Friday, April 8, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 'Nebraskan' 'Constitution, The following Student Council Constitution was adopted by vote Of the student body, May 14, 1931. PREAMBLE We, the itudnt of the l"nivrstty of Nrbraska. with the consent of the Cnt versfty Sennte. do herrfoy ordain and es tablish this Constltntlon for the artminia t ration of studrnt affairs. ARTICLE I The name of this orfraniiation ahall he The Student Council of the University of Nebraska. ARTICLE II The purposes of this orpnnlintlon shall be to act as the supreme student (tovemlnir ' hotly In the regulation and coordination of all phases of student self-government and extra cw-rlrular art'vitles and to serve as an acenoy throuch which faculty relation ship with student activities may be main tained. - ARTICLE ni Section I. The Student Council shall have the following power so far as In the exercise thereof these powers do not con flict with general university regulations. To repilate and coordins'e the ac tivities of all student organizations and whenever such activities are of general university Interest; 1. To recornize and approve the consti tutions of any new student organizations. without which recognition and approval no such organization shall he permitted to function ; 3. To have complete control of student pen rallies, similar forms of pep demon atralions. and student migrations; 4. To conduct all student elections which are of general university Interest and in which popular voting la us-d: 5 To review all such rulings of student bodies as may affect the social conduct and well-being of the students. 6. To serve as a su:tsble medium for communication between the student body and university authorities; 7. To legislate in such a manner as shall be necessary and proper for carrying Into execution the foregoing powers and ail other powers that may be vested in the Student Council. Section II 1. The decisions of the Stu dent Council, made in pursuance of it con stitutional powers, shall le carried into execution by the appropriate faculty or student executive or group. The Student Council shall have the power to suspend or dismiss from office any student execu tive,, who shall refuse to carry its legis- lrin into effect. 2. Any student, organization, or member ',1 the faculty or the univcrsitv may ap peal to the appropriate committee of the I'niverstty Senate whenever he feels that the Student Council has either exceeded or misapplied its power or has assumed an unwarranted Jurisdiction. In such sases, the committee shall permit both the com plaining party and the Council to he henrd, after which the decisions of the committee shall be final. When an appeal is made from some ruling of the Council, no steps shall he taken to rarrv out that ruling pending the decision of the approp pnate Senate Commiiree. ARTICLE TV Section I. The Student Council shall be Composed oi the following: representatives: 1. a. Kach undergraduate college or nchocrt wishing a representative on the Stu dent Council shall have one member re gardless of the size of the college or school. Such a member shall ie elected from the majority st-x, and shall be the sole representative of that coliege until membership in the college of that sex shall have reached a total of Afl and not to exceed 2Wt. when an additional repre senatative shall be allowed, or until the minority sex registration in the college or school shall have reached a total of 201 no nm to exceeo ior wnicn will be allowed one member on the Cncil. When the minority group has a membership between toi and 12fwi it shall re given another member. Kither sex hav ing 1201 to ISttn regis) ratots in the school or of 'liege phall be allowed a third repre sentative on Hie council. MAJORITY SEX 1-B00 One member 601-1 Km two members 1201-1MO three members MINORITY SEX 201-R00 one asemlie 601-1200 two members 12il-lM0 three members Previous to each Student Council elec tion It shall be the duty of the judiciary committee of the council to check the en rollment of the recond semester of that year and to ascertain the number and sex of the representatives from each college ir school. 2. Four seniors two mn and two women nominated and elected at large by the student body. 3. Eight seniors four men and four vomes nominated and elected by the Stu dent Council from the Junior members of that body to serve during the following year. 4. Puch additional members as arc added through the system of propon ional re pre -aentalion. j fi. any advisers appointed y the T'nlver- Exclusive WARNER "Foremost 'n 714 Federal Sffurlties Bid. Publishes Student Council By-Laws for Assembly slty Senate who shall serve as ex- officio memliers. Section II. The regular Student Council election shall be held not earlier than April 1st and not later than May 1Mb of the school year preceding that nl which the members are to serve. Within these limits the date shall be set by the Student Coun cil. Section TIT. To be eligible for membership In the Student Council candidates must meet the fol'owing requirements; 1. Kach candidate shall be a bona fide member of the college, school, or class which he proposes to represent. Regular university rules shall govern In determin ing a candidate's college, school or class. 2. Each candidate shall have a scholas tic average of at least 75 percent for all preceding semester. Section IV. Nominations for the class and college representatives of the Student Council shall be made by the filing of the name of the candidate not later than 5 p. nv, on Friday prior to the day of election, at the office of Student Activi ties. The secretary of the Council shall announce in the columns of The Daily Ne braskan. at least ten days prior to the day upon which filings close, the time when filings shall be made. Section V. 1. Election of members to the Student Council shall be by a system of proportional representation. 2. The student Council set forth require ments for tne recognition of student par ties or factions. No party or faction shall have the right to file candidates until such party or far-ton has been recognized by the Student Council. 3. Each party or faction shall file a list of its candidates for memberships in the Student Council in the Student Activities of I ice not later than 5 p. m. on Friday prior to the day of election, such lists to be made up in the caucuses of the respec tive parties or factions. 4. The ballots shall ilrt the names of the several candidates for office and shall des ignate after each candidates name the party or faction to which that candidate belongs. 5. There shall be given to each quali fied student voter a separate ballot bear ing the names of the various parties or factions which have been permitted to file candidates for office. Each student voter shall be privileged to designate bis party preference on this ballot. 6. Each party or faction shall be en titled to one member on the Council for every 125 votes cast in that party's favor on the party ballots. 7. After the results of the election are computed, the representation in the Student Council shall be apportioned as follows: a. If. in the election, any party or fac 'mn fails to elect the number of Council members of which it is entitled, the repre sentation of the party or faction shall be Increased until it has one member for every 12S votes which that party polled on the party ballots. b. When the lepreseotatlon of any party is so raised, those of Its candidates jt he election who have the nignest number of votes shall be declared eiected to the Council for example, if a party Is entitled to two additional places, the two highest unsuccessful candida-es in tbe election shall lie made members of the Council. c. If any party should in the election secure more than one place for each 125 votes cast in its favor, then that parly shall be entitled to retain the advantage so secured. S. In all cases a ma.lor fraction of 125 shall constitute a unit of representation. 9. Nothing in this constitution shall be ro construed as to deprive any student of the right to file as aa independent candi date. ARXaCLE V A meeting of the newly elected Student Council shall be called by the outgoing chairman within ten days after the election day. At this meet ins a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer shaU be elected from the members of the Council, and the organization of the Council shall lie perfected. The president and vice presi dent shall be eiected from the hold-over membership. ARTICLE VI Vacancies in the Student Council shall be filled by the Student Council. Members cho sen to fill vacancies should fa every case he members of the same sex. class, and college as were the original members. ARTICLE VO Section I. Mass meetings of the students shall be called by the president of the 1 Student Council at the discretion of the Council or upon written request ol fifty students of the university. section II. Students nut nresent to the i-ounru ib writing or in person any pro posal or grievance at any regular meeting. ARTICLE VIII Section 1. The Student Council shall treat a judiciary committee winch shall be known as the Student Council Judiciary commutee. Section II. The Student Council Judiciary committee snail consult of aia members, namely: 1. A ciialrmaa who shall be elected br the Student Council from the senior mem bers of taat organization at the first meet ing of the new Council. 2. Four of the holdover members shall be Portraits - MEDLIN the Midwest" Ph. 2-6272 selected by the Student Council 3. A faculty adviser of the Council who shall have no vote and shall act in an advisory capacity. 8ection III. The duties of the Student Council Judiciary committee shall be: 1. To conduct hearings on all matters of enforcement referred to It by the Council. 2. To devise plans for the enforcement of Council rulings when called upon. to do so by the Council. 3. To secure the enforcement of plans referral to it by the Council; 4. To arrange for tht delegation of the administration of Council rulings to other organizations and groups when authorized to do so by the Council; 5. To insure that enforcement powers delegated to other organizations or groups are properly executed. 6. In ail cases the action of the Judiciary Committe shall be final except for appeal to the proper University Senate Commit tee. ARTICLE IX It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Council to cause to be published in the columns o( The Daily Nebraskan a full account of the official actions of the Coun cil as soon as those actions take place. ARTICLE X Amendments to this constiution or re vision of it may be submitted to the student body for adoption at any regu lar student election or at a special elec tion called for that purpose. The Coun cil shall submit amendments for the ap proval of the student body when such requirements have been passed by a two thirds vote o f the Council members or upon the petition of not less than 100 students. Proposed amendments must be published in The Daily Nebraskan at least ten days tefore the election at mhtrh they are submitted. A majority of the vote cast thereon Is sufficient for the passage of an amendment, after which it must be ratified by the University Senate. BY-LAWS Section I. Regulation and coordlnatHm ef activities: 1. The Student Council is empowered to pass upon the actions of lesser University organizations. 2. Each year the Student Council shall evaluate all campus organizations to de termine whether they have fulfilled their purposes and potentialities. S. The Student Council shall make recom mendations and shall suggest constructive programs to University organizations. 4. The Student Council has the power to appoint delegates to certain boards. The procedure of making such appointments shall be aa follows: a. The right to apply shall be granted to all eligible students. The time and place of filing shall be adequa'.ely publicized by official student newspaper. b. A committee shall be created to re view applicants and to make recommenda tions on their individual qualifications to the Student Council. e. The Student Council, acting as a body, shall have final Jurisdiction over such ap pointments. Section IT. " Hut Inn of lniversity Organizations and Activities 1. No organization or activity shall ex ist as a University approved function or body without the approval of its constitu tion by the Student Council, 2. Method of presenting, examining', an reporting on constiutions of new- organiza tions : a. All new constitutions shall be pre sented to the Student Council at iu regu lar meetings. b. These constitutions shall be referred to the Committee on Constitutions for con- deration and recommendations. c. The constitution is referred back to the Council for approval or rejection. i. No constitution shall be rejected witn- out a specific statement of its deficiences. nor shall the approval of a Constitution be denied after the necessary alterations have been eflected. j t. New organizations must submit a re port clearly showing the necessity for their creation. 3. The Constitution committee or tne Student Council may examine constitutions of existing organizations, and upon such examinations may recommend coordination and combination of conflicting bodies, or revoke constitutions of organizations which fail to conform to University standards. Section III. Student pep ralltes, rallies. Vmonfit rat ions and Mudent migrations. 1. The Student Council shall select pep leaders from the student body, or may grant the power to other representative organizations. 2. The Studeni council snail nave com plete control of pep rallies and pep dem onstrations, calling upon other organiza tions for assistance. 3. The migrations committee of the Student Council shall recommend and the Council shall decide upon appropriate place and means of transportation for an nual student migration. ai The migration committee shall be la actual charge of such migration. 4. The Student Council, in conjunction (Continued on Page Four) Student Legionnaires DO YOU HAVE AN EDUCATED STOMACH? . . . HERE'S FOOD FOR THOUGHT! . Try Our NOON LUNCHEONS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO FIT YOVR Bl'DCET AND SATISFY YOUR HVNGERI SERVED MON. THRU SAT. 11:30 TO 1:J0 FORTY & 8 CILUB LINCOLN HOTEL fr Watih for Our Dig Annirerutry Party ... Coming Soon. mm. f, I f -'J f f - v - . t - :.iret: SIX OF THE CANDIDATES for "Easter Queen" are shown above in the spring outfits they will mode' in the style show. They are, left to right,; Marilyn Nelson, AOPi; Bernice Bessel, SDT; Mary Sidner, Alpha Phi; Sally Sipple, Sigma Kappa; Sue Bjorklund, Loomis hall; and Maxine Ludwig, Howard hall. 150 Students Vets' Easter Easter entertainment for veteran-patients at the VA hospital on Monday night will involve nearly 150 University students. The Red Cross College Unit Easter party at the hospital will include 100 performers, and at least half that many students have been or will be working back stage for the event. TWENTY-FOUR coeds will compete in the Spring Style show for the title of "Easter Queen." The winner will be selected by a board of eight judges chosen from the hospital wards. Candidates will be ranked on "appearance," first, second and third, by the judges. Girls competing in the style show, modeling a variety of spring clothes, include: Maxine Ludwig, Howard Hall; Barbara Kell, Chi Omega; Patti Gartland, Wilson Hall; Carol DeWitt, Kappa Delta; Mary Viox, International House; Nancy Koehler, Palladian; Phyl lis Campbell, Alpha Xi Delta; Lois Larson, Towne club; and Jan Champine, Delta Gamma. OTHERS ARE: Nelda Tonjes, Terrace HalL Shirley Baker, Kap pa Alpha Theta; Jo Walters, Gam ma Phi Beta; Mary Ryons, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Marilyn Nelson, Alpha Omicron Pi; Sally Sipple, Sigma Kappa; Twila Burges, Run die hall; Mary Sidner, Alpha Phi; j and Betty Anderson, Alpha Chi Omega. Other "Easter Queen" candi dates are: Kathy Seymour, Pi Beta Phi; Bernice Bessel, Sigma Delta Tau; Aurelie Langstroth, Rasmussen hall; Sue Bjorklund, Loomis hall; Lois Kamiska, Rosa Bouton halL and B. Jo Allen, Love ! hall. ANOTTIER FEATURE of the Easter party will be presentation of the "Crazy Hat King," wearing original creations of the veterans. With old hats, flowers and even birds, the vets are making spring hats for University fellows to wear in the hat show. Men set for the hat show in lv )) I u i - -fiTif-ffniT 'V U si ft TnlT Iffiill-i r -ft - - - fill IK Plan Party clude: Reza Salyhoo, unorganized; Rex Messersmith, Farm House; Lavon Fritzon, Beta Sigma Psi; Butch Mansfield, Tau Kappa Ep silon; Chuck Deuser, Kappa Sig ma; Melvin Argebright, Brown Palace; Bill Sherwood, Dorm; Fred Hosterman, Alpha Gamma (Cont. on Page 8) GIRLS! . . for that natural look Hrpo-Afsroanic COSMETICS' Mnplobl far eoSwIblag Is IS Mlegaas ef Iks Hwsrtrsa Ms41calssa, fTraxTTOm. me, (rrs. hi VOss, bavsrUDt! SEVENTEEN M aaae at GOLD & CO. tfoOj) FOR