PAGE 8 Council Seeks Group to Head DP iVctivities The sponsorship of DP activi ties on campus is still undecided No organization has yet been officially named to the position of sponsoring DP students at the University. Vladimer Lavko, DP committee head on the Student Council in making his committee report at the council's meeting, an nounced that very few house representatives and organizations attended the meeting last week to determine sponsorship. At the present, the council has jurisdiction over the displaced person students, but has decided to place the responsibility with some other organization on campus. Three organizations have al ready applied for sponsorship Red Cross College unit, All Uni versity Fund and Religious Wel fare Council, but these and all other interested groups are asked to appear before the council at iext Wednesday's meeting. The group that takes over this sponsorship will handle all prob lems of DP's on this campus in cluding new entrants, housing, board, clothing and other essen tials. EE Honorary Initiates 20 " Eta Kappa Nu. the national Electrical Engineering honor so ciety conferred the honor of membership upon twenty out standing E. E. students Wednes day evening at the Union. At the banquet "hich followed the initiation ce. nony. Profes sor F. W Norris. chairman of the E. E. department, was the toast master. Dean Green of the En pincering College gave an ad dress entitled -Essentials of a Profession." Qualifications for membership in the association include a scholastic mark in the upper one-fourth of the .junior class or upper one-third of the senior class and an active participation in extra curriculai activities on tlie campus. New members are: George Andre nsen. Kenneth Bishop, Harold Bonness, Clarence Cun ningham, Eveiicigh ' Foster. George Gorker. Ralph Husband, Harrison Katz, Ronald McWil liams. Yale Meyer. Harold Pen ner, Elliott Recht, Clifford Wil liams, Marvin Ingalsbe, Bernard Bandur, Nolan Jomes, Eugene Kirsch, Bill Kleinschmidt. Ed ward Maunder. Robert Vollmer. Pluirinacisls Elect Class Officers Clr.s: elections were held re cently in the College of Phar macy. Tlie freshmen elected Robert M. Svanda, president and Janine A. Miller, secretary his torian. The sophomore class elected the following officers: William Mickle. president; Keith W. Deuel, vice president; Albert J. Haber. secretary-historian; and James R. Cox, treasurer. James M. Mcintosh was elected president of junior class, with Point W. Waters, vice president: Martha A. Smith, secretary-historian: and Lcroy D. Bcltz, trea surer. President of the senior class is C. Jack Christen: on. John A. Skin ner, vice president: Isobel T. Bog n c r. s e eretary-historian; and Kathryn C. Schoonmaker, treas urer. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, Dec. 4, 5:30 p. m.: Forum at Student house. Morn ing discussions at 7 a. m.: Monday and Wednesday. tHi 11 1- $ !" l .., M'.f l'Rn 4- ' ':.f NINE OF THE 100 MEMBERS of the University Singers rehearse iuo Union hallrnnm for the Singers' traditional nil unr aiusc ' tI,v- w...-.. - Christmas carol concert to be given at the Union at 3 p.m. and 4-30 p.m. Sunday. In the first row (1 to r) are Marilyn Voorhees, Rex Pcttijohn and Jeanette Dolezal; second row (1 to r): Aaron Schmidt, Peggy Beyer and William French; and third row (1 to r): Lloyd Lotspcich, Catherine Elliott and Bruce Campbell. . tk c;,-,.vr..c win cinir 18 Christmas carols. An intermission concert will be given by a string quintet composed of Alcta Snell and Roma Johnson, Majorie Farmer and Janice Liljedahl. Ronald Barmes will be the organist. Before and after the concert, Christ mas carols will be heard from the Ralph Mueller carillon tower. Vacation Party Offers Chance For Ski Fans Skiing, moonlight skating par ties, square dancing and a New Year's celebration all these are features of a holiday vacation in Aspen, Colo. The Holiday Ski Party, under the sponsorship of Berry Tours, offers a chance to learn to ski under expert instructors, Friedl Pfiefer and his associates, for merly of Sun Valley. Altho no connection exists be tween the Holiday Ski party and the University Ski club, the Berry Tours offers this oppor tunity to all of the students on this campus interested in skiing. Leave from Kansas City. Participants in the party will leave from Kansas City, Kas., on a special railroad car, Dec. 26 and return Jan. 2. Nebraska students will join the group in Lincoln when the train passes through here. Accomodations will be at Roaring Forks Lodge in Aspen. Square dancing will be held at the Four Seasons club and the New Year's celebration is sched uled at the "Gay Nineties" Hotel Jerome. A touch of romance is included in the two and one-half mile sleigh ride to the lake during the holidays. Cost of the trip is $133.20 Reservations must be made by Dec. 15 with Van Duling. 2-5287 For all skiing information con tact Miss Schossbcrger, Univer sity extension 4204. HUSKERVILLEites!! Welcome to Morrow's . . . SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1024 Que St. (Just Block East of your 10th St. lius Line). Open 9:00 AM to 7:00 FM No Waiting . . No Appointments THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i I J Your : ! I !,A'H Church w4 New Candidate Teachers lo 3 lee I All new candidates for teach ing positions for the school year 1950-51 or for the second se mester of this year are urged to meet with staff members in charge of teacher placement on Tuesday, Dee. 6, in Love Memo rial auditorium, F. E. Sorenson announced. Students who have classes at this period arc asked to arrange if at all possible with instructors to permit attendance. This meet ing is very important to all who are interested in teaching next year. Please come prepared to take notes. UNITARIAN Sunday, Dec. 4, 1 1 a. m.: Rev. Philip Schug's topic: "The Strength of a People." 4-6 p. m.: College age group meets in Room 315 of Union for discussion of "What Can a Liberal Religion Actually Contribute to Your Life?" LEARN TO SKI ON A HOLIDAY IN ASPEN! ( Ol.dH tint's UIM h lt ft OA ) . 4 M) FOUR HOURS OF SKI INSTRUCTION EVERY DAY 6 DAYS OF FUN WINTER SPORTS GALORE LEAVE LINCOLN DEC. 26 KETTKN J VN. 2. VOL GET I EXPERT SKI INSTRUCTION ALL MEALS ALL TRANSPORTATION ALL EQUIPMENT SKI LIFT PASS NEW YEARS EVE PARTY MOONLIGHT SKATING PARTY FINE ACCOMODATIONS CONTACT lUA'RESF.y TAT I VE YA MT.ISG 3-5287 FOH H HTllER nFOKMATlO 0 BERRY SKI PARTY Kur all Ski iNfcinnntlixi dinorrnln thin Hrxinnrrt Tarty and additional Informa tion on MiliiiK ronmilt: EMILY SCHOSSBERGER, 3-G363 ill i Visoers held 4 pm. every Tuesday at the University Episcopal Chapel 13th and R St. It's for you, why not attend. BAPTIST Sunday, Dec. 4. 5:30 p. m. Third discussion in a series on Love, Courtship, and Marriage." Miss Dorothy Swisshelm, Department of Child Welfare, will discuss "The Child in the Home. CATHOLIC C-....J-,., nr.,. i 9 and 11 a. m. Mass held in Parlors XYZ of Union. CHRISTIAN c.inu n(c 4. 6:30 D. m. Christian Student Fellowship An nual Christmas Banquet at first Christian church, nrsi uuoi parlor. Wednesday, Dec. i, snn n m. Friendly at Cotner house. HelD decorate the Christ mas tree. Bring some inexpensive gadget to add. EMMANUEL CAMPUS CHAPEL Sunday, Dec. 4, U a. m.: Sermon, Rev. Rex Knowles, Presyterian student pastor. In terdenominational. EPISCOPAL Sunday, Dec. 4. 9 a. m.: Holy Communion. Breakfast served following. 11 a. m. Litany sung in Procession and Choral Euchar ist. 6 p. m. Canterbury club dinner. Speaker: Father Asboe, ct Mnrv's cluireh. Nebraska City. Wednesday, Dec. 7, 7 a. m.: Holy Communion. Thursday, Dec. 8, 4:li0 p. m.: Conlirmalion Instruc tion. I IRST EVANGELICAL COVENANT Sunday, Dec. 4, 9:45 a. m.: Student Bible class; William Becker, teacher. 11 a. m. Sermon: "Watchful for the Master's Re turn," Tastor Johnson. 5 p. m.: Youth League and Student Fel lowship; supper. 7 p. m. Evangel in music and talks by students. LUTHERAN Friday, Dec. 2, open house at A" LSA center, 1200 North 37th. Saturday, Dec. 3, 1:30 p. m. Come help decorate the Student house for Christmas. Meet at 1440 Q. Sunday, Dec. 4. City LSA meets at 5 p. m. At First Lutheran church, 17th and A. Dzidra Buks will speak on "The Resettlement Program of the Lutheran World Federation." Supper served be fore talk. Ag LSA meets at 6:30 p. m., 1200 North 37th, for sup per. Pastor Alvin Petersen will lead discussion on "The Marks of the Church." Bring your clothing for Clothing Drive to student houses on Sunday. MISSOURI LUTHERAN Sunday, Dec. 4, 10:45 a. m.: Chapel Service, Room 315, Union. Rev. Erck's sermon: "The Mes sianic Prophesy Given to Abra- Friday, December 2, 1949 ham." Gamma Delta meets for 6 p. m. supper in YM room of Temple. Business meeting which follows will take up nominations for new officers. Christmas carols will be practiced for tour to local hospitals on Dec. 11. METHODIST Sunday. Dec. 4, St. Paul 9:45 a. m.: College Class, Prof. A. T. Anderson. 11 a. m.: Sermon: "Yesterday's Tomorrow," Dr. Frank Court. 5:30 p. m. Wesley Fellowship supper. Grace 9:45 a. m. College Class, H. W. Deems. 11 a. m. Sermon: "The Greatest Gift Given," Dr. Harold Sandall. 6:30 p. m.: Wesley Fellowship. Trinity 9:40 a. m.: College Class, Prof. N. F. Thorpe. 11 a. m.: Sermon: "In a Crowded Age." Dr. Theodore Leonard. 6 p. m. Wesley Fellowship supper. Elm Park 9:45 a. m.: College Class, Charles Olscn. 11 a. m.: Sermon: "Christ, Gift of Beauty," Rev. Carl Bader. 6 p. m.: Wesley Fel lowship. Warren 9:45 a. m.: col lege Class, David Sanders. 11 a. m.: Sermon: "Our Faith in Christ: His Uniqueness," Rev. Virgil Anderson. 5:30 p. m.: In terdenominational F e 1 1 o wship supper. Epworth 9:45 a. m.: Col lege Class, Roy bhcati. li a. m.: Sermon 7 p. m.: Wesley Fellow ship. Mother-Daughter Tea for Kappa Phi pledges, Sunday, 2:30 p. m. Monday, Dec. 5, 7 p. m.: Sigma Thcta Epsilon pledges meet. 7 p. m.: Wesley Players meet. Tuesday, 7 p. m.: Sigma Theta Epsilon. Wednesday, 7:15 a. m.: Advent Services at Stu dent house. Saturday, 8 p. nV: Methodist Student house Christ mas party. now many players can jou pick'1 Docs tlie star of your tram rate with the nation's licsl? Here's tlie excilin answer, in this week's Collier's I lie original, oHicial All-Anicrii a. selections ly tlie American l'oothall Coaches Associa tion, through their own I'oanl of cijjht top gridiron mentors. JJc the first to meet the proud winners of college football's greatest honor! And to learn the surprise of the year'tn this week's Collier's, on sale December 2nd. READ IT in (CaMner' COLLIER'S E