PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN , Friday, March 18, 1949 Your Church By Bev Sievers Ag Interdenominational Youth Fellowship Sunday, Mar. 20, First Evan gelical United Brethern church 5:30 p. m. Lenten discussion, "The Life of Christ." Leader, Rev. John Wichelt. Baptist Sunday, Mar. 20,' 5:30 p. m. Dean Burr, Ag college, speaker. Topic, "My Trip to Europe." Lutheran Pastor Alvin M. Petersen of the Lutheran Church has announced that a join Ag-and-City campus St. Patricks Day party will be held at the- Lutheran Student House, 1440 Q St., Friday, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is in vited to bring a friend. On Sunday, March 20, at 5:00 p. m. a discussion will be held by Loren Wolff at the First Lutheran Church, 17th and A Sts. The dis cussion is entitled, "Hallowed Be Thy Name." Transportation will be furnished from 1440 Q St. at 4:45 p. m. At 6 a discussion on the same topic will be held by Gordon Yoakum at 1200 No. 37th St. Campus Chapel 15th and U Streets Sunday, Mar. 20. Sunday study group 10 a. m. Church service, 11 a. m. Rev. Richard Nutt, speaker. Catholic Sunday, Mar. 20, Mass 9 and 11 a. m. XYZ of Student Union Tuesday, Mar. 22, 7 p .m. study group 315 S. U. Mass 7:05 a. m. Student Union Wednesday and Friday. Alpha Epsilon Rho Hosts Radio Stars at Banquet Alpha Epsilon Rho, honorary radio fraternity, will hold its an nual banquet Saturday night at the Continental cafe at 6 p. m. Radio men from all over the state will be present. Entertain ment will include radio satire and skits presented by the hosts. The tickets, which are $2, may be bought from any member or purchased at the door. Hake mine Seventeen," ays campus Junior Seventeen Cosmetics are first choice of campus loveli very lie re. They depend on them fine quality cosmetic for skia care, for glamorous makeup. And well tbey may! For Seventeen Cosmetics are free as possible of allergy -causing ingredients ... are priced to fit, oh so smoothly, into campus budgets. SEVENTEEN COSMETICS on tale at GLB & CO. Christian Friday, Mar. 18, square danc ing St. Paul Methodist church 8 p.m. Meet at Cotner house, 7:45 p. m. Sunday, Mar. 20, 5 p. m. Third in the courtship and marriage series, Rev. Lowell Bryant, leader. Snack and vespers First Christian church 16th and K street. Wed nesday, Mar. 23, Friendly at Cot ner House. Congregational Sunday, Mar. 20, Student Fel lowship 5 p. m. Temple 22A "Christianity and Communism in American Labor," Rev. Francis W. McPeek, speaker. First Congregational church, 20th and D street. Vespers, 7:30 p. m. Rev. McPeek, speaker. Episeopal Sunday, Mar. 20, 9 a. m. Holy Communion, breakfast served fol lowing. 11 a. m. Choral Eucharist with sermon. 5:30 p. m. Evening Prayer. 6 p. m. Canterbury Club supper 6:30 study group "Under standing Religion." Wednesday, Mar. 25, Feast of the Annunciation 7 a. m. Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. Lenten service. Lutheran Sunday, Mar. 20, 10:45 a. m. 315 Student Union. Rev. Erck, speak er. Gamma Delta 7 p. m. YM room of the Temple building. Prof. A. O. Fuerbringer, speaker. Methodist Friday, Mar. 18, 8 p. m. square dance at St. Paul Methodist church. Sunday, Mar. 20, Elm Park, 29th and Randolph, 6 p. m. group dis cussion Epworth, ' 7 p. m. "The Christian Answer to the Kinsey Report." Grace 6:30 p. m. 27th and R street. St. Paul 12th and M, 5:30 p. m. Prof. Albin T. Anderson, "U. S. Participation in the UN." Trin ity, 16th and A street, 6:30 p. m. Preshyterian Friday, Mar. 18, square dance, St. Paul church 8 p. m. Meet at the Presby House at 7:45. Sunday, Mar. 20, 5 p. m. informal recrea tion and supper. 6:30 forum, Dr. C. H. Patterson, Professor of Philosophy, speaker. Unitarian Sunday, Mar. 20, 11 a. m. morn ing worship. 6 p. m. Channing Foundation supper and discussion. Tuesday, Mar. 22, First of the books and music review series 8:15 p. m. church auditorium. Overheard on the ocean-bound bus: ."Have you seen the beach be fore?" "Si, si, Senor. I am engaged to her." IMS . V i-s domt absquatulate ZTZZ'.l. ZLW ac ' iju 1 t moods er y x' m s27V vou r7'vrvrc, tvv IJr .tf SS Tan 1 il l . X I - .V:-::1 I li !. S -. m , ) m- rirm such a goon I ' SZt&.4&&7 V ' i VJsgER&g. V IlPhM Aft ATC1 VlUBCTS MELVliM TOWARD A THATS MEL, THE POET- IN ONE OF HIS FRENETIC I CAN'T HELP IT- A TRYING TO BEAT OUT THIS f LEUSINIAN RAPTURE AND SMOKING TIU- MY THROAT FEELS raw and Raspy 3 'aapl vnuve GOT CWARCTTI HANwwVEK you owe it to you a.' SELF TO CHANGE TO PHILIP MORRIS, THE Otf CISARETTC PROVED PEFIN ITELY LESS I IRRTfATlNS PifASE 00, MEL US CLASS ODE IS REALLY GOING GREAT GUNS, VI, THANKS ' YOU AND JOHNNY m m OKAY ANYTHING - I'LL try! NO ONCE I THANKS TO PHI UP MORRIS YOU MEAN MY GOOD PeNTAMfTRJST j TOUET EVeRYSODY -MEL'S GOIN TO QRAO IIS A POEM-THE J CLASS MAY8E 1 0k. Come tune the sfnng-anJ let os sing a dear triumphant ? cnorus Ihtuqareitt the finest yet is 'that t&t& Philip Morris! THE WRONG OP,.. 7. BUT TUB RI&HT DENOUEMENT. .. YOU VE "OOr A LOT TOPHIUPMORftlS: mourn. alas' wqr&Aotfe,- 2nd so Incontinently shatter the finest class in 2ry$we 2nd thjts no behind mstter EXCELLENT, MELVIN. EXCELLENT 1' mmm HE'S MV FAVORITT UV S KJ i M POET-YOU TAKE A V1VK -ik BOTOO,jOHNNyl Behind our playful plot, our intentions are serious: we want you to discover for yourself the welcome DIFFERENCE in cigarettes that PHILIP MORRIS can bring you. Established PROOF of that difference is too extensive to be detailed here but pre-medical and chemistry students, w ho will be especially interested can get it in published form FREE, by writing our Research Dept., Philip Morris Co., 119 Fifth Ave., N. Y. (7 Ust These Words with Tongae-ta-Cheek! (Moil t OM vry wkl) AtSOUATULATE (ab-Mot--lot)-T icram CIGAKOTI HANOOVtR (rfen't sreneic H. kt plsai 4u't if aers it) That !! meli4-t totla, that light dry fling in yvr threat dir t tmokinf . DINOUIMINT Ny.n.mst)-Th final OITHTIAMIIC (drth--rim-bih)-lCToit. tUUSINIAN (-iein-Mn) - rm EUwwi. wktrt CrMk rgiat took place. tXPOSTULATI ( - T rtENETIC (frsHMk)-fVniUo'. INCONTININTIY (i-t-ti-'Bt-l)-Withowt CMtrel. MACERATI lmmtr-t Chw up. PtNTAMETBIST (-ta-t-rit) - Dt ! fwtwwlw, popvlar poti( mlr. IALUTATOK1AN (MUvti-ak-ter-yaa) - 0 vh pays SRcmI tribwta. it CALL fOfc QM ryyy nn iiy II n - ' 7 ; sal ; 1 ,....., , J k IL - i V