PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday. February 25, 1949 Huskcr B Team Cops Win Over Morningsidc B The Nebraska "B" team took a 68 to 44 victory over Mornitig side 'B" of Sioux. City Tuesday night on the Morningside courts. The Huskers led at half-time by 38 to 18 . The Husker cagers had it all thrnuchout the game. Jim Walsh and Darrell Brandenburg lea nusser s.cui as they each tipped in u mar. Arc Tko "W unuari has two re maining games on their schedule ,e thv mfPt Nebraska Wesleyan "B" at Wesleyan Feb. 26 and play host to York "B" March 5 in final nnrarance on the Coliseum maples. The York game will start at 5:45 p.m. Interdenom Lead To Newman Club Heading into the homestretch in the Interdenominational su premacy race, the Newman Club is found in first place, leading a tightly packed field. With only badminton .horseshoes and soft bull remaining the Catholics sport a 27 Vz point margin over the sec ond place Presbyterian House. The Newman boys picked up val uable points in winning the bas ketball and ping pong leagues. All students Interested in writing in the Sports Depart ment of the Daily Nebraskan are asked to report to Bob Phelps, Sports Editor, Monday afternoon. All-City Handball Tourney, to Start Tony Meyers, physical director. YMCA, has announced the opening of the all-city individual handball championships Anyone is eligible to play, including stu dents at the University of Ne braska. There will be three classes, A, B and C. Anyone may play in A league. B league is for anyone who has not won a B tourney and C-league is for anyone who has not won a C tour ney. The tournament will be played during February and March. En tries are due Monday, Feb. 28, at noon. All games will be played on the Y courts. There is an entry fee of one dollar per man. A doubles tourney will be run off also. N ever before a pen so completely satisfying GET set for surprises! You'll find plenty of them in the New Parker '51". For this pen has 14 remarkable new advances. Filling is extra fast and easy. A spe cial window lets you see the ink sup ply. The New "51" holds more ink, too. And this pen is safeguarded against leaking, even at highest flight levels. But there's much more. So try it yourself. See the New "51" today at your Parker dealer's. The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wisconsin, U. S. A., and Toronto, Canada. Scarlet Cagers Will Tackle CU Five at Boulder baturaay . i nrt nrintf Avirf mr. 0' M r :' 11 1 ! JrLO J '5 ts the new rarKer FOTO-FTIX FILLER . . . VTSrBI.E rNX PI I-CLASS RESERVOIR . . . PLATHB. NIUM-TIPPr-D POINT .. . flSP . . . PLUS 9 OTHER GREAT ADVANCES. NEW SUPPLY Step. 14 kr Ta Fsrkst Fta 0s Motract n'c lpasue-leading cag eis embarked Thursday evening: for Boulder where they will meet the University of Colorado Sat urday night. Tho Mnclrpfo snueaked cast the Buffs in their previous meeting in Lincoln earlier tnis monin. i .,11 PnUrnHn f i vp held on to the Scarlet most of the way before succcumbing 45-43 in a game marred by a brawl near the finish. Coach Harry Good gave his men a rest this week following their thrilling win over Missouri Monday night. The Huskers have had close contests in their last three games and the strain began to tell on the squad during the last half of the MU battle. Good Hr-iHoH fo show movies Tuesday and let them have Wednesday off altogether. ThP Colorado five has been very tough at home this year, having lost only to Missouri ana Oklahoma, both games in doubt till the final gun. Frosty Cox s five dropped a 4 48 decision to the Missourians Saturday nipht at Boulder. Colo rado led until the last 40 seconds when Missouri grabbed a fielder Classified FOUND at colliseum after Missouri game: One pair plain rimmed Rlnsses. Call Don Rice. 2-7831 and leave message. ANYONE Interested In going 1o Mexico City about June 18th. Call Bob Wheeler 3-3735. FOR SALE 1939 Ford tudor. Excellent condition. Must aell. 4S0. Tom Pod- haiskjr, Sigma NuHouse. LOST (.'lass ring Wentworth Military Academy. Initiate B. H. D. Phone 6-2137. ROOM for 2 men on Campus. Board $10 week. Call 2-4438. LOST White-gold watch. Clraud Pera doux. Contact Marilyn DUon, 2-5332. Reward. L'nrirc all E1P1KKII Colvln-Heyn Btudlo advertising certificate will be nonorea n unea iurr COLVIN-HEYN STUDIO, 212 Bo. 13th Telepnone a-io. INVEST hi a darable, good-looking top oi gjp-lued overeoai. . .wniTw v..... stock. Water repellent coverts, gabar dine. Wash pockets, fly fronts. .s eelleat material . . . practical prtee. t:i.AO to 48.60. Now reduced at AVtBh tlOTHING, 1400 "O". .Yi o i- n... ,.',,. lMtrii razor two cun oawv. . . ........ - some excellent condition can Simpson, 2-4 UJ. MORROW'S Self-Servlce Laundry, 1024 Q St. open a. m. io o i. owned. WANTED STUDENT capable of ra- ... Bn u u . i M im rrpHnman stu dents In Bus. Org. 4 and perhaps English. Call 4-2748 after 6 p. m. and stalled during dying mo ments. Missouri L-oacn opaiK.y Stalcup said, following the game, that the Tigers were in their best form of the season in tne win. tvio rn nitnrk will again be spearheaded by Bob Rolander, 6' 5" center who troubled the Huskers throughout the last con test. Rolander is one of the top scorers in the conference with a per game average or over ien points. The Colorado five will average about six-three unless Rod Bell, reserve center, is inserted into the lineup. Bell, a junior, towers to 6' 10". Coach Good said that he will probably go along with the same starters he used against Missouri. This would be Cox and Malacek at the forwards, Whitehead at center, and Cerv and Retherford at the guards. Gymnasts Host To Invitational Meet Saturday The third annual Nebraska In vitational Gymnastic Meet promises to be the best one yet. Entries are coming in slowly but Coach Pat Patterson states that the list of contestants should be nearly completed by Friday. Last year s meet was won Dy Nebraska with Colorado placing a close second. The Buffaloes of Colorado are again expected to give the Huskers trouble this year. In a dual meet tnis year. the Buffs nosed out NeDraska dQ-dfi The race for the title will be a close one again as the Cornhusker team has been strengthened considerably since their last meeting. YA Craren. varsity swimmer. has been added to the U. N. tromnniino sniiad This event doesn't add to the team total, but Craren's presence will bolster depth of the squad. The meet will De neia in ims University Coliseum Saturday and the public is cordially in vited to attend. Union Calendar Friday. Feb. 25. 9-12 p. m., Drl- Nit club, with dancing, floor show and table service. Saturday, Feb. 26, 1 p.m., fi nals of men's Ping Fone tourna ment. . Sunday, Feb. 27, 5 p. m., tor fee Hour, main lounge. Masauer's "Skyline Scandals," 7:30 p. m., ballroom. Union movie, 8:15 p.m., "Claudia and David." Tuesday, March 1, 4 p.m., Si esta Film, main lounge. Coke dance, 5 p. m., ballroom. Craft shoD. 7 D. m. Square dancing:, 7:30 p. m. "Seventeen's for me," says campus queen Campua queona depend on Seventeen Cosmetics for that natural look men look for. Follow their lead. For make up, for akin can, chooae Sev enteen C osmetic. Remember they ar free aa possible of allergy -causing Ingredients. All Seventeen Cosmetics are priced to fit easily into cam pus budgets. SEVENTEEN COSMETICS On Sale at TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT ! J Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 1-50 per couple Tax Included