THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, April 5, 1949 PAGE 4 t Outlines Factors In West 0 St, Accidents Repor IN AN EFFORT TO determine most of the the causes and remedies for the the presence high rate of traffic accidents on places on this highway. This as West "O" street outside of Lin- sumption can be substantiated by rnln the Lincoln-Lancaster Safety the following facts: The ages of Council has prepared a report of the drivers, the time, the pre- c- dominance or iaiuraay nigni ac cidents, and the residence 01 me drivers. irrri? VIIirRM flRF thorn is iht volving seven fatalities. Seventy social pastime of drinking of in- the factors contributing to the ac cidents. There weie 192 accidents re ported between Jan. 1, 1946 and Dec. 31. 1948. four of them in of the accidents resulted in 121 injuries. Just what factors are re- toxicating beverages that Occurs in such plaoes. " AHmifteHl v " fho rpnnrt con- sponsible for the accidents, the re- eludes, "the total responsibility noit said ran be determined from frr the nipht time accidents can- . i . ' : 1 1 l .. T3., I i i l i ii reau of Highways. THESE STATISTICS show that 51 percent of the total accider. not be placed upon these persons attending the pleasure resorts. However, evidence does point to ----- - I MIL 1 11 1 1 1 11) L LC ICIlUltU. lili. w experience involved night time dominance of liquor in the acci- drivers. Furthermore, 41 percent dents precludes its omission from .. i i i u . . of these accidents occurred be tween the hours of 12 a. m. and 2 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday nights predominating. Saturday night, however, had three times as many accidents as Wednesday. Only 20 accidents were reported in the three-year period on nights other than Wednesday and Sat urday. Of the people involved in the accidents 72 percent lived within Lancaster county. Almost half of the drivers were under 24 years of age. The fact that West "O" street is used by people going and com ing from the numerous amuse ment places along this highway could account for the above fac tors. BUT WHETHER this fact could account for the excessive amount of drinking along this highway, the report can not be sure. Fif teen percent of the drivers in West "O" .accidents had been drinking as compared with 4 per cent for the state. This high rate would seem to point to the traffic flowing to and from the amuse ment places. Two out of the four fatal accidents involved drunken drivers. In summarizing the report of the safety council, one factor would seem to be the cause of MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Knock On Any Door," 1:09, 3:14, 5:19, 7:24, 9:32. VARSITY: "She," 1:28, 4:55, 8:13. "The Last Days of Pompeii," 3:01, 6:26, 9:51. HUSKER: "Blood on the Moon," 1:00, 3:56, 6:50, 9:48. "Hollywood Barn Dance," 2:44, 4:40, 8:36. NOW SHOWING PRESTON FOSTER BARBARA BRITTON jnj JOHNUKANO t w to mvHr baa) to 1 RANDOLPH SCOTT PRESTON FOSTER XWOPZ.WOtA 4k HKG'O.N'D BIO IKATL'KE STAIUNO ERNEST TCE3 accidents. That is, of the amusement the problem." Anyone interested in the danc ing chorus for the Kosmet Klub spring musical, meet in the Temple building, Room 24 at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Aleta Snell Gives Recital at Joslyn Aleta Snell, junior music ma jor In Teachers college, gave a violin recital at Joslyn Memorial, Omaha, on Sunday, April 3. She played the adagio from Bach's Sonata No. 1 in G Minor"; the allegro non troppo from Saent-Saens' "Concerto No. 3 in B Minor"; "Melodie" by Gluck Kreisler; "Nigun" by Bloch; "Hal anera" by Ravel; "Prelude" by Gershwin; and "J am a i c a n Rhumba" by Benjamin. Miss Snell, a member of Sig ma Alpha Iota and Towne Club, is a student of Prof. Emanuel Wishnow. Her accompanist was Roma Johnson. Six TKE Chapters Meet at Province University of Nebraska chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon was host to chapters from three states at the annual Midwest Province held April 2 and 3. Chapters from Iowa State Col lege, Drake University, Iowa Wes leyan, University of North Da kota, and Coe College participated r , SOCK SALLY s n ft out or the SACK ti 1 X . ;: 'J : at v. if i ! i BADGER IIALSEY WINDS UP with a powerful right to try his ot c;r.b-jntr 3aiiv nut nf thf Sark" at the YM-YW Estes Car nival held in the Ag union Friday night. Crying the AGR prize winning stunt are, left to right: Wilbur Pauley, Jack McDill and Bill Steinkruger. The two sleep-bent "Sallies," who got little rest during the evening, are Jack Sauder and Jerry Johnston. in the school. Theme was "Tau Kappa Epsilon, the fraternity for life, aggressively building respon sible American citizens." Included in the program were a model initiation, forums cover ing chapter management, pledge training, effective rushing pro cedures, and speeches by Paul Kupfer and Arthur J. Hansen. lfx - c - V ; ' " : N ' y Vw Ksf - Xsi" r Y 0 Luckies fine tobacco pick you op when you're low . . . calm you down when you're tense puts you on the Lucky level! That's why it's so important to remember that Lucky Striee Means Fine Tobacco mild, ripe, light tobacco. No wonder more indepen dent tobacco, experts auctioneers, buyers and ware housemensmoke Luckies regularly than the next two leading brands combined! Get a carton of Luckies today! . g.ZF. - Ic&'y gtzite; Mavzo So round, so firm, so fully packed so free and easy on the draw n IC3TAL5IT71