PAGE 2 J Jul (Daily. TkbhaAkcuv Mmbt Intercollegiate Press rOKTl-S) ENTH 1'EAB VIm Dullf MtuIim u pablUh a ta neat llvrrlt .Nrtrk H axprrloa af MudrnU aa opialoaa only Acrordiai la article II ( M i Law fOTrralBI Indent aabliratioaa ma 4iniaiatrrra the Roar, al rehllranooa lt M tbt declare policy ol taa Board Ifaal pablirUon undrr IU farudirtloa ! k lm (mm rational eeaioraala aa la pari 1 tfc Board, at aa Mw part M aa m u tij f taa (acelij ad law aajversily: tmi airanbrri ai in lall at ra aiu kaaraakaa are aeraoaally mpaaeiMe tat what trj aaj at da at eauae k ka pnatrd. Saaarrlpttoa ratal arc tt.f art awneate. OH per armrrtn aiallea. ar U m eaUeie Iran. U matlea. Slaele copy ae. Fabllabrd dil darmt tar rhool r. eieea Moaaara aad Salarda;. varatieai aad examinatloa prrioda. bj the tatertj If Nebraska ita W .aprrrtaloa al tka abllraUoa Board Kalrrrd a. oo Oaaa Ma rut at th Paat Dlftro la IJacola. Krbraiaa. aadvr Art ol CoarrrM , drw in: and at aprrial ralr at aclace pr.dd far ta eerUoa lldX 44 a Ortobr. I. 1.17 aalborlird I.. DTOBA. Cab (Vm ISlai F.dltor. "". Newt fcditor Brr, Kraardj. Kornia Chobbara. Jerr Ewtoc. roorM Mltn Snort, r-dltor 'irTT.I, rIH..r Jem- Frnat frorieiy K.lilor i Hana lammrrt ftulneas Manager ........ awiUal Uusineu Manacert Clrrulattoa Manager Klgbt Newt Kdilor f If. afc- jf IU lMMaaMMll '0' II ' CITED BY THE DAILY NEBRASKAX Chancellor R. G. Gustavson and Tom Novak, Ail-American center, who won The Daily Ne braskan citations for the first semester. A7 17. and the Big Muddy . . . Nine honorable mentions go this week to University faculty and staff members participating in Nebraska's com mittee for the Missouri basin. These men deserve more than mention . . . they deserve our most sincere praise for active interest in their state's welfare. Highest honors go to Dean W. V. Lambert of the Ag college for his part in the program as chairman of the com mittee. Nebraska can depend on him to see that the state receives maximum benefit from the Missouri valley pro gram. The governor can depend on him for expert advice when he represents the state on the interagency committee. More honors go to Chancellor R. G. Gustavson, who saw an opportunity for the University to extend its services in a program of such vast importance to Nebraskans. To the University student the Missouri valley program may seem of little immediate importance. But it is our generation which will be the first to receive the benefits such a project can offer. The same praise is in order for George E- Condra for extending the University's conservation and survey and geology asistance to the basin committee. Such technical service will greatly aid Nebraska's role in basin develop ment. And finally, for expressing willingness to co-operate in development of Nebraska's policy, further recognition is deserved by Carl Borgmann, Harry Gould, Marvel Baker, Earl Maxwell, Roy M. Green and H. F. Rhoades. All Nebraska is looking to these men to bring the reeded balance to the Missouri basin project. Susie Reed. Well Modulated Contrary to all popular belief, ft is nice to be Lack to school. V.'here else can one find fo much social life? The little joys of cold eight o'clock's, the tnree o'clock study sessions. Then come the in evitable final exams. For us they are liable to be final in more than one sense of the w ord. . . As for the radio section, they are up to their usual well-execut- m sinks .'.. .Ted Ban4ph',' jack Cobra Krltk O'Rannot Cfcurk Kurmemtrr . Nrndv iiaocrr . . . Bruce Kennedy 1 ed tricks. "Authors of the Ages," Lincoln's top dramatic show, will , do lioyleston's "The Key." Holly ! w ood's got nothing on us. This is won't q;it. At this point it seems only right to commend Gaylord Marr on the fine work he has done as direc tor on "Authors." Gaylord is no stranger to anyone who frequents the University Theater. Now he h3 taken that same high quality work and transferred it to the basement. (Here it is ap propriate to mention that the ra dio studios arc located in the base ment of the Temple building.) Our literary hats cfl to Gay Man, I f . V '.),, Courtey Lincoln Journal. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Man of the Week Alter viewing Tuesday night's basketball game with Kansas, we can scarcely give the Man of the Week award to anyone but Bus Whitehead, although we must confess we nearly picked the edi tor and two managing editors of this paper for the mental agony they went through in awarding The Daily Nebraskan citations. Whitehead has been giving the Cornhuskers the spark they lost last year when Claude Rether ford graduated. In singling out the elongated center, we don't mean to ignore a few other stars in the line-up, such as Tony Law ry, Joe Malacek, Bob Pierce, Joe Brown, Jim Buchanan, Bob Cerv, et al. But we do leel that without Whitehead's presence, the team's record would not be what it is today. Against highly-touted Clyde Lovellette of the Jayhawks, the Buster looked like an All American. And we are becoming con vinced that maybe that is just what he is. Prevlao Mrfl f thr Week: Rnsaetl llumard. I'r f. lon A. I cnlr. John ( nelly Tom Noak. Trnf. Karl Arndt. Kritb O'Bannoa. R. ft. Rnnrnlof. Kay Simmoas, lick Srh aod lioane lake. Campus Chatter Bv Jean Fenster It has been suggested by Ajon Farber, Wednesday's Guest Edi tor, and seconded by yours truly that we establish a new tradition on ye old campus. One of the most famous traditions of Iowa State campus is the fact that a girl isn't a "coed" until she's been kissed under their Campanille Tower at the stroke of midnight. Being a "coed" however, indi cates that you are "going steady" or one step from being pinned. In all respect to our recently con structed Mueller Carillon Tower it seems only logical that such a sentimental tradition should be inaugurated. In view of this situa tion we present the idea to YOU. What do you think? The fellows at the Tau house are wondering just exactly where Doyle Busskohl's pin is at. Some think it may be at the Phi house. Jean Loudon, Alpha chi, walked off with the laurels last Saturday nitiht as she was chosen pledge sweetheart of Sigma Chi. Jean was escorted to the dance by Bob Dawson. The recently elected eight Elig ible Bachelors are drawing up a petition for presentation to the A.W.S. Board. In effect, they are ic-questing eight seats at the Coed Follies because they "feel that this gesture would do much to imnrnve the social relations be tween the male and female sex ..." There's some rumor that Suiie Techa and Bob McMasters have been seeing quite a lot of each other lately . . . More pinnings and engagements have occurred recently. One of t':,S most shocking candy passings Monday night was at the Tri Pelt "Authors of the Ages," 9:30 p.m. Thursday over KFOR. In typical high fashion, Studio B presents a typical drama of a typi ical family, called "A Typical Family." It seems this typical show contains a typical love af fair, typical problems, and typical people. It also prormscs a j0t of typical comedy. It comes cn that typical radio station KLMS at 9:30 p. m. Wednesday. Typical, eh! Sican Song, 1950 ... This being the last Daily Nebraskan of the semester, we supose our public expects something in the way of a swan song. Pardon us if our sentiment is showing. Not being too well practiced in the art of writing swan songs, we have looked into the writings of past editors to see what they had to say to their successors. Two years ago the editor advised the crown prince to get into the middle of everything of importance at the Uni versity from politics to society to sports. He wanted some one who was "in" on everything. Last spring the editor called for a "detached" editor one who viewed the campus "with tongue in cheek" (I translate word for word.) We would not advise my successor to be either. Since we have always felt that it is an editor's personality more than his activities that make a good or bad paper, we would suggest that the heir apparent deviate not one bit from his past experience. We believe that he, or '-he, will do a much better job by keepirg up any and all outside activities. In our research into the final editorials of our predeces sors, we find that they all try to sum up what they have done and what has happened on the campus in their tenure. In some of our more optimistic moods, we have felt that we have a done a good job as editor. But then we look into the vault where we store the many irate, bitter letters from our readers and think maybe we haven't. We have decided to postpone final judgment on the matter. It is certain, however, that The Daily Nebraskan is more widely read this year. In a sense, then, we have been sucessful. We are sure that our successor can be even more successful next semester. The spring semester always has brought forth more big stories. A Fcxc Suggestions We know the new editor will make his weight felt around the campus. Hoping we don't appear to be telling him how to run his paper, we would like to see him devote a good deal of time to the following subjects, issues we think are of prime importance at this time: 1. A new Council constitution, stating specifically its powers, duties and responsibilities. We think half of the Council's drawbacks will be eliminated once this is done. 2. Posibilities of financing a Student Union addition. This is one of the worthiest projects we have encountered during four years at the University, and the student body should back it to the utmost. 3. A teacher grading system. We feel both students and instructors can be benefited by such a system. 4. An investigation of student activities, with special at tention to the methods of selecting new members. We have always felt that this campus is too full of "ticket-sellers" and rather empty as far as interested workers are concerned. There are certainly other issues which will deserve con sideration. The students can be assured they will not be over looked by the new staff. We conclude with an earnest wish for a successful semester. And now, like the Arab, we fold our tent and silently steal away. Cub aem house. June Fisslrr passed candy to announce her marriage to Kenny Larsen as of last October! Married during Christmas were Jo Maine and Bill Jones. Engaded are Ted Kalstrom and Carol Kussel, Norman Anderson and Marilyn O'Dey of Norfolk Junior College. I'hl Babcock and Don Clements, Gloria Ferschtman and Harold Abramson, Frisrilla Horham and Don Ferguson, Mna Buckindahl and Bob Cardwell, Pat F.sry and Ed Lang in, Bonnie SohmiedinR and Jerry Bauer, Dorothy Rogers and Norman Stehlik, Jim Phillips and Arlean FiMmann, Frank Eastabrooks and Erla McClure. Thieves they ruin everything. Since someone stole John Peck's car over Christmas, Jan Cochran received a pin instead of a dia mond at any rate they're "en gaged." . Binned are Mary Ann Grund man and Jim Stephenson, Lou Filer and Bob AU, Shirley (iesslcr and Bob Good, Charlene Kruse and Don Lawson.Lee Alex ander and Lila Home, Wendy Causer and Jane Rockwell. Car men Christoffel and Dirk Kinsey, Bobbie Rosen and Marvin Horn stein, Kenneth Luckens and Bar bara Henderson, Mary Lou Plank and George Mackey, Ann Scott and Stan Thelander. According to the Sig Eps, Muscles Kornlck found another muscle yesterday. Keep up the good work, Don. Wayne "Bear" Hanchl and Charlie Coll is n are going steady Friday, lanuary 13, 1950 again after a brief break-up lasting a total of four hours. Bill Anderson reportedly has certain interests in the Alpha Xi house. Could it be Jayne Wade? The Alpha Phis will hold their winter formal Friday night. Dates attending will be Mary Lou Keat ing and Bob Hinds, Dick Kozier and Shirley Randall, Suzie Stoll and her newly acquired steady Warren Thomas, and Zanie Bothes and Collin Schak. Couples planning to go to the Delta Gamma dinner dance at the Lincoln hotel Friday night in clude J Norsworthy and Ed Donegan. Ann Raymond and Dick Phelps, Nancy Klein and Bob Kinsey, Jo Smith and Tom Harper. Semi-finalisis for the Delt Sweetheart Queen to be presented at their formal at the Lincoln Saturday night are Jan Arm strong, Marilyn Clark. Molly Houston, Snr Kimball, Ann Stevenson and Jo Zolot. Dates planning to attend the Delt formal include Jerry Doek and Laura Scherff, Keith SkalU and Bev Deal, Don Gerke and Doree Canady, Ray Stover and Mildred Richmond, Bill Crtmrll and pinmate Sue Kimball, Dick Lander and Doris Gillette. The Sig Alphs will hold their formal at the Cornhusker Satur day night. Dates attending will be Frank Kinsey and Jan Fair child, Lynn Eller and Jo Melon, Bob Seacrest and Jo Finney, and Best Sfatek and Bert Ott.