The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1949, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    iWe'dnesHay, February 23,
kit? -Vfcy
V?HF WSKR'S .f Hn THE R5f Mfcsk
GUA AD RFfWfOfT .t2? J PWyfl) A
Close Games
Feature IM
Cage Playoffs
The first round of intramural
playoffs were completed Monday
afternoon with more of the same
terrific battles that highlighted
the opening two days.
The Sig Eps fell before a fight
ing Delta Tau Delta team in a
Class A game that saw the lead
change hands nine times, before
the Dells went ahead to stay and
win 29-28.
The Newman Club pulled one
of the biggest upsets of the play
oifs in downing favored AGR by
a score of 28-26. It was close all
Colvin-Hryn Studio advertising certificate
will he honored if used befort Marrn 15
Telephone 2-242.
WILL perxon who found preen shoulder
pure in library Knday please eall
3-SOS7 Need Klasari, identification,
(heck book. etc. Baa! jr. Claim J5 re
ward and no questions asked.
MORROW S Self-Service Laundry. 1024 Q
, St. Ope4i $.30 a. m. to 8" p. m. Student
r-MHT. Civtlnctltrly ,!- gabardine Mrt
fthfrta l red. crrea tf black Oaal tmttaa
dlmcMmll)' iiH pearl battonv I eatartar
la larce vaddle " . Bar mr
I4MU? al AUK (Ml I HIM., I404O.
LOST White-irild aiih. fliraud Fen
tloui. Contact Marilyn Dixon, 2-I232.
J'.OOM it 2 men on Caiui'us. Boaitl
10 week. i'uli 2-h:'..
KOR RenT A fa rt mrm for 3 oo. Jr.
Vf-n Wlrkle. 2627 R St.
..I I. -iZu
Try Seventeen. You'll
love itsay Senior
Glamorous coeds know it's
that natural look men look
for! That's why they use Sev
enteen Cosmetics, the cos
metics made for sensitive
skins . . . the cosmetics that
are free as possible of allergy
catifcing ingredients. Follow
their lead. Use Seven teen Cos
metics for pechee-'n'-crem
loveliness. Priced to ft cam
pus budgets) . .
the wayfbut Newman's B. Grif
fin supplied the extra scoring
punch in the form of 15 points.
The DU's battled the Phi Psi"s
on even terms for 24 minutes be
fore the roof caved in. The Phi
Psi's ran away with the game in
the last minutes to win, 36-26.
Reformatory Guards suffered
their firsf defeat of the season in
an oveitime game, losing to Phi
Gamma Epsilon by a score of
22-21. No more than 3 points
ever separated the two teams.
A close game failed to mate
rialize as the Farm House ran
over the Christians, 41-25, despite
the Christians' Rogers who scored
15 points. Heiss of the Farm
House netted 14.
Catliolics to See
Slides on Mexico
Colored slides on Mexico will be
shown during the monthly busi
ness meeting of the Newman club
Sunday at 4 p. m. in the Knights
of Columbus hall.
nniffiiDi)&0urFor,j'Four'h v'ar!
NU Stretches
Big 7 Lead
To Full Game
Nebraska 7 1
Oklahoma 6 2
Kansas State 5 4
Missouri 4 4
Kansas U 3 S
Colorado 3 5
Iowa State 1 8
Monday night's squeeze past
Missouri enabled Nebraska to
move a full game ahead of the
Seven basketball race.
The schedule shows both teams
in the same position, one game
remaining at home and three on
the road. The Huskers have an
additional advantage on the Soon
ers in the fact that the final game
at the Coliseum is with Okla
homa. Husker road opponents
are: Colorado, Kansas State
and Missouri in that order.
Oklahoma, dropping from first
place Saturday night due to a
51-45 loss to Kansas State, enter
tain Colorado but must travel to
Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska.
The rest of the conference fives,
with the exception of Iowa State
are in a battle for third behind
the leaders. Kansas State is in
second following Missouri's loss
to NU.
They hold a half game edge
over the Tigers with Missouri
having played one ' less game.
Trailing the Missourians by a
full game are Kansas and Colo
rado who are deadlocked for fifth
Games in the conference battle
this week have Kansas and Kan
sas State meeting in their tradi
tional battle at Manhattan, Okla
homa invading Columbia where
they meet the Missouri gang, and
the Huskers travel to Boulder for
a game with Colorado. Missouri
took a 49-48 win from the Buffs
in the western state Saturday
Union Calendar
Wednesday, 7 p. m., square
dancing class, ballroom.
Thursday, 7 p. m., National In
tercollegiate Bridge Tournament.
Friday, 9 p. m., Dri-Nite dub,
Riley Smith & Orchestra. Tickets
now on sale.
Saturday, 7 p. m., finals. Men's
Ping Pong tournament
( fcV x 5 i o 1 1 g
"Well, go on STARE ! Thi is LO Y E library, isn't it ? ?"
You'll "love" the new 31EiVS NYLON SWEATERS at Simon'.
Fen-la like cashmere. Wsahable, loo.
Warm at mooL They dry Wh
$3.93 6.93
(Our fourth floor ka beautiful NYLON SWEATERS for the loo, at 7.93!)
ART HILLMAN, sophomore gymnast from Deshler, working out
on the side horse. Hillman and his mates will be hosts at the
Midwest Invitational Gymnastic meet to be held at the Coliseum
M Bandmiiiton
Matches Begin
First of Month
Eadminton competition will
start the first of March, the In
tramural department announced
today. There will be two tourna
ments this year, a singles and a
doubles competition. The event is
open to all men on the campus
and faculty as well.
Last year 22 organizations com
peted in badminton. All matches
will be played in the new P. E.
building at 5 p. m. daily. Rackets
and shuttlecocks will be furnished
for all matches at the P. E. build
ing cage.
This is a Jack Best sport. En
tries are due at 102 P. E. building
not later than Tuesday, March 1,
at 5 p. m. Each match will con
sist of three doubles only and
each team of two men will play
three games each match. Stand
ings will be computed on games
won and lost, not by matches
won. No new man may be added
to the squad after the second
scheduled match has been played.
Each team must' file a seeded
list of players just before the
first match. Doubles teams will
then be formed from singles
Page 3
seeding with 1-2 forming No. 1
team, etc.
In the interdenominational
competition, four singles games
will be played in each match.
The same rule for seeding will
apply. Any two independent men
may form a team. Round-robin
leagues will be scheduled and
playoffs will be held at the end
of the season.
Dancing 9 until 12
Couples Only
Adm. 1.50 per couple
Tax Included
- " - IS !ST As