The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1950, Image 1

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The Weather
Considerably cloudier and
colder Wednesday with scat
tered showers mixed with wet
snow. Hlfh 40 In northwest
to 60 In southeast.
Only Dnily Puhliration
For Student 4l 1h
Vnirertity of Aebrmka
i '
Vol. SO No. 136
Wednesday", May 3, 1950
Faculty Group to Decide Fate
Of New Council Constitution
Limited Time for Approval
Makes Spring Vote Unlikely
The interim Student Council set up last fall to re
vise the election and representation provisions of the
Council constitution has completed its task.
Last Wednesday, the Council put a stamp of approval
on the revised constitution. It will now go to the Facultv
commute vl1 -'luut:1i' wiKdiiia
tions, which win examine the
new document.
Headed by H. P. Davis, the
committee plans to hold weekly
meetings to examine each sec
tion of the constitution word by
word. It is reported that stu
dents will be called before the
committee to give varying views
on the revised sections. Faculty
members of the committee in ad
dition to Davis are: Miss Mary
Mielenz and Dr. Curtis Elliot,
Student Council sponsors; H. A.
Smith, and Emanuel Wishnow.
Sprint Election
In view of the faculty plan,
and considering the fact that
only two and one half weeks
remain in the semester, it seems
likely that the new constitution
will not be approved in time for
an election to be held this
spring. Some faculty members
have expressed doubt about the
constitution being approved in
its present form. This, plus the
opposition within the present
Council to the revised plan,
points to the possibility of an
other interim council, which will
probably be chosen in the same
manner as the present Council.
Within the Council, there has
been disagreement over the in
clusion of the representatives of
committees. Last week, article 4,
section 1 of the revised plan
passed by a bare two-thirds ma
jority the minimum by which
an amendment could be passed.
Committee System
The committees would provide
for one representative from each
of four groups. These groups
would serve as coordinating
bodies between the different
campus organizations. One of
the primary objections to the
plan has been that it would take
away functions of existing com
mittees, and set up an even more
complicated system of govern
ing that now exists. For exam
ple, the student spirit committee
would take over the function of
the rally committee; the religious
welfare committee the duties of
the religious welfare council.
Last fall, when council mem
bers met for the first time, they
were told that their function was
to "evolve a new plan for Coun
cil election and representation."
Not until Feb. 9, however, did
the Council begin consideration
of the revision. After two and
one-half months of deliberation,
the Council came up with a con
stitution which would provide
1. Political parties.
2. Representation through;
colleges for 17 representatives.
3. Two sophomore members
at large.
4. Six holdover members
from the old council.
5. Four representatives from
committees student spirit,
campus improvements, reli
gious welfare, and orientation
and activities. The committees
would be made up of camp1"'
organizations particularly iv
terested in the specific com
mittees. 6. Election campaigns, to be
regulated according to rules
set up by. the Council.
7. A Hare system of repre
sentation. Differences
The revised constitution differs
only slightly from the former
constitution. One of the main
differences is that in the repre
sentation from colleges, there is
no guarantee of representation to
women. Publicity rules have
been broadened in the new plan.
As far as political parties are
concerned, there is little differ
ence, since the old constitution
allowed a party system also.
If an interim council is set up
again this year, the method used
for choosing the present Council
will probably be used again. Un
der this system, 22 organizations
were granted representation on
the Council. This, plus the four
holdover members, made up the
Council. If the plan is used next
year, there will probably be
more than four holdover mem
bers. Complaints
One of the most constant com
plaints from some council mem
bers has been the "hurry-up"
attitude of some other members.
As late as April 20, a new plan
calling for a two house legisla
tive system was presented. How
ever, objections which met the
Plan centered around the fact
that it would entail starting al
most from the beginning on a
new plan.
As it now stands, it is -up to
the faculty committee under Da
vis to decide the fate of elections
this spring. The committee will
meet Thursday, May 4, and may
decide at that time ' what will
be done concerning the forma
tion of the Council next year.
Student's Picture
Wrong in Rag
An inadvertent mistake in
Sunday's edition of The Daily
Nebraskan was reason for the
jTong identification of Joseph
Klischuck, a Ukrainian DP stu
dent at the University.
Klischuk, whose article con
cerning underground work in
Eastern Europe during the war,
Was incorrectly identified by a
misplaced picture.
Top Cadets
To Receive
Six Awards
Six awards will be presented
to outstanding ROTC students at
the annual regimental review to
be held Thursday at 1 p.rm on
the field west of the Coliseum.
The parade and review cli
maxes the annual two-day fed
eral inspection of the Univer
sity's Army and Air Force ROTC
The Pershing award, top hon
or of the University ROTC, will
be presented to an outstanding
student in the Cadet corp. Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson will
make the presentation. The
award, given annually, was do
nated by the late General Persh
ing. An outstanding cadet of the
air unit will be presented with
the U. S. Air Force association
award. The commander of the
Nebraska air wing of the Air
Force association, Lt. Col. Otto
H. Wellensick will make the pre
sentation. The Forty and Eight award,
presented by the state depart
ment of Forty and Eight, will be
given to a selected cadet in the
advanced corp who has com
pleted at least six semesters of
ROTC at this institution. Leo
Beck will make the presenta
tion on behalf of the state com
mander. Legion Award
The American Legion Auxil
iary award will go to an out
standing basic student It will be
presented by the state Auxiliary
President, Mrs. J. E. Conklin.
Two Reserve Officer associa
tion awards will be given; one
to a second year student in Air
Force administration and logis
tics and the other to a second
year basic student in Air Force
communications. Both of these
awards will be presented by Lt.
Col. Richard E. Kosman, presi
dent of the Lincoln district unit
of the Reserve Officers associa
tion. Pat Berge, honorary comman
dant, will present the honor
company and honor squadon
A federal inspection trio from
5th Army Headqaurters will
make the annual inspection of
all phases of Nebraska's ROTC
program today and tomorrow.
Friday the officers will inspect
the medical detachment in Oma
ha. The trio includes: Col. Clar
ence H. Schabacker, Lt. Col. Er
nest H. Bears and Capt. James
H. Fletcher.
Russian Movie
Will Run 2 Days
The University YMCA will
sponsor the Russian-made musi
cal, "Russian Ballerina," Friday
and Saturday at 8 p. m., in Love
Library auditorium.
The film centers around a se
rious young ballet student who
falls in love with an equally
serious tenor. Stars of the mu
sical are Maria Redina, Ulanova
and Vladimor Kazonovich.
Miss Redina performs her in
novations of the traditional Pe
tipa version of "Sleeping
Beauty," and Ulanova is pictured
in an actual theatre performance
of "Swan Lake."
Presented with the feature
film will be two short films: a
Czechoslovakian film entitled A
Child's Dream" and -Leningrad
Music Hall." .
Tickets for the movies cost au
Dr. Ralph Bunche, top United
Nations mediators, is scheduled
to speak at an All-University
convocation Monday night, May
She mediator will also find
time Monday to address a Uni
versity faculty luncheon and
meet with representatives of the
Nebraska press and radio
Bunche's topic for the Coli
eum convocation will be The
United Nations Intervention." Dr.
Bunche -served as mediator m
Palestine after the assasnnation
nf Count Folke Bernadotte in
1MB He succeeded in bringing
he Arabs and Jews into agree
ment on the question of the
wf, formed Israeli govern-
mThe Negro statesman has
served on or been chairman of
r vriety of taternauonal rela
tions conferences He has been
adviser or delegate to nine con
ferences in the past four years.
education includes work at
U.C.LA.. where he graduated
with highest honors, and at Hat
vard university, where he re
C; V ; )
it J
i r I
President Howard is acting
as supervisor of the new
Council, constitution.
Open House to Mark
12th Union Birthday
Twelve years of student ser
vice will celebrated at the Un
ion's annual birthday party
wbich is scheduled for Friday,
May 5.
Although the Union was born
May 4, 1938, when its large front
doors were opened for the first
time, the celebration will be held
Ivy Day, rather than Thursday.
The party will convert the
lawn into a mock carnival in
cluding a putting range, a var
iety of booths and other conces
sions similar to that of a real
Lawn Dance
A dance floor provided on the
other side of the lawn will fea
ture dance music by Fizz Powell
from 9 to 12 p. m. Situated on
another portion of the lawn will
be a refreshment table with
punch and a large birthday
Music Recital
To Introduce
Original Score
Original compositions by a
School of Music senior will be
featured in the general recital at
Social Science auditorium Wed
nesday at 4 p. m.
The composer is Frank Gorton,
whose works for the University
Madrigal singers and a sonatina
for viola and piano will be pre
sented. The Madrigals will sing
"Regina Coeli" and "Salve Re
gina." Ed Wells will direct the
The "Sonatina" is in three
movements and will be played
by Marilyn Harms, violinist, and
Robert Kellingcr, pianist.
Thirteen junior students will
also participate in the recital.
They are Betty Breck, Charles
Curtiss, Virginia Taylor, Gloria
Sandels, Arle Mae Solfermoser,
John Berigan, Theodore Svoboda,
Wesley Reist, Vaughn Jaenicke,
Bill Wurtz, Colette Donaly, El
burn Cooper and Warren Ras
museen. Works by Brahms, Williams
Hageman, Debussy, Desportes
and Mozart are included in the
The program:
"INTERMEZZO," Op. 76, No.
7, Brahms, Betty Breck; "RONDO
Charles Curtiss; "DO NOT GO,
MY LOVE," Hageman, Virginia
RAL," Debussy, Gloria Sandels;
"FRENCH SUITE," Desportes,
Alra Mae Solfermoser, John Beri
gan, Theodore Svoboda, Wesley
Reist and Vaughan Jaenicke;
"QUARTETTE," Mozart, Wil
liam Wurtz, Colette Donaly, El
burn Cooper and Warren Ras
mussen. Original compositions by Frank
Gorton: "Regina Coeli," "Salve
Regina,' "Sonatina," University
Madrigal Singers, Marilyn Harms
and Robert Kelliger.
ceived his masters and doctors
Served With OSS
At present he is acting assist
ant secretary-general of the
United . Nations department of
Trusteeship. During the war he
served with the OSS and after
the war for a short time in the
state department. He was re
cently offered the assistant sec
retaryship of the state depart
ment but declined the offer.
Bunche has served as chairman
of the political science depart
ment at Howard university sinoe
1938, taking a leave of absence
from the post in 1841.
His college days were filled
with honors. At U.C.L.A., he was
sportr editor of the college year
book and won three letters on
championship basketball teams.
He is a member of Phi Beta
Kappa. v
Dr. Bunche received the Chi
cago Defender award in 1945 for
his work on race relations. He
worked in conjunction with Gun
nar Mvrdal. the Swedish socio
logist, on his book "An American I
Red Cross Unit
Presents Show
The State Hospital was the
scene of a musical program Mon
day night sponsored by the Red
Cross college unit. Assisted by
students of the Christian Student
fellowship, the show was pre
sented to a capacity audience.
Mrs. Raymond Benson, leader
of the church group, acted as
mistress of ceremonies. She was
assisted by Miriam Willey, Red
Cross board member.
The following students par
ticiated in the musical program:
Carl Halker, Loyal Lierman, Phil
Agee, Keith. Stephenson, Lor
raine Lagerquist, Dick Fisher,
Jeanne Wood, Shirley McClain,
Don Hays, Jack Vant, Jessie
Murray, Lois Lawrence, Ginger
Samuelson, Gwen McCormack
and Miriam Willey.
Hospital officials have stated
that they greatly appreciate the
programs sponsored by the col
lege unit. One of the many
phases of RCCU activities, the
work at the state institutions
is felt by many to be the most
cake. Tables will be placed
around the outdoor dance floor.
Special entertainment in ad
dition to movies, will be given
at intermission period.
Committee chairman for the
party is Bob Russel. Other mem
bers of the committee are: Bill
Michelson, Ann Bargef Jean
Nordgren, Don Strasheim, Gin
ger Meehan, Tom Podhaisky,
Carol Cherny, Jean Loudon, Ca
roll Russell and Harry Collins.
The first grand open house
ceremonies which were held 12
years ago, marked the end of
an eight year battle for the com
pletion of the $475,000 structure.
Union History
Beginning in 1930 with an in
itial drive when Ray Ramsay,
then alumni secretary, and Os
car Norlingf editor of The Daily
Nebraskan, pushed original ideas
for a Union, a campaign de
veloped into a dynamic action.
Members of the Alumni coun
cil Innocents society and the
Student Council took up the
fight. After a great deal -oi op
position and difficulties result
ing from several legal barriers,
petitions were circulated among
students to determine whether
they would be willing to pay a
small fee to defray the cost of
The Alumni council revealed
that University graduates would
furnish the building with neces
sary equipment through dona
tions of $75,000.
Construction began soon after
Feb. 14, 1936, after plans were
submitted by two former Corn
husker graduates, architects El
lery pavis, '06, and Walter E.
Wilson, '14.
Later construction progress
was interrupted several times.
However after a few dormant
spells, the building was com
pleted and the open house fol
lowed celebrating a final tri
umDh. Total cost of the building was
$400,000, 45 percent of which
was met through a PWA grant,
and the remaining 55 percent to
be paid over a period of 15
Phalanx Officers
For '50-'5J Told
The Nebraska chapter of Pha
lanx, military society, held their
election of officers Wednesday,
April 26.
New officers elected were: -Bob
Rogers, Commander; Dave Du
ley, Lt. Commander; and Ted
Heerman, Adjutant.
On Friday and Saturday of last
week the Nebraska chapter was
host to the National Phalanx
convention here in Lincoln. Thirty
delegates from throughout the
country attended the meetings
and a luncheon Saturday noon
that climaxed the convention.
Dick Beatty, former Lt. Com
mander, was in charge of the
The new officers will be in
stalled at the next meeting,
Wednesday, May 3.
Court of The Lincoln Journal
U. S. mediator.
Both of his parents died when
hg Sproong
Gold to Talk
At Ag Honor
Sophomore to Get
Alpha Zeta Medal
Aff students will hear a speech
by Nathan Gold, Lincoln busi
ness man, at the Ag college con
vocation Wednesday morning at
11:20 a. rn.
Gold will address the students
on "Opportunities in Nebraska,"
in the Ag College Activities
All 11:20 a. m. Ag campus
classes will be dismissed.
tCourtesy The Lincoln Journal)
NATHAN GOLD He will be
the main speaker at the Ag
honors convocation today at
11:20 a. m.
The convocation, which is held
annually, will honor six out
standing senior judging teams
which have taken part in inter
state competition this year. It
will be sponsored by Tri-K,
agronomy honorary.
Alpha Zeta Award
Along with the presentation of
awards, the sophomore student
who had the highest scholarship
during the 1948-49 term will be
awarded the Alpha Zeta medaL
Alpha Zeta is an Ag honorary
for men based entirely on high
scholarship. It is equivalent to
Pi Beta Kappa oi Arts and
Science college,
C. W. Smith, senior faculty
advisor, will present the medal.
The six judging teams which
will be honored are: Crops judg
ing, livestock judging, meats
judging, dairy judging, dairy
products judging and wool judg
ing. Team Members
Members of the teams are:
Livestock judging team: Norm
Holmburg, Stan Lambert, Art
Strumpler, Don Card, Gervase
Franke, Wilbur Pauley, Bob Eg
gert, Merle Stalder and Don Pop
ken. Meats judging teams: Loren
Schmidt, Merwyn French and
Grant Cornelius.
Dairy judging team: Charles
Flowerday, Bob Epp and William
Dairy products judging team:
Warren Newell, Jim Yoder and
Dean Whitmore.
Wool judging team: Don Gard,
Gervase Franke and Stan Lam
bert. ISA lo Recruit
In Registration
A membership drive during
registration week will be a new
feature of the Independent Stu
dents association's program.
A booth will be open at the
Armory thruout the week of
May 8-12 to sell the new activity
cards to independent students.
These tickets, selling for $1, will
admit their holders, free of
charge, to all ISA functions next
Cards will not be on sale until
next Monday.
he was 12 years of age. During
his childhood and college days
he lived with his grandmother.
Bunche is married and has three
A few of his international con
ferences include the Institute of
Pacific Relations, the Interna
tional Labor conference, Dum
barton Oaks, UNCIO,. nd the
United Nations General As
sembly. Charter Author
He helped draw up part of the
UN charter in 1946. He has
served as personal secretary for
the top men in many United Na
tions functions. He traveled all
over the world in his work in
the international filed.
Bunche won the Ozias Good
win Memorial fellowship at Har
vard university in 1929-30. Other
prizes besides the Chicago De
fender 'award include the Top
pan Prize at Harvard in 1934 and
the Schomburg Collection Honor
Rolls on Race Relations
Born In Detroit, Mich August
7, 1904, the 46 year old mediator
attended elementary and inter
mediate schools at Detroit, Albu
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Slate Includes Positions
On Three Separate Boards
Spring elections will take place today on Ag campus.
Voting will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in. the Ag Union.
- Positions to be filled are on Ag Exec Board, Farmer
Fair board and Coll-Agri-Fun board.
All students registered on Ag college are eligible to
vote. Ag Exes board
members j
urge them to exercise this privi
lege. The Ag elections will be con
ducted by the Ag Exec board
since the constitution for the
Student Council has not yet been
put into action. The only elec
tion rules that will apply are:
To be eligible for any office,
candidates must have a cumula
tive 4.5 average, have completed
12 credit hours in the previous
semester, and be carrying 12
hours during the current semes
ter. Ae Exec Board
Positions open on Ag Exec
Board are one man and one
woman from each of the fresh
men, sophomore and junior
Women freshmen representa
tives to Ag Exec board are Mar
ilyn Bamesberger, Julia BelL
Betty Lou Fletcher, Joyce Helen
Kuehl, Ramona Louis Laun,
Jeanne Vierk, Patricia Anne
Wainscott, and Artie Rose West
cott. Of this group, only women
vote for one.
The sophomore woman rep
resentative to Ag Exec board
must be picked from the follow
ing candidates:
Alice Anderson, Jacqueline
Backer, Carol Lee Cherny, Carol
E. Harris, and Evelyn M. Young.
Again, only women vote.
Freshman man delegate to Ag
Exec board will be either Ber
nard E. Johnson or Richard
Young. Vcting is for only one.
The sophomore man delegate
to Ag Exec board will be either
Elmer Glenn Nelson or Eugene
Edwin Robinson. Vote for one.
When voting for junior repre
sentatives, vote for one man and
ione woman, aii siuaenis i"
vote for two of the following:
Ruth V. Fischer, Margaret Ann
Kuhl, Wanda Fae Pearson, Rob
ert Lee Raun and E. Burnell
Vacancies to be filled on the
Coll-Agri-Fun board are two
sophomore women and one soph
omore man. All students will
vote for three:
Jean Carol Hargleroad, Janet
Elaine Ross, Joyce Elain Shaner,
Ardis D. Westerhoff, Everett A.
Jenne and Jerry J. Johnson.
Farmers' Fair
Positions open on the Farmers'
Fair board are for three junior
women and three junior men.
Candidates are:
Donald L. Bever, Earl C. Hult
man, Richard F. Shinn, E. Bur
nell Swanson, Jack F. Wilson,
Otto L Uhrig, Alice Marie Bos
well, Ruth Esther Craft, Eileen
M. Derieg, Mary Jean Fenster,
Barbara Jean Glock, Mary Fran
cess Johnson and Iris Jean Wells.
Results of the election will be
printed in Thursday's Daily Ne
braskan. A Schedules
'Skylight BaW
The Ag college Union dance
committee will sponsor an open
air dance Friday, May 12, ac
cording to Gerard Pritchard,
dance committee chairman.
The ""Skvlight Terrace Ball,
as it is called, will be held di
rectly in front of the college ac
tivities building.
Gerry Mayburn and his or
chestra will furnish the music
fcr the event. A limited number
of tables will be set up on the
lawn in front of the Union.
Tickets for the event will go
on sale this week at $1.20 per
couple. "If successful as it wae
last year, the dance will be made
an annual spring event on Ag
campus," Pritchard said.
querque, N. M., and Los Angeles,
Colonial Expert
In college he majored in gov
ernment and international rela
tions. He has taken post-doctoral
educational training in anthro
pology at London School of Eco
nomics, Northwestern university,
and the University of Capetown,
South Africa.
Bunche is an expert on co
lonial problems in the world to
day. When studying the situa
tions from 1932 to 1938, he per
sonally visited and studied the
problems. Through this study he
has gained the reputation as be
ing one of the few experts on
comparative colonial policy in
the world today.
From 1932 to 1933 he worked
in British and French West
Africa, French North Africa,
London, Paris, and Geneva on a
Rosenwald scholarship. From
1936 to 1938 he studied the co
lonial situations among other
places in South Africa, British
and Portuguese East Africa, Bel
gian Congo, Malaya, N.E.I, the
Philippines and Hawaii.
Will Convene
At Wesleyan
Profs to Explain
Individual Works
Nebraska Wesleyan campua
will be swarming with. Nebras
kan scientists Friday and Satur
day for their Nebraska Academy
of Sciences meetings.
New developments in the fields
of biology, medicine, chemistry,
physics, engineering, earth science
mathematics, anthropology and
history and philosophy of science
will be presented to the academy.
Each scientist will explain his
project to the group.
Eleven University professors,
instructors and students will par
ticipate in the chemistry, physics
and engineering divisions of the
They are H. G. Deming, Oliver
C Collins, J. B. Thompson, V. W.
Arnold. T. B. Jefferson, W. F.
Weiland, Theodore Jorgenson,
D. H. Temme, F. L. Pelton,
Charles Haynes and E. Mott
WeiUnd's Project
Weiland's project is entitled
"Why a Crankcase Oil Should
Be Changed Frequently." Wei
land says that lubricating oils
are subject to temperature and
pressure conditions in an engine
and tend to break down rapidly
to form corrosive acids. These
acids disintegrate metal in the
bearings and elsewhere in the
engine. The presence of water,
gasoline and road dust will ac
celerate this breakdown.
According to Weiland, tinder
ordinary conditions an average
of 1,000 miles between oil
changes is desirable.
Working on atomic energy and
related fields are: Jorgenson,
working with isotopes; Temme,
who will present an exhibit of
neutron counting and radiogold;
Pelton, working with radioac
tivity in photographic plates; and
Haynes, who has found applica
tions for tracers.
Weight Saving
Jefferson has as his study, the
effects of cooling fins. The me
chanical engineering professor
has found that a weight saving
of as much as 25 percent may
be obtained from a fin design
of non-conventional style.
He has worked with heat trans
fer and rate of flow, and is now
working on the determination of
an optimum fin shape.
Collins' work is with lines and
planes of position whereby an
interspacial vessel could be lo
cated in the remote reaches be
yond our atmosphere. Under Col
lins' plan, navigators can easily
find their positions by using a
three dimensional "fix." One
method of arranging this fix
would be to take bearings on
three fixed stars.
Crilly, SAEV
Receive Top
Speech Ratings
Jan Crilly and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon will have possession of
the Delta Sigma Rho silver lov
ing, cup and the silver gavel for
the coming year.
Miss Crilly is the individual
winner, and Sigma Alpha Ep
silon the house winner.
Second place in individual
competition went to Carolyn Bu
cacek, and Alpha Omicron Pi in
house competition. Bill Dugan
'and Phi Kappa Psi were third
place winners.
Twelve Finalists
The winners convinced the five
judges of the final round in the
annual Delta Sigma Rho extem
poraneous speaking contest which
took place Tuesday evening.
There were 12 finalists in the
last round, which followed tw
preliminary elimination rounds.
The new winners will take the
trophies from Don Farber, Jan
Crilly and Sigma Alpha Mu who
won them last year.
Finalists were Bill Dugan,
Harris Carnaby, John Connelly,
Janice Crilly, Janice Hannaford,
Pat Weidman, Carolyn Bucacelc
and John Maher.
The top ranking organization
will nave its name engraved upon
the gavel and the winning in
dividual will also have his or
her name engraved on the cup.
Thirty-one students originally
were entered in the contest.
Topics for the rounds were se
lected from current events.
Sponsoring the content wg the
national honorary forensic so
ciety, Delta Sigma Rho. Eloit
Paustian is the local president
and national secretary of the or
ganization. Donald Olson, director of Uni
versity debate, was the director
c2 the contest.
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