PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, January 13, 1950 Citation Continued from Page 1 of the Atomic Energy Commis fellowships in the biological and agricultural sciences and Nebras ka chairman of the Abraham Lin coln Friendship Train in 1948. Swedish Honor In 1948, the Swedish govern ment knighted him with the Order of the North. Star, third highest honor of the nation, for contributions in the fields of sci ence and education. Tom Novak, student choice for the award, is being saluted as a great athlete as well as as a great Nebraskan. His spirit and ability as a Cornhusker football player have won him high praise from many people thruout the coun try. Novak's hard, clean play and excellent sportsmanship have im pressed themselves upon the youth and elders of the state and nation. In his senior year, he was one of the main factors in Nebraska's first satisfactory football season since the war started. Novak's gridiron ability has been recognized many times. lie was awarded the Pop Warmer Foundation's "Player's Player of the Year Award" in Philadelphia after the 1949 season. And he was placed on the INS '49 All American first team as a defen- i sive center. i Coach Bill Glassford honored Novak by naming him permanent captain after the first few IIus ker games. He was also chosen ! on the all-conference team for the fourth consecutive year. ' Novak's athletic abilities do not end with football. He was the Big Seven's leading hitter and home run producer during last spring's baseball season. The two outstanding Nebras kans will receive citations from the Daily Nebraskan in the near future. The citations are expected to become a regular feature of the Rag each semester. MAMW :. : v.-:' : . "lm-mlMiiiarllM)iiiiMimlinianmil m umimml ' Hi- PATRICJA NEAL Lovely Northvcstern Alumna, says: I've always preferred Chesterfields and I'm sure I always shall. They're much MILDER." CO-STARRING IN HASTY HEART" A WARNER BROS. PRODUCTION By Rctnt National Survey - X t J, -ViiiS. . ..,: ' : :..-: XV ' I T1i y X MIDf?f fflevre TOPS' r" r0P M"'" SP0"rs , m m,,j ts. m 9 tyr r HOUYLVOOD STABS fill I