The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 13, 1950, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, June 13, 1950
Bob Cerv, . long-ball hitting
leader of the Big Seven cham
pionship Husker baseball team,
has played his last game for the
Scarlet and Cream but now will
play for pay.
Named the most valuable
player on the 1950 Husker nine,
Cerv has signed with the Kansas
City Blues of the American
Association and joined the team
in Minneapolis Saturday.
Cerv, 24-year-old Weston ath
lete, was the Big Seven batting
champion this season, hitting the
ball at a .509 clip. He led the
league in runs, hits, total bases,
doubles and runs batted in, and
shared the lead in triples and
home runs.
svlso an outstanding basket ball
player, Cerv graduated this
month after earning eight varsity
letters at the University. "
Cerv also was named on the
N.C.A.A. district 5 all-star team
The team was picked by the
coaches committee and was an
nounced in Lincoln by A. J
Lewandowski, district chairman
He and three other Big Seven
stars were recommended for All
American consideration. The
others were Bob Smith, Missouri
pitcher, and Bob Stephenson,
Oklahoma shortstop.
Only other Husker to make the
district first team was Catcher
Tom Novak. Two Nebraskans
earned second team berths. They
were tnortstop urogan and Third
.Baseman Bill Denker.
Survey Shows
Farmers Top
Bank Business
Farmers were the biggest cus
tomers of Nebraska's state banks
in 1949, according to a study made
by Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, business
research expert of the University
Business Administration college.
Last year loans to farmers ac
counted for well over. 70 percent
of the lending business done by
state banks in Nebraska,
Dr. Palmer points otft that loans
to farmers, not secured by real
estate, totaled $78,737,000 in 1949
or 67.5 percent of the total busi
ness done by the state banks.
Most of these loans, Dr. Palmer
says, are largely those guaran
teed by the Commodity Credit
corporation, and is "an indication
of the huge quantities of farm
products which are in the process
of being dumped on the govern
ment because of the fall in prices."
State banks, in addition, made
loans of $15,028,000 last year. This
is 12.9 percent of the business
state banks do in the state. Of the
total real estate loans about one
third, or $5,249,000, was on farm
property and presumably a large
part of the lending was secured
by farmer-owners, Dr. Palmer be
Loans mainly for business pur
poses totaled $14,832,000 or 12.7
percent of the total business done
by state banks. Installment loans
to consumers totaled $6,569,000 or
5.6 of the total, and all other loans
and overdrafts accounted for $1,-
451,000 and 1.2 percent of the
Dr. Palmer says the percentages
of loans to assets in Nebraska's
state banks is "on the way back
to the prewar normal."
1124-24 O Sir
Catty Si
f AM
Courtesy of The Lincoln Journal
CERV Will play with the
Kansas City Blues, triple-A
baseball team this summer.
Child Watches
'Mom and Dad9
Edward Carl Gengenbach, now
almost 3 months old, probably
won't remember the day his par
ents graduated from the Univer
sity but he-was around for the
occasion, which is more than most
lellas can say.
His parents, Carl and Gloria
Evans Gengt. -bach both .
their A.B. degrees from the Uni
versity June 5 and both plan to
work for their masters degrees.
For Mrs. Gengenbach, com
mencement marked the end of a
rather busy year. In March, she
stayed out of school for two and
a half weeks to give birth to
Edward Carl.
"All the professors," she ex
plained, "were real nice. They
made it eas., for me to make up
the work. It wasn't so difficult
Her mother took care of the
baby while the Gengenbachs
were in classes.
Gengenbach, a navy veteran, is
the son of Mr. and Mrs C. A.
Gengenbach of Eustis. He met his
wife three years ago when she
came to Lincoln from Minnesota
with her parents. Prof, and Mrs.
J. C. Evans. Professor Evans is
a member of the Nebraska Wes
leyan faculty.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Ger,een-
bach are interested in writing.
Carl is planning for a news ca-i
reer in press and radio. Mrs Gen
genbach, an English major, is the
author of several published poems
and wants to try her hand at fic
Two NU Students
Receive Mention
In Photo Contest
Two University student photo
graphers have received honor
able mention in the fifth annual
Kappa Alpha Mu collegiate com
petition A feature print entitled "Kiss"
won honorable mention for Neil
E. Sheilds. Bob Duis was the
other Nebraska winner with a
pictorial photo called "Harvest
These photographs are among
the 75 prints chosen to make up
a traveling exhibit which will
tour colleges throughout the
country. The 75 winning photos
were chosen from a field of 732
Splash Parties
Open Wednesday
Splash parties, held every
Wednesday from 4:45 to 5:45 at
the coliseum pool are open to
both men and women.
Coach Holle Lepley says mixed
water basketball and various
other water games will be held.
All participants- must have a
swimming , permit securable at
Student Health Center. A towel-
locker fee of ten cents will be
Cooper Leaps
14 Feet With
WAFoot Pole
Ever hear of a pole vaulter
who does 14 feet with a 13y2
foot pole?
That was the accomplishment
of Don Cooper, University sky
rider in the Duel of Champions
at Dallas, Tex., when the Big
Seven conference won from the
Southwest conference, 79 to 52.
Actually, Cooper's pole meas
ured 14 feet. However, subtract
the five or six inches for the box
in which a vaulter plants his pole
before the flight upward and you
get about a 13 foot 6 or 7 inch
Cooper will compete in the
National Collegiate Track and
Field Championships at Minne
apolis, June 16-17.
Until the Dallas meet, Cooper
had been using an orthodox,
16-foot pole. During the Nebraska'
high school championships, his
teammate, Leonard Kehl, was
practicing with the pole which
Kehl's home town of Scottsbluff
had brought here for the use of
their vaulters.
Both Kehl and Cooper liked
the shorter stick. So 'Scottsbluff
loaned it to Coach Ed Weir and
both Nebraska vaulters used it as
the Cornhuskers were winning
the Big Seven championships.
Cooper was second with a vault
of 13 feet 4, Kehl tied for third
at 12-6.
The shorter pole still provided
a problem when the Big Seven
squad started from Kansas City
to Dallas for the Duel of Cham
pions. They were riding a stream
liner which was sealed tight for
air conditioning. By opening a
door in the dining car they man
aged to get the pole into the
However, on the return journey
it was necessary to "break" the
train in order to get it off.
Athletic Department Reveals
Frosh, Varsity
Letter awards in baseball for
the season of 1950 at the Univer
sity were announced by Athletic
Director George Clark
Fourteen letters go U the Big
Seven baseball championship
squad, as follows: .
Ernest L. Behne, Robert Camp,
Robert Cerv, William H. Denker,
Robert D, Diers, Robert Grogan,
Hobart (Hobe) Hays, William E.
Jensen, Robert H. Jenkins, Del
bert R. Kopf, Raymond (Tito)
Mladovich, Thomas J. Novak, Har
lan H. Powley, Linus J. Vrbka
and Student Manager Clyde L.
Frosh Winners
Fifteen numerals were awarded
to freshman baseball players:
Robert P. Brum, Dale M. Bun-
sen, Frederic Lee A. Cady, Larry
W. Dunning, Frank C. Hoffman,
Clifford L. Hopp, John F. Leach,
W. Reid Lowe, Richard L. McCor
mick, William J. Meyer, jr., James
D. Ogden, Ronald C. Ohnoutka,
Ronald D. Raitt, Donald E. Rich
ardson, Joe Roh, Student Man
ager George W. Babcock and Stu
dent Manager Ronald R. Rader.
Among the golfers winning let
ters was Joe Gifford, who won
the Big Seven individual cham
pionship. Others earning letters
were Dick Spangler, Douglas Dale
and Steve Flansburg. j
Tennis players winning letters
were Robert Radin, Jamie Cur
ran, Andy Bunten and Jerry
Freshman numerals in tennis
were awarded to Donald Boh
mont, Walter Weaver. James
Wells and Charles Saggau.
Life Passes
Twenty-six life passes were is
sued to University athletes after
graduation this spring, Clark an
To qualify for a life pass, an
athlete must graduate and also
must win three varsity awards,
Athletic Director Clark said.
There are now 841 Cornhuskers
who hold life passes. The new
list, with the number of letters
each won in the various sports,
Robert Berkshire, Track (4).
Dil worth A. Blatchford, Baseball (3).
Joe Brown, Basketball (4).
Jack Cady, Tennis (3).
Jack Campbell, Swimming (4).
Frank Collopy, Jr., Football (4).
Ralph rjamkroger, Football (3).
Bill Denker, Baseball (4).
Mike DIBaise. Football It). WreetHnc
Uto Oeier, Gymnastic (4).
Marvin Grimm, Swimming; (4).
Robert Grogan, Baseball 4).
Bob Hajw, BaMbaU .
Swim Classes
Remain Open
Swimming Coach Hollie Lepley
has announced its not too late to
register for the swimming classes
being held daily, at the Coliseum
Men will receive one hour
credit if they register immedi
ately. Classes are 45 minutes in
length, and are held at 2 and 3
p. m. Womens classes are also
45 minutes long and are at
10 a. m. and again at 4 p. m.
Both men and women must have
a swimming permit, secured at
the Student Health Center.
Masquers Honor
Four Top Actors
Four University students were
presented outstanding acting
awards from the University
Theater at the annual Nebraska
Masquers banquet.
Cay Worcester was honored for
her portrayal of Margaret in
Faust and Jack Wenstrand for
his performance in Faust.
Janis Crilly was recognized for
her work as Cecily . Harden in
"The Two Mrs. Carrolls," and
Clare Denton for his perform
ance as Lawrence Vail in "Once
in a Lifetime."
Mary Sigler and Maxine Trau
ernicht, instructor in speech and
dramatic arts were named to the
Purple Masque, highest dramatics
award at the University, for their
all-round theater work.
Marty Miller won the technical
award, and. the Nebraska Mas
quers service award went to
Clare Denton and Ruth Ann
Richmond. Wesley Jensby was
recipient of the Nebraska Mas
quer senior award to freshmen.
Freshmen acting awards went
to Diane Downing, Marjorie Line,
Jack Moore, and Mary K. Tol-
Letter Winners
Jack Hazen, Football (4).
Loyal Hurlbert, Track (4).
Harold Kopf, Track (4).
Anton Lawry, Basketball (4).
Jim Martin, Track (3).
Jim McConnell, Track (3).
Harry Meglnnis, Track (4), Football (1)
Bill Moomey, Football (2). Track (1)
Tom Novak, Football (4), Baseball (3).
wayne sees, Track (3).
Dick Srb, Basketball (3).
Jack Tamal, Wrestling (3).
Milt (Bus) Whitehead, basketbaH (3)
JUNE 21st
Advance Ticket Sale at
Capitol Beach Pool or
King Ballroom
Adm. $1.25 each pint tax
Rerular Price $2.00, Tax Incl.
3 Remember Dad on June 18th
if with a gift easy when you
if see our wide assortments of
f Men's needs and wants . . .
1 something thoughtful, use-
ful, suited to HIM!
liV0 DAD'S
in smart pajamas by Man
hattan, Pleat way, Munsing
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D. Pick broadcloth styles,
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At home or on the beach, j
Blue, Maroon, 9.25; Solid- 4
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Sizes 13'2 to 18, sleeve
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Manzip zip-fastening shirt,
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a T-shirt is a man's best
friend. Give him one in pat
terns, plains, string knits,
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fat grand-fitting, long-wear
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