The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Monday, September 25, 1950
Tial Added Push . . .
Woria War ll was responsioie ior uie oeginmng ana me
nriinr if tnonr tramtirms
uvuu V J
until recent years that many
Yived. A program has been
uiuic u auiuua uuv.uuuuuvu
Viva! Of "The Comhusker,"
Around 1911 and continued its popularity with the Students. nities while according to the IFC membership list there are twenty-j
Until its death in the unsettled times Of 1942. six fraternities at N.U. While we realize that The Daily Nebraskan,
Interest in the SOng Was Stimulated by the athletic de-a student publication, is subject to a higher quota of errors than"
partment and its desire tO improve Student spirit at the Uni-L professional newspaper, we also feel that more care should be!
YCTSity. Copies Of the song are being distributed on thejexercised in writing and copyreading articles like the one under
campus, printed in The Daily Nebraskan, and circulated jdiscussion. If The Daily Nebraskan describes Greek organizations.;
among organized nouses, it
will learn the song so it can be initiated at tne nrst nome
football game next Saturday.
There are several reasons why the song is impressive
ita historv. its tradition, its stimulating melody. But the
mm imTuwisiv i Cnacti Bill
that the song will help his team. I Please teU me one How 15 lt a preson has t0 s,t and
-A song like The Comhusker' would provide the kindat tor two hours on two different occasions and one hour on an-
of spirit that vou cannot describe or put your finger on." he J toer for a doctor scheduled to be at student Health from 2 to 5 each
SaidT "but it "is there nevertheless. The team can feel itjlay who never shows up. Those 5 hours are hard on study time
the opposition feels it, and I can feel it Sitting on the bench, besides being hard on a certain part of the anatomy.
It is that something from the Stands that gives the added; 1 have been walking on a very sore foot for the past week wan
push on the field beyond ordinary physical exertion." Jis r this doctor to show. Can t something be done to remedy this
A revival of this song is not only the revival of a tra-s51tuation? j
dition discontinued during the war. "it is a means for the; : Disgusted. j
revival of the kind of spirit you feel, not explain, you share, m O I I I
not observe, you support, not ignore. A spirit intangible,! StliriPlltC SplPPttffl I
but one you sense is a vital force. i aJlUUCllia vlllVV j
We agree with JBiu uiassrord teat in is is wnat ine
Comhusker" song can do for the Comhusker spirit. !
Comhusker Aids Blind Dater,
Keeps Record
Invalauble in finding out what
blind date looks like, helpful
In discovering who campus per-
penalities are and a record m
1970 cf what voiar roommate
looked like in 1950 all tuese are
advantages of baviiig your an-
43ividaal picture ia the Corn-!
The Comhusker staff this yeari714
is stressing the importance of
each University student having
bis individaal picture in the year
book, anxkOunoEtd Editor Dick
Pmnuieiii Kecerd
In addition ta being a reference
mlaile a student is in college,
Kuska points out tiat a yearbook,
complete with each an individual's
picture, is a permanent record of
all college friends.
Jlacy students fail, to realize
how often tbe Comhusker is used
to identify anolier student, said
Kusta, and it's even annoying leu
cine student to discover Lat the
person''s picture Sat which, be is
looking does not appear.
Kusta stressed that the cost of
Dairy Judging
Team to Travel
To Waterloo
The 1S59 Varsity dairy Judg-
faC QUA miILiesrEFUf7'
Sept. 26 to compete 4a 1&e Inter- ;
collegiate Dairy calile judging '
contest to be
DCim m aw,
lowra, Oct 2.
Acconimg to Proi'esscr H. P.
Dswis, the Eteiiry Hus&aikfiry
cepartnaeiat there waJ be ap-
pTCirimaTiejy aw teaans ai uue
meet, Tepsneseiiting as many col-
legs tflaroaaghout the EatioaiL
Pnaf-essar Davis zxaxxxaced the
foUowin as KDCiEbers cf tbe
ISM stfuafl: John EL. ADdersraa,
E. J. Haggart, K3me13& JtOsnsm.
Walter Cole, and Gervase
Fraacke. The feeaza aaaa cdc al-
ternate mrm be selecteo Sram ttos j
Tbe squad, woxnpia&& tj
Professor Davis, mill observe teja
fiairy berfls before they arrive at ,i
the catrtect as Waterloo.
At their first stop tbe squad ,
rjffl vew the berfl I Brcwm
Swas at tbe Pecirsom Dairy Farm,
WmJtn, Iowa, Other Bnowm
Stjis fcerds that will I visited
atie: JTaoob VoegeJi, Mactioello,
Wj4 Oet-Val Farm mA Ojaaaadl
Faraa cf Ekbana, Was.; ani the
Beoadale Farra located tar
Losle. El
Stopping a Jepup, Iowa., tbe
squad m-jdl djsm tbe W. J,
Campbell Jersey Farm. On to
tbe Kartya Jersey Farm, Wa&
wiibr, m- and tbe Balpb Fut
tum Jersey Farm, Hara-ard, EL
Other Iwrns to be visited are:
Glea Urgubart AjTbbire Farm,
BJoriscEtcxQ, lfl iw& the Hitk.ary
Creek Farm ctf MtHmrj1, OL,
tbeme the tJy Bctoeias cf tbe
tup are luctited.
PiirbabSy tbe mtwrt totenesSng
Tdacie the squad waH mil is tbe
Curtiei Caady Co. (am a Cary,
10. Bcre tbey mSl be able to
look at Te djfferexst breeds cf
iiby ttie, bt0a Axif us atsd
Suorflhora beri-s being lotrated
The q:aai trill retura cast
Oclciber 4.
JIisl (Daily
lateTCoEegicta Press
Tim BMT WlMHl nauwiar tn
at mm mr utmm in i r.uMix innuuaanuii im aAmntmmc vf mm
mt fau!Kai, t M cu mvmjmt fmtrct H Out tumsi SAM yuujftwOuua.
mm tiuwiimw aboil mm (w tmum mOuuem mwtt cm oust mt ttw
r mm erm llt mt may mumHmr mt tm taoURy mt tn Kitfrmmttm Ins muexnm mt
9m msmJd mt torn VmJJt mnnttr mm rnvmrnailt maonaMium Urn what Ul tag
mt mm mr tmnmm tm mm wrap
ttw mm wlw jnav. 4.M mm !!. t)kK vr S. uknmwm 4mUr mmnmt Mar Maul
mmmr mm ' IKtin mm Stmnmmm. tiiXw mm mmmamimm tvmt tit Aw (wtwnr
mr mt m n mm,nr m mmmnnmmxm it mhr tmrnmontr m fmMtmmttimm,
tmtummt mm aimwiil aTtaww tBW mt tm rr tMfim tm Umnmu iinte, mmmv W
tern . Srm. mm M wmW rmmr ml yuttmm fmKMIet Mr tm mxmtmm u.
litkHI, ntummit tmvammrr , tun.
tyAmtHtfty VfflMhvflr '
frt$m Jhvmm AiOAvr
tnft UniwrsitV. and It Was noil
Of these customs have been re-
Started tnis weeK to renew one;0 that nature, include all the v.- .
a spirit song that "caught on"j
is xiupeu uiai cuuuju Biuvzciiijjjiet it describe au ot tnem.
Glassford's strong conviction
of College Da)
pictures tins year nas oeen re-
duoed by 50 cents. Last year s
pnee of S3 has been cut to 5.50.
After Chrsstmas, Rowever. stu
cer.ts will have to pay S3. The ir.
crease, ivusica expuiinea, is sc.
more student
Pictares will be token starbngi
Monday at Warner Medlm Stodio,
Federal Securities building.
Picture Schedule
Delta Delta Delta Mon
day, t;38 f 11:5 ajJL, 12
noon to S:Tt p.m.; Toesday,
5:1 to S:S p.m.
Kappa Kappa G a m m a
Tsesdiy. 8:2i to 11:S
12 ioon to 5:? P-m.
Kappa Alpha TbeU Tues
day. g:3t to 11 a-m.; 5
to &S9 pjn.
Sigma Delta T Toes
day. 12 mi to 5:2 pjn.
Alpha Xi DelU Wedaes
day. S:2 to lld a-m-. 12
mm to 5-i P-m.; Thursday,
5:31 to 8:5 p m.
Alpha Chi Omega Thurs
day, to 11:$ am, 12
Boa to 5:24 PJJL. S34 to
3 PJBu
iBdepeBdeBts sign tip fr
pictures ia CrshBxer ffice
in lnt9 berweea 2 and 5
p-tiu. Monday thrash I ri
day. Garlls hcwM wear a while
or a sweaier and bey mast wear
and suit coats.
Unifara Outfits
Any boaise wanting a umif-wrsi
blrou9e outs sSwauld see feat
j!M clvmmg, as at the studio in
itime for their pactores.
Infleoeadetit stuadeTrts are rareed
t0 stp at u2ae C&mhwskesr offace
as saoai as posisaJbie to maike am ap-
'pciiBtimeBt to laave apactiaretaken.;
Ofke is open tmm 2 to 5 pm, j
GStidays ttbrwagh Fridays. I
t After pictures ficaaetJu'Jed fm'
lxbi week are taiero, Uie hoKuser j
IwiB be taken isa apliabetical (arder.j
.fA organized bwuee will be ooti-!
XTT ili T
f A IO ljCIIl
T . w , 1
HI1 1 F3 111 11 Y3. 1
Sports Oct. 2
Saaoer bajteball and tennis
CTirnamentf will rtart tbe ball
r.oSlmg fwr tbe first Snter-ior-ajanizitiOTial
rporit ccaupetitkwa
Oct. 2L Team litis are to be an
by Sept. Tl. This ann.oun.oed
at tbe first WAA sneeting tor tbe
fewxnural atctiviisies Tbursdiiy,
Sept 2L
About 2 campus (orf.cinizati.on
compete f.or tbe itrjtj'aiD.ural
trophy wbidb is presested in tbe
jtpriiig to tbe grexup wbkb wans
tbe inoet taunaajsaents, Stindtemts
rg.iiBizatioM ccaropete tor titles
iaa baseball, teraaaifi, s&cvoer base
ball. fcKEtetball. rwiaaanacr ba.d
mm&sm, d.ttLJikpm, aubd table i-a-
Tbe represejatilievs ami lEhe
AA climb disCTSEsei tbe or,ia
izsS&m ot sm cffkials clnab, Toaes
da.y. Sept 26 at 12jSM iau Grant
Memarial ball will be ass fcrjSr
dtuctory ssaeetiasg, Tbe ctob is c4
far PX. maji-OTS nJy, but fsx al
tftww pertyes irjterefted in eff
fj3atkig fsx tbe iastraimujail
turn mmoattm mt Om OnNwmSty m I
................ Vmrnm OtaWnwHi. rrf a
'. Jmm Mtrnmom, mmt AaUM, fif 9m Wm
laWS flMrtMMKMMRtfffel
Amm Tm t'mltunmmrf
..,,. . aucc !
fEditor' not: We actlrelv rrM that
crimination in reporting tiny kind of a stoty. Th error was entirely ours and we apolo
gia for our oversight, not only to the Delta Sigma phi fraternity, but to the other
(our fraternities woo wr alighted.)
To the Editor:
In the Wednesday, Sept 20
I carried an article describir
ung the
stated in
nities on the campus.
. rui cirrma
1 ivy.lj v- tiia uigiua - - a ruw,i.i !
purports to cover all of the campus should, when printing an article!
ol uie inieriraterniiy council.
You had a description of the
To Editor
For Union Committees
' Chaimnen and members of
nine Union committees have
been named for the 1950-51
school year, announced the
Union board of managers.
Umon policy and co-ordinates
.he rommi;r:ee made he sejec- Ij
on e basis of work and
's interest exhibited by workers
last year.
Bu the adied tha5 .,e
list js not permanent bv aU
cajjs fee ncw jj,
h shciWT1 jo, compe
tence. In other words, at is te.m-
porary until at is found that all
nine coiaunittees. each perfoow-
-rw f,,n;r, vrnrv i
together to make the Union into ii
a (Mm mf ftttmrmt workers.
n,. ,ir "
sponsors are:
Orientation, budgets and
Herb Beese, sponsor; Shan
Scheldt, chairman: Ralph Taylor,
Nancy Weir. Betty Strarton.
Public Relations
Rodsoa Riggs. sponsor, KeEt
Axlell. cbainnan, Poociue Redi
ger. Alvin R.ass, Chuck Hrufcy,
Mary Phillip.
Special Activities
Charles "Chuck Wadnniaier,
sponsor, Thoni Siayder, chair
Ralph HaEBeman, 3VIary
Pittermaa, Helen Ams Vitek,
Doree Caiaadav. Betty Strattcaa
Mnsie Martaa Pratt, sponsor. Bob La
Shelle, chairman. Be-erJy Mama, ij
Aaron Schmidt, argima Cooper,
Barbara ReiBecke and Mae '-
Ceaaeral Entertainment
R.oberl Mosber, sponsioir, Ann
Barger, ctoainsniam, Dick Axtell,
Edwina Bokamsom, Carolyn Kum
tel aad Nancy Dixon.
Ctnpetitire Gaoscc and Hbbies
Robert EusseM, spuwasor, Tom
Podhisky, Va Cadj, El dona
Sctaaffer. Jeam Louden, Doane
PiickeriBg. Call Fahrenbaidto, Dee
BaAop and Dee RaddeJiL
Of fit and Bse
Marilyia Mfflswiaey, ctoairawaini,
lame Jwdaa and Boamalym Eil-
CBvitMm and HasprtaJity
H.agn FcHnaer, spwuaewr. Jack
Greer, cijaiirman. J.aaffl La SbeEe.
jj, liadauast, Ann LwetSer. Jo ,
tta 0'eaa, Prisrilla JiWDes. Jack 1
Fuller and Don Wamke. '
Sara Devoe. tpoosor. Stu Key- :
r7Z Jrx?mn r
Prificalla Falto, FreTJCbs,
Douglas Haia, Margaret me
! Coy, Jack Moore. Patncia Olson
' and Alaoe Stebley.
I Tbe enimMnanee aai tbeir re
i tpectives dutaet aie as fodlcws:
Tbe crjtatkBa. budget aaad
; ei'al.uatioia ccwimiitlee takes
cbarge of all IUiEiiesf topbed
by tbe title.
Tbe puabbidty commitlee as am group ftor all other commit-
gacreE. Tbe cl;ub bas been or
ganized hi tbe interest cf im
prOTiiiJg tbe fotramwral efficaat
ar.jE jjr.tcram.
A tocKfc-ledge cf tJje f-iucrjes u
uot reqiuired as WAA wali teskcb
all tttje riiles. After the rule
have beem jn&Etraed a teat wall
be ga-MBni aaad tbe persons
pas it win. be cas be cfffkiattaicig
staff fior HSe fcftrssssnaral gawjes.
The Dallr Nebraskan should show no dis
edition of The Daily Nebraskan you
... - ,
pledge pins of the various frater-
the article, it was very informative,
xy,t Vot miMiitinTi -Kiii
social fraternities that are members
pledge pins of twenty-one frater
Dick Fensler
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity
tees. That is, it sees that pub
licity about functions planned by
the eight other committees is re
leased. It also provides publicity
for the Union in general. This
includes newspaper releases,
pamphlet and booklet publica
tions, mimeographing and sign
The special activities commit
tee is the nucleus from which
develops such events as the Pig
skin parties, the Chrisicas Open
House, the Birthday party on
Ivy Day eve. and the Open House
like the one held the first week
of school during the Chancellor's Jj
Reception. Even a party for cMl-
oren ot marnea stuoents ana
'&zV.y is planned for each
stwan muuu.uii ..iuca
a Santa Oaus with goodies and
j The music committee is in j
: charge cf arranceraerjls for sax j
; iiEiportant activitaes to suat the i
musical tastes ot all types of 1
studerjis. This includes the A3-
bum Hour held neraociacajJy an
the Music room, the annual Una- !
s versity Symphony concert, and
Music room tmaiiatenaTace. Music
room hours, record purchases
and replacements are regulated
:; by this committee. Alo on the
5 cnni33Mttee"s annual agenda arc
:! the iaculty rentals, juke box
: changes in the Cora Crib, and
other concerts and causae pino
'! grams.
1 The general entertainment
cDaBmiMee as respomsaode tor a .
myriadl 4 activities tor the stu- ;
deJTjl during has spare tame. Typ- ,
ical examples ane Mie suia.Qay t
evening Etas, &k
recent ruU- .:
length staom's. free of charge to
students. Besikdes these features
are tbe talent shows, campus
Quarterback films and the cM
fasbioned iQicker uagtet.
The cofflopetalave games com
moittee sponisors amtramural pang
pcjng tiWiaraiajments, free bridge
instrurtiiffliB, Table Tennis, and
craft sbop lesson as Tuesday
an.4 Ttoursdaiy aSternoons. Fol
licwing tbe bridge lessons, toe
bridge twuarnuajinent is held to tie
teranane tbe Una-ersatys repre
sentatjve am the JJatiksiaal Inter
collegiale Bridge foiumey.
Tbe ffiice and bowse commuit-
tee establishes bouse rules.
peneriil office w.oik in order to
better coordinate all aittivity
ly eommattee togs speakers
iriom all ever fee mataiom to
: dress tbe snuoeiat b(f.y. Last
i year, crje cf ttx principal speak
ers was Og.deni JJat'h, well-kiw'ts
poet All coiavocatiiwns are J3
iaain:ied by a isudet from both
; .general Ufluiversity and Unjiura
fiumds. lbs addition, tbe cownarjitiee
plajj varaant teat, liuncbeoras ad
roiaadt&ble ajscamums to wba;b
! stUi0ejstu are amvyted t isaeet aro
tanraally spea'tors.
'j Other topoat.aJ'jt events taclmde
j tbe popular Siindsy aftemooia
; cvffee bvur for which they pro- host awd vwRtesees, book
j reviews and Book So maaja
:j terjamce.
Tbe D.arj.f cwraanaifitee pretvwjts
KJae Cottb Cabaurt, fcfxwmsJl Fni
day e'erjirig dajaces, and tte
Huiker r3.ukd.dles era Friday amid
& w&o&. an4 tbe xntawd
Haliweeo Party, jpquare dasvoes
j.d free darxe Uroswas.
rnliiisiir Special
National Bank of Commerce
0" STS.
As you were iuly informed, .
"h..e Purpose .f this column is to
! let all of you know just what.
the of activities
j around the Union during the
Well t h i s
week, the low-
down on the
Union includes
how things are
made to run
around the ac-
tivities mart
In the first
place. Union
activities arei
under the di- j
rection of Mrs.
RSfs . G e n e n e j
Grimm. Her title strangely
enough, is Activities Director.
Anynow, sne has all .he wor
ries about everything that goes
on; the dances, recitals, coffee
hours, the Crib, Book Nook,
Music Room, etc. In short, she
is the straw boss and foreman
of the Union.
The people who see that the
work gets done are Union board
and the activities committee. The
Union board consists of the stu
dent sponsors of the commit
tees and the alumni sponsors on
I the board. The activities com
j mittee. under the direction of
Herb Reese, consists of the spon-
sors and chairmen.
There are eight committees
! operating under the Union board.
!! Every time some event takes
I place in the Union, one or more
!! of the committees is responsible.
! Also, the standard features of
the Union such as the Craft
Shop, the Book Nook, the music
room and the picture lending
lihrarv ar mm hv tfw I'ninn
l BY
committees " 'rendezvous is designed to give
9 m j students epportunity to see just
. , . ; what groups the YW offers and
The dance committee probably I to meet the organi2ation s iead
has more work to do than any ers Sue Mlen president.
week they have, a dance for the
students. Orchestra dances and
record. dances, square dances and
round dances, all planned by
Sara Devoe, sponsor, and Stu
Reynolds, chairman.
The Public Relations commit-
tee nas tne responssotlity ot the
puoiicaij ior cnion events as
well as a general public rela-
... ouu
licity blurbs
about the Union
are done by the public relations j
committee, which is sponsored by 1
this writer and which has Keiui
Axtell as its chairman. !
Whenever anything unusual 1
comes up, that is not covered ,
by another committee. Chuck
Widmaaer and Thorn Snyder, as
sponsor and chairman, are gaven
the task of working out the de
tails. Theirs as a touch job. for
tihey may be asked to plan just ,
about anything.
The music committee promotes 5
the concerts held in the Union, j!
It maintains the music room and ;
the juke boxes an the Crab. Xot
only University concerts, but
visiting artists concerts are spon
sored by the musac committee.
The sponsor is Marcaa Pratt and
tbe chairman Bob LaShelle.
Under tbe beading of general
entertainment comes the Sunday
night rawies and football films.
Ecb Mosher, sponsor and Anne
Barger. chairman plan all of the
miscellaneous items that come
along to provaie tbe weary sta-
dent with relaxation
Tbe competitive games and
fnobbdes commattee. sjaonsored by
Rrah Rawl nlamc HIh rtinv mc !!
. tourneys, bridge
,rmwrA. m,A maim v.
Craft Shop.
Ijs a.d,datim to those listed !
tW thm are two new
rnattees this year. The convoca
tflioms an4 bofpalality comnrasttee
with Hugh Fl lamer as sponsor
aaad Jack Greer as chairman, as
an charge of troakang tbe stu
dents feel at bome and naeeijrjg
visjtarjg fjremeja. The other new
comaMttee, walla the soaiaeK.'tjat
iamposiiig title of Budget, evalaaa
twia and craeratatioo. as ably led
by Herb Reese ajud Shan Scheldt,
Thears is the bucinecs end cf
the acta va ties.
So toere ttljey are, luddaes. The
acta vines corrajraatlees. They are
always hard at work to plan
things for yoiu to do when yoia
cojne Mato sije Uraiwra- So . . ,
Drop arourid
Ctt4enee Maker
The reatom tbe average ,M
' would rather have beauty tfjan
; braixas is iixui tje average fellow
cam see better thaw he can tharak.
Some pejri are stiU talkang
aibout a woaraed fretbman gjrl
' Who came to toe Regastrai's cf- at teitwad ejwetr regittra
j fta.on to inquire it tbe instructor
I for her physjcal ediucauoo class
! wa V.r. or Mrs,. Staff.
' N
1 j
1 1,
RENDEZVOUS PLANNERS Anne Jane Hall (left) and Shirley
Randall examine one of the YAVCA posters while making prepara
tions for the rendezvous program Monday afternoon at Ellen Smith
hall. All upperclass women may attend. ("Rag photo by Rod
Any upperclass coed interested
ln YCA work will have a
chance Monday afternoon at the
YW rendezvous to sign up for
groups in which she is inter
ested. The rendezvous at Ellen Smith
hall, begins at 3 p.m., and will
continue to 5:30 p.m. This time
will give students with late
classes opportunity to attend, ac
cording to the chairman, Shir
lev RanscaJL
The program, under direction
of Alice Jo Smith. YW secretary,
will include introduction of com-
mission leaders and officers. The
Any student wanting to work
on the Com Shucks editorial
staff must sign up by Monday in
the Com Shucks office. Union
Students interested in improv
ing their reading skills and study
eddicietjcy are asked to consult
Woodrow Reed in Temporary
building B before Oct 2. Weekly
sessions of the remadial reading
and study improvement lab will
begun the first week in October.
All Kosmet Klub workers who
didn't check out Dad's Dav
tickets Saturday morning should
check them out from Ted Ran-
'-P "The Daily Nebraskan
business office any afternoon
al iCr 1 pjn.
Meeting of Kosmet Klub
workers. 5, KK rooms.
Arnold Air society meets in
Armory lounge. 7 p.m. Dick
Joyce is speaker.
Any girl interested in working
before or during football games
see "Pop" Kline in the CoLseum
at 5 p.m.
Try outs for Orchesas and pre
Omchesis, 7 p.m.. Grant Memorial
halL Prerequisite for Orchesis is
cne semester of modem dance.
ll HarrMiHH at hrata
1 w HMVeTSJty leilOWS Were
Two University fellows
uajgrJi nwa one aisneo.
. "Iavc Jou ot 5'otJir i'-
r'doinie- . . m T
e rephed, "Yeh, I got
all tbem English problems done."
Definitely a nakli for
fmur tmrtmrnt skirU siv4
Test. Gay not tUUerin.
Chtmt brewa. IceUy, nsb
tny, ref er beixe.
Oilier Crdary
Bulletin Board
0 B
. . i.wwiii(ii inbuilt t'ltf
j All upperclass women arc in-
vited to attend whether they are
members or not Refreshments
will te served. Anne Jane Hall,
social chairman, is in charge.
Membership Campaign
The rendezvous is a part of
the membership campaign which
started last week under the di
rection of Virginia Koehler. All
YW members will be eligible to
attend the state student YW con-
ference at Wayne State Teachers
nnA :. iw-mhor
Commission groups and com
mittees which are available for
YW members this year are:
Alumni and faculty, compara
tive religions, intercultural, per
sonal values on campus, knitting
and discussion, publicity, social
committee, freshman program,
worship workshop, current af
fairs, conference co-op and social
service tours.
A book review section is of
fered especially for Lincoln girls.
The group meets once each week
at noon.
New this year are commission
groups on family relations and
one designed for senior women.
Candidate Officers
To Hold Banquet
Members of the Candidate Of
ficers association will hold their
annual banquet Wednesday.
It will be held at 6 p. m. in
parlors A. B, and C of the Union.
Tickets may be bought for 65
cents from a representative or at
the door.
An announcement of tbe staff
for the following year will be
made by Lb Col. Alex C. Jam
ieson. Col. James H. Workman
and Capb Thomas A. Donavan.
Uniforms are not required.
Baby talk magazine free
each month. For informa
tion call the "Double Pro
tection'' diaper service,
1920 S. 12ft St. Ml 34S53
Perfect for all
eftflertate wardrobes! AJm
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