Wednesday, May 3, 1950 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V 1 4 I 1 ': i I" t JhsL 0ailif TkjbiaAkatv Intercollegiate Press miTVJWVItliTH VKAM Th Dally Nabrokan U publubM by ua aiuaanta Of ttit Unlvaratty t Na Kul! u axpraaaion of atudanu' nawa and opinion! only. Accorolnf to Arucla 11 aku u nmnini BluHnl nublU I lOlia AD1 dmtnl8ttrd bV thtt 110411X1 ..Kib.iinn. "it in rtcl:d uollcv of tha Board thai publication, under it. luriadltttlon ah all ba fraa flora adltorlal canaorahip on Uia part ot tba Boar"; or oa lha part of any mirabor ot Uia faculty ot Uia Unlvralty bui manbara ol Uia atalf of Tba Daily Nabraaltau ara paraonally raaponalbla tot what tcay aaj ot do or cauaa to ba prinica. Subaerlption rataa ara 12.00 pai armeatat, IS. SO peraamslr malltd, n u. cnlian vaar. M.UO mailed, binna cop; ac i-uousnaa or 13.00 daily during IB anhoai nu tiMCt Mond.ya and Salurdaya. racatlona and axamtnatiora parioaa, oy w. n-t M.KMit unri tha. auDarvlsion of uia Publicationa Boara. a.n . . b-Za m... mt iha Pnat Offlca in Lincoln, Nebraalta. undar Act t Conitraaa, March . ISM, and at apaclai rata of post ago provldad for In Sac Uoo 1103, Act ot Octcbar a, IM7, nulhortrrd Saptambar 10. MJ3. mtTnaill. a .. Ua Simpson aaociaia .tmur ........"----- p... Dura KTamh. Dii mdVIIM KMllEtT. v. In.. Wn,.f.r ,- Kimon Karabataoi alaoaxine Edliota ........... isawa Editor Aa Editor Boclaty Editor Faatura Editor PbototTanbar ............... Jaan Fenater ,. Pat Wtadman . . Emily Halna Bank Lammtra antvtM . ....T. " O'Bannon SSSSt bSSSL Miir;"::::::::..Ti Ran.. .jgrsE55 Wight Na Editor. . .Poochia Radlgar L L ; !fe7W To this Editor: In lieu of the fact thai The Daily Nebraskan is published by the students of the University of Nebraska as expression of student news and opinions only, I am asking that you print my opinion on fraternal discrimination. It is a crime that this exists on one of the very colleges which was a participant in the Mock World Court, the Model U. N. session and is preparing men who some day may defend the United States in some problem on the international front. I am speaking of the law college of course, and the denial of one of its fraternities to pledge a freshman student who meets all the! requirements. This, very group has voted along with the national group with which it Is affiliated to drop the restrictive clauses bar ring negroes. In the face of that move they have refused to admit N. Fitz, a Negro. Can it be that this talk of world citizenship and a U. N. means something in the face of a stark denial to accept a fellow American? The Montgomery lectures were planned this year to stimulate CONSTRUCTIVE thought. . The topics were. Values in General. DEMOCRATIC VALUES, and Why do we FAIL? Can it be that these lectures stimulated biased or prejudiced thought rather than intelligent or constructive thought? These are the words of Chancellor Gustavson, "... And our Satttv tirtf -mm"' lies. 14a trili! n conalo invncti cat in tr work must be more than just adequate;' it must evidence the utmost; committee that McCarthy had Party Machinery . . A Student Council election this spring is further com Tilicated by the necessity of political party machinery to set the Council's constitution into practice. The emphasis in the new document as it now stands is on the establishment of several parties on campus. Without them, much of the basic thinking in drawing up the revised instrument for student government will be contradicted. . The system of representation called for m the con-i asaa: r, mnltinte-imrtv set-up. Council mem-; bs to be elects f rom the colleges of the Umversity are Swelled to file as party supporters. The election rules andpublicity regulations are based on the idea of party Skete and Campaigns. Though independent candidates will be eligible to run for Council, as m the past, the con- stitution clearly anticipates a party system. On the basis of time remaining for the Council to win approval of their constitution by both the student body and rt f,M,itv and to set up an'election, including filings, cam- paigns and seating of members, Uie lash. aP'f"", 'leaders today. Can something be done? Are we going to allow this sible. Judging from faculty reaction in tne past 10 pouuetu sort of democracy to exist on our campus? parties, with attention to their memrjersnip, orgeaiu. nH Tuimns whether iustified or not the party machinery necessary to augment the constitution offers a difficult problem in itself. It has been said that skeletons of possible political parties already exist on the campus and need only be rallied tha Pminfil hones. It is doubtful. v" v. . . . 1: tu Ko fnrTnpH 15 group on our campus wmcn is m some way OUgh,tnat F Klux Klan is putUng it , bit too strong? new constitution that the conditions in which it is first used be as ideal as possible. A year's work on the student covernment instrument could be hastily destroyed if the basic theories behind uie constitution uuuui w iiauu.j George Wilcox Budem "Unscrupulous Infor former," Lattimore. Owen Lattimore charged in Washington that ex-communist Louis F. Budenz is a paid "in former" and an "unscrupulous finer man" who brought charges a g a i n st hi in foi personal gain. L a 1 1 imore, far east ein expert, swore for a second time under oath that charges of of communism brought against him by Lattimore and Budenz were 2t Wilcox, h effort on our part to promote world harmony. We can assume our duties as leaders or followers only if we take it upon ourselves to back up our work with a sound knowledge of what it takes for international peace. The problems which arise at the mock con ference are problems which are baffling the world leaders today. We must understand these problems. We must look at them intel ligently if we are to detect the loophole through which we can find our way out of world stalemate. The mock assembly brings us one step closer to being prepared for our job as world citizens." Are we evidencing an effort to promote harmony here at home? Can we understand those probelms which are baffling the world leaders if we do not understand our problems here? I think that we can acquire better preparation here at home by detecting the loopholes in our democracy which are causing us much pain and grief as the international troubles are causing the world Edward Thomas. "criminally libelled" him in his charge that he was Russia's "top espionage agent" in the United States. Lattimore made this point for point denial of Budenz s testi mony which indicated that if Latumore was not a communist he was a "fellow traveler." 1. Denied he had attended with his wife in 1946 a meeting in the basement of Frederick Vander bilt Field, communist financial "angel.'' 2. Budenz was wrong when he reported Lattimore placed "com munist writers" 01T the staff of the magazine Pacific Affairs of which Lattimore is the editor. 3. Budenz was guilty of lies when he said Lattimore informed Field of a change in party atti tude toward General Chiang Kai shek of China. 4. Lattimore maintained that far from following the commu nists were blasting him. 5. Branded Budenz a "liar" for his report's on Lattimore's al- oartv services. To the Editor: As president of the senior class I would like to commend you on your very fine editorial of last week with regard to Theta Nu Epsilon. However, don't you feel that your suggestion that theresLLJ I "-f.V.U comparable to the 6. "For the record," Lattimore said he had no connection wiUi I cannot make myself believe that there are members of the ne f"M Amcriasia cas. mvoiv . , mg the arrest of six persons on senior class, or any other class, who wquld have anything to do : charges of stealing government with such an organization; and I cannot help but feel deep concern documents. when statements to the contrary are made by persons of responsi- J ti:,.-- . 1 . . 1 - . . . . , i.TT,r ,ir." -- uiiiiy 111 our siuueni ooav. xnressed with all opportunity for success. Hurry up ac- , L , expressed w in u tyv " J , .,:,.:" In an editorial a few weeks back vou mentioned the fart that iUlalUI J , ' there is a iPnfjpnrv In mnHomn tK TTi I w.ui wiL. All lTIICtd. X VAluucu a ciiui id. Rockets to Alaska has built powerful Red Russia rocket installation in the Arctic and Baltic areas aimed at Alaska, Norway and Sweden, a 33-year- c&uisocu " 'tf - tion can only lead to further distrust of the . .NTT. r Of Affairs! Mn be 3 Iew iMdenXs engage m activity that is unsavoo to the ceneral old escapee from a Soviet con- HUM unT anTl for . Partyj, . M ?SS-. M Kvstem. Thev have Ions contended that there are too iewr""" " 10 uie eiieci inai Mraeon c.tu Two Years "... . - . i-Li-n i:t:.i c ui HiuM oe an arm or ine ivu K-lux Klan rn th I'r i.-rif.-1 Ti.r. issues upon wnicn 10 create accepuiuie punuuu vkc. .u.. ... ..... . . "''V":1 Too Much Talk Teachers' Pitfall College teachers talk too much. That is the belief of Professor Neil P. Bailey, head of the De partment of Mechanical Engi neering at Rensselaer Polytech nic Institute. In a memorandum of "Teach ing Pitfalls," which he prepared for the use of members of his department, he stated, "The worst temptation in teaching is excessive talking by the instruc tor. Professor Bailey declared that the greatest asset of any teacher, interviewer or administrator, is the ability to ask wise and pene trating questions and then have the patience to await the formu lation of answers. One nicely sharpened and carefully aimed question will often bring to a head hours of student thinking about a subject. Pointing out that too many questions asked in class are either superficial, out-ol-focus, or too general, Professor Bailey said that all too often teachers fail to await a student's answer. DMJ Meyers. on this campus. The Council this year has also encountered difficulty in offering any suggestions which would create such groups as envisioned by the faculty members. Their desire to experiment with the plan may receive little en thusiasm from faculty quarters, one group which must ap prove the revisions of the constitution it withdrew a year ?0- , A t The lack of political party maciunery, ana me sug gested creation of it under the new Council constitution, is only one of many hurdles lor tne stuaent governing uuuy to overcome if it attempts to put its product into action a one-time the White Maragon, Is this talk accurate, or does it mm fmm hanger-on around a careless statement made without mature consideration? In either! Hi!f' w?f f",enced to .... ,. . . A . ... ciuici eient months to two years in jail case such talk is a serious detriment to the relations of our Uni- for lying criminally to senate vcrsuy wiui me people ot Nebraska. Yours truly. Bill Mueller, Senior Class President j investigators. No Change in Trial for Bayley Dist Judge J. H. Broady over ruled mot 10.1s for change of venue in the cases of Alan J. Bay lev and Edward E. Anele. To the Editor: both "charged with assault with The "N club of the University of Nebraska wishes to tak J j."" A committ rape on 1 definite stand in regard to the selection of the cheerleaders W ! ' m Ravi,-v i chniH this SPline. It offers still another reason for the present I155 members 0f athletic teams, voted to have a minimum of for Ma.v 8- F . . . m A. A. t : 1 VlTVfca AW - An Um W 1 31 .. 'interim" Council to take steps immediately to set up the,"1 on the cheerleading squad. into effect. plan for a like Council next year to put tne constitution: uiai our coeas nave a right to this membership c IC i,u unaer a co-3ucational system. Also we feel thai our coeas, 11 selected properly, could do as much our school as the athletes themselves. The "N" men, who the cheerleaders are directly boosting, feel Bob Russell, N" Club . Board of Regents will give the green light on the new buildings. The entire matter of expansion proved that University officials and students can work together in harmony. When the expansion committee first started its work, it had no idea that the question of a new Ag Union would arise, ine committee's sole purpose was to investigate the possibility of constructing an addition to the city building. speakers and a class Sporting ribbons inscribed "Class ol 51," the juniors and their dates will join in the second project sponsored by the coun cil. Earlier this spring, the group supervised the annual Junior Senior prom. "Myrterjr Band The ribbons will be sent to all juniors of the University this week with invitations to the class party. Included in the letters will be cards to reserve places at the barbecue. Cost of the din ner will be 50 cents per oer- be ; 1 Editorial Briefs "Enviable record" was the declaration of praise re ceived for the University College of Engineering's quality cl education. The New York state education department has reported that all Nebraska graduates who took the profes sional engineering examination were able to make the grade. This record is especially commendable in view of the fact that only three engineering colleges in the United f tates came through the exam with this perfect score. Dean Itoy Green and tht engineering faculty certainly can feel f roud of this achievement in turning out such outstanding products from the College of Engineering. ! Seniors don't have far to look if they're in search cf tfirr-fraduation employment Jobs in 11 fields are open t a University students in the occupational placement office. J . ; . - j . . . i o'..uocs range irom salesman or neaitn ana pnysiciai ecm-pcomaciea ay promoters 01 sn au-star jame ana msy appear in an East-West same to be The barbecue will begin at 6:3Q p. m. May 12, Friday night. At about 8 p. m., dancing will be gin in the pavilion lo the spe cial ""mystery band." Special guests, including Gov. Val Peter son, Chancellor Gustavson and others, will then address the class. Reese will welcome the juniors. Planned for the purpose of drawing the class together, Ue class day will be open to all juniors wearing the red and cream ribbons, and their dates. Juniors are also asked to wear the ribbons and clothes for the barbecue-dance during the day. Committees Committee planning the class day, under Reese's direction, are: Food, Don Flesher and Dick Kuska; finance, Bill Dugan; lo cation, Knox Jones; publicity, Norma Chubbuck. Betty Green and Gene Berg; decorations, Jan Lindquist; speakers and program. Bob Russell; arrangements,, Bob Two prep gridden from Oma ha arc in the national sportlight at the present time. Thy are Jim Harris and Eay Novak both of whom gained All City Honors this past year. ine two players have been ration jobs to office clerk or summer lodge employment. Stents ed only look into these job possibiliUes to find j m Ausf In MemPh tie wjicst scope of occupational opportunities. llenn. Waters and Shirley Allen, with Fritz Daily acting as iaculty ad viser. Any junior Vho does not re ceive an invitation or ribbons from the Council, should contact Reese at 2-7757. Lists irom the Registrar's ofix-e will be used. in representinfi Congratulations . . . Nebraska university students are to be congratulated , should voi section of ihis squad. for their foresight in voting lavorably toward a new addition to the citv Union buildine and a new Ag college union. When a margin of more than 1,000 students out of j " - approximately 4;000 voting favor new Union facilities, it is f,, n 'T7 Wlll f1Wf a pretty good indication that students realize the value of ,ViCd Is I Ul tr Ul lllUUSUratC those things which a Union offers. We feel certain .that,! J7 I T-k in view of the large majority favoring Union expansion, thel If SI JUIllVr U(l ifflV ia The class of 1951 will gather May 12 tor the first annual all junior class dance and barbe cue at Antelope park and pavi lion. The day's festivities, now be ing planned by members of the Junior Class council under the direction of Junior Class Presi- 4 19 V Vi a But the Ag question did arise. At first, it looked like; ZrL Ji l VTZtl tne ssue was going io turn into a oaiue oeiween uie vwu; games. campuses. A meeting involving representatives rrom Dotn i aance resulted in a few heated words on the part of faculty mem bers and students. But a knock-down, drag-out fight was averted. Accusations and insults were held to a minimum, and the entire plan of expansion was settled in a friendly manner to the satisfaction of both city and Ag leaders. The next step was to find out how the students them selves felt about expansion. And their votes showed that they desire the Regents to give permission for additional Union facilities. , " Miich has been said about the facilities which a larger Union could offer. And we feel that in the future, Ne braska students will have a Union which will be more of a center for all phases of campus life. It will offer t- son. No other charge will students many more activities and recreational facilities j Yi nJss mf,n?bert in which to spend their free hours. And the long-needed Ag Union should at least become ft reality. Ag students will be able to carry on their many activities more conveniently, besides having a few recre ational facilities of their own. The new Unions will certainly add a great deal to the campus life of University of Nebraska students for many years to come. xU Bulletin Board Wednesday Cosmopolitan dirb meeting 7:30 p.m.. Parlors XY, Union; election of 1950-51 officers will be discussed: Fritz Fekri will talk about Turkey. Student branch of A.I.E.E., regular meeting in Room 104. Burnett, election of officers will be held; movies and refresh ments. Phalanx meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Armor'; installation of officers. AIT solicitations board meet ing at Room 307, Union. Innocents Society members will hold tackling practice at 7:30 p.m., at the usual practice grounds. , At Dance lessons will be held in Ag Union at 7:30 p. m This &dulnte(j BY DUTCH MEYERS. Here's something for all you cats, and movie goers. Columbia has put out an album of the music from the flicker "Young Man with the Horn." N a t u rally. the trumpet of Harry James is f e a t u red. Not the old o m m ercial James, but the the young James who came out of the circus band to cut records with the All-Stars and a few other greats. Speaking of Harold, lus latest pop disc is Mona Lisa from the movie "Captain Carey, U.S-A." But just between us the hot side of the platter is a little number called, students of Italian please correct, "La Vien Sa." In the golden-throated thrush department try Fran Warren singing "I Almost Lost My Mind. Fran at her best with a great vocal backing. There were some interesting facts in Variety concerning the week ending April 8. The top seller on the coin ma chines for that week was: "If I Knew You Were Coming." 1 seems the record makers sre kicking about the same thing that the movies are having trou ble with. Namely the critics are plugging to many foreign lables. Personally. I've never come across any foreign I was espe cially fond of- But the easiest way to correct this would be to turn out higher quality stuff. Favorites the Crib: For smooth vocalizing. Margaret Whiting's "It Might as Well be Spring." Of course, Tony Mar tin's "There's No Tomorrow." On the Air: For the lovers of the radio mystery program, i.e. Sam Spade, some Thursday night tune in "Dragnet" The stories are taken from the files of the Los Angeles police force. Goodnight, Giovanni. 1 At - Walsh dance and By Dick Walsh Even rain and its product, mud, coudn't stop the 1950 Farmers' Fair last weekend. Fair manager, Don Knebcl, can ba nothing but pleased with th general spirit displayed even through the worst of the day One float in the Saturday parade though, typified an interesting attitude. A farmer sprawled u n der an um biela and dis played the sign: "To hell with the fair; farmers sleep while it rains.1 But a near c a p a c i t y crowd turned out for the cotton and de nim dance as well as the square oaroecue. ine only empty space- was found at the rodeo. But even there spectators were well en tertained. Thus completing the Fair's purpose, that of entertain ment and good will. The Ag Union entertainment for the month of May, I was told today, will be an open air dance scheduled for Friday, May 12. To be held directly in front of the Ag Union, the open air en tertainment will feature the mu sic of Gerry Mayburn. The "sky light terrace ball" was initiated last year and as such was met iiii appiuvai. Loninniiee men hope to install the nance as a yearly attraction. An estimated thirty-five rep resentatives from 2 1 states are meetin? on A; camous to day bringing to a close a two day meeting headed by Dr. Carl Olson jr. The veterinarians and USDA agents discussed the la test developments of bovine hyperkeratosis, or "x" disease, a dreaded disease of cattle. If you had a name like that vou'd sign "x" too. With the student votiii" fir fee increases completed and the results generally known, bettin" odds with regard to constructioiVV of a new Ag Union are fast dropping. Professor O. G. Whiz of the Watering Deoartment on Ag say's present odds arc 9.9S9 to one. Former odds were 1.000 to one. You ask which way ibc bookie agency is betting? Oh, either. Language School To Show Movie A German film in technicolor will be shown by the modern languages department three times this week. The movie, "Die Fledemnaus,' will be shown Thursday, May 4, hall auditorium; and on Friday, May 5, in Love Library audi torium at 8 p.m. The Daily Ne braskan previously reported that the film would be shown last week. Tickets will be -5 cents each. is the last lesson of the year. - Thursday fry Day and Daisy chain prac tice at 5 p.m. in Parlors ABC, Union. University 4-H picnic will be held at 5:30 p.m., on lower campus. WEDDING STATIONERY Printed. Embossed. Enf raved As low as S10 for 100 sets Goldenrod Stationery Store 21S North 14th Street MAIN FEATURES START r Ob. Oh "Rock Island Trail" 1:37. 3:35, 5:33, 7:31. 9:30. r I Q LLELL IS IM ANA -O" "Home of the Brave" 1:00. :01. 0:39, 10:00 .aw ' aft '-j " 1 'aiJfc S".UL -y : -,.', . l .aaT-l. W aF M - W Hav Your Favorite Arrow Sports Shirts 3.65 up A Kest of beautiful sports shirts by your favorite shirtmoker-ARROWllaidd Solid Colors! Many patterns end colors. Every shirt washable, tool Come In for yours today. FROM BALI AMD CAT CAY TO YOU IS W-a H Arrow's New "Bali Cay" Sports Shirts Fof sailing golfing, or week-end1 parties - Arrow's new Bali Cay sports shirts are terrific! Colorful island patterns! Long and short 'sleeved models. See your Arrow dealer now! 3.9S - 5.95 ARROW SHIRTS & TIES fO AftXOW UNlVUtSITY STYUS HAMDKUCHIi't SOBTI SHIRTS