The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 05, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Thursday, Tanuary 5, 1950
t .1
Jkl 0aihp TbJbhaAkcuv
Intercollegiate Press
The Daily Nrhraskan la published by the .indent, at the University ot Nebraska m
mm .M.reasinn ol students news and opinion, -inly According to article II ot be tts
EL,,, c vrr"nS student pjbliratlons and dmln.stcrro by the Board ol i;
"It u "bt . declared policy ot the Hoard thai putol.rattnna under Ita Jurisdiction .tuu
J fre. t... editor. censorship on the part .1 the Hoard or " ,'he part .1 ,
Member ol the faculty ol the university: 'ml member, ol the itafl ol Th mih
hXwLao are Vm.n.ll, re.pon.ible .or what tey aay or do or cause to b. printed.'
' SnharrlDtloo rate, are M OO net semester. 2.M per emestef mailed, or M.Ot) lot
she UiTe ?ear $4 00 mailed. "single copy Ac. I'unlishcd during the action! vra.
fnt MondaVa and Saturday., yacations and examination vrinds. by Ihe Umverutj
IJ Nebraiha in"r the .u?-ervl.on ol Ihe i-uniiration Hoard. Entered a. .Herod
?. . uT.t.t .Tine Font Office in Lincoln. el.raska. under Act ol fjongrras. Harre
'"l879 and a. aVw r.1, 17 Provided tor In arcUon U.S. Act of
t! 1817. aulliurlird September 1. l9noKI1,
Cub Clem
m!Zui. Editor. """"
. Hank l immm
C! srai diior .V.V.'.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.'fr... .......... renatrt
Assistant bVLm Ma'n'arc'rV'.V.V.V. '.V.V.Ted RanJolph. Jack Cohen. hnck B..rn,e..te.
t in-illation Manm '.... .A rl'cn Beam
Mcht New, Editor
N U Bulletin
For Meritorious Service . . .
"For meritorious service in promoting the welfare and
spirit of the University of Nebraska, The Daily Nebraskan
cites ... . ,
These words, placed on two certificates, will honor the
semester's work of a member of the University administra
tion or faculty and a University student. The two recipients
will be selected by The Daily Nebraskan staff after names
have been nominated by students and faculty members.
The winners of the citation will be announced in the
last issue of the semester on Jan. 13.
Members of the faculty and student body are urged to
make their nominations as soon as possible. The nomina
tions should be accompanied by a few paragraphs explain
ing why the nomination was made. These nominations may
be sent through campus mail to The Daily Nebraskan and
should be in the editor's office before Wednesday, Jan. 11.
The awards, two a semester, will become a regular fea
ture in The Daily Nebraskan for years to come. Last spring,
Editor Norm Leger selected two senior students, Jerry
Johnston and Phyl Harris, to receive similar awards. The
field is being broadened this semester to permit a wider
field of selection.
No member of The Daily Nebraskan staff is eligible
for the award.
By Cub Clem.
Student Returns to UN
In Based Condition
''Happy Xew Year" shouted
Murgatroyd as the bell rang, i
Then, partially recovering from r
the sudden attack of somnabul- i
ism he remembered that it was j
the alarm tailing him to his
Tuesday 9 o'clock. 1
Today I'll wow em. he de- j
rided :is he stumbled toward the I
wash room. Alter three attempts
with the razor he decided to
morrow would be a more ap
propriate day to try out the new
additions to his wardrobe and
settled with only one more
"shaving mishap."
Food Tastes Odd.
"My, this tastes odd, "he
snorted as he tried to down his
breakfast. Just then Joel, the
house teetoteller and authority on
life in general bounced in his
usual conversational mood. And
now for my quart of milk, Joel
announced self-righteously.
"And what has happened to
you Murgatroyd" he demanded
ruthlessly, "as if I didn't know."
-Well, as I always say" . . . Never
mind what you always say, talk-
Lost Articles
Aivait Claim in
West Stadium
Where can a University stu
dent look for a lost article? That
seems to be a question that few
' students can answer.
An all-campus lost and found
department is maintained by the
University in the West Stadium
in the Stores A department, which
is the office and custodial sup
plies division. Articles lost on
the campus or in any building
on campus may be claimed in
this department. -
According to Charles Moore,
head of the department, less than
25 percent of all the articles
turned in to the orfice each year
are ever claimed by the owners.
In August each year, says
Moore, all items of clothing
which have not been claimed by
someone are turned over to vari
ous welfare organizations, usually
the Salvation Army. Classroom
books which have been unclaimed
are given to the bookstores for
use. No money is received for the
goods, but all are disposed of.
When a student loses an article
In finy building on campus, if it
found by the janitor, it will be
ing boy," our friend scowled, '"it
was nice while it lasted." "Well,
well now, the proof of the pud
ding is in the eating, as I always
say, "but this was lo,t to pos
terity as Murgatroyd made a hasty
Returns from Classes.
Our scene now shifts to our
hero as he returns after two
classes, one thought and one
alone in mind. Oh that beautiful,
lovely, soft, little old bed. I guess
I'll just oversleep the rest of
today's classes.
Then, oh misery of miseries,
lie stopped right into a bridge
game. Before he knew what new
misfortune had befallen him he
was sorting his cards. 'O-.h ,
not even a good start on a can
asta. And no wild cards, what
kind of a deck is this." Bridge,
stupid, retorted friend Joel in a
worldly air. Hours later, 45 min
utes to be exact, he stumbled up
stairs. Oil, don't be phlegmatic
demanded Joel, in a voice notably
higher than his usual solemnity.
"Don't be legmatic, my legs feel
fine," Murgatroid replied, in a
desperate attempt to keep his
scl' control and seem indifferent.
He reached his room, found
the bunk, .md today lapsed into
Red Cross Water Safety com
mittee will meet at 5 p. m. Thurs
day, Room 316, Union.
Nu-Meds meeting parlors X, Y,
Union. Dr. Frank H. Tanner,
Lincoln, speaker. Nominations
for next semester officers will
be made.
A call for "poll cats" has been
issued by the Daily Nebraskan.
Students interested in assisting
the paper in polling students on
controversial questions contact
Beth Randel, Rag office, 1 to 4
p.m. anv afternoon this week.
Copies of the '49-'50 Student
Directory may be purchased at
the campus bookstores.
Phi Chi Theta will meet at 7
p. m. Thursday, Tai lor B, Union.
Home Ec club will meet at 5
p. m. Thursday, Home Ec par
lors. Presentation of officer can
didates and discussion of Smor
gasbord. I'niversity 4-II club meets 7:30
p. m. Thursday, Ag Union.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow
ship, meeting at 7:30 p.m., Room
315, Union.
KAVPA Fill pledges meet at
Student House at 5 p. m. Bring
vour pledge points with you.
7 p. m. Thursday, Room 309
Arr Country Dancers, meeting
Friday, 7 to 8 p. m.
Theta Nu, picture, 4:50 p.m.
Friday, West Stadium.
. Saturday.
All I'niversity Square Dance
Saturdav night, Ag Activities
Square Dancers
To Fling Friday
Grab your partner and 'round
you go it's the Union's first
square dance of the season Friday,
'Jan. 6, from 8:30 to 11 p.m. Also
sponsored by the Union dunce
committee is a dance Saturday.
Jan. 7, from 9 to 12 p. m.
Calling and music for the
square dance will be by Loren
Graham and his band. The fella'.;
will don plaid shirts and jeans,
and the girls arc expected to wear
cottons or sweaters and skirts.
Instruction will be given for be
ginner square dancers. The ad
mission is forty-four cents per
person, rnd singles, as well as
couples, are welcome.
Saturday, refreshments will be
served to tables surrounding the
dance floor. Music is to be fur
nished by records and program
service. No admission will be
9 foot 11 inches. OK, lhat'i nough. Pierce. Next man!"
Receives Gifts
Of $28,365
Five gifts totaling $28,465 have
been presented to the University
through the University Founda
tion. Two are for scholarships,
two will finance chemuigy and
polio research and one will estab
lish a new course in unbiased pol
itics. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kunz of
Lincoln have given $5,000 for the
annual Kunz. scholarships, which
wil be available to University
students who display ability, in
dustry, determination and arc
worthy of finaTu ial assistance.
$5,000 will go for research, in
vestigating the possibility of start
ing industries based on Nebraska
agriculture by the Agricultural
Research Foundation of Omahn.
Such industries would use as
raw materials, corn cobs and
other waste farm products, wheat
products and oil seed crops.
Paul T. Babson, of Boston, has
presented $1,000 to the Brownell
Scholarship fund. The fund was
founded in 1939 in memory of
Prof. Herbert Brownell .and is
Kaj Filings...
(Continued from Page 1)
is to assist student staffs of the
Daily Nebraskan and Corn Shucks
to broaden the content of these
publications and make them more
informative to the entire student
body and factulty.
A continual screening of paid
statf members and reporters on
both publications will be set up.
The Committee also will assist the
student staffs with problems of
advertising and circulation income
and mechanical production to per
mit larger publications.
Shumate urged all qualified stu
dents tf apply for the positions
and emphasized that all rcpor
torial assignments are open to
those who seek them.
given annually to a university
student majoring in science edu
cation. Mr. Babson is a former
student of Prof. Biownell.
G. E. Hendricks. '05. now a
Jiilesburg. Colo., attorney. has
given" $2,000 to start a course in
political, social ;.nd economic
thought. The endowment will
eventually !e sullicient to pay
the salary of an outstanding au
thority r.f American government
to lecture at the Universiy.
Iowa Slale Lauds
NU Migrators
The behavior of Nebraska stu
dents at the Nebraska-Iowa foot
ball game was complimented bv
Harold E. Pride, director of the
Union at Iowa Slate, in a letter
to Duane Lake.
Pride stated that he had been
told repeatedly that they have
had few delegations of students
from other campuses in their
building and around the campus
who have made the impression
that was made by the Nebraska
Pride further stated that they
were perfect ladies and gentlemen
and the best possible kind of ad
vertisers of Nebraska that the
university could enjoy.
Final Exam Schedule
turned in that day to the lost
and found department in the West
Stadium. This is the only place
the article may be claimed.
Most items received at the de
partment, Moore points out, are
usually large ones. Very little
jewelry is turned in, he claims,
and about the only small goods
are cheap pens or pencils.
I Khuratnrv classes meeting fur several continuous hour on one or tun days Uiull piii-i-I for rxumitmtmn a fullnHi:
la-M-x iiM-atiiiK on Mmnliiy anil 'Iui-mIh, thall Im- runiim-il on llir rialr M-lioliilnl for (In- lift hour ol I loir lulmrntor
nii-i'tinc ! Hi-diK-Mlay or ThurMlay rlMsxe on llir oi-rond hour ol llu ir imi-linie; I rlilnv or Sutiirla rla-.M- on llw third hour.
I nil aiiilimlioiiH ha,c ln--n si'lit-iluliil lor all ni-clionx in thi- follow inc uhj--l: ill Hiisini- Orruntatloii :i, 4. tl. Ml. H'i
lit (i,il Kneim-rrinK I: CU r.ononil. II. I'. 11.1; ill r duration MO, til. ti'-, (.1) r.lrrt rlial l.iicinot-ring l:i:. I!IH. S:tfi. Ml;
ii hiicinoi-riiic M.i haul.. J-'Kj Ol Knali-h H. I, . 3. 4. 17; IK) I r. n. h II. i:i; ID) Home r rononilr 41. 4J: Mill Mathr
liialiin II. 14. 1.1. I. 17. 41. 42, 1(1.1, Hl. 10": lilt Mrrhaniral Klislnci-rinic I, : (121 l' rl-nlnsy list Horlolocy &:l;
ill) Spanish Al, .1.1. If sliidi-iits h:i,- nrularly krha-duli-d examination mnflirtinit with the alnni- m-i ill arraiiKed ln-diilr.
nrr.tiit:-tiM-ntH to takr turn MM-rially rh-diilrd i-aniinalioiia at anothr tlmr hhuulri hr madr with tti d-iartiiinl ronrt-rtirif
on or iM-forr January II. lor If a kltiiliot is srhi-duh-d for an rxumlnallon whlrh rnnfttrt with a M-riall, M-hrd-uli-rf
rxaniiiiatioa in I ri-iirh, arraim-i-mrnN hhould br made with tin I reni n dipartmi nt to takr om h I rnu h rtaininalion
at aiHilln-r tiiiH.
12 m. tla-- noillnr at a.m.. fi,r or four days, or Mon., Wed., f rl., ar any on or lii of the daj.
3 . in. c lassi's iiii-elinii al II a.m., Tuesday., Thorn., or sat., or any uni uf thrsr dj.w
Till ItsllAV. J M A It V l
a.m. to 12 in. Masses nieelinc at 3 p.m.. Tues., Thum., r eilhir one ol these day.
to II a.m. All terlionn in Meehnuiral r.nKinr-erinK I.
a.m. to III a.m. All M-etions In Montr f.ronomie 41 and 42.
a.m. to 1(1 a.m. All sertions in Business organliatinn 21. i Coliseum)
a.m. to 10 a.m. All sertions In Husim-sn Organisation 141. itoliseum)
a.m. to Ml a.m. All Metlon In r renrh II, l.t. 14 ollseuml
a. tn to 10 a. in All Kerliona In Spanish .11, AS. It'olisenml
a.m. tn I p.m. All srrtinnn la r.rofioniirn II, 12. (Coliseum)
p.m. to & p.m. (lasses meeting al 2 p.m., fivr nr tour days, or Mon., ,,rd., I rl., or any our or two of these da,.
I RlllAV, MM AltV 20
9 a.m. to 12 m. (lasses meetlnc at 10 a.m., fl,r nr four da,, nr Mon., Vted., r'rl., or any one or two of thes da, a.
2 p.m. to A p.m. I lassea meetinc at ;t p.m., five or four da,s, or Mon., Wed., r'ri., or any one or tun of these day.
2 p.m. to 6 p.m. lassen meetlUK at 4 p.m., fivr nr four da,s, or Mon., Aed., r'rl., or any utte or twu uf the days.
9 a.m. tn 12 m. Classea meeting at 4 p.m., Tnea. and Thur., nr either of tlieoe day..
to 111 a.m. All sertions in Mulli. malli a II, IA, 41, 111.1. I oliselini )
I p.m. All Mil i. ins in Mathematira 14, 1.1. II. 42, lll. 107. (Coliseum)
A p.m. fJassea meelinc at K a.m.. Turn.. Thiirs., Hat., or any one or two of thee day.
A p.m., fi,e or four days, or Mon., Wed., r'ri.. or any one or two of these days.
A p.m., Tuea. and Thurn., or either one of th-se days.
7 p.m., Mon., Wed., l-ii., or any one or Iwn uf these day..
7 p.m., Tuea. and Thum., or either one of these daya.
to 12 nt. lassea meeting at a.m., fl,e or four daya, or Mon., Wed.. Frl.. nr any one nr two of these daya.
to A p.m. t lasses meeting at I p.m., Tuea. and Thurs, or either one of these daya.
In 12 in. lasaea meeting at II m.. n,e or four daya, or Mon., Wed., I'rl., or any one or two of tliese dayt.
!l a. m to 12 m. All sertions fo (i,ll Kiicinerring 1.
H a.m. to 10 a.m. All aeetfnns in Business Oricuniration 147. (Coliseum)
X a.m. to 1(1 a.m. All Mil inns In I duration HO, til, Ii2. (Coliseum)
I0::t0 a.m. to I2::0 p.m. All aeetiona In Business Organization 3, 4. l('olfseuni) '
KI::iO a.m. to 13:30 p.m. All sertions In I'syrhology 70. (Coliseum)
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Classes meeting at II a.m., fl,e or four days, or Mon., Wed., r'rl., or any one or two of these daya.
9 am. tn 12 m. Classes meeting at I p.m., five or four daya. or Mon., Wed., I'rl., nr any one or Iwn of these days.
2 p.m. tn A p.m. Classes meeting at 10 a.m., Tuea., Tliuri, Sat., or any one or two of these days.
fo 12 ni. Classea meeting at 9 a.m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any or two of these days,
to A p.m. All serl Inns In- Kngllsh. 2.
A p.m. All aeetiona in Knclish 'A, 4.
5 p.m. All aeetiona in Knk"lish 17.
A p.m. All sertiona In Mre. lar. 1.1.1, 1!), 236, 237.
6 p.m. AU sertiona in Kconomica J 1&.
12 m. Classea meeting at t p.m.. Tnea. anil Thurs.. or either one of these daya.
4 p.m. All sertions in Knclish H, I (Coliseum)
A p.m.- .All aeetinna in Soeiology A3
A p.m. All mtliina In t.Nginerring Mi-rhanlrs 221.
A p.m. All aertloiia in Merlranlral Knginerrina; 6.
a.m. to
p.m. to
p.m. to
S p.m.
.1 p.m.
A p.m.
A p.m.-
I lasses meeting at
I lassea meeting al
I lasses meeting at
lasses meeting at
9 a. i