Thursday, December 1. 1949 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN JIul (Dailif VkbAoAkcuv Member Intercollegiate Press fOKTV-SIA ENTH 1 EAR rh Dully NrhrmKkmn i pnhllihrd by tb tndrnf of the l'lvfrlty of Ntrli m uprwiiion of liKirnt new. and opinion only. According lo article II of (tie j governing Undent publication and . dminiitrrrd by the Board of rulllrtion: II u Ihc declared iwlicji of the Hoard thai publication, ondor tu Jurisdiction nail M tree from editorial eraeorship oti the part ul the Board, or oa the part of anj iiember ot the family of the aniversity: bat member, of the elaft ol loe f NeJjrasltao are pcrwinally rrtponiitile lor what they ay or do or eane to be printed. Snhicripllnn rate are ti.00 per nemwter. It. 60 ncr tementer mailed, or IS M for Ihe eullrce year. 4.00 mailed. Slnele eopy e. I'nbltahrd daily during the achool veai except Mondays and halurdava, acations and eiaminnlton period., by the Iniveniij of NehraUa under the aiiix-rviilnn ot the euolirnlion Koard. Entered second Clam Matter at the I'oit Office in Lincoln. Nebraska, ander Act of Consrcm, Marce 3, 1X79, and at vril rule of notlmte protided for la ertloa 113. Act ol Oclo'iei &. 1917. aiithoriied September 10, 19-2 rDIIOltlM l lin i itiii Ssimie Reed Pioneer JSU Prof's Book ow on Sale Kill I or Managing r.illti.n . .rrlU Slnip-on Ne r.dilorn t.ene Bert, Truce Kennedy, Norma CiiiihhiK k. Jerry Kvilng SrM Filitor 4k hilitor I rat lire lilltnr t'tuUokraiilK'r Hl'MMSS .i,lne Mitnacer 0 "" sK.Ki ,,,i ii, .,.,... M.n ,. r..rt lt .n.l..:ih Jui k I'uhcn. t hin k Hiirmcisler ( iruilaliiin MaiiUKtr oorhle RrrtlKOt Irrry M arrcn Arlrn liCiint Kutli Ann Mnilstiill I tint ....Hank I amine" : Wcnily .:mi;ri NiKM Nihs I ili l.,r t.cne rlrri! With In T C! ongue I iee. "Selected Writings of Louise Pound," by the world-famous re tired University English professor, is now on snle at all bookstores. Dr. Pound, English professor on this campus from 1!)00 to. 1915. has included in her new book articles of literary, linguistic, lolk lorisiie and educational natures. She prepared the book at the in sistence of friends throughout the world. A pioneer in English. American and English philology and litera- Dr. Poi nd received her 15.1... and diploma in music from this I'nivirsity: and in l!00 re ceived her Ph. D. trom lleidclhurg univers'ly in Germany. The llil't Cornhinkor was dedi cated to the retired teacher, who now resides m l.iinoln. romain iio; in touch with 1he P'ii ei sity. The book sells for SvaO and contains r f i 4 pages of Dr. Pound's writ ;tv- 12 Pharmacy Scholarships By Cub Clem Wo have noted during t ho fall semester a split within many campus fraternal groups. It is a split common to all a great battle between the "wets" and the "drys." a i - r . i. . j . : r i . . i . nil e.xpuina Liun in nit- in unis ami iuuis or ine iwu Q i i ... ;ns tut dire WO lor sides would be both unnecessary and dangerous hero. We lir,'(,rn,i,,.i0 students of the take special note of the situation because, with the Great College of Pharmacy ersitv ol Nebraska recently by Hurt. Foundation maceutical Education them is little pise tlmt students frl i snlPS excited about. And so we submit that these clashes, which. unless we are sadly mistaken, are occurring within most Ira- Robert w. Waters. Michael tiArm'tis: nrp ennt rihnt incr snmpthinpr tn tlie fraternities and Kuchmak. Isabel T. Pogner, H to the campus. The "wets" have adopted some clever schemes in their propaganda campaigns, in one nouse, ior instance, one 01 1 are given anna rV. fnllnn-c vmt nn q liiptur-o nf tbr St Viilent iris's slaiijrliter contiibution is I I. it the Uni- Y.iKvolI-o I".1; iiol T nllvivnv i f He lirtirrbi tliocn lilt vi.fvi ' O'I'.llv ol Nebraska 010 1111- ,,.., i . i , , . ... liounced reientlv by Dean lernai Dames are aDout me oniy tiling mat preserve tno j ; )h 5 ability of Nebraska students to argue passionately for a ! American r great cause for Phar si holai - valued from S.'iO to $100 were awarded to live siuoeuis. Thevarc: and Robert N. Russell Goodwin Pirdsell. American Foundation awards y proviiled the matched in imount from another source. 1 he yunumma 'Pi' n'mMittnf wiwf m " - i V " V-JIbiv ' -S ' w , , ' " v " ! i I ' it A " V V .L s . 1 f . ' ' "e ' 1 - C f- ' ' 1 .. ! , . , - nmriM ft if"-- - ' ul MKS. rAKKOI.I. Strange dehglit ment leading emotions mystery, idy Margaret Dutton as as the second wife in "The Two Mis. Carrolls xjaani .i Awwwawi is shown in the face of she displays one of her many the University Theatei murder " scheduled tor Dec. 3-7 at the Nebraska theater. Theatre lo Present Second Product ion of 49-50 Season in Chicago during Prohibition to show the "drys" what pos- j , - Sioiy couici result ot iiieu i l-sli ieti e iit;iuiituii. The "wets" in another house, we hear, have syste matically lured the "dry" leaders into sin by catching them at moments when they are very dry and very weak-willed. Many converts arc made in this manner. The "dry" counter-tricks have, according to reports, consisted mainly of espionage. The success of these tactics can not as yet 'be estimated. Only time will tell. A tale of an artist who finds murdering his wives less nifli- , .li i1t,i 1 i i fid -i ii o tl'im will br coin again matched the lounda-; ,, . . lion's contribution with the fol-; 'f ,h The lowing awards cf $50 to S10: later's coming production. - The Walter T. Cloor, Jr., Lei ay D. ! Two Mrs. C'airolis." Beltz, James lv. Cox. Lawrence! When the lust curtain uses at R. Ue'.ser and Ivo V. rfoffer. i" P- leo. 5, in the Nchiaska Two scholarships contributed ; Theater, eight cast members will i bv the Sniilli-Doi'sev Company i give a psycnoH.t;ieal version oi 223 No 14 St. U .. Illocks South of Student I'nion liuildiiiar will speak to the Cliristiun l'cllow - IV.)1 I ' i n 1 Inter-Varvity ship proup at 7:aTi p. m. in R 31") ol the Pi.ion. Sisni.i Tan will meet Ti n: at 7 p. m. in ME 20ti. Ht'ri t'ross special pro coninittee will meet at 5 p. Thiirsiloy, Dec. 1, in Room Union. cf Lincoln Richard W. George L. av.'ani- are wer awui'dei Stigelnwir Pinnev, Ji. ..l;!e(t at fW) to and The ... !i A rnri ! Explains Co mo Dismissal? .-.Mi mpti u murnor. Tin- )'.iv, wliich w ii second of the MD-TiO sc. run th.ree eolisccidive Mn.ii.iy throw li Wed!, i Cat .'Menibers. ei t- ni.. ?, 1 a I'ni--i i i.- in is con vi 'i ers .ij mm srvusr :':. v COLUMBIA RECORDS AT THE MILITARY BALL Friday, Dee. 2, 1940 I niversity of Nebraska Coliseum Tickets SI. 00 per couple I'ornial Kuy Your Tiekrts from Any Advanced Military Student on are not to a'.Mal i ! j . r i : i s sal tiond by an ants,.-, t le al'. trom i H-::t :.ns. mil has been oilica llv the university. This rretit 1 a - been ma, .e swer to the confirii 1.. ; ii -., oil ( once, I. nig Pe ,i: n . : , I .f i D il II!.?, t ; e I .ust f Vl iil -. 1 ( l II a gel'.i r.i! l l.'e ! i' ; ( i,n;'e i;m er.-ily i la. c s lo 1 li.-mi-.-oi !-! !! or t n mm cation. but only i .a ' "' does th happen. So '.is y. Mr. on one foiivi .entioti has v all uni vci : r..V lii- :.. i was dm in:: the Go. '.:.e teunial eele'oi atioii I However, if profe--i.r-; ciis mi.-s their iiKiividua ! dui inn those hoar-, they ' to do so. "Only rarely,' sod Pud. K.,r! Aindt, ( hail man ol the uni .ei 1 sity convocations committee, "are 'all classes dismis-ed on a geni-i al level." j The teim all-iiiiiv ei -i t v may ; have eausi'd the contusion among students w ho think that it deems all clashes dismi.-sed. However, i they are reminded that in the ; future, when a convocation is 1 called tor the university, a gen- eial dismissal of classes will not j take place unless so stated. I Military Kail ... A preliminary ba, v. it h 1 hl'ee Jl'inci ph v e some of the pi laear in;. Da 1; Guv. n mu : I be the isen, wii! evenings. " day. ch kMa playi'is. le ; v'.s 1 1 ; 1 r 1 1 1 i' parts I have ever portr.i.v ed. It is a composite of other oharac- 'ters 1 have played before." The Carrol's Neinlibors. I Winner of the "best supper! ins actress" award, for br part in year's "Hevot.d thi Horizon. Jan Ci ill v. in (iesci ibing her drama counterpart, said: "I. as Cecily, the Carroll's neighbor, am .bitter over a past love evoeri- 1 ence ; "1 have been le" by one hus band who deserted me for an other gill. Anxious to lo; get v ha ppeac d in my I i is I 1 : " . . i i i o mance. 1 live ior t'.e love of Goeifry. I am more or less li e- s. 1'iiin!!. I im niiicr or; i v. s. o I S: As Gei II I V I oil: is b' C'll i'.v thoa"! :sil !.:.!. I. l 'i ,i e. ():. ace :i r ie,a 1 - Car-ri',-r iul. in pot mo. Iro r: : ; ' .if i i 1 t l.tlal li h t! oi lv 1. Thi: b;-d n v. i.h P clas- e: aie fi ei ,1 !e to Lad bi ieves that I c.atv i sin:-; and true thing in l.f. . lie even a'tcmils murder in ic- r- ive his obsl.icles. Goellry in deed, has a peculiar n l : oi a. uty .'J P. i ! wi-cn acts. Margai 1 Dut ton. veteran actress' and leading l.iiiy. describes her role ,e Sally, tlie M.'ond Mrs. Carroll, bv ex clai im ; ..!,. "I love- it. Saliv a cnio t ions run t lie gamut lieu hah1 'and lear to iove and p...- sioii. This is one of the most a !::;htful ceremony from IP.'JO to 9 p.m. Fri day. Later, Horn 10 to lOa'.O p.m., they will air dance music from the campus lormal. Tickets to the ball are S.'h Spec tator tickets are 70 cents a person. Pershing Rifles members will perform crack squad maneuvers and the manual of arms at the ball. Thnteen ROTC students have been named to execute the tradi tional lormal ions. Members chosen for the ( ; r s Kl. m d y to oi l -'! of. ( r d m t he Veal'. ' ISr'.li 1 ' 1 T.m'.i V. !er- mak o; tdo . (Cut .'. m ( Dr. .er (Clou t. : ut i i n .r . ho. i a tu, ir :ue I Call'. Ml' I . You i a -, . t of a '..o 'Ml : re lull Nil Biillrlin Doard Thui ' il.iy lied Cross Walcr Safety miltef v. dl lui el m Pou:u :'. tlie I'nion at a:la p. m. T roin- 17 of h'alS- UilC.l-ted in L-r .-ali'ty are (Continued Irom Page 1 ) Perge, Sue Iljorklund, Jean vall. Janet Kairchild and Ixmise McDill. day. All who .swimming and invited to attend. Nl'CWA mass meeting at 7: M0 p. m. Thuisday in Pai loi Y of the Union. Alpha eta meeting at 7 p. ni. in tlie Crops Lab. No pictuie will be taken this week. X. V. Skiers will meet in tin: I I'nion at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, i Members are asked to biing their I dues. I'nivrrsity 4-H dub will hold ik first meeting in llie A i Activi- squa.i at the ball are: Wayne tirs building at 1:?,Q p. m. Thiu s Piailey, P.ob P.auer, John Ganger. 1 ,jJV Robeit Gilmore, James Kostal, j 'student I'nion Intercollegiate Lloyd Keller. Frank Major. Jr., R. Table Tennis team will meet at L. Massey. D.irrel Mcinke, Don i7:::0 n. m in the Fir.olovee din- Cobs KOLN, Lincoln radio station, i Morgan, Rooeit Munger, John jng room. Membei shi ns are still iv. iil b.oaucast tnc presentation nwaiLson i.iki iX'ien j langcn. open Buy Your 1950 Cornhuskcr Student Union Basement Tassels