i I PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, May 19, 1949 NU To Hold Auto Driving Conference Experts who will have charge of the University s workshop con ference for teachers' training in driver education include Marland K. Strasser, Lt. O. H. Witt and Dr. Galen P. Saylor. This confer ence will be held in Teachers col lege May 23-27. Forty teachers and adminis trators can be accommodated in the class and enrollments will be accepted as they come. There will be no enrollment fee. The course features classes for teachers and administrators who wish to qualify as instructors in driver education and traffic safety in Nebraska high schools next fall. Strasser, one of three officials in charge, is assistant educational director of the public safety di vision of the Association of Cas ualty and Surety companies in New York. He is doing this sort of work throughout the country. Driver education is growing in Nebraska high school and more than 100 schools are offering it during the current semester. Those who successfully complete the work of the conference will be certified to teach the subject in Nebraska high schools. The con ference will be the only one held in Lincoln this summer NU Art Students Win Scholarships Three Nebraska art students have been awarded scholarships on a national level, Stanley Sohl, Delta Phi Delta publicity chair man, announced today. Rolland Mills, Arts and Sciences senior, has been granted free tui tion to attend the Arts Students leageu in New York City for one year. Two awards of $150 given by the national art honorary, Delta Phi Delta, have been received by two arts students who are mem bers of the University chapter of the honorary art group. They are Wynona Crossgrove and Roger Crossgrove. Roth are seniors in the Arts and Sciences college. Union Schedules 'Finale Frolic9 The best is always saved till the last, and in this case it's best because it's free. The Finale Frolic, the last Union dance of the year, will be held Friday night at 8:30 p. m. in the ballroom, free of charge. Walt Goodbrod and his combo will supply the music for danc ing, except during the half hour Classified it- vWiUHIjle lot arm jmt'i.i m! reaor I.itirral reward Cull 3-rl ROOMS rik-M tin the mrniin for summer R'-rmni. $15 mnntlily. N. 14 I'hnnr 2-'123 P A I N T P I KAY O I ' T f ' iT ' Vi r 1 1 TrnmTirS". r vith K H P. Printrs Wmttnn n Binr. IXTiilhisti point tnrik, 10 an. 2 MKh pressure (.-tins, KMi foot hose, 40 foot Inilrler. Bargain. 2-3777. John Christei sen. 4 4HHIKKN H tVTt li Ideal summer po.Mron for neat atlraetive "" 1 " No exfierienee neceHxary. Apply now. r2.r Stuart Hide. KOHI) '31 Mi dei "A" Sport Con vertTtde new hri-kei). 16" wheels. Tel , VVA4H70 iXiH N M fit , Omaha. NOTR'K-Al.L JUNK fiKAWATKS who are ninined and leaving Lincoln if you have a (root; landlord and want to i him a lsvnr have him call me I am looking for a 3 or 4 room furmihed apartment. private hatti Permanent. Best reli-rences. Call C'en Sloan, I'nl versny Auditor, 2-7vil Kxtenmcin 'i'JD'.i he! ween N and i)Kll.N'i Seattle. June 2. c pertses 3 Ittl lM afer fi Hoo.VI lor one passenger on trip t'i Mexico ity. l.eae June b. Call Boo Wneeier, 3-.':7.'i.ri Kulerb bhare SI'MMKK WORK Hemuii'Tiitive xuinrner work. mvh or in home area. Also iwrma mrit openings Kor interview call 2-t ;2 LAR'.K Wardrohe Trunk. lr.iwern ann suit romparttnent 1.Y00 t;ood -.ondi-tiou. Hee Don Mtirplen. 1 ".' (' ulreet Telephone 2-4471. M-.W Hoyal Quiet i)eliixcPurtaliir tv.e wrier tor sale. Kxeellent condition .Vli'd 3 !4 7 Clieviokt coiu crtihle lor Bale J'honr 4-:;ii4.'i. BWMNKHK ofiiHirt unity ideal for aci-reaHive UN. Htudent! Sell Houvenir photon in diinmier mountain resort. Heason ti hnut June l.i to l.ahor Imv. A amall amount oi capital renuired Hee 'iarence Mahon. Koom fiiso Y M C A Foil Hale: Indian motorcycle. Hon hrodenck. Icatlon, Til North ltsth at WANTKl) Kide for two, Washington. 1. C. or New York about June 6. Share expenses all 6-441td after 6 HJJ' Whnted: Man and v. lte (no children i hh housekeeper and gardener for single man on outskht of Lincoln, full main tenance, modern fHiiiiprncnt . Car neeea aary. Will employ man full time in Hummer, part time during acliool year Call 2 3.777 or 3-M4rir,. fcTAM'MRii noiselesa typ-writr hi e.ood condition. B-34IW). 333ft lludley at. KOR- S A I ,K I (M 7' t railer"- home ; i"hncki from CBnipim. See Terrill at 134 Hw Kvenings. VetMing Stationery Invitation! nr Annttuncemrntt Printed or Engrarri Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street DcntalStudciits Organize New College Society Members of the student body in the school of dentistry have es tablished a new organization to be known as the Nebraska Junior Dental society. The society was organized Wed nesday as a component organiza tion to the American i Dental as sociation. According to Dental col lege Dean B. L. Hooper, it is hoped that the organization will serve as a stepping stone to the American Dental association to which most of the dentists in the United States belong. It will help give students in the dental college experience in handling organiza tional work, as well as a chance to hear outside speakers. Members of the student body who are juniors in the American Dental association organized the society, and president of the senior dental class Roscoe Hinds pre sided as temporary chairman of the organizational meeting. Officers who will guide the ac tivities of the 112 members are: president, Carol Swanbom; vice president. Richard R. Hemphill: secretary, Lesler D. Buller; and treasurer, Verio VanCleave. MAIN FEATURES START STATE "The Undercover Man," 1:36, 3:37, 5:38, 7:39, 9:42. VARSITY: "Boston Buckie." 1:00, 3:40, 6:20, 9:00. "Slightly French," 1:59, 4:37, 7:19, 9:59. IIUSKER: "In This Corner," 1:31, 4.01, 6:28, 8:58. "Sheriff of Wichita," 2:37, 5:07, 7:34, 10:04. VOW VI. K l; THE INSIDE STORY Of A GREAT U. S. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION si - COM1M. SOON hAYWARO PRESTON u mm m. li f. .1 a 31 H AND ' P" IHKI.I: HAYS ONLY STARTING IRIOAY, MV HI Ted Mack's AMATEURS ON TOUR Direct From thf ABC BroadcastinfiCo. In New York City . Produced by the MAJOR BOWES STAFF FEATI'RIXfJ SONGS, DANCES AND COMEDY o Mil TO imui "RID IN INTO TBOUBLE" wmmm .CO-HIT "fl KNOCKOUT OF THRILLS" between 10 and 10.30 p. m. Dur ing this time, square dancing will take place, with Dave Sanders calling the steps. Refreshments will be served di rectly to tables in the ballroom. This dance will be much the same as the regular Unionizers, except that everything will be free. Faculty and students are both invited. The who'.e building will be open for both the Finale Frolic and Faculty Fun night, which is being planned in conjunction with the dance. n II ? ? i fl v when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! 1 iSSSrl I I --. j "w I II if U V I I t I H II H I I 2 wm, im Top ranking doctors eminent nose and throat specialists actually suggest PHILIP MORRIS in cases of irritation due to smoking. Find out what a difjercme it nukes... what a pleasure it is to smoke America's riNEST Cigarette. Try a pack of Philip Morris today! yOU'tl Bf GLAD TOMORROW - yOU SMOKED PHILIP MORRIS TODAYl than any other leading brand! NO OTKfR CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT I , ; , M ws nan rm J i ii iUL lilfii I