Friday, March 25, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKA PAGE 5 $38,000 in NU Awards Offered for Scholarship T- -1 ir A(f TTmirAfcitv til An4o . - Nearly 400 University students are going to share in a $38,000 jackpot this spring. The $38,000 is the money which the University Scholarship Awards committee will give to Btudents in the form of scholar ships and grants-in-aid this spring. Sophomores, juniors and seniors may apply for these schol arships to be used next school year. Students with a 7 average will be given preference for the schol arships, but under certain circum stances grants-in-aid will be awarded to students with lower Hardin Tells YW Cabinet of Past Progress National director of economic education Clara Hardin told YWCA cabinet members "we have made a beginning" in working for world brotherhood, when they met with the Business Girls club at the YWCA Wednesday. The YW cabinet and the polit ical effectiveness commission met to hear the national staff member speak on the YWCA national af fairs program. Dr. Hardin de clared "If we become discouraged we have only. to look back and see the distance we have come in promoting civil liberties and rights for minorities." DR. HARDIN is returning to New York from the San Francisco conference held March 7 to 14. At the convention, Dr. Hardin said, delegates met with people of other countries and recognized them as individuals. Too often we fail to think of far off countries as made up of people, she said. Speaking of the experiences of foreign delegates, she paid, "We must take an active part in mold ing laws to protect life liberty and property for all people." "Around the world the YWCA is at work," Dr. Hardin said. "The YW organizations are working with immediate needs, but each is conscious of other problems, with the need for world peace which rises out of the fatherhood of Cod, and the brotherhood of man." NU Bullet in Board Friday Interview with Bob Hamilton at 4:15 p. m. over KOLN on the radio department's "University News In Rrvirw." Ommenius club meeting. Room 315. Student Union at 7:30 p. m. Craft Shop at Ag Union open from 1 to 5 p. m. Sunday "Hawrover Square," starring I.inf'a Darnell, at 3 p. m. in the Ag Union lounge. Coffee Hour in the Ag Union et 5 p. m. Entries in the Delian Union Short Story Contest must be in to mail before midnight, March 31. Mail entries to Clark Oustin, 2233 D Street, Lincoln, Neb. Con tract rules may be obtained on rckuest nt 303 Temple building or from Royal Soiffert, Delian Union president. A fussy old lady wan traveling across the country on a bus and was totting extremely angry with the 'requent stops. "Wiy," he asked the driver. "n'Mst vou stop at every telephone r "cnrry lady." muttered the, "Itui tli is U a greyhound." nvpraeps Vnr rnrlv all scholar ships, 24 credit hours at the Uni versity of Nebraska are required and students must bp nlanning to carry at least 12 hours next fall APPLICATION FORMS must h fillf'H nut anH returned to 104 Administration building not later than baturday, April lo. A com nrhens.vf treneral examination will be given April 23 to deter mine the winners. SDecial Drinted applications for the undergraduate scholarship awards may be secured at the fol lowing offices: 203 Agricultural Hall; 204 Burnett; 210A Social Science; 302 Andrews; 204 Me chanical Arts: 209 Law: 202 Phar- mnrv 305 Tparhers: the dean of women's office in Ellen Smith and at 104 Administration building. Award winners will be notified some time before fall. Following is a list of awards, amount, and to whom available: inhn k. Aimv. a 175-1100. physic ma jors recommended by the physics depart ment. Andrew V. Anderson. 1, 100, last-semester Junior In Civil Engineering, recom mnriH hv ripnsrtment chairman and dean ot Engineering college. Oeoree Borrowman, 1, 1100, Chemistry or Geology major. Capt. Warren B. Day, I, $200, Engineer ing student recommended by dean ol En gineering college. . William Hyt, 1, $60, student worthy of financial assistance. Johnson, 27, $100, Juniors and seniors of outstanding scholastic ability. Jones National Bank, 1, $100, student from Seward County. Katharine M. Melick, 1, $75, woman, English major. Junior or senior, recom mended by English department. Miller A Paine, 13, $100, sophomores and above. Preference to holders of fresh man Regents scholarships. Nebr. American Legion Auxiliary, 3, JtftO, sophomore woman, daughter of vet eran of the armed forces. Gus Prestegaard, 10-20, $50-$100, stu dents worthy of financial assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Putney, 5-10, S50-$100. students worthy of financial as sistance. Regents, 300, $100, sophomores, juniors, and seniors of outstanding scholastic abil ity. Rrnltl.h Rite. 13 1100 Nebraska stu dents above freshman level. William E. Bhirp, 3-a, w-iou, non Agricultural college students. Frederick A. Stuff, 1, $150, English ma jor recommended by English department. War scholarships. 3 $50, veterans who have returned to the University after serv ing In Armed Forces. On Air Saturday "One Great Hour," Lenten Christian broadcast, will take place this Saturday night at 9 p. m. on al four major networks of the United States. The radio program, sponsored cooperatively by all religious de nominations, will dramatize true-to-life examples of the work be ing done in Europe and Asia through Church World Service. Discussions on displaced per sons, and food, clothing and med icine for the world relief will be heard on the program. People of the United States have been urged by their churches to listen to the nation wide broadcast and to partici pate in the Sunday morning ser vice on the same program at their church. In Lincoln, "One Great Hour" can be heard on stations KOLN, KFAB and KFOR, at 9 p. m. Extension Week Told by Ativood National Home Demonstration week will be observed by Nebras ka's home extension clubs May 1-7. This announcement was made recently by Miss Florence J. At wood, state home extension lead er, at Ag college. One of the objectives listed for this years' observance is the em phasis of opportunities in exten sion work in bringing about a bet ter understanding of international problems. Theme of the week will be "Today's Home Builds Tomor row's World." TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT at cm 1 1 i i i i i & 7W ffil Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 1.50 per couple Tix Irtchidd Swing Your Gal At Last Union Square Dance Looking for something to do next week? Well, pard or gal, your problem is solved. And to top it all off, it doesn't make any dif ference whether you have a date or are dateless; everybody is wel come. Curiosity aroused by now? For you "Swing your pardners" and "Dosey-Do" guys and gals, the last Square Dance will be a big party. This concludes a series which began in February. The party is being held in the Union ballroom, March 29 from 7 to 9. Dave Sanders from Ag College will do the honors. His calls will be ones already familiar to the dancers. As an added attraction members of the Ag Square Danc ing club will demonstrate several Hamilton to Talk On KOLN Show Bob Hamilton, president of Block and Bridle, will be featured in a special interview today over "University News in Review." Radio student Bob Baum will interview Hamilton about the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben show being held on the Agricultural campus this coming weekend. Every Friday at 4:15 p .m., over radio station KOLN, the radio section of the speech de partment presents "University News in Review" especially for University students. The program features the latest campus and sports news which is of partic ular interest to those attending the University of Nebraska. dances. And that isn't all RE FRESHMENTS will be served. This Square Dance party is sponsored by the Union Dance committee. By Hooper is sponsor and Marcia Pratt is chairman. S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Wardrobe tvilh our HEW Change-About "City Chambrays" fmmiimi rap I , !l f 1 I G- Ill 1 r SPORTSWEAR . . Seen in MADEMOISELLE f V V They loolTiike sashed or belled dresses but they're really clever separates . . . blouses and skirts that you can switch at will. Washable Avondale Chanbray with laces and embroideries dyed to match. Short-sleeve blouse 5.95 Long-sleeve blouses 6.95 (8 different styled blouses) Skirts (3 styles) 5.95 and 6.95 , FASHION cl.00R . . SECOND 11 HILLS 3 I? A II M IE