i : - i J PAGE 12 THE DAILY NEBRASKA!! TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1950 Frosh Find College Schedule Confusing Blue books ... T-squares . . . class notes . . . Student Health permits . . . registrars offices . . . new faces . . . spiral notebooks . . . down slips . . . credit hours ... AH of these new terms, ideas and places will be waiting to greet you as you enter Nebraska this falL To you, the newness of your way of life, the unexplained terms, the hurry-scurry of upperclassmen may seem ready to swallow up the freshman at a moment's notice. But they aren't. Don't be afraid to ask questions ever! You may feel confused and atone. But you aren't. When in doubt, stop any student you may be near, and explain your problem. He too, is a member of the Cornhusker family and will be willing to offer his help. Administrative Staff Members ' stft r i r i - the Vrtwmtty u G . Acm mt rtmmm. .. . .. ... . . . .... . . C'mVtm' " " ifcTiii'i " Wwiir, " Cfli iiWir Mi CnyiKii'M S3imjT -ho SffflcdLv . C W. Mmamtm. BOM mt HM AftHn...j..--..-. AIMRISIUnrE i mim j "JifiA T. Str. jr.. ! i m n i i AttaMira A. J. 4a'iW MMt"( MMip Cw - -.. onHm r. rv t c nun K-sTr ............a. c. r-twrT mw. .... 'iy j;fc.Vi'u'iw C)Mf A. KMmwMr T M f VVrterMW mtfmr ----- Let's begia with the subject of school supplies. The essentials in this field include spiral notebooks, blue books, textbooks and other expendable supplies. It isn't nec essary to spend a large sum on elaborate notebooks. Many stu dents buy 25-cent spiral note books, one for each class. They usually . last from 12 weeks to one semester. Blue books are simply examina tion books. Called blue books because of their blue covers, the small paper-covered books con tain about 12 pages of white, lined paper. All major examina tions are supposed to be written in them, and almost an professors reqiiire them for exams. They sell at three for five cents at any campus bookstore or drugstore. Textbooks, of coarse are Cbe aaost costly of yor sapvties. They are sold at three camps book stores. The rani cost aer se mester varies from fit for some stadevtr to as Mr as 154 per semerter for stadeafs in technical colleges. Book dealers will boy bock y7ir books at the end of the year. Next comes the subject of your grades and grade points. The University system of grading; is based on grade points of from 1 (flunking) to 9 (highest passing grade). A two is the lowest pass ing grade. A chart ofJtise numeri cal eqisivaSer.ts is s&own in a separate item on this page. At the end of every six weeks dur ing the semester exams are given in each course and grade reports are given. These, of course, are followed by the semester exams, and grade reports. Most six weeks exams Last an hour, and semester exams are three hoars in length for courses involving three credit hours, and one or two hour exams for two-credit hour cowries. Now yoa ak, what are three. or Mwar-hosir courses. A student hums nave iz nosirs credjt hours --courses to graduate. The ma jority of courses you win take wgJl coostitsite three hours each. This usually means that tor three hours of credit vou stienA - T'S Ctfcfir. .Ft mmmmam B Cor em jtmsr tihrr trnrnr a .-V TitmOmm C0. I V ; . . m.h 9xxxx3bgui cwrapsewera oi xne course win gfve you three hours credit toward graduation. The sabjecto is which yoa w3 Hire yoar hovrs will esa4 9m the degree yo seek. For example. stadleiit in 1h col3ee of arts and science must '? I 1. ; n J ACADEWC mt C Air I J ft AM C . K C0e ( aim oo4 imm r ciArtw-. MW Wwiw ( rs-e ---:--. , Artkwr E SbMOim. amw A. "- IT in ( CwOmoe rf .. . . . 'j r rriii "lii" v "-' n.mi . wni'M. Oam f CVe (t it, SuaC ak . , .Wrmtk Z in rrO K. ftlll Mil I j .Xf.'WW WMIK. Bt J iM, .- jjjjj Dr. T. J. Thompsea A Greeting . . Members of the Class of I9S4 Greetings: As I was oa ny way to my of fice by bees a few days since, I happened to be sitting fa frost of two yoaag womea who had lost gradaated from high school. 'Like most yoang womea they were full of vivacity. They were diseassrag among other things the fact that their senior English teacher had suggested as a final essay they write oa the subject "HTuxt I will be Doiag Five Tears from Now." I was most impressed with the serioasacss with which the sub ject had beea approached. These yoaag womea were ia dead earnest and were concerned a boat the serioas elemetrts of life as well as of the world aboat them. Have yoa members of the class of 1954 made aa inventory of yoar desires aad goals? Do yoa know where yoa are going, or are yoa last going to be vasfaed aroaad? These are oacstioas I propose for yoar eoasiderattoa. Sincerely, T. J. ThompsoB Deaa of Stedeat Affairs language, so many hours of a science, so many hours of English, physical education or a naval sci ence and mathematics or philoso phy. These are definite require ment toward graduation. Farther ioformatfea and advice on grades, courses and supplies will be given to you when you register this faB. However, this summary should give you a rough idea of what to expect when you enter Nebraska. Registration to Include An Eight-Step Procedure Follow directions carefully. Heed this advice when you go through registration procedures at the University this falL Perhaps you have heard of the many lines and confusion that await you during registra tion. If so, you have been mis informed. If you conform to regulations and follow the directions given 'to you, all the endless hours of lines and confusion are avoided. In order to give you an idea of what procedure to follow, the registrar s office has set up tne following steps: 1. Write to the Office of Ad missions, University of Nebraska, for application for admission blanks. These, both Form A and Form B will be sent to you im mediately. You will fill out Form A in ink and return it to the Office of Admissions. Ask your high school principal to fill out Form B and see that this is sent promptly to the Office of Admissions. DON T PUT THIS OFF UNTIL, A WEEK OR SO BEFORE SCHOOL. BEGINS. If you do, you will run into one obstacle after another. 2. The Director of Admissions will check over your Form A and Form B to make sure you are eligible for admission. If you graduated from an accredited high school and earned reason ably good grades, you will al most certainly receive a little yellow card with your name written on it which tells you have been accepted. Bring this card with you to the University. IT IS IMPORTANT. In the same letter you will also receive notice of the date when to re port and where. 3. Oa Sept. 6 and 7 you will be given a thorough health ex amination by one or more of the qualified physicians on the staff of the Student Health division. The Director of Student Health will notify you on what day and at what hour to report Im mediately following the health examination, you will be given speech and bearing tests by the Speech and Hearing clinics. These cbeck-wps are extremely important to yoa and your Uni versity. 4. Sept. 7 asd 8 you win take a series of guidance examina tions in the Coliseum. These are NOT entrance examinations. Their purpose is to help advisers know how best to help you. Any student who wishes to do so may take these examina tions during the .summer. See or call Dr. Arthur A. Hitchcock, director of the Junidr Division, in Temporary Building A, Uni versity of Nebraska, for an ap pointment. All freshmen who have not taken the guidance examinations will be required to do so on the days mentioned above. If you by-pass the ex aminations, you will not be able to register without a great deal of trouble. 5. Sept. 11, 12 and 13 have been set aside for registration. You will be given a definite time appointment when you are to meet your advisor in the Coli seum. While you are waiting, you are free to do anything you like. May we urge you to use the time by becoming acquainted with the campus. You are wel come to visit the classroom build ings,"' the museum and art gal leries in Morrill halL and the Student Union. The Student Union will become our club bouse during the next four years, so while you are waiting to meet your adviser will be a good time to become acquainted with it. C Be fa the Coliseum a little before the time you are to meet your adviser. If you fail to ap pear on time, you will lose your turn and it will be necessary for you to make another ap pointment with him. 7. Yoa need have no fears about signing up for wrong courses. You will find your ad vised a friendly person who sin cerely wants to help you choose the best possible series of courses. He will be glad to give you all the time you need. 8. The remaining steps which have to do with the final me chanics of enrolling will be ex plained to you immediately after you leave your adviser. A thoroughly competent staff has been chosen to help you through these last steps of drawing class cards and filling out two or three forms. Under the guidance of these workers you can be sure that your registration will be completed accurately. BWxurtwr mt tlimhii TnMn m- - 0t CtflaVJNMlMaV B Faculty Advisers Helpful to FrosK Docit W2i3eTe&&ms&&e the abil ity c ycur sE vsser. When you regMer for H tlE9e ss an eaiermg s&ixSest, ytm w3 be a&sijCTed to a setu3iy jBaaras&er who win help yoa plan yvw yearly dbs3asles. This is yoaar awSviiser. He i here to jsrve ywn. Ask lisn cpM$tkm&. have Mm trzzAam the mests&mgs off certain regrjUs taoEs, and vfcsst Mm often in Ms ffite so ttat be may become fcetSar atfuqmaiaate! wsS3 ysau By kmrtnTut: Mm hetZer, aasd f Mm tawwSfflg yfiia better, you rs2l be able to et tn yorar e&l le&e sdbeSis3e to fit yocsr own yioKT fast smm&mce, m& vrM be wffiicg to feeJp yota fer&sir VtsMxsgjfxji yr eoH3e career. Jfc4'e so many hours of a foreign SYSTEM Gracing srvlcat for Che Caivenity. which was set a ia I$7, derigaates fre by Bombers from f to The valae of the grades Is indicated by the fo&owing table: t $-! A IH-M A- 7tS-t9 B Ct-f4 B- S 7S- 71 C 4 To- 74 C- 2CS-C9 D M- tl D- 1 F ( failure) ...0i F I (iatowsVie) 1 x A (dropped ia god staadiags , , X h Lincoln It's RUSSELL SPOUTS Uac2's JfcweU la e Ca&t Bofel 133 Mo. UHl St QcaJSty AOktie Goodte si CoacaeOOya Frfe. We Ef Every Sport, Russell Sporting Goods Co 2-3474 B O O K S N E W u s E D STUDlEMTSwe tmk fo see yoa in September. FiH in your coepom om4 bring it right in to us. We wi3 fill yowr every eed end save yoa money. PEDEfl'S nth b w 1 sJJ 13th & R FOR ANY SCHOOL SUPPLIES PURCHASED ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, 1950. VOID THEREAFTER. TOC JCAJWX APD2CSS (HOMT) 'I ADDRESS OJTSCQLX) I PEDEN'S EOOJC & SUPPLY STORE s Here's wiiere Unrreru'ty Students bvy tfceir LAUNDRY CASES, Meto! and Fibre Canvas, LABORATORY APRONS & COATS, ENGINEERING KITS & INSTRUMENTS, CARRYING CASES, ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS, T SHIRTS, BOOKS FOR ALL CLASSES. : ALWAYS WELCOME ATfE IK 0VjS(,-"!? 'ftWSi." ''w