The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 08, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
'Sunday, January 8, 1950
Mouse Plays Leading
Role in Sosh Drama
(Special to The Daily Nebraskan)
By Dwight Griswold
Two prominent University co
eds figured Friday morning in a
modern version of "man or
Paul Meadows, associate profes
sor of sociology, was lecturing to
a 10 a. m. Soc. 107 class on the
general theme of "disorganiza
tion," while a mouse proceeded to
demonstrate for him disorganiza
tion at its worst.
As Meadows lectured, a mouse
entered the room and took a par
ticular fancy to Jeanne Sampson.
He, or it, decided to try his, or
its, hand at climbing, and Jeanne's
coat hanging over the back of the
chair seemed to offer the best
means for ascent.
Just how close he, or it, (I'm
getting tired of this from now on
it's it) approached has not been
established. But suddenly Miss
Sampson loosed a scream that
put something of a dent into
Meadows' chain of thought.
All at once the focus of atten
tion, the mouse decided to find
new fields to conquer. The next
victim it selected, and not with
out reason was Laverna Acker." It
scurried along the floor and
j leaped into her lap, sending her
also into a mild panic,
j It would be hard to estimate
the confusion and damage that
might have resulted to Sosh had
not some unknown hero grabbed
the fleeing mouse and thrown it
out the window.
Both patients are doing well,
hospital authorities repcit.
UN References
Now Available
Background material for the
United Nations model General
Assembly, to be held on this
campus in March, is now available
in the Map room of the library.
Included in the material will be
information on problems that the
General Assembly is going to
cover, as well as information de
signed to give background on the
52 countries that make up the
Information on the following
problems will be available: cur
rent problems of Indonesia and
how the UN could develop the re
sources on Indonesia; Russia's at
titude toward UNESCO; the UN
world police force; Russian opposf
tion toward military bases in the
Pacific islands; should South West
Africa become a trust territory.
There will be a continual dis
play of material, late magazines
pertaining to these topics, and all
documents that are possible.
UN Cosmopolitan
Spollighls Iran
The country Iran is spotlighted
in the December issue of The
University of Nebraska Cosmo
politan, published by the Univer
sity Cosmopolitan club.
The monthly paper features ar
ticles written mostly by foreign
students attending the University.
Besides the articles on Iran, Ed
ward Saad gives the Arab view
of the Palestinian question, Claus
Uggla tells of a "Christmas in
Sweden," and Claude Hannezo
discusses the problem "Should Re
ligion Be Imperialistic."
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