The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 27, 1949, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Herb Reese 175 pound University of Nebraska wrestler, assured
himself of no less than fourth in national rankings by pinning
Fred Dexter of Cornell College in the semi-final consolation event
here Saturday afternoon. Reese lost to Grogson, Oklahoma A & M,
in the semi-finals, and was due to face Waldamar Vaneott of Pur
due for third place.
Weir Issues First
(Hinder Numeral
Delbert Drewel of Brock will
receive the first numeral award
of 1949, Track coach Ed WeiT
announced. The awards are given
for achievement in track. Last
year the University of Nebraska
awarded 999 numerals to track
men of 199 Nebraska high schools.
Waterloo was the numeral
champion in 1948 with 50 percent
of the male enrollment of the
school winning the awards.
"The weather has slowed the
track boys this spring but we look
for increased interest the moment
the lads get a chance to work
outdoors," Coach Weir said.
ATOs Drop FH
8-1 in Badminton
Two badminton games were
played Friday and one was for
feited in intramural competition.
There were no squash games and
only one water basketball contest.
In badmmton Beta Sigma Psi
lost by default to the Delta Chi's
vhile the Fhi Dclt's were whip
ping Delta Upsilon 9-0. Alpha Tau
Omega swamped Farm House 8-1
in the other game.
Rankin led the Phi Gam's with
six points as they dropped Sigma
Nu 12 to 5 in the only water
basketball game.
Husker Golfers
To Square Off
For Positions
University of Nebraska golfers
will engage in a 36-hole qualify
ing test at Hillcrest Country Club
April 2 and 3, the four low
shooters to form the team which
will meet Oklahoma and Okla
homa A & M, April 8 and 9, down
at Oklahoma.
Four letterman, Del Ryder,
Don Spomer, Don Stroh and
Steve Flansburg will be back
fmm last vear's souad which
took second in the conference
championships. Vera Strauch, a
veteran of the 1946 campaign,
is also back. Milton (Bus) White
head, Husker cage star, is also
out for the team.
Other candidates are Jim Rich,
Columbus; John A. Haslam, Fre
mont; Charles A. Mover, Johns
town, Pa.; Don A. Dutton, Lin
coln; Paul Hyland, Lincoln;
William L. Polfsmeycr, Lincoln;
and Russell S. Eisenhart, Cul
bertson. The golfers will travel on all
their trips with the tennis team.
An 11 meet schedule has been
arranged. The two meets with
the Sooners and the Aggies April
8 and 9 are practice meets. The
Huskers open their conference
schedule April 23 as they play
host to the Colorado Buffaloes.
Following the Colorado meet,
the Husker golfers play host to
Kansas State on the 26th, Wichi
ta U. on the 29th and the Okla
homa Sooners May 2. The Ne
braska linksmen then travel to
Kansas on the 9th. Kansas State
on the 10lh and Iowa State on
the 14th. They then return home
to play host to the Big Seven
conference championships May
20 and 21. The NCAA champion
ships are slated for Iowa State
June 27 through July 2.
Glassford Sends Charges
Through Long Scrimmage
Husker Coaches
On Speaking Tour
The University of Nebraska's
coaching staff will be busy this
week with a full schedule of
speaking engagements.
Athletic director, George (Pot
sy) Clark starts things off with
a talk at an athletic dinner at
Callaway on Monday. Wednesday
night Potsy journeys to Wahoo
and Thursday night he is slated
to speak . t Clay Center.
Tuesday night H. H. (Ike)
Hanscom, assistant coach, will
speak at Cozad and Neal Mehring,
football and basketball aid, will
appear at a dinner at Falls City.
The Physical Educ a t i o n
building will not be open for
general student recreat i o n
Tuesday afternoon. March 29,
the IM department has an
nounced. On Tuesday after
noon the building will be read
ied for the annual Lincoln In
ter Civic Club Recreational
Jamboree to be held that night
Rejrular recreational service
will then be resumed for all
students all other days and the
following Saturday.
5 5
y . .
4:15 p.m. over KOLN, featuring
interview with Dwight Kirsch,
director of University art galler
ies. ANYONE HAVING pictures of
last year's Farmer's Fair and will
ing to loan them, please contact
Keith Frederickson in the Corn-husk'.-r
Countryman office, Ag
interested in University activities
meet with Engineering Exec
board, 5 p.m., Union.
Wind, rain and mud failed to
halt Nebraska's gridders as Coach
Pill Glassford sent his charges
through a gruelling two-hour
scrimmage. This is the second
scrimmage for the team, and
Coach Glassford plans on hav
ing one every Saturday for the
rest of the spring training per
iod. The emphasis in Saturday's
scrimmage was on pass Offense
and pass defense. Work on punt
protection was also put fnto the
workout. Pass defense both for
the passer and when on defense
being Nebraska's main weak
ness last year. Coach Glassford
and his assistants have been
speeding a large part of their
time on this phase of the game.
Coach Glassford was forced to
discard his plans for a morning
afternoon double scrimmage be
cause of the weather and con
centrated on a long afternoon
Two offensive teams were
made up to go against the rest
of the squad divided into de
fensive units. Glassford alter
nated these two teams and then
alternated players to form a third
team from the rest of the squad.
Each team was given the ball
and told to go ahead and make
as many yards as they could in
10 plays. Then the other team
was given the ball for 10 plays.
Glassford will stage another
scrimmage next Saturday at the
same time following his plan
of a scrimmage every Saturday.
The two offensive teams con
sisted of the following:
ENPS: Rn'ph riamkropter, TVWitt :
Frank Simon, Fnrch.-ird ; Hon Schneider.
Norton Has . ; Bob Schneider. Nebraska
TACKLF.S: Charley Tonfsood. North
riatte; Virs Artie, North Platte; Jim
(iodfi . y. Oozad; nick cloeKlcin. Lincoln.
fiUARPS: rrw1n Salestrom. St. VV1
ard; Fred Hawkint, Omnha; Mike lt
Riase. Omaha; Arden tylcsns, Lincoln;
Warren PizinRer, Omahfl.
""OKNTKRS: Tom Novak, Omaha: Boh
Mullen, Connellsvtlle. Pa.
QUARTF.RRACKS: Kenny Fischer, St.
Edward; Frank Mever. Lincoln.
Omaha; Joe Ponsicfro, Chioapo; Rich Yost,
FULLBACKS: Jerrv Fierpuson. Poous
nluff; Nick Adduci, Chicapo.
Phil, Bill end Jock like many college men like the extra
touch of real style in Arrow' preod collar modeli with plcrVi S
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If you prefer oxford -ask for Arrow "SUSSEX." If you like
broadcloth -ask for Arrow "PAR." '
m h fctw a m niMrneilrrpr m CDSBTC CUIDTC 2s
Titles to Omaha
And Hastings
Hastings and Omaha came
through with top honors Satur
day night in the State YMCA
swimming championships. Hast
ings copped the junior and prep
titles with Omaha coming out on
top in the midget division.
In the prep division, Hastings
had a comfortable lead over sec
ond place Omaha, ending up with
30 points to 25 for Omaha, 22
"for Lincoln, 17 for Fremont and
14 for Beatrice.
Omaha came back in the mid
get division to romp off with the
title with a total of 46 points
to 33 for Lincoln, 19 for Beat
rice and ll's for both Hastings
and Fremont.
The junior division was the
most hotly contested section with
Hastings winning by two points,
51 to 49 over Omaha. In third
place was Lincoln with 31 fol
lowed by Beatrice with 13. York
with 6 and Fremont with 5.
With one event remaining in
the junior division, the diving,
Hastings led 43 to 42. Merrill
Hodges, state high school diving
champion, represented the Oma
ha team while Jerry Anderson,
second in the state high school
diving event, dove for Hastings.
Anderson gained revenge lor nis
former loss as he nudged the
Omaha Tech star by 1 and 210
points. His total points were
207.8. Anderson's little brother
also picked up points for Hast
ings as he placed in the final
Bright spot of the evening was
furnished by Dick Paynter, sen
sational sprin'.er from Omaha
Central. He won the 200-yard
freestyle event with a record
breaking time of 2:09.3.
Missionary: "Do you people
know anything about religion?"
Cannibal: "Oh, we sot a taste
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Both bear the Sanforized lobel
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Arrow ties from $1.00 to $2.50 l