d One If by Land . . . ALL UNIVERSITY FIND workers prepare for the Paul Revere ride through the Nebraska campus. The ride called attention to the AUF drive which began Monday and will continue through Friday. Con tributions will go to the World Student Service Fund, United Negro Fund and Community Chest. 7lema& Vol. 49 No. 84 Lincoln 8, Nebraska, Thursday, Feb. 10, 1949 Ag Y's Install Officers; 75 Hear Howclls Officers and cabinet of the Ag YW and YM were installed Tues day evening in the Warren Meth odist church with Rev. "C. B. Howells of the Baptist Student house as speaker. Heading the YM are Stan Lam bert, president; Bob Epp, vice president; Warren Monson, dis trict representative; M e r w y n French, secretary, and Tom Lam bert, treasurer. NEWLY ELECTED YW officers are Laveina- Acker, president; Irene Wellensiek, vice president; Alice Bosvvell. district representa tive; Polly Ludlow, secretary and Dorothy Bowman, treasurer. Organ music for the installa tion was played by Howard Yates. Miss Ruth Shinn, YW director, gave the response reading nd Gordon Lippett, YM director, gave the challenge to the officers. Helen Ochsncr and Mavis Mus grave sang a duet. OVER 75 persons witnessed the inspiring candlelight dedication with olficers and cabinet mem bers participating. YM cabinet members are Don Wiles, deputa tion; Virgil Ganzel, membership; Rex Messerschmidt, social prob lems in agriculture; Howard Tem ple, Bible study; Darrel May, Know Your Community: Rex Crom, Mountaineer editor; Homer Fishwood, Tuesday evening wor ship; George Wagner, Thursday morning worship; Ken Mohling, social chairman; Dale Flowerday, publicity; Owen Brainard, N book; Jerry Shafer, freshman commis sion; Neal Baxter, music; Harold German, athletics and Bob Craft, historian. Instructors, Students Offer Services to A fJF Faculty Auction Would you like to have the questions to your next Political Science test? Like to be editor of The Daily Nebraskan for a day? Care to have a professor wait on you for a whole day? Like to have a home-cooked meal at the home of your Law professor? It may sound like a dream but it isn't! All of these prizes and more will be sold to the highest bidder at an AUF-spon-sored auction Friday afternoon in the Union ballroom. AT THAT TIME a number of selected instructors and students will offer their wares to buyers to help raise AUF funds. No admission will be charged to the rally. Everyone is invited by Joel Bailey, AUF special events chairman, to "drop in and bid on anything." Bids will be accepted for date (tamp 40 Reporters Answer Call At Rag Party Forty prospective reporters con gregated in The Dally Nebraskan office Tuesday night for a recep tion and pre-view of duties by the stafr. Editor Norm Lcger introduced staff members who explained various uelds in which reporters may work. Cokes and brownies were served. Reporters who attended the party were: Kent Ax tell (lift Baker I.0I4 Krown i'arnlyn Kukarek lFtnard Kusrh Norma hubbnrlc Jean Kow lrr Norma Ciamrr! I'atli (.arUnd Mark- Karri Kulh Ann Hindt (rnr Juhntua 4um klon Klainr lamiibrar Frank lary lU Mrdlashin Kir hard Mrkilllp Dutrh Meyer Kir hard Mf)r Oorothy ordgrrn 41 ni Norton Howard Praraon i.rrard I'ilrhard Kobin Raurh Hoorhlr Krdicrr Joan IChodr Kod Kicks Janr KorkviHI Jerry ltmke Sid Riiliia lion Schneider Boh Srhulll Herm hhyken lHl(tit Smith Harry Thine li.m Vela Kk-hard WaUk Jrrry Wara-n Paul Wlerh Jin Winter All students are invited to re port for The Daily Nebraskan. Work is done in the afternoon, and reporters are needed every afternoon. Experience is not necessary. BABW to Hold Valentine' Mixer To celebrate the 1949 Valentine season the BABW is sponsoring a Valentine Mixer featuring the or chestra of Russ Krueger in the Union ballroom between 9 p. m. and midnight, Feb. 11. The tickets will sell for 60 cents per person. with any of the 1949 Beauty Queens or Eligible Bachelors. The services of all of this year's Innocents and Mortar Boards will also be for sale. A 1948 Cornhusker will be auctioned off by Head Auctioneer Karl Arndt, professor of economics. THE EDITORSHIP of The Daily Nebraskan for one day will also be at stake on the auction ing block. A few of the professors already named as participants in the auction are: Dr. A., C. Breckenridge, as sistant professor of political sci ence, who will give a third of the questions to his next class test in advance. Mr. N. J. Sitar, French in structor, who will let a student teach his class or whatever the winner wishes. Mr. Don Kline, speech in Huse Candidates Bill Poe Named Rag Cameraman Bill Poe, Business Administra- j tion senior, has been appointed by the chairman of the Publications board as staff photographer of The Daily Nebraskan. His appoint ment was announced Wednesday. Poe worked as a photographer on the 1948 Cornhusker. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Mu and Tau Kappa Epsilon. Ken Lewis was appointed as oictont nhntneranher. He is an Arts & Science junior. Others on the photography staff are Henry Lammers, sophomore and member of Alpha Tau Omega, and Walton Ferris, freshman in engineering. Ag Professor Will Address Vesper Service Dr T. H. Gooding, professor of agronomy on . Ag campus will speak at Vespers Thursday Feb ..u;f I'Hmu to Make 10, on ine suujcn Christian Convictions Known on the Campus." . Dr. Gooding received his ts. t and M. S. degrees from the Uni versity of Nebraska and his Doc tor's degree from Cornell Univer sity in New York. Since 1919 he has been teaching agronomy at the University except from 1930 to 1932 when he taught at Cornell. Dr Gooding has worked with the Y.M.C.A. In 1927 he was one of the organizers of the Pre-Easter Breakfast, which is an annual campus event and one of the few campus traditions which has come down through the years. At the present time Dr. Gooding is a member of the University Re limni! Welfare council and is fac ulty advisor for this organization on the Ae campus. He is also fac ulty advisor for the Interdenomi-r.-iir,n;.i Fpllnwshin board, which hp heln organize in 1942. Vespers are sponsored by the Religious Welfare council and are held at the University Episcopal church cn the corner of 13 and R streets every Thursday from 5 to 5:30 p. m. Union to Sponsor Square Dancing A series of square dancing les sons will be offered beginning Feb 16 at 7:30 p. m. Classes will be held at the Union. This activity was brought about by the interest being shown over the United States in tnis parucuia tvne of dancing. The sponsor of this activity, the Union, has contracted Dave Saun ders, one of the better known callers of the West, to handle the classes. The class will begin Feb. 16 at 7:30 d. m and the first three classes will be primarily for be sinners, although anyone can come; while the last four classes will take in the more advanced steps. Everyone is welcome. structor, who will give the stu dent a 9 to average in with his six weeks grades. MR. HOUGHTON FL'RR, in structor in law, who will have a student and his date to dinner. Jean Wolcott, assistant grad uate instructor in science, who will do a lab drawing for a biology or zoology student. Mr. J. V. Harmon, jr., instruc tor in English, who will be avail able for any service the student wishes during the day. Dr. Curtis Elliott, associate professor of economics, who will also offer his services to a stu dent for a day. Miss Bailey emphasized Wednesday that these prizes are only a part of those to be auc tioned at the rally. It will take place from 4 to 6 p. m. in the ballroom Friday afternoon. All proceeds will go to the AUF, Eddie Haddcsd to Play For IF Ball Saturday House candidates for Interfraternity Sweetheart were announced today by Walt Dorothy, president of the Inter fraternity Council. The Sweetheart will be presented at the Interfraternity Ball Saturday at the Union Ballroom. From this list of candidates, six finalists will be chosen by the executive council of the Interfraternity Council. Fi nalists will be announced in tomorrow's Daily Nebraskan. Candidates and their houses are: Alpha Chi Omen Olive Oettman Alpha Omicron Pi Donna Lauhcr Alpha Phi Joan Guilford Alpha Xi Delia Jocelyn Khrmann Chi Omena Wanda Young Delta Delia Delta Mary Alice Isek Delta Gamma Sue Holland Gamma Phi Beta Marilyn Weber Kappa Alpha Theta Amy Jo BerKh Kappa Delta Pat Tischell Kappa Kappa Gamma Nanry Sayre Pi Beta Phi Marilyn I.eKKe SlRtna Delta Tau Roherta Rosen Sigma Kappa Patricia O Bncn THE QUEEN WILL be chosen by vote of those attending the Eddie Iladdad ball. This is the first time in two years that an Interfraternity Sweetheart has been chosen. Featuring the music of Eddie Haddad and his orchestra, this year's ball will be a formal af fair. Tickets may be purchased from any council member for $1.20 a couple. To follow the fraternity theme for the ball, the Union ballroom will be decorated with the crests or emblems of all Greek fraterni ties. The Interfraternity ball is an annual affair held oh the campus. Chuck Thoene, Phi Gamma Delta representative, is in charge of arrangements for the dance. Committee members working with Thoene are Paul Weltcheck, Zeta Beta Tau; Frank Loeffel, Farm House; Doug Peters, Beta lheta Pi and Bill Norton, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Calender The Daily Nebraskan is set ting up a calendar of events for the' entire semester so that news can be anticipated in ad vance. All organizations are asked to contact Louise Mc Dill at the "Rat" office in the Union basement to file their activities in the desk book. Of fice hours are from 1 to 5 p. m every afternoon. AH organ ization events can be given better news coverage if this system of planning can be established. i .t if.ll r ' '4 ir: Faculty Woman's Club Offers Senior Scholarship of $100 The Univeisity Faculty Wo man's club has announced the offer of one senior scholarship of $100, granted in recognition of ac tfvties as well as scholarship. Any girl attending the Univer sity who has sufficient hours to graduate in June, 1950, or at the end of the summer session, 1950, is eligible for the scholarship under the following conditions: (1) She must be wholly or par tially self supporting, and (2) she must have an average of 5.5 or better. CANDIDATES may secure ap plication blanks at the offices of the registrar, the dean of women or Miss Fedde. Each application must be filled out and mailed to cuiied Engineers Seek Ideas For Displays Departmental chairmen of En gineers' Week today urged stu dents to submit ideas for the displays which are an important part of the annual affair. Men willing to assume the responsi bility of project foremen are also needed. Originality of design and in genuity of construction give al most unlimited range to the projects. Engineers' Week is sup ported entirely by engineering students on campus. Because sale of ribbons is the primary source of revenue, very little money is alloted for individual projects. It is felt by the committee that this adds to the competition of the departments participating in Engineers' Week. DEPARTMENTAL chair men are: Ag. E., Leslie Jochens, 5-7257 Arch E., E. A. Griffiths, 5-8650 Richard Kusek, 2-7651 Chem E., Ed Finlcy, 3-5871 Duane Morin, 4-1798 C. E., Joe Patterson, 50-8015 Charles West, 50-8772 E. E., Floyd Bean, 5-4067 Al Schneidler, 2-5583 E. M., Darrell Frederick, 2-5559 M. E., Carl Hellerich, 3-1632 John Powell, 6-1937 "Idea boxes" are posted in all engineering buildings. Any in structor will know the location of tthe closest departmental file box. LippincottWill Give Modern Dance Recital Miss Gertrude Lippincott, well known modern dancer, will ap pear at the Love Library audi torium Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. She will be presented in a program of dances brought to the University campus by Orchesis and the department of Art. The program will be in conjunction with the student UNESCO con ference. "Dance, as all the arts, is a universal medium furthering artistic understanding between peoples of all countries," said Miss Lippincott. The program includes: Incantation Frederick Mompou Tragic Lullaby Edward Megrotti Th Devil la Lonelineaa Lionel Nowack and Marshall Blalosky Suite Alfredo Caaella Invttacion Louis Horat Dance of Dedication Lionel Nowack Delrdre of the Sorrow Henry Cowell Three Indecisions Lionel Nowack Miss Margaret Stableske will be the accompanist. Mrs. F. E. Hanzlik, 2345 Bradfield Drive, on or before March 12, 1949. Before sending their applica tions to the committee, candidates are requested to give the regis trar's office written permission to send their grades to the Woman's club committee. APPLICANTS are asked to meet for personal interviews with the scholastic committee in Ellen Smith hall between the hours of 1 to 5 p. m., Friday, March 18th. If any applicant is unable to meet with the committee at this time, she may arrange with Mrs. Henz lik for a special appointment. The scholarship awards will be announced at the Honon Convo cation, April 26.