The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1949, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Take 3 Places
In Ag Meets
The week-long stream of news
from Chicago honoring Nebraska
teams and individuals was com
pleted yesterday.
The latest act omplishrnent by
Nebraska was the University
meats judging contest at the In
ternational Livestock exposition
This follows the announcement
of the 2nd place ranking of the
University livestock team and a
3rd place' in intercollegiate compe
tition by the crops judging team.
Meats Team.
The meats team, composed of
Grant Cornelius, Loran Schmitt
and Meiwyn French placed 2nd
in pork. 6th in beef grading, 8th
in lamb iudging and 10th in beef.
Cornelius, Nebraska's high man,
was 6th high individual for the
entire contest. He was also sec
ond in pork judging. Schmitt was
8th ranking individual in pork
production and beef grading.
coached by Prof.
Charles Adams, is expected to re
turn to Lincoln today.
Fishbein . . .
Continued from Page 1.
dicating the need lor better facili
ties for workers recreation.
To Make People Better
Surmising that "intelligent peo
ple observe trends," he stated that
while we are still trying to ac
curately measure intelligence and
that "functional tests of the brain
arc still disappointing" the overall
result should make people better.
Fishbein also discussed experi
ments with methods of child care
and observed a possible tiend
away from the scientific exactness
brought in by pediatricians, who
would feed junior four ounces
every 4 hours, regardless of how
much he gave back-junior not
being aware of the scientilic.
Environment was given as the
basis of much delinquency, as
well' as other mental disturbances.
'Mom-ism-' or over-protection re
sulted in 300.000 cases of psycho
neurotic cases in soldiers who
when put under stress could not
respond naturally.
Benefit From Guidance
"There is not a month or a year
henefit from
wnen ..h. -----
guidance," Dr. Fishbein declared
in showing the need fr applied
psychology. !
Dr Fishbein said he foresees a .
new era with vast research to be (
done, and possibly an "interna-j
tiunal health movement as S
prime factor in maintaining
Clfancellor R. F. Gustafson, a J
colleague ol Dr. Fishbein on many ,
research committees, introduced j
the speaker. Fishbein's topic was ,
'SoIviiil' Students Mind Prob- j
lcms." j
Country Dancers j
Plan Parly Dec. 3
Grab a partner ;.nd get in that
S'iu;;re dance! I
The Ag country dancers arc
sponsoring a square dance Sat
urday, Dec. 3.
A dance combo has been con
tracted to play for the get to-
STATE: "A Kiss for Corliss." :
1-27 3:30, 5:33. 7:36, 9:41.
VAKSITY: "Mourning Be-
comes Electra," 1:37, 4:03, 6:29 !
8:55. I
t.i if
"M y
"THE RED SHOES" A full length ballet will be an outstanding
feature of the movie adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's
famous story of the "Red Shoes." The technicolor movie will begin
in Lincoln Dec. 6, to run for six days. The story is one of the most
unique to be filmed in several years, and will be shown twice daily,
because of its length, 2 hours and 13 minutes.
Houses Plan AUF j Yearbook Pholos
Starvation Meals !Miisl Be in Today
"Tightening their belts" for
AUF this week are five campus
Members of Delta Gamma,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Chi Omega,
Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha
Chi Omega have consented to
participate in "starvation" din
ners at their houses. By eating
little or no food at one meal this
week, the five houses will donate
money saved to the campus
charity chest.
Other houses and groups will
ing to join the five "fasting"
houses are urged to contact
Ginny Koch, 2-3288 or 2-3287.
Contributions from the project
can be sent to Miss Koch, AUF
treasurer, at the Union.
The "starvation" dinners will
bring to an end the AUF drive
for this year. Thus far, a total of
about $4,500 has been contributed.
Today is the last day any stu
dent may have hfs picture taken
for the 1950 Cornhusker.
Any outstanding proofs must
be returned by this date to Rose
Manor studio.
Students who have not yet had
their pictures taken -can make
appointments today for sittings
from 2 to 5 p. m. this afternoon
in the Cornhusker office of the
Union basement.
Ten days after Dec. 1 will be
allowed for proofs to be returned
by the late-comers.
Picture appointments can be
made today only either by call
ing the Cornhusker office or by
coming down in person.
Union Bridge
Opens Dec. 10
All undergraduate bridge play
ers ore invited to enter the cam
pus bridge tournament with op
portunities of entering the 1950
National Intercollegiate Bridge
This was the announcement of
Union Competitive Gaines com
niitcc, in urging anyone interested
to register at the Union Activ
ities office.
Dates for the preliminary play
offs have already been set. The
first competition will be Dec. 10.
The next playoffs will not follow
til after Christmas vacation, with
rounds falliiTg on Jan. 7, Feb. 4,
and 11.
To Supervise Tourney
Acting as supervisor of the local
tournament will be Bill Tyson,
professional contract bridge in
structor. The National tournament is an
annual contest in contract bridge
in which men and women under
graduate students compete on an
equal basis.
Competition is as follows, on a
nation-wide scale with more than
300 colleges invited to compete.
Eight Players Selected
A team of eight players will
be selected from the winners of
the preliminaries. These persons
will compete with winners from
other colleges in a round by mail
which will be played in late Feb
ruary. From this semifinal windup, the
16 highest pairs, (two from each
of eight zones into which the
country has been divided) will
compete "in a face-to-face final
match in Chicago.
Thursday, December I, 1949,
Bizari Fraternity
Pledges Ten Men
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
business fraternity, announced a
pledge list of ten men following
their regular meeting.
New pledges include George
Abbott, Bernard Borowiak, George
Brewster, Lester Erockmeyer,
Wayne Cates, Bruce Evans,
Robert Gillett, Harry Johnson,
Leland Reiling and Lester West-
A panel discussion on current
labor-management relations fol
lowed the regular meeting. Un
der discussion was the proposed
4th-round wage increase in the
steel industry, effects of the pro
posed pension system on the small
enterpriser and the economy as a
whole, and the work of the gov
ernment's Fact Finding board.
Bob Matten acted as moderator.
Participating for management
were professors Clifford M. Hicks
and Gordon Mattson. Professor
Richard M. Bourne and Noble
spoke for labor.
t V All-Alike,
With or Without Imprinting
Also Christmas Letter Sheets
See this large selection
before you buy.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
gether which will begin at 9
p. m. in the College Activities
building. Paul Kemling, presi
dent of the club, is in charge of
Fire Fizzles
Four fire trucks, with sirens
screaming, rushed to the Admin
istration building Monday. A
short in the wiring had caused
smone 10 iiu me Duuaing. ixo
damage was done however, and
the trucks returned to the fire
station without unwinding any
Order your
Corsage now for the
Military Hall from
Hiltner Floral Co.
135 So. 12th St.
The Itesl in blott ers and Serriee
it m LI I 1 I I 11
t 1 I IT
From "Tbr
Kfiidrri PJKrftt"
Prn Open
12:15 Pally
Supper Specials in CAMPUS LINE 5-7 each nite
Organ music and various lis Minus c roate eve
ning atmosphere. '
k Daily CRIB specials
Breakfast and luncheon combination listed
on board near t'KIB.
DINING ROOM on 2nd floor west
Serviii? all students and faculty 11-1, Mon.-Fri.
2Jour Student linion
mm n mmmm
For Hop ...
Glamour sweaters that will keep
her in a holiday mood all year,
and keep you in her favorite
thoughts. Pretty pastels and say
high shades.
Second Floor
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Handsome sweat
ers are always
THE correct gift
for your favorite
fellow. Many
styles to choose
from in either
patterns or solid
to 6.95
GOLD'S . Street Floor
Fine Corsages at the
In any Students Price Range
Phone 2-7021
133 So. 13th