1 'i i) L PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, March 29, 1949 Baptist Students Create Active Religious Program Though one of the smaller re ligious groups on campus, the Baptist Student Fellowship pro vides an active program with the student house as the center. A project now in the limelight is a waffle supper. The supper is an annual affair which provides expenses for sending delegates to summer camps and meetings. Baptist students annually attend the summer assembly at Green Lake, Wis., and the Estes Park conference. SUMMER SERVICE projects are also a part of the program. Under this plan, students work in one of four communities during the summer to gain experience and observe the methods used in the various occupations. Hulett, Wyo.. is the "center for rural Students Offered Institutional Jobs Possibilities for student work in state mental and correctional in stitutions will be discussed at a meeting at 3 p. m. in the Union, Wednesday. George Willoughby, regional representative for the American Friends Service committee, will meet with interested students to explain the possibilities for work in state institutions this summer. The program is already in op eration in several states. It is es pecially designed for students in terested in social work. In addi tion to helping to relieve a seri ous personnel shortage it gives undergraduate students "an op portunity for first hand contact with 'people in trouble.' " Classified TOR sale: New 1948 Harlcy Davirtsor. 3.000milis. Wayne Bath, phone 2-2583. EosfSheaffer Lifetime pen. Crey striped. Reward. Uni.-Ext. 7104. LOST Brown notebook and Physics I text. Reward Call 3-36R3. Phil Jones. FOR sale- New Smith-Ooroiia Sterling portable. Perfect. Retails 90. Sell tor S65. 3-93S6 eveninn.1. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Knock on Any Door," 1:09, 3:14, 5:19, 7:24, 9:32. VARSITY: "Drums," 2:19, 5:20, 8:23. "South of Tahiti," 1:00, 4:03, 7:06, 10:09. HUSKER: "Smokey Mountain Melody," 1:00, 3:18, 5:39, 8:00, 10:28. "Blondie's Secret," 2:06, 4:27, 6:48, 9:16. I "V 1 I. r A NOW PLAYING Sometimes tender... . sometimes shocking. . . always compelling! NOW SHOWING SABU THE ELEPHANT BOY IN "South of jTK-Tahiti" studies, and industrial studies are made at VV'eirton, W. Va. Students also are sent to Harlem, N. Y., and Puerto Rico to "work and ob serve". Under the direction of Rev. C. B. Howells, Sunday evening dis cussions are conducted on the theme "The Church at Work in the World." "In our discussions, we try to keep in mind the place of the university in the world," says Rev. Howells. THE STUDENT House, estab lished in 1920, is equipped with a recreation room in the basement, where students may spend free hours. Always popular are the semi monthly parties. Square dances rate high, with skating and bowl ing parties running close in pop ularity. In addition to the single students program, the "Golden Band" pro vides a program for married stu dents. Meeting on Saturday nights, the group has a variety of activi ties including frequent covered dish suppers. UIII0II CALENDAR Tuesday March 29 4 p. m. Siesta Film Main Lounge. 4:30-6 p. m. Coke Dance Ballroom. 7 p. ni. Craft Shop Basement. 7 p. m. Square Dancing Party Ballroom. New WAA Heads To Meet Tuesday Newly elected WAA council of ficers wil meet Tuesday at 5 p. m. in the WAA office in Grant Memorial hall .Also to attend the meeting are intermurals-coordi-nator and assistant, social chair man, and the presidents of the five clubs. Competition in the first round of the badminton inter-mural tournament has been completed. The second round of the tourna ment is now in progress and is ex pected to be completed Thursday. Clubs will meet at the follow ing times: '"'idminlon 7 p. m. Tuesday. Rifle 4 to 6 p. m. Tuesday. Duck Pins 7 p. m. Wednesday. Orihcsis 7 p. m. Wednesday. Swimming 7 p .m. Thursday. Final-liance s """ Pw f FUWKGJ tVVT FINAL-- V THRS WIAAY SITTING-J If rf, , A i it ' km - ' - : ' if " $ My v u y el f x- x 0 $M - - LufkieV Tine tobacco picks you up when you're low . . . calms you down when you're tense puts you on the Lucky level! That's why it's so important to remember that Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco mild, ripe, light tobacco. No wonder more indepen dent tobacco experts auctioneers, buyers and ware housemensmoke Luckies regularly than the next two leading brands combined! Get a carton of Luckies today! K &c:dzy 0&2sfee 7ct$tz$ TcScgsa So round, so firm, so fully packed so free and easy on the draw I TOSACCO COMPANl