J pointed out Rogers, lina has had a long-range policy Cars on the train will carry be ef carrying out the state const i- sides student travelers, the ROTC tuition and meeting the provisions marching band. Corn Cobs, of the federal constitution for jj i asseis and toe cheerleaders, A equal but seperate facilities for 1 special snack car for the use of education of the two races." U migrationers on the train wi3 " Dr. Erwin Griswold. Dean of ; he provided, i: the Harvard Law School, had I A big rally complete with the testified that he did not consider band and the pep groups will b : the training at the two institu- ! held on the way down as well as ":,.- ' - ' at the ststirin in Iahtpik-b Thncs "cAc8n, df'1f1 sfefy- H; The State had held that in persons from Nebraska who go IZTtyl teedentel ex- admjttiTi jj,c xegroes. the state down in their own cars are urged wwM,y iouM b T "writing off 5 years of j to meet the migration train at Y-Jf dunJlWo5d w historv," and that outsiders the station for the pre-garo. I and chairman of the National v.,u', .. .n rallv. tifv in the case. I year, the migration trip Gray Has v Comment was made to Ames, la. where the The new president of the ur.i- Kuskers played the Iowa State versity, former Anr.y Secretary Cyclones. ine annual event is sponsored NUCWA. Ta Cliaax Week The Chancellor's speech ili climax a week of United Nations activities. Tuesday, between 4 " 1 T"s cay. Display, Bmgo tTS en-oe chief, Maj. Gear. Charies T? m. 4 , WaSwugfcby. clajjned Chat be bad it? ealUTel at AJ amed officials in Washington w Open House three months before the Korean fsvasaoo that such an event was Coing to occur. In Los Angeles, toe tempera ture rose to 14, the hottest Oc tober on record. California weather officials blamed the heat n "Florida clouds." with the following specific pur poses in mindr Parpeaes 1. To reorganize the worker training program, placing less throiug'hout the j emphasis on ticket sales and week to study rrvr eimuhasi on ervwe to the J j . .1 ax vjzi ana io irn oi lis rune- i orearaization " arm ar&m- j 2, To place the Klub on a Association of Dental faculties. A practicing dentist from 1898 until his retirement in 1949, Dr. Davis had been recognized all over the world lor his research, i cim-Ami r.nv than he had ully and students, and misinter- t tie had lectured in every state Ii no statement to make on the by the Student Council. Members pretatsons of tne Kosmet Klub m the Union. Question until he had studied the ! of the committee are besides by students and faculty. A native of Eyron, 111, he re- , facts in the case. 1 Rogers: Marilyn Lutz. represent- To alleviate this situation, the reived his bachelor of science de- ii This order made North Caro- ? ng Tassels; Del Kopf, Cobs; Kosmet Klub is attempting to re- :; gree from York Methodist col- 5 lina the first Southern state to ! Dean Killion, ROTC band; organize its internal structure ;; lege in 1887. He received a doc- I win such a ruling. The United ij George Wilcox, Council treasurer and to revitalize its functions i tr f,f tier,.u ,.riorv wr r ?jstf Sunmmo Court had ruled :: and Kent AxtelL publicity. the Uruversaty of Iowa and a 1 m several other cases tr, JJe- masters degree from the Uni- I groes should be admitted to the J ; versity of Nebraska. He received a doctor's degree from Cotner college. Dr. Davis was the author of a : regular state universities. In separate cases, the court bad ruled that Negroes should be ' permitted to enroll to the Urii- textbook on operative dentistry ii v-" oi Texas, Maryland and i!v tnuui in, rtumi Oklahoma, and Louisiana State TSin ,.j:i j, . . iuJu nao several: " i-ujw biwjbu j fajya jjnanoai oasis, ano oono- ;i language. Jepson Ticket Sales Open Store-OnWheds To Visit Campus What may be the first travel ing art bookstore will be in front of Love library morn ing. The Hacker Galiery book store contains rare, imported, and new books on fine and ap pljrf art. The thousand volume tafceo trmuss stocks to New York, range in prioe from 1 to 1WI diollars. The bookmobile has air condj toaninft, fliunwesoect lighting, and ruSaber-lined dj:wKLabje shelving. This metropolitan bookshop snould be of great interest to craarry jAuAents who cannot travel to New York So buy excellent priflt and art bootoR. The coUecliQ im-Jades Euro pr.asj and American art rep:o tiMctiaas. Books m ceramics, ctofial and nMndern art, cos-1 ttuaaes, textiles, ptootograpfay. and ' vutsnm&Wits manuscripts are to the collection. The HAckr Gallery Bookmo biie's tour of the (ewintry i a tiew fcdea in book selling. It win fej-ve sladent and faculty mem bers an opjsortunity to examine rare and beautiftul bowks on art Displays, free bingo and danc ing highlighted the Ag Union open bouse Friday night in the Ag college Activities building. Under a false ceiling of crepe paper streamers those who at tended the open bouse danced to the music of Riley Smith and bis orchestra from t2i to 11:30 p.m. On the landing in front of the ing the croup to maintain this j He wa 9 mtnir f Yi w,s I h if ftfliri sJaNUy. Pss, dental fraternity, and Omic-- ,T . . 2 J improve faculty rela- ron Kappa Upsiloti. honorary At Wti HoTlital Uonshsps by demtajftratmg our fraternity. 113 nwsimai 'k. ana aaso VJ usy. The 4. To inaugurate eo-educational ' . ... . . M . ... - ui w soia iot day win be celebrated all over mri,- muskal comedies by ob- 1Ar ZOUeiUiUom at Af! J vet s hospital last week included Miss Jepson will appear at the the wrld as a result of a de- tainkur faculty and student an- lWn Tl i,. ?.uzl onn."Jtn Kiraaeit. coliseum Thursday, Oct. 26. The and publicizing programs in an attempt to learn more about the United Nations. fcs aduiifuoii, c"."cr "id natiotssl organizations will observe UN Student tickets for the Helen j Jepson concert may be obtained Tuesday at a booth set up in the j! School of Music. The booth will be open from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m. Price of the tickets to stu dents is 60 cents. Adult tickets eral assembly. 5. To instill in the students a : Tlle A AUF dnve bei,' Of Day CelebratMMi ' concept of the type of snow and tda5' and continue through in- UN Day celebration on the entertainment the Klub actually '..announced Don Reeves. Ag University campus Tuesday, Oct " wishes to sponsor and produce. gymnasium the craftihop display showed just what cowld be maoe during this year's sessions of bandicralt woitfc which will start Uxaorvaw and last the reft of 24. wjJl begin with the chinaing of the carillon bells at 11 a.m. Owen McCormack will play the United Nations hymn. The International Friendship dinner, previotiisly included in the semester. Hours are from j the UN Week agenda, has been 2:3.0 to 5:20 in the afternoons wetwrnd until a later date. An on Tuesdays. S nouncements of the dinner (date i other naeKjcal groups on campus. i solicitor. Booths will be located S. initiate new nraiects of : 4,1 ln A Union and Ag MalL entertainment and servk. ; n"epenoerji siuoents may maice 7. To encourage increased J""" contnoutjons at these Dooms. ! Norma Erickson. Mary Pitterman. i! opera and concert star will be Sara Sage and Gladys Jiovofcy. ; sponsored by the Nebraska Stat Every Thursday night, repre- Education association, senlatives from the Red Cross Miss Jepson has been in the college unit play cards and pre- j eritertainment world since 1635 se-j musical numbers at the hoe- ii when she first appeared in tha pitaL Metropolitan opera in New York. Students who. would like to j She made her debut with Law- assist with truis phase of Red renee Tib&ett Tnereaner she has i To exchange supprjrt with J urged everyone to give .j Cross work are urged to file their ln aetmma lor both operatic organizations of similar interests '! wfm lnY to can or j names in the Red Cross box in roles and ctmcerts. sich at University Theater. Or- 1 Pges- ! the Union baement If students are unable to ob- chesis. Alria Epsilon Rho. and'1 "Um their ticket Tuesday, they On Ihe kwer fi-wr of fn Ac- cnaarnwn Por; w "lw- . ... kJCllI UIIILK JClirCV I)(L tivities building free bingo was Chinn. The dinner will be spon- 1 In order to accomplish the Prizes were awar'dS to the win- 1 '' council. tsnwrooiUlan nsr. iciub and the Nebraska Univer- The Corabusto- Countryman:!11 2JJ! Aitir?' office was deanled with a f J2& ZjT. large clock with explanations of ;! Jf llJftT?' a pf u (ormoM 'h..r,rfT . he relations committee, a coffee. SSSta'tt. Pi ere the j Ztl may buy them later at one of the five Lincoln music stores. Prices 1 will be the same at both place. J According to Archie Bailey, jj ticket sales chairman, the booth. i is being set up in the Music jniur-vumu 'ttum aim prizes given io miss 5nrameK ;i University student body and 2. Meeting with co-ed oca tiol 3 tii iv kh iri. i ,.t r,i ' .u.iy. sjwmj o cjiM.ji.w.e mu ent Students Association, vere "-"r- ! i.n)Harie snrsmex ana warwn awl Mr. and Mrs. Price were the Kluib is taking; the following ac tion: 1. Disojsing the situation with faolty cwmciifUies. - Hicks' Attendins Bums' Ball cumbers are. Block and Bridle club showed 1be various activities whJcb they tpmrntr during he year alwig with, the more prominent awards icto they Toave won to the past years. Ag Zxee box4 had charge of the guest bowk wtok everyone was ujyjted to sign. Members of jeesswutivecon- nuttee -are Peterson: Jerry uud wisnes to tnsta't and in every way potib)e atlemtting to gain their cooperation and in- Matzke, vk preeixlefjt; Jo BuJUer, ' terest. secretary: Miriam WiJley, treas urer; and department chairmen Joan Jones, Marilyn Coupe, Glenn Bosenuuist, Sue Allen and Ed Saad. Mi Couse and Mjs Jones are serving as eo-cnair- ij men of the UN Week conwuttee. 2. Enlisting ii aid of student publications Jo stimulate Interest Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Hoover ,jr Dairy Jnrlires id Mr. and U. Pric were 2 1 . " bmbark for tat The mroe" coaUime was 4 Both hobo and suoerstition ' Members of the Dairv Prod- long, wool, red ufsdem-ear cov- theme prevailed since the dance 3 uds Judging Team left Veines ered by ar, old, short, tattered J was held on Frid .y the 13th, day for Atlantic City, N. J d-r. The dancers liad to pass under a j where they will compel in tha The "bom wore r overlap- j ladder before entering the ball- j National Collegiate Dairy Prod p'mt toyp and ragged pant 1 rw. Only flywe in bum cos- j ucts Judging Contest held next admitted to the ,h .. u.v pvv i ano siiiir. ieen were rjja.t-Kea I ines; were was m the bum's nvxjtli. j Tr burnt dand to the music A jug of corn liquor and a of LSurky Lewis and his orches jug of white mule were the s tra. and progress. 4. Offering stuoents a real op See iUKMT KUB. Pare 2, week. Team merribers tsweling are Charles Breughton, Jerry Barnes, Sanford Downs and Earl Harvey. Tipsg TripsB YeSu's ! 1 ii I i if " ir,, ;' '---.''.. :: .;-..;.. . ; j j ,t 'ill ' ' ' ' I m - i , j d- .d.z.-h . yyy:Wty$-. WKT UWST 1 UTUUri That ttowufht seems to be to the minds of these students taking a J?oc&ology 53 iet. The bright students may be dirt.5ng:u3hl from ihot who are taking the course for an etr three hours by C IntcJJjerrt looks n'toeir faces. The girl In tte f-jreg'ound is trying to d,tdd what one of the chief char acteristics of Cw-Magnwn man was. But in't laugh, Uw six works test awe coming up! w , - - , ' .-... ijt . i j ami ouI Vickery, get ready to drive to Colorado to Miss Mooberry's jeep. Most of the students on campus would like corwerlibl, but Miss Moobwy reports tlwt her jeep ride much easier than the other cars. The 5rl reported brery ride on tnir way to se Ihe Ntbraska cornbuker piy the CtjIo rwto Buffalo Jrly ZMW t-ks wer v,W to Nebraska fans and tudrit to make the trip to Boulder. Cars mad to be fhc mow pofuJr met'n of t;anpofiutiin, with only a few people takiig ti trsjj'i or X3)ig. , ..." w 'i- iPlmill L' H '? V' ' , . ' iy i I '''"tiliit.. :'l j v; BUILnKKg IWOTII The University Builders rvpnuntntht. Anne Barger and Marilyn Coupe, assist freshman who sign vn ior the organization. The freshmen are (L to r, Jmn Legge, liam,-t Wwfce, Sue Brovnee and Saily Sirk. The worta-s assist to pul lijftung pamphlets telling uhvut the University, conduct iue hlzh KhotA students an tours of the University and, in general, m-Vir,g, the Uruveriuty to bijh sctiool pupils. i t -I 3$