The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Stolen Exams . . .
Once again, examination time is upon us. And pre
paratory study is taking top priority with most students as
they ready themselves for the exams.
Yet, earlier than usual, approximately 113 members of
one University class are talking about exam stealing be
cause they recently discovered a few persons are back at
their old racket. It may seem silly to talk about the same
thing year after year when test times come up, but the
problem of exam stealing confronts us again.
A dictionary defines a parasite as an animal that lives
upon an organism at whose expense it obtains some ad
vantage without compensation. Again this year, a few
parasites are at work on our campus. And everyone di
rectly affected in this class of 113 students would like to
lay hands on this animal which some people classify as a
human being.
It happens that at one of the college libraries just re
cently, a nearly-complete set of sample exams available
to all 113 students were stolen. And as usual, the dirty work
happened at the worst time two days before the class was
to be given a six weeks exam.
The stolen exams were typical examples of those given
In previous years and many students made reference to
them before a test. And many claimed such reference was
helpful. But, some person or persons decided that they
could better benefit at the other person's expense. And so
the others suffered.
Perhaps the parasites figured that it was easier to de
prive their fellow students of the opportunity to use these
sample tests, rather than to steal the "real thing."
It goes without saying that this old stealing racket has
been a little overdone in the past, and the parasites' "bene
factors" are fed up with it. The
the warning that exam stealing of any kind has no place
whatsoever on this campus this year and for years to
come. K. A,
of he (Rap Go
COACHES ... for their combined efforts to improve foot
ball at the University. Evidence of the success of their work
came last Saturday when the Cornhuskers defeated Minne
sota. Through cooperation, teamwork and a strong willing
ness to play the brand of football that wins games, the
members of the 1950 squad and their coaches have earned
the respect and admiration of countless fans. JERRY
MATZKE . . . and his committee for their work in sponsor
ing the Crusade for Freedom. Matzke, representing NU
CWA, coordinates the various activities of interested cam
pus organizations and supervises the overall Crusade pro
gram. KOSMET KLUB ... for their efforts to launch a
new entertainment program at the University. Foremost
in their plans, the members of Kosmet Klub wish for coed
participation in the spring musical. If thev succeed in re
voking the Panhellenic rule now in effect which prohibits
coeds from taking part in the shows, entertainment on the
campus may very well improve greatly. ALL UNIVER
SITY FUND ... for its decision to contribute a lump sum
of $300 from its total collections for the Crusade for Free
dom. This contribution will promote the Radio Free Europe
program which broadcasts behind the iron curtain. DR. A.
F. DOMBROWSKI ... a Polish imigrant, who is now a
staff member on the University faculty. Dr. Dombrowski
came to the United States in 1947, penniless and without
a job. Through hard-work and initiative, he soon advanced
to his present position on the University staff. Besides col
lecting and arranging statistics in his office at the Social
Science building, he has made a comprehensive study of
Nebraska's alfalfa industry, the first study of its kind. His
story from a penniless immigrant to faculty member in
three years is an excellent example of why the United
States is the "land of opportunity."
Union Plans Dance Saturday
Baton twirling, saxophone
playing and ukulele strumming
these are the entertainment
acts that will highlight the
dance at the Union Saturday
night, Oct. 14, at 8:30 p.m.
Shirley Fries, Shirley Whit
ker and Barb Young will do
the honors.
And, there'll be dancing, too.
Canned music and candlelight
Till lend soft lights and sweet
Birsic atmosphere to the affair.
Calling all dance fiends!
Here's your opportunity to shine
nd really show off all those
Intricate foot patterns you've
Intercollegiate Press
Tn Dally Nehrajkan t publlaheC B th tudent of th CJntveraltr or Ne
raalca U xirMiim of tudtnti' nvr
mt tht Bjr Law governing nudum publication tod admlnlatered by the Board
f Pnbilcatfona, "It la th declared policy of tha Hoard that publication, under
Ita turladlotion ghall b fr from editorial eenorbip on tha part of tha Board,
pr on th part ol any member at th faenlty ot th Onlveralty but member of
th ataff of Tha Dafly Nehraakaa ar paraonally reaponalbl (or wnat thy say
or do or eau to be print.
BnbierlDtlon rate ar tZ.OO lr (emeater, 11.50 tr aemeata' mailed, or H.(0 for
th collets year, f.00 mailed, fllntfa ropy Re. Pnbllahed dally dm-lnr. the erhonl
Erar exerpt Patnrdaye and flnndaya, vncatlone and examination peiindi and one
an online th month of Aoruat by th I'nlveralty of Nebraaka nndrr the anprr.
vision of th Oommltte on Sliidrnt Pnbllcatlona. Kntrred a Nrrond (Jlaa Matter at
he font Of fie tn Lincoln. Nrhraaka, under Art of (onrreaa, Marrh 3, IH7a, and
mi aperlal rat of pontare provided for la Section 110, Act of Congreaa of October
, 111, atnortwd September 10, let.
Ma(1c Editor
Mvw Editor ...loao
Glenn BoaenqnUt, Tom Rlache
port Editor ., Bill MondeU
AaftHpoft Editor....... ....Bob Bank
reatnr Ed.tor '.. Jerry Bailey
A a Editor Rex Heaeeramltb
fnelety Kltr ' Van Valkenbnr
raotorraplier Bod Riff
Baalaeaa Manarer Ted Randolph
jjaa't Bnalneaa Manager ......... Jack Cohen, f'hoek Bnrmelater, Bob Relehenhaeh
f'iriiilaflon Manatee Al rilraalnic
Mght Mew JKdltor ,. Betty be Weaver
greedy few had better heed
been brushing up on for so many
Stu Reynolds, dance commit
tee chairman, said the stags'
problem has already been
solved. The Union committee has
recruited a battalion of host
esses, all of whom will be around
to dance or just sit and talk
with any of you.
Reynolds asked students not
to forget there will be no ad
mission charge. Soft drinks along
with popcorn, doughnuts or
cookies have been planned for
all those who work up ravenous
appetites when they dance.
and opinion only. Aecordlni to Article II
Brae Kennedy
Norma Chabhnrk, Jerry Warren
Kruerer. Kent Axtell, Hetty Dr Weaver,
Thin Mlnmn la nrOvlded for the enrelon of atmlent opinion. Annnvmoii letter
will not be pnhllahed. However, pen nrnnn will be used upon request If nnmca and
addreaaea accompany each letter. Addrcaa letters to "The Editor, The Dally Ne
braaknn, Student I'nlon Building."
If Harvey Rabbin's letter in Thursday's Rag reflects the views
of even a small number of the University students, certainly we are
in a precarious situation. Perhaps the Crusade for Freedom may at
times take on "tinny football atmosphere," and the petition may
contain many "hackneyed phrases," but certainly a crusade for free
dom should be a worthy objective of every University student.
I wonder if Mr. Rabbin, enjoying his freedom and privileges
here at the University, realizes what the situation is like in many
other parts of the world. I spent three months this summer in Ger
many, during which time I was able to get back of the Iron Curtain
in east Berlin for short periods. The Communists use every kind of
a crusade, bell ringing, parades, and slogans, to stir up support and
enthusiasm for Communism. They must think such crusades work
or they wouldn't spend so much time and effort on them. Eastern
Berlin and eastern Germany are literally plastered with signboards
and slogans proclaiming the merits of Communism. In fact, all of
the signs designating the Russian sector of Berlin are labeled "you
are now entering the democratic sector of Berlin." Appeals to sign
the phony Stockholm Peace Appeal were everywhere. All the build
ings devoted to Communistic propaganda have huge signs across the
front of them saying "German youth for work and peace." The
Communists know the value of crusades, parades, bell ringing, and
the like.
If Mr. Rabbin were a student in a university behind the Iron
Curtain, he would have to be able to defend thoroughly Marxian
Doctrines and explain the Soviet Doctrine before he would be al
lowed to graduate. The first question asked a student in the Uni
versity of Leipzig recently was, "Explain and define the third chap
ter of Karl Marx, "Das Capital." Students in secondary schools in
east Germany have to write compositions on the political structure
of the Soviet Union and on Soviet doctrines. The principal of the
school harangues them three or four times a week on the merits of
communism and the evils of western capitalism. Two girls were ex
pelled from a high school in Leipzig because a classmate reported to
the Communistic officials that
Agreed, crusades may be a little "tinny" at times, but they are
a lot better than controlled thought and forced Communistic rallies
at the end of the school day.
Galen Savior
Chairman of Department
Secondary Education
Teachers College
To the Editor:
Today I read about a man biting the hand that feeds him. His
name was Harvey Rabbin. Mr. Rabbin, who has the great fortune
to live in a land where people can gain a college education whether
they are black or white, Christian or Jew, Republican or Demo
crat, has the gall to suggest that our desire to spread such equali
ties and freedoms to less privileged peoples of the world is to make
a mockery of the dignity of the individual. Were those men who
met in Philadelphia one hundred and seventy-four years ago to
sign a very similar scroll, asserting their beliefs in freedom, also
making a "mockery of the dignity of the individual?" Or were they
too victims of what the author of yesterday's Letterip calls "some
brand of herd spirit" but what you and I call the American Way of
The Crusade for Freedom is not a political football (if Mr.
Rabbin will pardon the use of such a "tinny" word), nor is it a
spontaneous demonstration. Great ideas have always come from
great leaders and who would attempt to deny the sincerity or the
abilities of such Crusade sponsors as Dwight Eisenhower and Lu
cius Clay. In General Eisenhower's own words, the Crusade for
Freedom is "a campaign sponsored by private American citizens
to fight the big lie with the big truth."
Are these the words of "political cynicism' or were -the words
of yesterday's author truly the cynical comments? Mr. Rabbin, I
fear that you are guilty of sniping at the very freedoms that have
put you where you are today.
Wm. P. Dugan
Welfare State
jTTrk - if at Hi0!.!
School Meet
Approximately 250 students
from Nebraska high schools will
arrive Saturday on the Univers
ity campus where they will par
ticipate in a speech and social
studies institute.
The conference, which is an
annual even, is presented chiefly
to acquaint high school students
with the national debate topic
for the year.
This year's topic is: Resolved:
That the American people should
reject the welfare state.
To aid in interpreting the ques
tion, the delegates will partici
pate in two informal discussion
groups on the question: "What
problems threaten the security
of the United States citizens?"
and "How should the federal
government deal with these prob
lems?" In addition to the student dis
cussions, Prof. Curtis M. Elliott
of the economics department,
and Joseph S. Sewall, manager
of the Social Security field office
in Lincoln, will speak and anal
yze the topic.
A briefing on "How to Partici
pate in Discussion" will be given
by Jane Kinnie, director of speech
at Grand Island high school.
Directs Meet
Bruce Kendall, associate direc
tor of debate, is in charge of the
one dav conference which is
sponsored jointly by the Univers- :
ity department of speech, the
NHSAA and the State Depart
ment of public instruction.
Prof. Clarence Flick of the
speech department will preside
at the conference.
Debaters representing the
University and the University of
Mississippi will participate in an
exhibiton debate on the welfare
state at 3 p.m., Saturday In Love
Library auditorium.
Last year's conference drew
about 250 students from about 40
Nebraska high schools.
Helping with registration will
be various Builders workers
under the direction of Poochie
Rediger. Registration begins at
8 a.m., Saturday.
Send s friend a rarey, humor
ous Hollowe'en Card.
Goldanrod Stationery Store
215 Korth 14th Street
they had spoken derogatorily of:
LINCOLN: "Rocky Mountain,"
1:07, 3:16, 5:20, 7:36, 9:46.
STUART: "Mv Blue Heaven,"
1:07, 3:13, 5:19, 7:26, 9:33.
NEBRASKA: "Thieves High
way," 1:22, 4:42, 8:02. "Sierra,"
3:08, 6:28, 9:48.
CAPITOL: "Asphalt Jungle,"
1:22, 5:16, 9:10. "God Is My Co- s
Pilot," 3:36, 7:30
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By Arthur 3. Vennix
I was browsing around in the
University Libraries this morn
ing in quest of something signifi
cant to report on. Browsing, in
cidentally, is a term loosely used
hy some of us
librarians to
denote periods
of physical
movement ac
companied by
mental frigid
ity. I picked up
a book pur
porting to pre
sent the fool
proof method
of predicting
plertinns and
figured that it might be signifi
cant since there are elections
just ahead. The only trouble was
that the book had been written
prior to the last presidential elec
tion and the method of predic
tion had been already proved
badlv in need of rehabilitation.
All of which reminds me that
I was working in nn insurance
office in Denver when Truman
upset the nation's forecasters. I
recall hew one of the best known
of the agencies had already
mailed out a few hundred thou
sand copies of brochure telling
what business conditions would
be during Dewey's term of office.
Casting about for ideas for li
brary displays, it was brought to
my attention that this week is
national Wine week.
Getting down to the matter of
there's a wealth of material on
every conceivable subject avail
able in the Documents Reading
Room, Love Memorial Library.
The U. S. Government is the larg
est publisher in the world, with
an annual output of somewhere
in the neighborhood of 30,000
titles per vear.
Ruby Wilder, Documents Li
brarian, handed me a copy of Mr.
Symington's recent report to the
President on the conditions of
civil defense in the United States.
The instinct for self-preservution
being what it is. this report
should rapidlv become one of the
nation's best-sellers. It's concise,
hard hitting, and remarkably
Here's a little 50-page pamph
let which will be invaluable to
anvone studying the Russian situ
ation. It's titled "Background In
formation on the Soviet Union to
International Relations." It's not
antiquated either, having been
written only six weeks ago.
We are already in possession
of five volumes of the official
history of World War II. If you
think you'd like to read the en
tire series you'd better get an
early start while you're young.
The plan of .the Historical Divi
sion of the United States Army
encompasses no fewer than 98
volumes. If present indications
Ihc A
Wm Campus A-man
NHDC Host to
40 Nebraskans
More than 40 Nebraska women
are scheduled to leave wennes-
day to attend the National Home
are scheduled to leave Weanes
at Biloxi, vMiss., Oct. 16 to !U.
Miss Florence Atwond, state
home extension leader at the
University said that the theme
for the meeting is "Family Re
sponsibility in Today's World."
Miss Atwood will accompany
about 30 of the women by char
tered bus. Others are going to
Biloxi by pi-ivate transportation.
She said there will be "southern
hospitality" with sight-seeing
trips and social gatherings. Meet
ings will include talks by family
relations specialists and discus
sions among the delegates.
Rodeo Fans
Organize Club
The University Rodeo associ
ation was formed Wednesday
night at a meeting of rodeo fans
in the Ag Union.
Officers elected were as fol
lows: Rox Coffman, president;
Jack Manning, vice-president;
Gayle Gutherless, secretary, and
Virginia Baskin. treasurer.
A committee was formed to ob
tain constitutions from other col
lege rodeo associations in order
to have some ideas with which to
pattern a constitution for the Ne
braska club.
The main purpose of the
organization is to provide the
necessary animals, judges and
other equipment for the Ag col
lege Rodeo to be held next spring
in conjunction with the Farmer's
Fair and College Days.
The club also hopes to have
some sort of Rodeo practice ses
sions between now and time for
the show if they can be arranged.
But these plans are entirely tent
ative and must be approved by
the proper authorities before any
action can take place.
The next meeting is now
scheduled for October 25 in the
Ag Union for the purpose of
studying the findings of the Con
stitution committee.
Members of this committee in
clude the officers and Keith
Young, Don Bever, Gene Gerdes
and Jack Manning.
have any meaning, they'll all run
near 1000 pages each.
There's no immediate rush,
however. We've just received the
finals numbers in the 17 volume
documentary history of World
War I.
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection" diaper service,
1920 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-8853
stands for "Activities and
lot of them. Plays first-string basketball. Repre
sents liis class on the student council. Writes for
the school paper.
When it comes to campus doings, his major
is Servicx!.
Telephone people arc like that, too. They
believe in giving good telephone service cour
teous, friendly, helpful service. And because they
believe it so strongly, their spirit of service shows
up in community affairs.
That's why you'll find telephone men and
women working on charity drives, joining service
clubs, leading Scout troops.
Both at work and at home, telephone people
try to help out wherever there is a need and
enjoy doing it.
Friday, October 13, 1950
Four Debaters
To Participate
. p
All ,0111 ' PTfMIPftS
. Four members of the Univers
ity debate sauad will participate
in the team's first activities of
the year Saturday when they
present exhibition debates for
high school students.
The debaters, Doris Carlson,
Joan Krueger, Jack Solomon and
Charles Rossow, will discuss the
national high school debate topic
before conferences of the stu
dents at the University campus
and the University of Kansas.
Debating at Lawrence, Kan.,
will be Miss Carlson and Miss
Krueger, who will uphold the
affirmative side of the debate
proposition advocating rejection
of the welfare state.
Solomon and Rossow will meet
two University of Mississippi de -
baters Saturday at 9 p.m. in Love
Library auditorium. The Nebras
ka speakers will debate the nega
tive against E. C. Ward and ffay
Donald Olson, director of de
bate, will be one of the speakers
at the conference at the Univers
ity of Kansas.
Squad members traveling to
Kansas will leave Friday after
noon and return Saturday even
ing. The Mississippi team is
scheduled to arrive in Lincoln
by plane Friday at 3 p.m.
Solomon is a senior in Law
college, Rossow a freshman and
both members of the women's
team, sophomores.
The debates Saturday are the
first scheduled with other schools
for the season. Before Christmas
vacation, squad members are
planning to meet Wesleyan uni
versity, Doane college, the Uni
versity of Omaha and Midland
college. A major .ournament is
scheduled for the first part of
December at the University of
70th and South
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